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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Wednesday, 8 April 2015
Usurpation Of Powers
During the March Meeting of the Linn County Central Committee or as some have decided to call it the St Patrick's Day Massacre.
The Executive Committee made a Motion which in effect abolished every single Sub Committee that had been established over 4 years of hard work and consigned them, their Charters and their members to the Dust Bin of History.
The Plan set forth as a motion can be seen in the March Minutes 
NOTE:  The March 17 Minutes on the Linn County GOP Website seem to be MISSING.  If you wish to see the Original Form before modification when it
reappears use the Link Above. 
This accomplishment was applauded by our Webmaster who termed the event Puirging the Poison. 
And one of his new Associates on the Replacement for the Communications Sub-Committee called the Marketing and PR Team chimed in that

  • Taylor G Nelson These are steps that we have to take in order to move forward as an organization! We have to function and stop the infighting. And what we did last night where the first steps of fixing the problem. No longer can we be bogged down with the pursuits of petty people!
 I take note that young Master Nelson said what happened at the March Meeting
 "Were the FIRST Steps".
It would appear that the Purge of the Poison of the Pursuits of Petty People will take futher action on their part.
They do seem to like the consonant P don't they? 
At first glance at the Plan that was Passed it would appear that along with abolishing every single Sub-Committee and its membership the New "Teams" which will do what the Sub-Committees used to do were to be run by the Executive Committee's Chosen. 
With a few exceptions. There were some token positions given to members of the Poison.
For instance the Membership & Meeting Setup Team - a New branding of the Credentials Sub-Committee was to be headed by Justin Wasson with Mike Dupree and Deb Dupree,
That seems to have changed since the Vote was taken, 
 Subject: Re: Membership and Meeting Set Up
Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2015 15:56:46 -0500

Mike Dupree is the Team Leader for the Membership and Meeting Support Team. 

I have several problems with that statement.

First I have looked at the Plan presented to be voted on and there is no  

Membership and Meeting Support Team.  there is a Membership & Meeting Setup Team which has Justin Wasson listed as Team Leader.

I have also looked closely at the Handout Voted upon and there is Not ONE Sentence, Word, Letter or even Punctuation Mark that gives ANYONE tfhe Authority to Change ANYTHING in the Motion that was Passed

Without the Consent and VOTE of the Body


Nor is there anything in the County Constitution, ByLaws or our Rules of Order which permits such an action
 What we have here folks is a good Old Fashioned Usurpation of Power.
 No if ands or buts about it.
I am going to now place here a copy of Mr Wassons reply to our New Secretary, But I will also place HERE a link to a Word File of the Entire Exchange.
On Apr 6, 2015, at 10:01 AM, Justin Wasson <> wrote:


Let me start by saying that you don't have the authority to remove me from the team lead position. The body voted me to this position and I have not resigned. Perhaps you should read the part in the LCRCC constitution which states:

"The Executive Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee, and none of its acts shall conflict with the actions of the Linn County Central Committee." 

In other words, you can not arbitrarily remove me from this team. On top of that, even if you could remove me, don't you think it would be prudent to tell me that I was removed?

You tell about half the story in your long e-mail and then make up the other half. I will respond accordingly to set the record straight with your comments in bold and my responses following in regular print:

  • Before the March 17th LCRCC Monthly meeting I bought you lunch. We discussed your participation in the Membership and Meeting support Team. I explained the changes we anticipated making. You declined to commit to participate on the Membership and Meeting Support Team at that time.
As I reminded you in an e-mail send two weeks ago, you NEVER discussed the anticipated changes with me. The only thing you told me was that you wanted to change the name from Credentials Committee to Membership for 'rebranding purposes.' I told you I was against this change because Credentials Committee was already a functioning and thriving committee and didn't need 'rebranding.' I believe that the members of the committee would agree to this. The Credentials Committee had 19 active members on it, now the new team has 3 members, 2 of whom have limited experience at credentialing. This does not seem like progress to me. I invited the former credentials members because we NEED them! This is not an easy job and requires many people helping out.

  • Following the March 17th meeting both Cindy and I attempted to contact you multiple times by phone, text and e-mail. You failed to respond or call us back. Cindy reached you from a different number and you declined to speak with her.
Cindy called me and was very rude. I was volunteering with 8 middle school girls from Boys and Girls Club and was in the middle of cooking dinner for 100 people when she called me. She demanded that she needed information from me right at that moment. I understand she has a habit of calling people when they're busy and demanding immediate attention from them. I told her I was busy volunteering and didn't have time. She continued to make the demand and when I realized she was not concerned about the importance of my time, I hung up on her. This was the day after she pushed me and yanked the microphone out of my hand in the open meeting, another very rude gesture. If I had treated you the same way she treated me then you would be reluctant to call me back as well.

Maybe rather than telling just one side of the story, you should listen to the whole thing. These Boys and Girls Club girls are important to me. You may not be able to understand, but I spend a lot of time with them and get a great sense of reward by helping teach them some very important life skills. I am not expecting you to empathize or relate, I just want you to know that unlike some people, my passions in life do not begin and end with the LCRCC. 

  • Following those contacts I e-mailed you on the 19th and explained we understood you were unwilling to commit to the Membership and Meeting Support Team. You did not respond or contact us. Following that we discussed the Membership and Meeting Support Team with Mike Dupree. Mike agreed to lead the team.
This is another lie. I have sent you multiple e-mails after your March 19th e-mail with no response from you. Here are just a couple that I sent relating to the subject:

"How about you tell me what a 'Team' is before I commit to leading one." -March 20, 2015

"I never requested to be a 'Team Leader,' or whatever they are called, but the body voted me as one. I also have not resigned from the position. Before committing to anything I want to know the expectations and rules." -March 22, 2015

I never got a response from you or any of the executive after I sent both of those e-mails. Who interprets a request for MORE information as an indicator that a person is "unwilling to commit?" Perhaps someone who doesn't want the people to know the whole truth.  


  • You were on the distribution of the meeting notice for the March 30th Team meetings with the Executive Committee. You did not respond as requested and confirm your participation.
Lie after lie. Here are the excerpts from THREE different e-mails I sent to you and all of the executives on three different days with NO response: 

"I have not been invited to any Wednesday meeting until you (Brett Mason) mentioned it just now." -March 21, 2015

"I am going to mention this again because it concerns me. I have neither been invited, nor was I aware of any meeting on Wednesday. This concerns me because it appears, at least from my perspective, to be an attempt to keep me out of the loop." -March 22, 2015

"I assume that, due to the lack of response, I am not invited for the Wednesday meeting that Brett alluded to this weekend." -March 23, 2015

I was NEVER sent the invitation by any of the executives and never got a response to any of the above e-mails. The only reason I knew about the meeting was because another 'team leader' was generous enough to send me the invitation. It is hard to RSVP to something when the host chooses not to send you an invitation in the first place. Perhaps you should look back at your e-mail records before you make such a blatant lie. You are quick to tell everyone your 'facts,' but I have provided actual written documentation showing you are incorrect. I have received zero e-mails on these subjects from you or any of the executives between your March 19th e-mail and your e-mail from yesterday.

  • On Monday March 30th you attended a portion of a meeting of the LCRCC Executive Team and the Team Leaders of all the Teams. During that meeting it was announced that Mike Dupree was the Team Leader of the Membership and Meeting Support Team. You remained silent, apparently accepting that Mike was the Team Lead.
Once again, you don't have the authority to remove me from the team lead position. The body voted on a plan that included me in this position, not Mike, and I have not resigned. You can not just announce a new person as a team leader because you want to. Please reference the quote of the LCRCC constitution from above as my reasoning to believe this.

In addition, this announcement you mention was either made after I left the meeting or you are lying again. I apologize that I had other important business and had to leave early. However, I had to free up two nights for this potluck because the first night was canceled. Perhaps you should consider the sacrifices I did have to make to be able to attend for the full hour that I did before you cast judgment on my early departure.

  • I do not understand what you attempted to accomplish by your email.
I intend to accomplish the job that the body voted me to do. Don't belittle my actions simply because you do not agree with them.

  • If you decide to proceed with a meeting on April 9th I will attend. I will be glad to discuss the above and answer the questions about the Membership and Meeting Support team. In closing I should note that as Secretary of the LCRCC I received the official LCRCC membership file from Julie Blumer. I am maintaining it going forward.
As the Membership and Meeting Setup team lead, this will continue to be my responsibility. I've told you this before, Gary: You do your job, and I'll do mine. No need to turn over the membership file you received from Julie. I also have a copy. The meeting will also continue as planned on the 9th.

In closing, I would like to point out that I am not excluding Mike and Debbie from participating on this team in any way. I think you owe both of them an apology for mixing them up in this like you have. But, while they are more than welcome to participate, neither of them have experience with credentialing for the LCRCC. And the fact that you think that only three people are necessary to do this job shows how inexperienced you are, as well. I'd also like to ask how this underhanded approach to try and remove me from this team against the will of the body is helping to get Republicans elected. Trust and unity are no longer words that are synonymous with this organization. Three years ago they were and we were a well functioning central committee, but those days seem long gone.


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 2:27 AM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 8 April 2015 8:22 AM CDT
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