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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Monday, 8 June 2015
How Did I Get HERE?




Did you ever look up while driving and have the thought come to you-
How did I get HERE? 
In these present times where my wondering how the Chair of the LCRCC can walk and chew gum at the sametime is considered a terrible breach of Decorum
But their calling me and 4 of my friends Morons and calling one in addition Frankenstein is deemed OK considering the situation,
The situation being that they spent about half of a three and a half hour Team Leader meeting ranting about how to purge the undesirable fringe group that prevent them from getting the work done to Get Repbulicans Elected,.
Bear in mind none of us were at that meeting and they STILL did not spend that much time working on Getting Republicans Elected,.
As I understand it they did not spend a single minute on the Caucuses but they did spend a lot of time on me and my friends. 
As for the name calling?  Doesn't really matter to me, I am quite capable of returning the favour,   And Have. 
But the question remains how DID we get HERE?
There was at one time a Linn County Central Committee that was SO broke it HAD to take up a collection to pay for our monthly meeting.
We did not have enough in the bank to do that.
Attendance was the pits.
Then we got a new Exectutive Committee with a Chair who vowed to folllow the instructions in the Constitution and ByLaws\
Who realised that the Decision making power was Constitutionally in the hands of the Body and the Executives were to assist and advise and perform such functions as were assigned to them.
That by the way is a very close paraphrase from the By Laws
We created Sub Committees to handle the work everyone in a Sub Committee had a say and a vote.
Whether somebody was in a Sub Committee was determined by THEM 
The LCRCC flourished and grew.
At times we had as many as 200 people attending our meetings
(I got that number from someone who has been working on LCRCC credentials for years)
Our events were very well attended and were very sucesssful.,
They followed one of the cardinal rules of sucess in such ventures
Have a specific event about the same time of the year to build up a following for it.
When that Chair stepped down for reasons to do with their business and health they handed over a thriving LCRCC
With a bank account of over 20K
No longer was it NECESSARY to take up a collection to pay for the monthly meeting. 
So when the Co Chair took over from the Chair we supported her because we believed that we were just continuing the sucess we had been enjoying for the two years before.
Boy were we WRONG 
At first the signs were small
The Chair had a screaming fit before an event because one of the ladies was putting more than Five mints on each table.
Sitting with me one night at the Starlite after a Communications meeting the Chair said that "Some People" wanted to move the meeting to the downtown Library and while she COULD make that decision she thought it best that the Body did it,
She did NOT like it when I told her (as the Parliamentarian that I was at the time)  that since the Body had voted on the Time and Place of the meeting only the Body could make that decision at least if you followed the Constitution
Which apprently she did not want to.
Things kept going down hill after that more fussing more Violations of the Constitution and Breaches of the By Laws.
We were not running under the Rule of Law laid down by the County Constitution, By Laws and Roberts Rules of order but by Cindy Goldings Rules.
The Body Voted to reward volunteers?
Cindy refused to sign the checks because she did not feel like it.
The By Laws say all checks must be signed by the Treasurer and if they are over $500 the expense must be approved by the Body?
Too much trouble in the spirit of Frank Sinatra
Cindy Golding
Did It HER Way

Then they got rid of the Committees replaced them with something called Teams that do about the same thing,
Difference is they got to choose the Team Leaders and they limited voting rights to only 5 members and put their own people in as voting members.
I recall a week before all this happened one of the Exectutive Board came to a Communications meeting and told us they wanted to
Break down the Walls of Distrust and find a way for all of us to work together,.
I took him at his word.
We agreed that I would stand down and not hit the Executive Board with my Blog Posts--which I did.
In return we would all work together for the good of ALL
I means we almost joined hands that night and sang Kumbaya.
A week later was what I have been calling the St Patrick's Day Massacre.
It was a Play to talk me into laying off them and dsitract me from the knife being shoved in my back
Now since then they have made overtures
Why can't we be Friends
Why can't we ALL work together and
Just Trust Us
I had a discussion last week on just those lines with someone who KNEW that the Team Leader Meeting spent over an hour and a half discussing the removal of me and my friends?
Yeah why don't you tell me why I should trust you. 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 4:13 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, 8 June 2015 4:49 AM CDT
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