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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Wednesday, 15 April 2015
They're Baack


The Vanished March Minutes seemed to have returned, 
They seem unchanged but I have not checked every little bit of the present one to the original
There are still a few things that raise my blood pressure for instance
(Note I have used a link to the minutes section of the Linn County GOP website but if the March Minutes Vanish again I have a Clone Copy on my Server) 
• The Chair explained that the Iowa Code, the Republican Party Constitution and Bylaws and the
Linn County Republican Party Constitution and the Linn County Republican Party Bylaws require
that the committee re-organize by April 1st following each general election.
• Under Roberts Rules of Order committees and motions passed during the previous cycle expire.
• The Chair explained that David Chung, Paul Pelletier and Richard Bice had been contacted 
in regard to parliamentarian review.

In the Spirit of the Last Shall be First let us look at that last Statement
• The Chair explained that David Chung, Paul Pelletier and Richard Bice had been contacted 
in regard to parliamentarian review.


I call something like this a "Michael Moore" because it leads those who hear or read it to think one thing, but if pressed the author can honestly(?) claim that is not what they said at all. 

I would wager that most who heard this the Night of the St Patrick's Day Massacre came to the conclusion that one of the Foremost Parliamentarians not only supported the Executive Committee's Plan but had ruled that the 
Linn County Republican Party Constitution and the Linn County Republican Party Bylaws require(d) it
That was NOT the Truth 
How do I know this?  
First because I knew the basis of their position and considered it fallacious
Second because I had every confidence that he would find it that way too
Third because I ASKED him that night
I know I am supposed to be a Technological Dinosaur but I was able to stumble to my new lap top while the Slaughter of the Sub-Committees was ensuing open Facebook and call him up in Chat.
I got this reply
So you know me what do you think?
Do you think I gave a definitive ruling?
But if I had I would have been man enough to be there to defend it. 

 Now as to their claims that all this was required?


They are based on the Sections of the Constitution and the Bylaws that discuss the OFFICERS

 And in fact discuss the requirements for organizing the Officer's elections before April 1st following each General Election.

If they referred to a massive overhaul of the Committee then this would be mentioned in the Section on the Commitee





The officers of this Central Committee shall be a chairman, co-chairman, secretary and

treasurer, and such other members as the County Central Committee in its by-laws may

provide. The Central committee shall organize following each general election, but no later

than the following April 1. 




The officers of the Central Committee shall consist of a Cahir, Co-Chair, Secretary and

Treasurer whose terms shall be for a period of two (2) years and the same shall be elected

immediately following each general election, but no later than the following April 1.

They also mentioned Sections of the State Constitution and Bylaws and Election Code but were lacking on details

 But they DID follow a Pattern of Behavior that we have seen before

 We have a CRISIS we MUST ACT NOW in this case before April 1st

OH and one of the Foremost Parliamentarians in the State Says we HAVE to do this or OMG The SKY WILL FALL.

 That last bit was as True this time as it has been True other times it has been used in point of Fact

Not True At All




If your vote the Night of the St Patrick's Day Massacre when 4 years of hard work and every single Sub-Committee we had established and all the members of those Committees went down the tube.

Was swayed because you BELIEVED that one of the Foremost Parliamentarians in the State of Iowa Said that this was REQUIRED?




But they did everything from the BEST of Intentions because we all SO need Guidance 




Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 6:46 AM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 15 April 2015 9:22 AM CDT
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