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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Monday, 7 September 2015
First Break It


We are blessed with Leadership in the Linn County Republican Central Committee who have a simple strategy.
First: Break It.
Then: (GASP) "OMG, we have a CRISIS!"
And demand Emergency Powers which include full and total control over what they have broken,
In order to FIX it. 
We got an example of this at the August LCRCC meeting.
There was a problem with credentialing.
Which, to my knowledge, had NEVER happened before.
The usual process is that credentialing starts at 6:30 PM.
Voting members are given their credentials with the lime green card that
shows they are entitled to vote.
Now, it is true that some do not understand this, and have tried to vote
without credentials in the past, but most do understand and abide by the process.
Assistant Members get yellow cards, however, if both permanent members have not shown up by 7:00 PM, the start of the meeting.
The Assistants are given lime green voting cards.
Or, at least, they have at EVERY meeting until August. 
To understand how this all came about, we must go back to July's Meeting.
Another thing that has always happened is that after the meeting, the Team Leader (or in the past, the Sub Committee Chair) takes all the materials home to re-sort them.  
Except for at our July meeting, when our County Chair, Cindy Golding, and our Secretary, Gary Ellis, decided at the end of the meeting that THEY would do take possession of the credentials, rather than leaving it up to the Team Leader, Justin Wasson.
Now, they may or may not have had a valid reason to take the materials home.
But what IS true is that on the night of the August meeting, they STILL had possesion of the credentialing materials,  
A month after they improperly took them,
For which, in my opinion, THERE IS NO EXCUSE.
But there IS a reason, that reason being that they have, since the "Teams" were enacted, tried to take control away from the duly appointed Team Leader,
Who has been affirmed in his postion by TWO votes of the full Central Committee.
You see?
They REALLY do not like that portion of our Constitution, which states:
 The Executive Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee, and none of its acts shall conflict with actions of the Linn County Central Committee.

So it turned out the Chair, Cindy Golding, and the Secretary, Gary Ellis, had possession of the materials AND decided to start credentialing members almost an hour earlier than the Membership's Team's standard practice.

In doing so, they made a Dog's Breakfast of the whole process, 

Which does not come as much of a surprise to anyone who has been around the LCRCC for a few administrations.

Before Cindy Golding took over as Chair, we often had as many as 200 people attending meetings.  We required a meeting room two to three times as big as the one we use now.  

Since her advent as Chair, attendance has dropped 80%, while a similiar drop has been seen in attendance at fundraisers and other events.

The new Executive Committee, along with our Chair, decided to disenfranchise a large portion of the Central Committee by abolishing the sub-committees, and replacing them with "teams" who had limited voting members (who were chosen by them.)

That had the expected result.

While it is true they got their desired Total Control, one member expressed to me that when he was on three subcommittees, he felt he contributed, but now he is not on ANY teams and sees no point, since he would have NO SAY in anything. 

Quite a few of our disenfranchised members were some of our hardest working volunteers.

But if your goal is CONTROL, rather than a healthy, functioning Central Committee, such people are expendable.

But, no matter.  I understand from talking to some of them that they have found other ways to "Help Republicans Get Elected" and "Support Conservative Causes," so they are just as busy as they have always been at these endeavors. 

In any event, when we realized that the Chair, Cindy Golding, and the Secretary, Gary Ellis, had attempted to take over the credentialing process at the August meeting, we understood why things ended up in a mess.

The most comical outcome was that because the Membership Team Leader, Justin Wasson, having had the credentialing materials taken from him without his permission, stated that he had had nothing to do with the credentialing that night, and, more accurately, the mess it turned into,

THEY tried to claim he had RESIGNED!

Now, I can't make up stuff that like that.  It takes an intellect on the level of Cindy Golding to come to that kind of a conclusion: 


From: <>
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2015 11:15 PM
Subject: Membership & Meeting setup team leader?

There appeared to be a serious breakdown in the communication among the Membership & Meeting Setup Team on August 18th, causing disruption of the LCRCC meeting.  Then, when questions arose,  you stated publicly that you were not in charge of the Membership Team and credentialing was not your responsibility. This was confirmed by Jim Conklin during his "Point of Order."   

Harry Foster, Mike Dupree and Deb Dupree handled the credentialing process but, apparently, were not provided the documentation to credential Assistant Committee Persons, as Jim Conklin requested.  

This action and your statement indicates to the executive team that you have tendered your resignation.

Please let me know by 5 PM, Monday, Aug 31, if you intend to complete your responsibilities and have the sign-in sheets and credentials there on time or if you are resigning, per your statement during the meeting.
You can reach me at 319-360-1028 or 319-899-4700 or the office number 319-432-9467 or reply to this email.    

The next LCRCC meeting on Sept. 15th will have a Candidate Meet & Greet from 6-7PM.  
The membership sign-in needs to begin at 5:45 PM to be courteous to our guests and our members who wish to hear the speakers.
In addition, I have asked the Secretary, Gary Ellis to work with the Membership & Meeting Setup Team to develop procedures to help avoid delays and confusion in future meetings and to assure that we have accurate attendance records for our minutes.

Again, you can reach me at 319-360-1028 or 319-899-4700 or the office number 319-432-9467 or reply to this email.    

I hope to hear from you before Monday evening.  

Cindy Golding
Linn County Republican Central Committee



Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 11:25 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 8 September 2015 12:49 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 8 September 2015 - 12:16 AM CDT

Name: "Membership Team Member"

It might also be worthwhile to point out that Mr. Ellis made the claim several times that he is in charge of membership at the Membership and Meeting Setup meeting the night before this whole fiasco occured.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015 - 12:25 AM CDT

Name: ky/kentuckydan
Home Page:

He is hard of hearing?  Didn't he notice a Vote of the Body rejected

his claim?

The Secretary keeps the membership list just like he keeps the minutes of the general meeting he does not runn either the meeting or the team meeting

As a part of the Executive Committee he is Under the Orders of the Team which is a part of the Central Committee 

Tuesday, 8 September 2015 - 7:17 AM CDT

Name: "David Chung"
Home Page:

Dan, I have to disagree with you on this one. 

"As a part of the Executive Committee he is Under the Orders of the Team which is a part of the Central Committee"

The 'team' does not inherit the powers of the entire central committee. Committees might be empowerd to do certain tasks, e.g. a convention commitee reserving a hall. But most often they are assigned to research an issue and then bring it before the whole body. The body has the ultimate say. 

Thursday, 10 September 2015 - 3:51 PM CDT

Name: "Gary Ellis"

A blogger is entitled to their own opinions but not their own facts.

After the July LCRCC meeting the Longbranch staff found the credentials left unattended in the meeting room. They contacted the LCRCC and the credentials were retrieved. 

Kudos to Harry Foster, Mike Dupree and Deb Dupree for responding to requests at the August meeting to start credentialing people. They did the best they could without any documentation.

Please thank the volunteers for stepping up and supporting the body. 



Thursday, 10 September 2015 - 4:01 PM CDT

Name: "Gary Ellis"

The Linn County Republican Bylaws incorporate Roberts Rules of Order. It states there:

"59. Secretary, or Clerk. The recording officer is variously called Clerk, or Secretary, or Recording Secretary (where there is also a Corresponding Secretary), or Recorder, or Scribe, etc. The secretary is the recording officer of the assembly and the custodian of its records except such as are specifically assigned to others, as the treasurer's books. These records are open, however, to inspection by any member at reasonable times, and where a committee needs any records of a society for the proper performance of its duties, they should be turned over to its chairman. The same principle applies in boards and committees, their records being accessible to members of the board or committee, as the case may be, but to no others.

In addition to keeping the records of the society and the minutes of the meetings, it is the duty of the secretary to keep a register, or roll, of the members and to call the roll when required; to notify officers, committees, and delegates of their appointment, and to furnish committees with all papers referred to them, and delegates with credentials; and to sign with the president all orders on the treasurer authorized by the society, unless otherwise specified in the by-laws." 

Friday, 11 September 2015 - 5:55 PM CDT

Name: ky/kentuckydan
Home Page:

Tell me Mr Secretary did you check to see if Mr Wasson was still there?

(He was) did you at ANY time during the month between the meetings inform him you had the material and Turn it Over to him?

 Just wondering



Friday, 11 September 2015 - 6:00 PM CDT

Name: ky/kentuckydan
Home Page:

Yes Mr Secretary you are supposed to "keep a register, or roll, of the members "

 You are also supposed to keep a record of the meetings ie Minutes

this does not mean you are in charge of either the General Meeting or theMembership & Meeting Set Up  Team'

I realise that was the desire of you and the rest of the Executive Committee but it was rejected by a Vote of the Body. 

Friday, 11 September 2015 - 6:06 PM CDT

Name: ky/kentuckydan
Home Page:

Since you it seems took over the duties of the Team Leader can you explain why 5 members were not Credentialed and therefore were not able to vote in the fist few votes?

I have noticed that in the August meeting minutes you have redacted the Chairs statement that she did not intend to hold voting until the situation of uncredentialed members was corrected

Was there some reason for 5 members not to be credentialed and the first few votes rused through?

 Expect a motion to correct the Minutes and include what you left off the Record 

Saturday, 12 September 2015 - 6:55 AM CDT

Name: "Gary Ellis"


"Tell me Mr. Secretary did you check to see if Mr. Wasson was still there?"

You should ask the LongBranch staff if he was there. I left because Justin never came back to the parking lot and the folks I was talking to left as well. 

Saturday, 12 September 2015 - 7:03 AM CDT

Name: "Gary Ellis"

"Since you it seems took over the duties of the Team Leader can you explain why 5 members were not Credentialed and therefore were not able to vote in the fist few votes?"

Get the facts straight. I didn't take charge. Harry Foster stepped up and started the credentialing on his own. Mike and Deb joined him and helped out because they all felt the body needed to be supported.

Harry, Mike and Deb did not have any documentation to credential Assistants because Justin told me not to provide that material and he wasn't there.  






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