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1722 - 1803

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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Thursday, 11 February 2016
Byzantine Book Keeping


The Numbers associated with this Years Caucuses certainly were as convoluted as any complex book keeping in the Byzantine Empire 

From someone associated with the last Caucus I got the news that this one only took in 12K which meant it was 10K below what was in the bank account when our Present County Chair took over

But then someone associated with the Present Caucus said No it was the 2012 Caucus which took in 12K.


Dan Lincoln bag donations increased about $7000 from 4 years ago and exceeded the 1.50 per person threshold.  You may want to correct your recent post.  I believe the Lincoln bag number from 4 years ago was around 12k.  The number you are thinking of includes delegate fees that were collected caucus night 4 years ago.


 What they had in common was each was wrong about the other Caucus

I did get some accurate figures on this Caucus from the Treasurer


 Total funds depostited after the Caucus $27,503.17 and he

informed me the split in funds were about 19K for LCRCC donationa

and 8K for the Convention Fees. 

My Correspondent for this years Caucus did provide me with the DR-2 forms for the 2012 Caucuses.

You can access them HERE 

He also informed me there were more Cedar Rapids Sites than I mentioned in a previous article

Also there were 6 sites with Cedar Rapids precincts.  In addition to the 3 you listed you have New Covenant, New Life Church, and King of Kings. 

I stand corrected on the number of Cedar Rapids Caucus site, but in truth I do not think that has any bearing one the pandemonium and chaos of he Mega-Caucus sites and I recall NO ONE who was happy with the situation

As a matter of fact I was almost not elected to be a Central Commitee Person because one person made the claim that anyone who had been previously on the Committee should not be re elected

I told them I had nothing to do with the Disaster of the Double Tree Caucuses and had tried to prevent it. 


A young friend who has been active in the Central Committee weeded out the information for the 2012 Caucuses from the DR-2s for me, for which I gratefully sprung for a steak dinner

The results from 4 years ago were 


The following is information regarding financials from the 2012 caucus:

    • Unitemized pass the hat money on caucus night - $16,113.26
    • Itemized pass the hat money on caucus night - $2682
    • Total contributions on caucus night - $18795.26
    • Total paid on caucus night for conventions - $4950
    • 25 people paid for convention at the following monthly meeting. Many paid shortly after that and we accepted payment at the door.

Also something worth noting, pass the hat in January of 2012 was $225.81 which was a fairly typical amount every month back then.


It would appear donations to the Committee were about the same.  Pre-paid Convention fees were up

That latter point is very welcome because this time any unused seats of the 167 allocated for Linn County must be paid for,

I am however confused on what we will pay,  I seem to remember the State figure for the District and State Conventions being $50 and what was collected for that Feb 1 was $60 .

So do we owe RPI $60 per seat or did our Executives just decide to charge our members an extra $10 for collecting the State's Fees?

We can find out how much we got stuck for at next weeks Central Committee meeting

It will also be interesting to see how close we come at the meeting to the bucket collection of 4 years ago of  $225.81

That's about 3 times what the bucket has been collecting

And yes I know we have made the $125 dollar room fee for quite a few months.

But I also know there is a member of the Committee who each month writes a check to cover what the bucket does not and that is why I say $225.81 is about 3 times what the bucket has been collecting. 

Still we need to keep in mind the real problem is not that we did not take any more money in than 4 years ago while we spent at least 10K more but it is the total chaos that ensued

And the number of people who got frustrated and left

If anyone needs to be reminded or was fortunate enough not to Caucus at a Mega site let me remind you.


 And if a picture is worth a thousand words, I wonder that a video is worth


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 2:22 AM CST
Updated: Thursday, 11 February 2016 2:26 AM CST
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Thursday, 11 February 2016 - 2:34 PM CST

Name: "Justin"

It might be appropriate to include that your young friend who calculated 2012 caucus numbers was also treasurer of the central committee at the time  :)

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