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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Saturday, 11 April 2015
Trolls Matter Too

Recently I ran into an intesting comment or two about Trolls 


Some people are trolls....attended a great Social Media class on how to deal with them yesterday. Essentially there was a bunch of great suggestions until it came to the "political or religious troll' and then it was stated...'there is no rules as these type of trolls are irrational, emotional and self-supporting without reason'. This was the exact quote from the instructor.
Remind you of anyone my friends?
A user's photo.


Now some might come to the erroneous assumption that the butt of this joke might be me, but that cannot be true at all. 


The caricature that comes with it does not look anything like me.

No beard, No hair and a big smirk on its face?

Nope nothing like me but there is someone who that does look like, 


Then there is this part " the "political or religious troll'

.'there is no rules as these type of trolls are irrational,

emotional and self-supporting without reason'"


That does not apply either,

I am not Irrational or without Reason. 

When I have stated that the Constitution of the LCRCC has been violated I can and HAVE stated the specific sections that have been violated and the instances where not just the Spirit but the WORD of the Constitution has been violated and by whom.


When I have stated that the By Laws of the LCRCC has been violated I can and HAVE stated the specific sections that have been violated and the instances where not just the Spirit but theWORD of the Constitution has been violated and by whom. 

I used Reason and was Rational when I pointed out those perversions of our Rules of Order. 


My detractors, however are limited to unsupported assertions,

For instance in the continuing saga of the Constitutional and Unconstitutional Leaders of our New Marketing & PR Team

One Team Leader was created by a Vote of the Central Committee in Session,

The Other?  Well I do not think they have EVER stated the Legal Authority used to remove one Team Leader and replace them with another,

Instead they just make as I said unsupported assertions,

We can see that in some of the latest email exchanges 

 From: Justin Wasson <>

Date: April 9, 2015 at 8:19:51 AM CDT

To: Cindy Golding <>, Robin Tucker <>

Cc: Mike Dupree <>, Gary Ellis <>, Brett Mason <>

Subject: RE: Membership meeting 4/14

Please reference the attached document which was voted on by the body of the central committee. This document clearly shows me being the team leader. I have not resigned from this position and have shown clear intent to fill this position.

The official meeting for Membership and Meeting Setup has been called for tonight at Godfather's at 6:30. Anyone is welcome to attend.

Please quit trying to confuse this issue. I am attempting to fulfill the will of the body, but have been faced with constant obstacles.


Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2015 08:17:46 -0400




Subject: Re: Membership meeting 4/14

Robin (& Justin),

There is no misunderstanding here - Justin is not the team lead of Membership.  

Therefore, the meeting tonight will be viewed and treated as a gathering of like-minded friends.  It will not replace nor usurp the authority of the meeting on 4/14.  We've been down this road before with another committee last September.   

There is only one position left on the team.  If Justin would like to recommend an individual to Mike or if someone would like to volunteer to Mike, that's wonderful. The 4 individuals are Mike Dupree, Deb Dupree, Gary Ellis, Justin Wasson.  Others have expressed interest in helping without holding a voting position, as they are voting members of another team.  

As for a different view of the Executives - I do not respond to third-hand information.  If Justin (or anyone else) wants to communicate, it can be done in person or via a phone call.  Innuendo, distortion and third-party personal attacks through other sources will NOT get him where he wants to be.  I refuse to play those games.

Apparently, Justin has the capability to express his concerns to you.  If he wants to talk, he knows how to reach me.  

I will be tied up with out-of-town clients today and tomorrow so will have limited ability to read or respond to emails or phone calls.  I will try to stay on top of any pressing concerns.

Have a great day,


-----Original Message-----

From: Robin Tucker <>

To: clgolding <>; jrwasson <>

Cc: mtdupree <>; egarye <>; brett.e.mason <>

Sent: Thu, Apr 9, 2015 12:23 am

Subject: Re: Membership meeting 4/14

Dear Cindy,


I believe Justin is recommending two members for the Team?


Mike and Justin will hopefully work well together, as we move forward, with Membership.


I noticed an e-mail tonight from Justin recommending a couple of more members for the Team.

I have been swamped this week and just getting caught up with more e-mail.


Justin is not going to be a member of the Treasurer's Team, but as we get closer to Caucus and Convention, I would suspect he will have an interest in working with our Team to support various tasks, the Chair and Treasurer have with compliance with Iowa Code and our accounting and recording functions?


He shared with me that he was active with three committees last period, before the new Executive Election. Change can be challenging with our membership. Some are voicing concerns ...


He has some different ideas than the Executive Committee and is interested in voicing his concerns.




Robin Tucker

LCRCC Executive Treasurer



-----Original Message----- 

From: clgolding <> 

To: jrwasson <> 

Cc: mtdupree <>; egarye <>; brett.e.mason <>; tuckerusa <> 

Sent: Wed, Apr 8, 2015 6:31 am 

Subject: Membership meeting 4/14 


The recognized Membership meeting will be 4/14, lead by Mike Dupree.  You are a voting member of the team.  Please consider  attending.  If you chose not to participate on this team, please let Mike know so your position may be filled by someone willing to serve on the team.  Membership & Meeting setup will work closely with Secretary Gary Ellis, as he is responsible for recording accurate attendance.  

Distortion, embellishment and fabrication will not enhance your reputation nor help the LCRCC be successful.  Events are recorded because of similar situations with others in the past. We will not participate in the "he said-she said" dialogs.  

Please join the rest of the membership team on the 14th.  I have heard that you may have some great ideas.  Let's work together to make positive things happen.  

Cindy Golding 


Linn county Republicans

Sory I cannot find one single word in there explaining by what Authority a Team Leader created by a Vote of the LCRCC has been removed and another person chosen to replace them,. 
I mean am I MISTAKEN? 
Does the Republican Party of Linn County NO Longer support Constitutions and the Rule of Law
Have we replaced that with Rule By Executive Edicts in emulation of our Current President??? 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 2:47 AM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 12 April 2015 12:16 AM CDT
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Saturday, 11 April 2015 - 3:27 AM CDT

Name: "A concerned citizen"

I think that Des Moines and Washington leadership and people having business with the party should be notified that we do not have effective leadership and that it would be in their best interest to bypass Linn County.

Saturday, 11 April 2015 - 9:47 AM CDT

Name: "L T"

This is not how a local political party in a representative republic should operate. This is how a cell of the Communist of the Communist Party USA operated 80 years ago.

If presidential candidates are smart they will avoid the Linn County Republican Party Central Committee, especially its chair. If people who have supported this local Repubican Party are concerned, they should take action. 

Saturday, 11 April 2015 - 10:40 PM CDT

Name: "Seven"

Eventually Cindy will wake up a queen of an empty kingdom, and the only subjects left will be people like Knox who will head out of town and start his crap all over again.

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