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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Thursday, 2 April 2015
Tales of the Narcissistii


Back when we had a Communications Sub-Committee rather than a   Marketing & PR Team we used to reserve the LCRCC Facebook Fan Page and Group Page for Republican Party information,

That no longer seems to be the case,

I saw that one of the recent posts was concerned with me instead.

Someone forwarded me this link to a anonymous letter that I really wish I could have taken credit for. Heck I would have signed my name, so please consider it mirroring my sentiments. Perhaps it reflects yours?

What a fool writes a blog and complains about a group he claims to be of but opposes at every opportunity to do so.


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I was tempted to reply on that Facebook Page but after reading a comment I chose not to.

Sarah Kuhn Henderson I would prefer to not see
these petty posts on the
official Linn County GOP page. Let's focus on
getting Republican's elected

17 hrs · Unlike · 4 

But it seems our Webmaster paid as much attention to that request as he has to Bill Dahlston's request that he not use Mr Dahlston's copyrighted photos.

Or as much attention as he has to my requests that he edit some of his autoposts so that they do not have Dead Links

The Truth is that I did not think he wrote the letter either.

For some reason I do not seem him paying for a stamp to harass me LOL.

Now the recent identity theft attempt where someone tried to pretend to be me and request that the Account that hosts my website me canceled

Or the report to Facebook that there was "suspicious activity" on my account.

So that I had to fill out a form and affirm that the financial means used to pay for ads on Facebook were mine, and I was required to provide a sample of a color government issued photo ID verifying that I am a US Citizen?

Is more our Webmasters speed

I mean we are talking about someone who used to comment on newspaper articels under the assumed identity of Nancy L and who organized a Denial Of Service attack upon a young lady who was once the President of the Montana Young Republicans.

BTW I can and have in an earlier post provided tje screenshots of both. 

Those other attacks seem to fit him rather than this letter in the mail.

Now the post on the LCRCC Facebook Group Page looks like it was shared from his personal page.

On that one of the comments was

David Ahart Not sure why anyone would want to
belong to a group if they hate it so much.

15 hrs · Like · 1

 Now everyone knows that if you really want to understand why someone does something the best way is to ask their enemies ;-) 

I don't "hate" the Linn County Republican Central Committee

I would hazard a guess that few people have made the committment and sacrifices to support it that I have,

For Ten Years I have each month taken a Vacation Day to attend the monthly meetings

You see. I work nights so that was what was required to participate,

What do I hate then?

Seeing Constitutions Violated.


 Seeing the Rule of Law trampled upon.

I don't care whether this is done by the Executive Branch of the Federal Government or the Executiuve Committee of the County Central Committee

When and if I see something like that I will

Take a Stand Against It,

I was RAISED that way and I am too old to change now,

And unlike my detractors I do not make unfounded assertions

I can name the Time and Place these offences occurred and Who committed them.

I have no respect for anyone who does or supports doing such things no matter what their justifications

I reject the premise that following the County Constitution and the By Laws of the LCRCC got in the Way of Electing Republicans


I reject the concept that taking exception to such activity DOES hinder getting Republicans Elected,

I reject that standing against such things is being  bogged down with the pursuits of petty people! 


We either Stand Up for what we are SUPPOSED to Stand For or We are Nothing.


Voting for Who Is  the Mystery Writer is Still Open 


If you vote for "Other" or already have please put in the comments who you thing the "Other" is. 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 3:08 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 7 April 2015 8:46 PM CDT
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