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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Image result for You have hate mail

When you start getting Hate Mail

It means that you have ARRIVED 

As an Internet Pundit.

I related some of my recent experinces such in yesterday's Post

I Have Arrived  which relates a theft of identity attempt to shut down my website and other typical ploys of my Anti-Fans

But this latest I have to admit is special I mean they actually paid for a stamp.

The Return address on the envelope said

A Real Republican 

Now the Real Truth is that you become a Republican by going to the DMV and if asked if you want to register with a Party say Yes I do Republican

Or simply fill out a Registration Form. Republican

But when someone identifies themselves as a


 Real Republican


The implication is there are additional criteria that they feel necessary to apply before you qualify to their satisfaction.

One can almost picture them in an earlier age drooling over the possibilty of burning some heretics at the stake.


 Right now it might be best if I put in a link to the entire letter so my readers can peruse it for themselves

Hot Issues Blogger 


Now I don't know why they sent a letter instead of an email,

Whether it was to tell me. "We know who you are and we know where you live"

Or maybe they just wanted to keep me from copying and pasting sections of their letter and wanted me to have to type it out.,

If so they were mistaken,  The letter has been formated as a PDF file now and is easy to handle.


 There is a myth that wolves howl at the moon. Images of wolves with their heads raised and howling at

the moon abound. The myth is more popular than goldfish's 3 second memory or dog's color blindness.

The real truth is that it is evil bloggers who are howling. Some bloggers are howling to pump up their

sagging belly to attract a lost mate. Other bloggers howl in the morning because real words cannot come

out of their mouths. Perhaps this bloggers is trying to confuse his imaginary enemies by hurling twisted

words into the night sky hoping they will land on some unsuspecting Republican.


 First I am not certain I am in the market for a "mate" I have been thinking lately I have been a bachelor for so long I might be a grave dissappointment to a lady who thought I could be trained.

Second imaginary enemies do not send me letters with such flattering descriptions of me as


Some bloggers are howling to pump up their sagging belly 

That sounds more like a corporeal enemy to me.

This blogger is reminiscing about the past ten years of the Linn County Republican Central Committee.

But where is his reality ... lost in the night sky? Buried under a rock? Fell into the toilet?

He revels in the past performance of the LCRCC. Interesting because his memory is delusional, they

didn't elect a single Republican. 

Now I do think Mr Real Republican can only say this because he was no where around at the time,.

Or  he has no problem producing a blatant Lie.

Not a single Republican elected in Linn County?

Total Ignorance or a Total  Absence of the Truth

Because Republicans WERE Elected. 

I can never understand why anyone bothers to Lie about

Something That Is In The Public Record.

But it is just one more example of the Ethical Level of those I oppose. 


However they did drive a lot of good people away from the LCRCC over the years. Why would

reasonable people hang around just nonsense?

The blogger helped reign over the failure of his little band of sheep. These sheep who wish they were

wolves but are small minded, mean spirited cretans. 

Will anyone who got driven away by me, please Speak Up?

BTW I thought I was a wolf where does all this talk about Sheep come from? 

As far as being mean spirited LOL this author does not seem to be the epitomy of Christain Love do they? 


His claim to fame is that he is effective at clipping and pasting people's words and writings, as if that

was a talent of few. Then he removes a few words and adds a few of his own to twist the meaning of

what they said. Wow, that's impressive. 

 Oh I have other talents too, but thanks for the complements.

As matter of fact when I was blogging regularly

I was rated by the Technorati Blog Rating Service otof 75 Millon Blogs  in the top 6000 in the World.

Which brings up a point I almost forgot.

While the letter was correctly addressed 

Hot Issues Blogger 

The envelope was not 

Hot Air Blogger 

Now I AM flattered Hot Air being one of THE Premier Conservative Websites out there and while it is true that over the years I have correponded with some of their bloggers but NO I am not One of them.


He performs his twisted machinations because he can't put words together to make a real argument

based on facts, reason and logic.

This blogger fancy's himself as a Parliamentarian. Really? 

Yes Really selected by the LCRCC Body to be County Parliamentarian and also Parliamentarian for A County Convention.


Requested by David Chung to be a Parliamentarian at the Officers Election meeting.

 Parliamentarians are objective not subjective. They are not mean spirited or offensive. They look out for

the rights of every member not for one faction. They are real people.

Parliamentarians understand and respect that the purpose of Robert's Rules of Order is to respect

everyone. Twisting the meaning of people's words and personally attacking them disqualifies this

blogger as a parliamentarian while qualifying him as a bloated sheep whaling at the moon wishing he

FYI Iowa is a tad far from the Ocean for Whaling. 

were a wolf.

The local Toastmasters and true parliamentarians reject this blogger as damaged goods seeking only to

spread the venom of his leader whose name is Narcissist.

Now our Author has a lot of opinions in this last section,

One is that  local Toastmasters and "true" parliamentarians (is that like Real Republicans those who pass his muster?) reject me?

Let me see, Mr Chung requested my attendance at the meeting he chaired. It was as I recall Parliamentarian

If we knew the identiy of Real Republican we might have some idea of HIS actual experience in this field.


I am going to leave the rest for another post,

In any event it seems to be mostly about someone else.,

Darn It!

This was supposed to be MY Hate Mail and it turns out I have to share it.

BTW on the Subject of Sheep in Wolves clothing??

Some might be interested to know that the Largest Land Mamalian Carnivore 


Which had a Three Foot BiteAndrewsaurchus's, closest modern relative is SHEEP.

In closing I Do have a confession to make

The letter I got was not REALLY Hate Mail

To Tell the Truth It was more like Hissy Fit Mail  


to be continued' 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 1:41 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 31 March 2015 4:54 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 31 March 2015 - 5:43 AM CDT

Name: "Seven"

I could have that letter dusted for finger prints...but is it necessary Knox?

Tuesday, 31 March 2015 - 10:35 AM CDT

Name: "Nancy"

Bad grammar, inappropriate puncuation usage, and... toilet references? This sounds like the work of the infamous multiple personality who goes by Nancy L, a.k.a. A Real Republican, a.k.a. James Knox.

Tuesday, 31 March 2015 - 10:53 AM CDT

Name: "Jumbo Jimmy Knoxious"

Sorry, but even this is written to eloquent for me.  It was my narcissist queen, Cindy Golding.  She did something really bad, she knows that I know about it, and every time Daffy Dan writes something that embarasses me, I remind her that if I go down, I'm taking her with me and telling the world. 

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