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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Friday, 5 June 2015
The Political Shapeshifter



Well I got another letter from my anonymous commenter and they have shifted their identity yet again
If you will remember the return address   on the first letter was
A Real Republican 
The next one the return address was  "A Friend" and the signature was
A FRIEND of Republican Principles 
Now they have made a further leapr the return address is "A Democrat" and the signature is
A Fellow Democrat 
Not as much meat in this last letter. I is composed mainly of quotes from my previous responces along with  ahort fable
I see your Friend got to you. Obvious you are a Democrat! !I We all see how you responded to your FRIENDs questions using tricky words to dodge the meaning. That's clever In a Democrat sort of way
 Q - So why is the Hot Air Blogger promoting keeping more people on the Auditor's staff than the Linn County Supervisors think he needs to do his job?
A - Because they have been transferring his staff to other depts and if the next reduction goes into effect the Auditors office will be down from 52 not more than 2 years ago to 13. Which will hamper his efforts to document their swilling at the public trough.
First No I have not been "got to" In my time I have had people looking for me with guns.  A letter from some pathetic anonymous author is certanly going to "Get" to me."
Second I am not promoting any elected official keeping more people on his staff than he needs to DO his job.  I am opposing pork swilling County Supervisor moving the Auditors employees to other areas so he will not be able to do his job
IE audit Wasteful Government Spending and Fight Pork


The last time I checked most Conservatives supported that sort of activity 
So -Its true -It is Important to you to have a Democrat in office. Its important to you to have as many people as possible working for a Democrat. That's Great.
Q ·"Constitution of the Republican Party of Linn County" "The purpose of the organization shall be, under one central committee ... to aid in every way the establishment of Republican principles and policies .... and assist ... in support of the Republican ticket."
A - Great Mr Friend has read part of the County Constitution, Had he read some further he might have discovered that the charge in the Constitution is active support of an opponent of a Republican nominee. I know our educational systems deterioration has lowered literacty standards but I would think that is plain enough that it would not be mistaken for supporting a Non-partisan office in their attempt to document waste in the County Government  
In the words of one of my favorite Conservative Statesmen.  "There you go again"  Creating some Fable from your fevered imaginatioin so you can tilt on it.
I want you to find in all my writings one quote where I contend that it is important to me to have a Democrat in office
In this case both sides of the issue are controlled by members of the Democrtica Partyl  The Auditor is a Democrat the County Supervisors are 60% of that Party.  
LOL if the Auditor were a Republican he would be screaming like a stuck pig about what the Evil Democratic Controlled County Supervisors were doing.,
 I like how you ignored the purpose of the Republican Party and said its a nonpartisan office. Great EXCUSE! This Democrat can't spell literacy either. Hahaha.
 I love it that you never explained where you "aided" a Republican. I know you can't explain where you "assisted" and "supported" a Republican ticket ... because you never did.
Which shows how much they know, Tell you what don't take my word for it
Ask Ken Rizer, Harry Foster, Dan Zumback or Rod Blum.
Notice how he makes something up and then hysterically attacks it? 
I would be disappointed if you had.
 He wold be disappointed if I had supported Republican candidates? LOL
Look who is getting confused? 
I think your blog is great for Democrats. We love watching you stir the pot and throw mud around at good Republicans. Thanks for never throwing any dirt at Democrats. Thanks for supporting the Democratic Party and working to divide Republicans. A FELLOW DEMOCRAT
Yawn at his points his froathing at the mouth hysteria just becomes tedious.
And he becomes just a dated curio
Check it out I have HATE MAIL
Cool almost NO ONE gets mail in the Post anymore, I wonder what Dinosaur sent it?? 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 5:16 AM CDT
Updated: Friday, 5 June 2015 5:48 AM CDT
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