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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Friday, 20 March 2015
Tale Of The Screaming Banshee

In a Post the other day I mentioned that it was not difficult to tell if someone was credentialed to Vote.

They would be wearing a multicolored landyard holding a large clear plastic pocket in which was a bright Lime Green Credential.

If some one was wearing that they were entitled to Vote.

If not they were not supposed to Vote.

I also mentioned that whether or not one could tell if someone else was entitled to vote, that it is was MUCH easier for a person to tell whether or not they themselves were entitled to Vote.

I mean most people would NOTICE if they were not wearing a multicolored landyard with a large plastic pocket holding a Lime Green Credential,

But I guess that is not in fact the case,

It would appear that Widdle Jimmie Knox got confused and thought he was supposed to vote,.

At least that is the story given to us by him and one of his supporters. 


Odd thing is that is not the story that the Credential Chair gives,

HE states he put ballots on the table and Mr Knox tried to hide one of them,

Which made him suspicious so he told Dee Johnson AKA the Screaming Banshee to keep an Eye on Mr Knox and ensure he did not vote.

That Mr Knox was in fact NOT a Credentialed Voter had been made apparent at the Officers Election in Feburary when David Chung refused to allow Knox to speak BECAUSE he was not Credentialed,

But I guess Knox got confused as he has in the past and forgot that little Fact.

As he forgot once that he was commenting on a news article under an assumed name and mistakenly signed his real name at the bottom

Identity consistancy is not one of Mr Knox's talents' 


So it may not be any wonder that he would confuse himself for someone who was entitled to vote;

He does have his supporters on this version of events

Before people start complaining about someone almost accidentally voting at the Central Committee maybe they should take the time to ask how did it almost happened.
Answer-The chair of the credentials committee gave him a ballot.
He shouldn't have had a ballot but who's fault was that. Beyond that he didn't even vote. But he didn't vote because a member of the Credentials Committee decided to yell at the top of their lungs and make a gigantic seen. Rather than coming up to him and saying you're not able to vote can I please have your ballot. These kinds of stunts are completely inappropriate and stupid! And people wonder why no one wants to go to the Central Committee meetings. So maybe it's time everyone just sits back takes a deep breath and grows up and starts acting like an adult.

Rant over


First there is NO way you can

"almost accidentally vote at the Central Committee"

You have the Credentials to Vote or you Don't 


Young Master Nelson completely shines the attempted Voter Fraud and waxes indignant because The Screaming Banshee

Embarrased Mr Knox.

In order to accept the scenerio given to us by Mr Knox and Young Master Nelson.

We would have be believe that James Knox is so Incredibally STUPID that he had NO idea whatsoever that he was not entitled to Vote.

In which case he should not be trusted to hand out crayons for Fun Time in Pre-School.

Much less the duties he is now entrusted with.

A person with that feeble a mentality might be taxed with the tasks given to him by the body,


Is it that they think it is WE who are so incredibly STUPID that  we would Buy such a tissure of fabrications?


And what could be the Basis for such a conclusion?

Let me Count the Ways.


We have a Chair who tried to rush a former generous donor into agreeing to place an Ad,

Who was told they needed a Contract

Who never provided said  contract but instead billed them for a Ad they never approved,

Who threatened them with adverse publicity if they did not pony up the billing.

And whose Stellar Webmaster supplied said bad PR 24 hours latter.

And that was OK


We have a Chair

Who Illegally Signed and used a LCRCC Check in direct violation of the LCRCC ByLaws which state ALL Checks must be Co-signed by the Treasurer

And that was Ok


We have a Chair

Who Illegally in direct Violation of the LCRCC Constitution REFUSED to Sign Checks to honor commitments made to volunteers and authorized by a Vote of the LCRCC

And that was OK



We have a Chair

Who Refused to pay a volunteer for services performed until She got documentary evidence proving the debt,.

Documentary evidence that was in fact HER duty to pick up before the Victory Office closed.

But She never bothered to do so,

In this last case because the young man looked like he really needed the money some of  They Who Were Latter Purged.

Took up a collection to make that young man Whole for  the Debt the LCRCC owed him.


We were ASHAMED that our Chair did not have the moral integrity to honor  payment of that debt.

That seemed to be OK to everyone on the other side.

So it really is no wonder that they think they can get away with such a transparent fabrication as

Good Gracious Mr Knox had NO IDEA that he was not supposed to Vote

And wasn't it just TERRIBLE that the Big Mean Screaming Banshee Embarrased him.

We bring up incidents like the above and we are terrible.

We don't want to move Forward and Elect Republicans.

While they don't even pretend ala Casa Blanca that they are Shocked, We Tell you Shocked that there are issues like these in the LCRCC.

No they shoot right pass that to

Nothing to See Here Folks just walk on by.

In time as it has happened in the Past.

After enough damage has been done the LCRCC will as it has before reclaim it's Soul and decide such activities are NOT what we should Stand For.

But until that time the LCRCC will stand like a

White Washed Sepulchre, which indeed appears beautiful outward, but is full of deadmen's bones, and of all uncleanness.


UPDATE:  Interesting note someone tried a theft of identity attempt to have the Hot Issues account shut down  by pretending to be me, and requesting the account be cancelled.


I also now have to verify with Facebook that I am yes a US citizen residing in the US.

And not I guess an International Terrorist Laundering Money? 

Nice to know my articles are having an effect

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 3:07 PM CDT
Updated: Friday, 20 March 2015 5:59 PM CDT
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Friday, 20 March 2015 - 8:22 PM CDT

Name: "jeremy cobert"

yikes ! Be sure to keep your domain registration up to date. 

Friday, 20 March 2015 - 10:28 PM CDT

Name: ky/kentuckydan
Home Page:

Yes Jeremy being on the deck of,  as you said , a sinking ship is bad enough without making it easy for them to torpedo it.

But at least I have the satisfaction of knowing how upsetting I must be to those who wish me to be silenced for them to go to this much truble in less than 2 days 

Saturday, 21 March 2015 - 12:12 PM CDT

Name: "Seven"

Every blog you make, I'll make sure I post it on my page.  Everyone needs to know that James Knox is a (fill in the blank)

Saturday, 21 March 2015 - 6:39 PM CDT

Name: "Nikta"

Stalin + Beria = Golding + Knox

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