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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
Well At The World's End
The "Well at the World's End" is an adventure fantasy published in 1896 and considered to be an inspiration to J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis.


Now of course neither I nor anyone I know has ever been on an adventure to The Well at the World's End.




But some of us did sally forth recently on a Journey to

The Rally at Linn County's End

Myself, I am not one to Vote for Change, merely for the sake of Change,

 When it is presented to me that something which has served me well in the past needs altered, I prefer being shown some substantive gain to be derived from the departure from what has been before,.

You see I am something which is called a CONSERVATIVE

I am also a Devout Capitalist and it is written in the


Rules of Acquisition: Thou Shalt Not Hinder the Customer From Parting With Their Latinum.

Adjusting  that paradigm to meeting attendance, translates as, if you wish folks to come to your meeting you need to smooth their path.

You need to have the meeting place where it is easy for them to go, where they might go occasionally, often for other reasons.

The short form of the above is

Location, Location, LOCATION 

If you think like I do, you might have wondered, "Is there a place in Linn County that is FURTHER away from the people we wish to attend Linn County Central Committee Meetings and still be IN Linn County?

I confess I cannot think of one,.

What would in my opinion be an optimum location?


Well maybe a Central Location?   Since folks in Iowa are like folks elsewhere, and those who live out in the country come into Town to Shop, maybe around were they might come to shop?

Perhaps they might want to get something to eat before or after the meeting?  How about also where there  is a nice selection of restaurants a range of which could fit any budget?

Hmm that sound a lot like 

Where we used to HAVE our Meetings.

And to top everyting off, besides being a Conservative and Capitalist, I also place a priority on Fiscal Responsibility.

The Deal we had at our previous location as I understand it was, $50/month and some of us dine there ( I always did) plus booking one Party a year, which we always did.

 Now the new place looks very nice, but I still wonder, what was the Gain by this Change?

How exactly did we benefit?

You might want to ask this for yourself if you are curious about the same things I am.


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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 12:01 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 28 April 2009 4:20 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 21 April 2009
When someone brings up an issue and points to some occurrence to which they object, it is only fitting and proper that they be asked and respond to the question.

Well what do YOU think should be done about this, or are you only capable of complaining?

I stand ready to address such a question.

There may be those who dispute my conclusions that the only persons who could be considered to be credentialed to vote in the March Elections were those persons who appeared on the Form A Caucuses as actually Elected to the positions of County Central Committee Members,  but I feel that I stand on Bedrock

One foot firmly placed on the Iowa State Election Code and One foot placed firmly on the Constitutions of the State Republican Party the Linn County Central Committee and the latter's By-Laws.

The First thing we should do IMO is determine if we in fact had a Quorum of Elected County Committee members in attendance at the March 17 meeting

We can do that by comparing those who are Listed on the Caucus Form  as actually have been elected to those positions, with the list of those who voted that night.

Persons appearing only as Chairs, CoChairs,  Secretaries or under the classification of Alternates do not qualify,  In fact the only position that is called Alternate that is chosen at the Precinct Caucuses is Alternate to the County Convention,

Upon determining the above. those legally Credentialed that night to vote , should recast their votes and we should accept the results of that election no matter what they are. 

 IMO it is important to impress on them that they should recast their votes as they did on March 17  and not take into consideration any factors that might have influenced them afterwords,

That done the Quorum of Central Committee Members can appoint new Members to fill any vacant positions,

Can in addition by a majority vote appoint Assistant Committee Members in any number to the various Precincts.   Those do not have voting rights except in the event of the absence of one or more of the Voting Committee Members.

I do not think this is a complicated process.  At it's end the result would be a County Central Committee and an Officer's Election, fully in compliance with the State Election Code, the Constitution of the Republican Party of Iowa and the Constitution of the Linn County Central Committee and it's By-Laws.

Clean elections are a particular concern of mine, considering how distorted they have been in different places around the country in recent times, and I feel we are on more stable ground intellectually and morally, if when we object to such incidents, that we are in fact following our own rules on our Elections.

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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 4:15 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 21 April 2009 4:29 AM CDT
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Sunday, 19 April 2009
A Strange Thing Happened on the Way to the Epicycles

I use the term "epicycles" as an example of an extremely complex convoluted method to force reality into conformance with a desired outcome.


This is a not uncommon occurrence in human endeavors and if the initial starting point of the paradigm is invalid the results can be bizarre and paradoxical.


I met recently with the Leadership of the Linn County Central Committee,


Our dialog was civilized and the basic outcome was that, we agreed to disagree


They do not agree with my analysis of the situation the Committee finds itself in, but that they did not have any desire to silence me.


To which I agreed.


It is not my habit to merely dispute an issue  with someone and then not think about the matter further.  I spent a fair amount of time later that day mulling over the implications of what we discussed.


To recap the situation as it appears to me.


At the February Central Committee meeting David Chung, and quite correctly I might add,  brought up a point of procedure, on  Iowa State Election Code  and the various Constitutions of the Republican Party at the State and County level


The result was that we were in fact not in compliance with the above as far as membership and more importantly eligibility to vote and it has come to my attention after investigation, that this situation may be back 10 years or so.


The practice of asking if anyone wished to join the committee and then voting them in is not even close to compliance with State Law and our Constitutions and By-Laws.


A serious problem since at the time we were looking at Officer's Elections at the March meeting.


It was decided to form a committee to examine the Form As from the Precinct Caucuses in order to compile a list of Credentialed Voters.


Now that method was IMO quite correct.


The State Election Code states.

43.99 Party committee persons.

Two members of the county central committee for each political party shall, at the precinct caucuses, be elected from each precinct


The State and County Party Constitutions state



The County Central Committee shall consist of two precinct committee members elected from each precinct at the precinct caucuses


So it appears to me that the only persons who couldhave  been listed for the March Election as Central Committee members were those elected to those positions at the Precinct Caucuses. 


It would seem that everything should have been simple.  Look at the Form A records from the Caucuses and list those persons elected to those posts.


However the list that was derived included not solely persons listed as elected to be County Central Committee Members, but Chairs, Co-Chairs, Secretaries and a category called Alternates.


Now let me be clear on one thing there is no position as Alternate County Committee Member, there is something called an Assistant Central Committee Member, but those are appointed by a majority vote of the Central Committee which does not happen at the Caucus.


In my opinion, our list contained not just elected Central Committee Members who were eligible to vote but others who were not eligible.


At least not in compliance with the State Election Code and the Constitutions and By-Laws. 


 In fact I am informed that one elected Central Committee member's name did not appear on his Precinct Caucuses Form A and therefore they did not vote someone who Chaired the Caucus voted instead.


When I presented my conclusions, which are the Election may not be valid, the  response seems to have been we should let it stand because we voted on it.


I may be doing the two gentlemen a disservice but to me the logic seems to be.


Upon discovery that a large portion of those who thought they were Committee Members, were in fact not,


We examined the Form As and compiled a list of persons many of whom were not eligible to vote either, 


and we should let the results stand because


The original group comprised of many people who were not eligible to vote, voted to do so.


This sort of circular argument, gives me a headache.


In a latter article I will present my own ideas on how to remedy this situation in a Post I  plan to title



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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 1:03 AM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 19 April 2009 1:08 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Cross Posted at Committees of Correspondence

The following is an exchange between me and David Chung who sits on the Subcommittee for Caucuses and Rules of the Iowa Republican Central Committee.
I requested, and recieved Mr Chung's permission to post the contents of his email.
My words to prevent any confusion, will be in bold red font.

I will take your points in a biblical manner the first shall be last and the last shall be first.


I appreciate your thoughtful inquiry. I have a couple of comments about your notes.

4) Mark Hudson. I do not know whether Mark is a member of the Central Committee or an alternate. Regardless, the bylaws allow officers to be selected from outside the membership. This is a common practice. According to Roberts Rules chairmen who are not members may not vote or break ties. In the RPI Constitution, the Chair is not a member but is allowed to break ties. The RNC Constitution also allows non-members to serve as chair (I don't know whether non-member chairs are given voting rights). Current RNC chair, Michael Steele was elected from outside the RNC membership.

4) The correct term for the secondary class of Central Commitee Members as per the By-Laws is ASSISTANT COMMITTEE PERSONS and while can be heard, have no voting rights but as you point out if they are Chairing they can break a tie since Robert's Rules of Order take precedence unless the By-Laws preclude them


Robert's Rules of Order Revised shall prevail unless modified by these by-laws.

So an Officer does not have to be a Central Committee member since the By-Laws also state.


Central Committee shall elect either from its’ membership or otherwise a chair, co-chair,

secretary, treasurer and other officers as it may determine

I interpret Otherwise as they don't have to be a member, however anyone who is an officer but not a voting member would have no voting rights unless they were chairing and a tie had been called

3) Our (Linn County's) Constitution and By-laws do allow for alternate members who do not have voting privileges except in the absence of their elected committee people. It has been many years, but we used to keep ordered lists of alternates per precinct. People who came to meetings to join were informed whether they could join as members (to fill vacancies) or alternates if there were no vacancies.

3) Again the accurate term is Assistant Central Committee Persons and it is correct as you state that in the absence of an Elected Committee Member one or two from a Precinct maybe given temporay voting rights. But since the By=Laws are mute on the mechanism I would assume it would be by a vote of a Quorum. Present.


2) The question of who are the two elected members is a more difficult one to answer. I proposed the first two names from form A because it is the only record we have of what happened on caucus night. In the two precincts that I moderated, we did have elections and we did elect two CC members. They were reported on form A. In my opinion form A was the only reasonable way to attempt to re-construct the results of caucus night. As I mentioned, I am on the State Central Committee's organization sub-committee. Issues like rules and the caucus (and form A) fall under my committees purview. This situation will not happen again


1) It was not improper for the county central committee to add new members. However, only those added to fill 'vacancies' are actually full-fledged CC members. Since Linn Courty (and RPI) by-laws allow the committee to fill vacancies and this power is granted explicitly in the Iowa code. What the committee cannot do, is add more members than two per precinct without taking the special steps defined in the code of allocating new seats proportionate to the precinct's voting in the last election.


2 & 1) Yes that is indeed much more difficult. You recall I missed my Caucus? It being the first I would have attended I have no experience with how these things should run, but looking at the Paul handout I would say that would be a good way to do it.

So I asked my next door neighbors what they remembered. They recall there was an Acting Chairman who was elected to be Permanent Chair and they do not recall ANY other ELECTIONS that night for Permanent Secretary, County Convention Delegates, County Convention Alternate Delegates Nor for Central Committee Members,

With respect we cannot allow individuals to simply fill in who they wish for these positions and in the absence of any documentary evidence, Form A for instance that clearly indicates that a person was elected to the positon of The Precinct County Central Committee Member, or witnesses to the same, then that position is Vacant.

Now IF we can find 20 people who were elected in the correct manner as happened in your Caucus? The situation is simple,. They consitute a Legal Quorum of the County Central Committee and as stated

Vacancies in the County Central Committee may be filled by a majority of those members of

the Committee present and voting.

and yes this situation does not need to happen again, we shoud wipe the slate clean and restart in the correct maner, even if what is required is the process stated in Article VI Secion 7 of the


7. Vacancies on the County Central Committee may be

filled by majority vote of the County Central Committee, or

at a special precinct caucus called by the County Central



The following is an extentsion of my (Dan Kauffman's) remarks after gathering more information

I have recieved reports to date on the actions of 8 precincts in 4 there were elections for Central Committe

Members. In 3 the person I have been in contact with have no recollection of special elections for

Central Committe Members. In the last and 8th Caucus, there were two nominations from the floor

for Central Committee Members, being unopposed it was the consensus of the Precinct Caucus that

their positons were afirmed BUT their names did not appear on Form A.


As a result when it came time for the Election in March one of these two, who had been attending

Central Commitees all year under the impression that they were one of the two credebtialed Central

Committee Member, was not able to vote and instead someone whose name did appear on Form

A and who this person had never seen in a meeting since the Caucus voted instead,

Not Good.

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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 3:03 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 14 April 2009 3:21 AM CDT
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Saturday, 11 April 2009
So You Thought You Were A Central Committee Member?
Cross Posted at Committees of Correspondence

The Chinese have a curse, "May you live in interesting times."

Well times certainly have been interesting in the Linn County GOP Central Committee of late.

Like quite a few others and perhaps some of you for quite some time I thought I was a member of that organization.  It appears I was in error.

Now it is true like so many others over the years since I started  attending, when the Floor asked if there were anyone present who wished to join, I spoke up, introduced myself and there was a motion  made and seconded to admit me and after those present had voted in the affirmative, I considered myself a member.

In fact one of the newly elected officers joined the Central Committee in the very same manner during the monthly meeting before the Election.

The truth however is that neither of us are  members.

The issue was raised in the February meeting as to confusion about the official list of Central Committee members. 

David Chung spoke, quite correctly and to his credit I might add,  to the issue that the Linn County Central Committee was not in accordance with the Legal Code of the State of Iowa in such matters.

Now while I have only spoken with Mr Chung on a few occasions during meetings, he has always struck me as a person with what I would deem
personal integrity of the highest order, so I did not doubt his words, but determined to at least investigate them.

So it was that I and quite a few others found that we were not in fact able to vote during the recent elections, but instead there was compiled a list of names from Form A of the last Precinct Caucuses.

This List included the names of the persons who were listed as  Permanent Chair, Co-Chair and Alternates.

Two of the above were declared the Linn County Central Committee representative for their Precinct and the Election Results were tallied after they delivered their votes.

Upon investigation, the Truth is indeed that the only valid members of the Linn County Central Committee are those elected during Precinct Caucuses.

I requested from Mr Chung and he delivered to me copies of the Iowa State Election Code, the Constitution of the Linn County Central Committee and the By-Laws of the Linn County Central Committee.

To that body of knowledge I added the Constitution of the Republican Party of Iowa and  a Handbook of Caucus Precinct Order of Business compiled by the Ron Paul Campaign,

I don't know what the opinion of others was at the time but IMO the Paul Campaign was extremely well organized. ;-)

The above links are to PDF files, if you do not have a PDF viewer a simple Freeware PDF viewer can be obtained HERE
Now I must caution the reader the Iowa State Election Code file is about 13 megs rather lengthy

But the pertinent sections are

43.99 Party committee persons.

Two members of the county central committee for each political party shall, at the precinct caucuses, be elected from each precinct. The term of office of a member shall begin at the time specified by the party’s state constitution or bylaws and shall continue for two years and until a successor is elected and qualified, unless sooner removed by the county central committee for inattention to duty or incompetency. The party’s state constitution or bylaws may permit the election of additional central committee members from each precinct in a number proportionate to the vote cast for the party’s candidates for office in the respective precincts at preceding general elections.

[S13, §1087-a25; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §626; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §43.99]


43.4 Political party precinct caucuses.

Delegates to county conventions of political parties and party committee members shall be elected at precinct caucuses held not later than the fourth Monday in February of each even-numbered year. The date shall be at least eight days earlier than the scheduled date for any meeting, caucus or primary which constitutes the first determining stage of the presidential nominating process in any other state, territory or any other group which has the authority to select delegates in the presidential nomination. The state central committees of the political parties shall set the date for their caucuses. The county chairperson of each political party shall issue the call for the caucuses. The county chairperson shall file with the commissioner the meeting place of each precinct caucus at least seven days prior to the date of holding the caucus.

There shall be selected among those present at a precinct caucus a chairperson and a secretary who shall within seven days certify to the county central committee the names of those elected as party committee members and delegates to the county convention

From the





1. County Central Committees shall consist of two

precinct committee members elected from each precinct. Every

County Central Committee shall adopt a Constitution and

Bylaws which shall govern the operation of the Committee, and

which may contain a provision for the election of additional

Central Committee members from each precinct in a number

proportionate to the Republican vote cast in that precinct at

the last preceding general election for President of the

United States or for Governor of Iowa, as the case may

7. Vacancies on the County Central Committee may be

filled by majority vote of the County Central Committee, or

at a special precinct caucus called by the County Central



From the




The County Central Committee shall consist of two precinct committee members elected from

each precinct at the precinct caucuses. The Constitution of the Republican Party of Iowa

permits a provision to be adopted in the County by-laws for the election of additional Central

Committee members from each precinct in a number proportionate to the Republican vote

cast in the precinct at the last preceding general election for President of the United States or

for the Governor of Iowa, as the case may be.

When elected, a member of the County Central Committee must be a resident of the precinct

from which elected. The term of office of a member of the County Central Committee shall

begin on the day following the precinct caucus and shall continue until the next precinct

caucus and until his or her successor is elected and qualified. A member may be removed

by the County Central Committee for inattention to duty, incompetence, or active support of

an opponent of a Republican nominee. Vacancies on the County Central Committee shall be

filled by the County Central Committee.


The Chair or Co-Chair or twenty (20) members of the Linn County Central Committee may

call a meeting of said Committee and there shall be no less than six (6) meetings per year.

From the




Vacancies in the County Central Committee may be filled by a majority of those members of

the Committee present and voting.


The County Central Committee shall have the power to designate and select additional

members from each precinct to assist the Committee persons. They shall have the right to

attend meetings and to be heard. They shall not have the right to vote, except in the

absence of a Committee person form their own precinct.


Any member of the County Central Committee who, without good cause, misses two (2)

consecutive meetings of the County Central Committee, whether they are regular, specially

scheduled or instructional meetings, or who fails to promptly carry out his or her assigned

duties within the time specified under the organization's program which the Committee has

adopted may be removed by action of the county Central committee and a replacement

selected to fill the vacancy caused by his removal. No removal shall be effected until the

member is given an opportunity to be heard at the next meeting after which his or her

removal is introduced.


In the event a member is unable to attend a meeting for a good cause, he or she shall notify

the secretary in advance that he or she is unable to attend.


These by-laws may be amended by majority vote of those present at any called meeting of

the Central Committee. Written notice of the proposed amendment must be forwarded to the

members of the Committee with a notice calling the meeting, and be postmarked at least ten

(10) days prior to the meeting at which said amendment is to be presented for consideration

and vote.


Twenty (20) members of the County Central Committee shall constitute a quorum for the

purpose of transacting any business which shall be presented for consideration and vote.


Well I think all can agree that the Iowas State Election Code, the Constitution of the Republican Party of the State of Iowa and the Constitution of the Linn County GOP Central Committee and it's By-Laws are clear.

Unless you were Elected to be one of the Precinct delegates to the County Central Committee at the Precinct Caucus then you are NOT a member of the County Central Committee,

So if you stood up in a Central Committee meeting in the past were recognized and accepted by voice vote to be a Member of the Linn County Central Committee?

Sorry but you aren't

However it is equally true that if your name appeared on a Caucus Form A as a Chair, Co-Chair, Alternate or Secretary?

You are no more a Member of the County Central Committee than the above,

Chair Co-Chair and Secretary elections are only for the purpose of running the Caucus.  County Delegates and  County Delegate Alternates are for the purposes of the Function of the County Convention,.

Precinct delegates to act as County Central Committee Members for the two years between elections are a separate election,  Assuming the Chair Co-Chair Alternate, or Secretary, can be a Central Committee Member has no more validity than assuming a Voice Vote at a meeting makes you a Country Central Committee Member.

What does this mean?

A royal mess,  Unless there can be found at a minimum 20 persons who were elected at their Precinct Caucuses to be County Central Committee Members this  body does not have a quorum.  It also means that if there were not 20 persons who were so elected at the last Officer Elections?

That Election has No standing under the Election Laws of the State of Iowa, nor under the Constitutions of the Republican Party of the State of Iowa, nor under the Constitution and By-Laws of the Linn County Central Committee.

The Election is Invalid and we must first ascertain we can assemble a quorum of Central Committee Members that fits the definition under the present Law.

Before we can do anything.


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 12:01 AM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 11 April 2009 4:09 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 19 November 2008
America's Answer to the Crisis
America has faced challenges and adversity,

To a far greater extent than we do today.

Out of the Past,

From the Time of the Great Depression and the Dustbowl,

Sounds a voice to remind us what REAL Americans do in Crisis.

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 2:03 AM CST
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Wednesday, 16 July 2008


IMO a most moving and beautiful tribute to the People and City of Cedar Rapids.

 I received A DVR disc from our own Kathy Farrand who has been working tiredlessly in the rescue and recovery of our City from the recent flood.

She had a concept and a series of photos and had a friend create the disc.
 I wanted to put it on Youtube, but alas I do not have the skills.

 But I was able to upload all of the files into my website directory and have created a page from which it can be viewed.
I regret that it is necessary to download a 16 Meg EXE file so it will be difficult for those with dialup modems and I do not know how it will play for anyone with that type of connection.  Sorry
Cedar Rapids Flood of 2008


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 8:11 AM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 16 July 2008 8:18 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 18 March 2008
2008 Proposed Linn County Republican Platform

The County Convention has come and gone. In the coming weeks this website will have Platform Planks posted that were chosen to discuss, consider and rank.

To start things  off we will list the categories so readers can rank them according to the importance they deem appropriate.

 It is hoped that this website will evolve into a place where issues are brought up and platforms and planks are developed in a continuous dynamic ongoing process, so that some day we will go to the Caucuses and County Convention will a slate that has crystalized during the time since the previous eleciton cycle.

Business and Economic Development


Energy Natural Resources and Transportation

Family Values


Health and Human Services

Defense, Immigration and Foreign Policy

Right to Life

The Full List can be found Here






Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 5:19 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 18 March 2008 5:46 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 20 February 2008
Iowa's Rainforest

The Following is the first of what we term "Concerned Citizen" Hot Issue Posts

The views are those of the author and not intended to reflect those of the Linn County Central Committtee.

 It is presented to initiate a dialogue and debate



Chief Rainforest con man and Senator Chuck "fauxscal conservative" Grassley campaign contributor David Oman

From WHO-TV, regarding the Earthpark rainforest application grant:

Principal Financial Group also planned to make a $2 million donation in exchange for naming rights to parts of the park. The Pella Corporation, Vermeer Manufacturing and Musco Lighting also pledged millions in in-kind services.

Earthpark had until December 1st to show it had secured nearly $50 million in private money in order to collect a $50 million federal grant. Congress later rescinded the funding.

$3 million of federal funds already spent by Earthpark will not be recouped.

Wow! David Oman had nothing!

In-kind services are not cash!

The best "con man" David Oman could do after nearly 9 years of huckstering and scamming cities was a $2 million pledge for partial naming rights from Principal Financial.

That, and a further cash pledge by project dreamer Ted Townsend.

As for the $2.9 million in deficit-financed taxpayer money already spent by David Oman under the watchful eye of Senator Chuck Grassley , I think the taxpayers ought to be suing both of them for recovery of the funds. Oman shouldn't have had access to the money until the grant application was completed.

They should both be arrested for conspiracy to commit fraud.

Who allowed that money to be spent?

Was it Senator Grassley?

If so, he should resign before being thrown in a Federa prison for fraud and theft.

We know Oman spent the money. He should definitely be arrested!

One more thing, also notice that the Des Moines Register hasn't had a single story about the rainforest grant application this past week. Nothing since December 22nd!

Talk about journalistic malpractice!


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 6:50 AM CST
Updated: Wednesday, 20 February 2008 6:52 AM CST
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Wednesday, 7 November 2007
Voter-Owned Iowa Clean Elections

We are changing our format a little.  Previously we asked for posts on Hot Issues to place here. Starting tonight we will place a Hot Issue as the Title and invite coments on it.

 Tonights issue will be Clean Government as proposed by 


      Voter-Owned Iowa Clean Elections (VOICE)

  Voter-Owned Elections is a voluntary system for state elections where candidates can choose to run using public funding instead of contantly fundraising and accepting monies from power groups hoping to weild their influence. It provides qualifying candidates - those who collect a set amount of signatures and $5 donations from within their district - with a set amount of money from a public source if they promise to refuse money from all other sources.


Follow the above link to a full presentation of this responce to the Issue of Clean Government and we welcome your informed and responisble reactions and thoughts on it. 

Today in History: November 7 :  On November 7, 1837, Elijah Parish Lovejoy was killed by a pro-slavery mob while defending the site of his anti-slavery newspaper The Saint Louis Observer. His death both deeply affected many individuals who opposed slavery and greatly strengthened the cause of abolition.




Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 1:21 AM CST
Updated: Wednesday, 9 January 2008 1:10 AM CST
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