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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Thursday, 14 May 2015
Well I Do Like Chili


One of my Readers answered a question that was in my recent letter for me. 

"BIGGER QUESTION - What Republican activities has or does the Hot Air Blogger support? .... so far none on his blog. Isn't that curious?"


Your FRIEND apparently hasn't looked at the DR-2. Otherwise he would have seen that you were by far the largest donor at the chili cook-off. 

That IS True and for those who wish to look at the DR-2 metioned I have it HERE for them, 


Yes is it does appear I was the largest donor in the neighborhood of 1/6th of the ticket sales and the next TWO highest donors combined are just few dollars more than me, 


In addition to the above since I work nights, in order to attend the Monthly Central Committee meetings I take a vacation day from work and have been doing so for some 10 years. 

OK OK I have to admit.   I am not married, Had I a wife and family I am certain there would be some words about me using 12 vacation days a year doing something else besides spending the time with family. 

Let me see.  In what other ways have I shown my dedication to Republican Activities?

Well when I was in the hospital waiting to have open heart surger I did request that my friends in lieu of flowers donate to one of our local campaigns.

How many others have ever used a quintuple bypass operation as a fund raiser for a political campaign?

Also while laying in a hospital bed I made out a check for $100 to help fund an earlier buffet on election nights for some who wished to show up early about 6:00 PM

I also had a friend pick me up at the hopsital and take me to that event,

Where I stayed watching the returns come in despite the fact that we discovered that the Hospital calling in my prescriptions to my pharmacy did not include my pain medication.

A good friend did give me some extra strength tylenol and I made do with that. 


I would say that overall I have contributed quite a bit actually and since my comments section is as it always is open

Perhaps Mr Friend of Republican Principles can regale us with THEIR record? 


I will conclude now with just one statement.

It really does not matter that Mr Friend of Republican Principles has called me a Hypocrite because in a manner of speaking we ARE even. 


I think THEY are an Ignoramus. 




Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 4:00 AM CDT
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