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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Sunday, 14 February 2016
From The Same People Who Brought You Mega-Caucus

The Founding Fathers were concerned about tyranny, that of the despot and that of the majority.

Which is why they set up our government with checks and balances and formed a constitutionally based Representative Republic.

Our Linn County Republican Central Committee is also set up with checks and balances, a constitution, and bylaws.

One of the foremost tools to prevent abuse of power is found in the section on the Executive Committee in the County Constitution:

The Executive Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee, and none of its acts shall conflict with actions of the Linn County Central Committee.  

Regretfully, we have an Executive Committee which is convinced that due to the purity of their intent.

If there is a section of the County Constitution, the By-Laws, or the Rules of Order which forbid their actions,

Such strictures are optional.

They are not adverse, either, in creating a faux crisis and engaging in what one might term "creative reality" to achieve their goals. 

Last year, during the first meeting of the Committee after the officers' election they, breathlessly informed the body that

Robert's Rules of Order stated that all actions--motions, committees, etc., established before the officers' election were voided by it and had to be replaced.


The also informed the body that a gentleman who is in Republican circles in Iowa, the "go-to guy" for parliamentary procedure, had told them this.


And of course, all of this meant they we had to completely redo all these things they claimed that were NOT TRUE,


And that there was not time to think about it and debate it at a later month's meeting.

So, we adopted their motion, which contained a few poison pills.

The thriving sub-committees, including Finance, which handled all of the budgeting decisions; Communications, which included web activities and press releases; and Credentials, which ensured that the voting was consistent with the by-laws and limited to only elected committeepersons; were all eliminated, and replaced with "Teams."  

Previously, anyone could join a subcommittee and have voting rights, but the "Teams" were limited to five voting members, including the "Team Leader."  The "Team Leaders" had already been appointed by the Executives, and most of the voting members had already been chosen by the Executives, the Team Leader would decide who could be on a team.   

Then at a later meeting, they presented their opinion that the Executive Committee Secretary should replace the "Team Leader" of the "Membership & Meeting Setup" team.

This was, of course, AFTER they tried to edit the original motion to replace the Team Leader voted in with someone else, and were called on it.

Did I mention they engage from time to time in creative reality?

I have a copy of the second version which includes the wording:

To accomplish this, the Executive Committee moves to accept the following plan for 2015-2016 Election Cycle: APPROVED BY VOTE OF THE LCRCC 3/17/15 

The problem was this section:

 Membership & Meeting Setup – Membership records, meeting setup, credentialing for voting (Mike Dupree, Deb Dupree, Justin Wasson uncommitted)  

You see, the version that was actually VOTED on,

Had Justin Wasson as the Team Leader.  Not Mike Dupree. 

Now, they have found a section of Robert's Rules of Order which states that the Secretary keeps the records of the membership list.

So, they decided to replace the Team Leader again with someone else this time--the Secretary.

The Central Committee, by a resounding margin, rejected this and reaffirmed Mr. Wasson as the Team Leader.

This was almost a year ago.   

Yet, it now seems they have decided upon a new tactic.

We had recent precinct caucuses, and the Form As have all the new committee persons listed.

The Executive Committee has not seen fit to deliver this information to the Membership and Meeting Setup Team, which was given the duty by the Central Committee to handle:

Membership records, meeting setup, credentialing for voting  

Recall that this is the wording of their own motion to the body, which was adopted, and now they do not wish to abide by it.

I head some muttering that the Form As need to be..."credentialed?"

Anything resembling "credentialing" is accomplished when the Caucus Chair and Secretary sign them.

No, this is yet another blatant power play by the Executive Committee, which chooses not to follow the County Constitution, where it says:


The Executive Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee, and none of its acts shall conflict with actions of the Linn County Central Committee.  

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 10:21 PM CST
Updated: Sunday, 14 February 2016 11:29 PM CST
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Monday, 15 February 2016 - 10:23 AM CST

Name: "Secretary of the LCRCC"

- The Secretary delivered a list of the LCRCC members elected at the 2016 Caucus to the Membership and Meeting Setup Team last week. The Secretary offered to review the list with the team before the list is certified to the Linn County Commisioner of Elections.

- The Membership and Meeting Setup Team Leader refused to meet and work cooperatively with the Secretary to review the caucus Form A's and jointly develop a new membership register.

-  Multiple times dating back into 2015 the Secretary asked the Membership and Meeting Setup Team to get together and develop a mutually cooperative process for reviewing the caucus Form A's. The Membership and Meeting Setup Team leader did not return phone calls or respond to the emails making the requests.

- The LCRCC Bylaws establish that its the duty of the Secretary to keep a register of the LCRCC membership. The 2015-2016 Organization Plan presented by the Executive Committee to the body established the Meeting and Membership Team as a support team of the Secretary. It didn't establish the team as a dictator of policy or a team working completely independent of the body or the Secretary.

Cooperation is a two way street. It cannot be accomplished by ignoring others who have responsibilities. The Secretary calls on the Membership and Meeting Setup Team to get together with the Secretary and review the new membership register prior to it being certified. The Secretary believes that the Membership and Meeting Setup Team has an important role in working with the Secretary to meet the needs of the body. 




Monday, 15 February 2016 - 6:36 PM CST

Name: ky/kentuckydan
Home Page:

Tell us Mr Secretary what is so difficult about emailing the Team the scanned images of the Form As?

And what prevented you from attending the last called Team Meeting?

As for  " 2015-2016 Organization Plan presented by the Executive Committee to the body established the Meeting and Membership Team as a support team of the Secretary. It didn't establish the team as a dictator of policy or a team working completely independent of the body or the Secretary"

YOU might want to reread the motion that YOU and the Executive Board rushed through and was passed.

"Membership & Meeting Setup – Membership records, meeting setup, credentialing for voting (Mike Dupree, Deb Dupree, Justin Wasson uncommitted)"

Of course it DOES need to be pointed out that the Version I copied the above from WAS NOT what was moved and passed

YOU or someone else in the EXECUTUVE Committee ALTERED the original text to remove the Team Leader Justin Wasson and replace him with someone else'

Which does not give me any confidence in the credibilty or veracity of any claim made by you.

Sorry get caught lying once its hard to believe, In particular when you newly created Team Leader tried on one occasiin to Vote TWICE on an Issue before the body.

You also ignore the FACT that your claim of authority over the Team was rejected by the body not once but twice.

I see no attempt by you and yours to cooperate just continuous powere plays to usurp more and more authority despite the Constitutional Restrictions of


The Executive Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee, and none of its acts shall conflict with actions of the Linn County Central Committee.  

Monday, 15 February 2016 - 6:46 PM CST

Name: ky/kentuckydan
Home Page:

I beleive our Secretary bases his claim to authority over the membership Team on this section of the By Laws 


IX. RULES OF ORDER Robert's Rules of Order Revised shall prevail unless modified by these by-laws. 

He over looks a previous section which states

3. The duties of the Secretary are to keep the minutes of the meetings and read them at the following meeting, unless waived.

Yes it would appear the By Laws modifies the duties of the Secretary to what is listed above 

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