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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
A Personal Message from Michelle Malkin

Three weeks the number one book on the New York Times Best Seller List and they don't seem to be interested in reviewing it?


Sounds like my kind of Book

A Personal Message from Michelle Malkin

Dear Reader,

I'm so proud to announce that my new book, Culture of Corruption, is #1 on the New York Times bestseller list for the second consecutive week!

If you haven't read it yet, let me give you just a little taste:

Phew. Janitors in newsrooms across America worked overtime in the halcyon days after Barack Obama won the presidency. It wasn't easy cleaning the drool off laptops and floors in the offices of journalists everywhere. New York Times columnist David Brooks praised Team Obama's "postpartisan rhetoric" and "practical creativity." Awestruck Good Morning America anchor Robin Roberts echoed the conventional wisdom: "Some would say it's a team of rivals, à la President Lincoln, or is a better comparison a team of geniuses as FDR did?"

I wrote this book to give you the exhaustive answer that President Obama's gyrating media harem doesn't want you to read.

Obama's team is a dysfunctional and dangerous group of business-as-usual cronies. The corruption stretches from wealthy power brokers Rahm Emanuel and Valerie Jarrett, to pay-to-play-tainted Michelle Obama and Joe Biden, to ethically challenged, bailout-bungling money men Larry Summers and Tim Geithner at Treasury, crime-coddling corporate lawyer Eric Holder at DOJ, to the crooked Service Employees International Union, and the ever-expanding swamp of Washington lobbyists.

This book pulls together the familiar and not-so-familiar pieces to force Obama hagiographers to confront an alternate narrative. A reality-based narrative. A narrative of incompetence, nepotism, influence-peddling, and self-dealing that defies the stubborn myth that Barack Obama is the One True Agent of Hope and Change.

In short: This is a government of the crony, by the lobbyist, and for all the well-heeled, well-connected people Barack Obama spent his entire campaign demonizing.

In the era of "new politics," judge him as you would judge other mere mortals. Judge him not by the company that preceded him. Judge him by the company he keeps.

Thanks for your time. If you've already bought Culture of Corruption—thank you! If not, use one of the links below to buy it online today.


Michelle Malkin

Click below to save 30% or more off bookstore prices!

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 10:46 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 19 August 2009 10:52 PM CDT
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Loebsack Tastes Shoe Leather
Dr. Mariannette Miller-Meeks asks Rep. Dave Loebsack (IA-D2) a question at a townhall in Burlington, Iowa on 15 August 2009.

Dr. Miller-Meeks asks Loebsack about an issue summarized here:

Obama Unfairly Targets Insurance as Enemy of Reform
Mort Kondracke

For one supposedly dedicated to bringing parties together for health care reform, President Barack Obama shows unremitting hostility toward one of them: the health insurance industry.

In practically every speech he gives or town hall he hosts, there's a slam at insurance profits and methods - and no recognition of the role its lobby, America's Health Insurance Plans, has taken to advance reform.

Call Dave Loebsack today and ask him to answer Dr. Mariannette Miller-Meeks' question: +1 (202) 225-6576


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 1:27 AM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 19 August 2009 1:54 AM CDT
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Saturday, 15 August 2009
Let's Make History
Lee County Republicans held their annual feed/fund raiser Saturday, July 18, 2009, in Ft. Madison.
 Office holders and seekers were there; lots of them.
Mariannette Miller-Meeks addressed the nearly 100 assembled on growing the party. The good doctor from Ottumwa was the only speaker to receive a standing ovation.


Why It Matters

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 6:24 PM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 15 August 2009 6:25 PM CDT
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Change We Could Die For
I attended the local Townhall Meeting this morning. 
 Some observations are
Unlike the defamations we have been hearing about Citizens exercising their First Amendment Rights to Assemble and Redress the Government of the Grievances.

Why are these meetings brimming with so much anger? Because Republican Astroturfers have joined the same old right-wing broadcast demagogues that have been spewing hate and fear for years, to create a tempest.

I saw only handmade signs by the Anti-Administration Health Care Plan, and while I did see ONE handmade Pro Plan sign the rest were Mass Produced,

 So who are the Astroturfers?

 During the meeting there was a heated conversation between a couple sitting beside me and a woman on the row below us, When the man exclaimed " YOU want People to die in the streets"  I jumped in with the statement that NO ONE in America is denied essential medical care due to lack of insurance or ability to pay,  He backed down because he knew that was true. 


While there I heard my Congressman making light of the idea that Death Panels would be enacted, and claiming that what had folks upset was  merely a provision to have health professionals help patients with End of Life Decisions.

 My Friends Death Panels are ALREADY in action in this Country and they actually are helping patients with End of Life Decisions.,

Patients who are DENIED treatment are helped to enter Assisted Suicide Programs

In Oregon,  One of the States whose program is pointed to us as a Model for the proposed National Plan

Via the Big Lizards Blog we have

State Health Care Plan: Traveling Eternity Road - on a One-Way Ticket

The Oregon Health Plan, more or less a real-world model of ObamaCare, is under tremendous pressure to cut costs. They have found a unique way of doing so: They no longer pay for life-saving chemotherapy for cancer patients with less than a 5% chance of survival for five years... but they will pay to help kill them:

Barbara Wagner has one wish - for more time.

"I'm not ready, I'm not ready to die," the Springfield woman said. "I've got things I'd still like to do."

Her doctor offered hope in the new chemotherapy drug Tarceva, but the Oregon Health Plan sent her a letter telling her the cancer treatment was not approved.

Instead, the letter said, the plan would pay for comfort care, including "physician aid in dying," better known as assisted suicide.

"I told them, I said, 'Who do you guys think you are?' You know, to say that you'll pay for my dying, but you won't pay to help me possibly live longer?' " Wagner said. [Hat tip to Sachi]

So... under government medicine, Barack H. Obama's grandmother shouldn't get a hip replacement, because she's going to die soon anyway; Sarah Palin's son Trig, who has Down Syndrome, wouldn't get long-term treatment because Down is incurable; and Barbara Wagner begs for cancer treatment -- and instead gets a not-so-subtle hint that she should contact a physician about how to "reduce the surplus population" by committing suicide.

There is really no nice way to spin this.

Yes there will be NO Death Panels who will deny an individual patient treatment, just Criteria which will do the same thing.

BUT they will offer them a Painless Easy Death.

I wonder will they also have showers for Undesirables?

Yes such a wonderful program we Taxpayers will get to fund



Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 5:02 PM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 15 August 2009 6:44 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Obama's Idea of healthcare reform?
Tim Pugh of local TEA Party notoriety asked me to post this article and comments for the edification of us all here in Flyover Land

Tim Huwaldt: Obama's Idea of healthcare reform? Not such a good idea after all

It’s no secret that we need some form of health care reform in America. Health care costs are rising, health insurance premiums and deductibles are rising… but our congressmen and women are going about the situation all wrong.
 I spent some time today reading through a few of the bills that are currently in various committees throughout congress. They all aim to do essentially the same things:

a.) Force every American to have health care coverage. Whether you like it or not. If you are uninsured you are penalized. 

b.) The expected cost for one of these bills is going to be around 1 trillion dollars. Who’s going to pay for that? You guessed it. You, the taxpayer.

c.) It will give the Federal Government control over your health. A bunch of bureaucrats deciding my health care needs isn’t my idea of quality health care. I want to decide my health care needs. 

d.) Perhaps the most fundamental tragedy that will come about from this legislation is simply the government having control of yet another facet of your life, and you losing another freedom. Are you as tired as I am of big brother sticking it’s nose in all of your business and trying to control you???

It is estimated that 120,000,000 Americans will be forced into this socialized health plan. Despite what Obama says, most of us will not have any choice on this matter, as most of us receive Health care through our employers. 

Please contact your senators and representatives and tell them that you are opposed to a government run health care system, proposed by such bills as s.391 (which is in the senate financial committee right now. Our own Senator Grassley is the ranking member of that committee),
 H.R. 193, and S. 698 because as an American YOU and YOUR DOCTOR should be in full control of the type of care you receive. 
Charles Grassley
D.C.: 202-224-3744
Des Moines: 515-284-4890

Tom Harkin
D.C.: 202-224-3744
Des Moines: 515-284-4890

Bruce Braley, 1st District

Dave Loebsack, 2nd district (he represents us in Cedar Rapids and Iowa City)

Leonard Boswell, 3rd District
Tom Latham, 4th District

Steve King

Please call these guys with me. I can’t do this alone! And this is very important!

Tim Huwaldt
Tim Huwaldt
Tim Huwaldt
oops forgot Tom Latham, 4th District 202-225-3806
Tim Pugh
Tim Pugh
great article, now I need to figure out how to pass this around to everyone I know.
Do you want this published on a well seen blog in the area?
Tim Huwaldt
Tim Huwaldt
Absolutely Tim. Thank you! Feel free to correct any errors I may have made, or add anything to it that you would like to see in there. Which blog so I can see it?
Tim Huwaldt
Tim Huwaldt
another correction: Harkin's information is: D.C. 202-224-3254, Des Moines: 515-284-4574
Tim Huwaldt
Tim Huwaldt
Another error! Geez! I wrote this in about 5 minutes at work! Sorry everyone. And Tim, please correct these before you pass it on! Dave Loebsack, 202-225-6576
Tim Pugh
Tim Pugh
I sent it out to him, I will send you an email and let you know what he has to say about it.
Tim Pugh
Tim Pugh
I sent it out to him, I will send you an email and let you know what he has to say about it.
Tim Pugh
Tim Pugh
oh yeah, thats why you do it in open office first, then proof read it an hour or so later, then copy and paste it to facebook ;)
Blaire Campbell
Blaire Campbell
thank you Tim for having a brain!!

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 10:21 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 15 July 2009 10:24 PM CDT
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Sunday, 28 June 2009
The High Cost of Cap and Trade
From the Heritage Foundation
The High Cost of Cap and Trade: Why the EPA and CBO Are Wrong 
The EPA Is Wrong
  • False Assumptions: Proponents of cap and trade point to the low cost estimates by the EPA and CBO as a reason to pass Waxman-Markey. The EPA underestimates that the bill would cost households an additional $140 a year.
  • Based on Consumption: The EPA's numbers are based on consumption changes, which are typically less than income changes, as families respond to income losses by saving less.
  • Uses Discounting: Discounting is a reasonable approach for comparing costs and benefits that occur at widely different times. However, costs of climate change rarely use a discounted rate this high. Without discounting, the impact per household is $1,288 in 2050. Adjusting household size to reflect a family of four raises this cost to over $1,900.
  • Assumes Rebates: The EPA assumes all the allowance proceeds will be rebated directly to consumers. This clearly isn't the case, since most of the allowances have been promised to industry.
  • No New Taxes?The loss that the EPA calculates doesn't include the cost of the energy tax to consumers, since the EPA assumes that all of the money is rebated. The cost of the energy tax is actually $4,600 per family of four in 2035.

The CBO Is Wrong

  • False Assumptions: CBO underestimates that the bill would cost households $175 in 2020. They assume that the carbon tax isn't a tax if the government spends the money. When have Americans ever seen all of a tax returned to them? It's like suggesting your tax rebate will be as large as the amount taken from your paycheck every year.
  • Numbers Don't Add Up: The CBO's allowance cost numbers don't add up. They say the allowance price will be $28. Since there are 5.056 billion tons of CO2 equivalent in the cap that year, that implies a $141 billion gross cost. They list $91.4 billion.
  • Hard to Believe: In the CBO's June 5 analysis, they projected allowance revenues of $119.7 billion, $129.7 billion, $136 billion, $145.6 billion and $152.9 billion for the years 2015-2019. It's hard to believe that the next number in that series would be $91.4 billion.
  • Ignores Economic Damage: The CBO doesn't include the decrease in GDP as a result of the bill. The GDP hit in 2020 would be $161 billion (in 2009 dollars) according to our analysis. For a family of four, that is $1,870 that they ignore.

Cap and Trade Is Wrong

  • It's a Massive Energy Tax
  • It Will Not Make a Substantive Impact on the Environment
  • It Will Kill Jobs
  • It Will Cause Electricity Bills and Gas Prices to Sharply Increase
  • It Will Outsource Manufacturing Jobs and Hurt Free Trade
  • It Will Make You Choose among Energy, Groceries, Clothing and Haircuts
  • It Will Be Highly Susceptible to Fraud and Corruption
  • It Will Hurt Senior Citizens, the Poor, and the Unemployed the Worst
  • It Will Cost American Families Nearly $3,000 a Year
  • President Obama Admitted "Electricity Rates Would Necessarily Skyrocket" Under His Cap-and-Trade Program (January 2008)


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 2:31 AM CDT
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Friday, 26 June 2009
From Precint CR-10
One of the functions of Precinct Facebook Groups is communication
Gina Cooper From Precinct CR-10 has some observations on the state of affairs today

Gina Cooper wrote   on June 20, 2009 at 10:50am
  What is in a name? What do people think when they hear "republican?" To some, it's enemy number one. To others, it's their parents' party. They stick with it and vote for it, but only because they were raised with it.
Then there are some (and I believe this number is growing rapidly) who are disgusted with the name.
It used to stand for solid conservatism. It was the party for people who believed in smaller government interference, people's rights, the Constitution, and The Bill of Rights.
 Now we have RINOs and moderates and spineless politicians who don't even know what conservatism is! Our party is in shambles. There is a solid conservative base out there, but they have all but ceased to speak or be involved. It seems hopeless or not worth the effort any longer. Corruption is rampant (okay, so when has it not?), even to the lowest levels of the party.

This name, republican, used to stand for something good. It stood for people who stood together
. For people who knew each other and cared for each other. It stood for a group of people who believed that government should start with the people!
 Men and women who were involved, who knew the issues and felt strongly about them.
 We have lost our connection with each other. And worse than that, we've lost our passion.

In this modern world, we don't connect with each other on a personal level anymore. We text, email, chat, post, and of course call....We don't know our neighbors the way our parents did. Neighborhoods aren't close-knit families any more. Maybe that's a generalization, but in many cases, it's the truth.
 Do you know your neighbors?
 I don't.

So, the challenge. We need to take up our name and make it great once more.
 Make it a name that people want to be associated with. How do we do that?
We need to connect with our neighbors.
Connect with our co-workers, our communities.
With all this technology has come a loss of personal, face-to-face relationships. Technology is not a bad thing. It has also given us the means to connect with more people than ever before possible. Whether it's your neighbor down the street, or your neighbor across the nation, we need to re-connect with them.

This party should be a haven for people who have become disenchanted, disillusioned, downright disgusted with what's going on in the country today.
 Our platform should be solid, not wishy-washy
. We aren't going to attract people by trying to please every one.
 This name needs to stand for solid values and beliefs! People will come when they see that we are not reeds blowing in the wind of politics. People will come when they see that we are deeply rooted in what we believe and are willing to stand up and vote for it!
So, what are you going to do about this name?
Are you going to walk away from it?
Are you done with it?
 The party as it stands now is pathetic.
Do we have what it takes to fix it?
Or will we continue to watch silently while our party rushes down the drain?
It's up to you. And me. And our neighbors. Do you know your neighbors?
Anyone feeling like giving Gina an Answer?

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 8:21 AM CDT
Updated: Friday, 26 June 2009 8:23 AM CDT
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Thursday, 25 June 2009
Junction Jabber

Well the Precinct Junction Post has only been up a short time and the number of Precincts that have formed Facebook Groups has DOUBLED!

From one to two,  Dontcha just Love statistics? - Wink

Seriously there are about 6 more I expect to be online shortly.

We have also been getting great feedback and suggestions for content.

A photo of the polling place?  Dynamite idea and would be a great icon for the Groups.

 A map of the Precinct.  Also a good idea, and maybe also maps of the legislative districts the Precincts are within,

For those who happen on a Group by accident, maybe a Link to the County Auditor's  Find out what Precinct you are in tool.

I shall try to incorporate these into the Precinct 38 Group site and keep the feedback rolling.

Handy Tools are  Find Your Polling Place  Which will also give you the name and acronym of your Precinct

Precinct Maps  that address also has the Iowa House District Maps. While the State Legislature website  also has the District Maps, I think these will be handier as the  map also includes a list of the local Precincts in the District.

Precinct Junction will have a table of all the Precinct Facebook Groups

THAT should come in handy for local candidates.  If the Precinct Initiative is successful, the Precinct Facebook Groups will enable then to contact individuals in the voting area in which  they wish to campaign.

Traditional campaigning includes speeches before citizen groups, literature drops, door knocking and those are time worn and worthwhile endeavors.

 But you cannot avoid placing yourself in the manner of a sales person, or lecturer.

Compare that with an afternoon spent with people who think like you do, not giving a speech just enjoying the weather and conversation.,

 Brandon Marsh is running for the 38th Iowa House district.

Picture if you will a nice Iowa weekend afternoon,

Folks are sitting around enjoying the weather and the company of those they have gotten to know or are getting to know.

The conversation is spirited but not rancorous.

Someone looks over and says,  "Brandon-- what do you think about---?"

With a cold beverage in one hand and a tasty braut in the other, he replies

"I have given that a lot of thought and --"

And so it goes until the afternoon draws to a close.

 The ladies are puttering with the dishes and one hears, "Such a NICE young man,"

The OFs like me are stretched back and one takes a thoughtful draw on a cigar, looks at his fellows and declaims, "The boy has his two feet firmly  on the ground he will go far.  Guys we all need to do a few more of these events in our own blocks and give our neighbors a chance to get to know him."

You can't buy connections like those.  There are politicians who would sacrifice their firstborn to be able to do so.



Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 1:10 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 25 June 2009 5:53 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 24 June 2009
What Cost?
Interested in how much the Administration's new brain storm is going to cost your State and YOU?


More at He Thinks You're Stupid  From Powerline
The Confederate Yankee chimes in with  Empty and Green
Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives, urged on by President Barack Obama, announced progress on Tuesday toward quick passage of legislation to fight global warming by reducing industrial emissions of carbon dioxide.

At a midday White House press conference, Obama said the "historic" climate change bill moving through the House would "transform the way we produce and use energy in America."

With incentives to encourage utilities, manufacturers and other companies to switch from higher-polluting oil and coal to cleaner energy alternatives, Obama said the legislation would spark a "transformation that will reduce our dependence on foreign oil and confront the carbon pollution that threatens our planet."

I bet we have to do it NOW.  Like we will get to see the text one night and it will need to be passed before the following evening, otherwise the public might wake up and realise how much they are being lied to, AGAIN.

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 8:14 AM CDT
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Friday, 19 June 2009
Precinct Junction

There has been some talk about a Precinct Initiative.

An enterprise I full heartedly endorse. There will be many plans and information forthcoming,'

Here are some of my ideas and what I hope will be useful tools.

Those who have been following my posts, may recall sometime back I posted a table with links to maps of the County Precincts.

Later I used the same format to post the Form As for all the Precinct Caucuses from last year.

Here I present that same format to be built into a table of Facebook Groups where residents of Precincts may communicate and inform each other.

I have started such a group for

Linn County Iowa Precinct 38 GOP

I ecourage you to form such a group for your precinct, send me the link and I will post it in the table. 

So once we have such a group how do we find real live people to join?

I have some suggestions.  A journey of ten thousand miles starts with a single step.

Do you know anyone in your precinct who is a Republican, or Conservative?

How about inviting them over for a backyard cookout?

I ask you, which would you be most likely to repsond positively to:

We are trying to organise Party Members in the Precinct in order to be more effective in Volunteer, Election and Fund Raising initiatives


We are inviting a few families who have the same values and desires as we do by for a backyard cookout and we would like your family to join in?

I think FIRST we get to know each other.

That is a sound foundation for a politically healthy Precinct.

There will be other ideas  and I am certainly not trying to tell anyone NOT to do anything,

But how about trying this?  I think it will work. Why?

Because it would be FUN.

You spend a nice afternoon, with some good food and fellowship with folks that think like you, and you will ENJOY yourselves.

It will make you FEEL GOOD

If there is anything I have picked up over the years it is this:

You give someone something that makes them Feel Good?

They are going to want to do it again.

  Use the Precinct Finder to find your polling place!

Precincts Marked Red Not Available

Precincts Marked Green Have Facebook Groups


















































Marion Precincts













Linn County Precincts





























Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 1:32 AM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 27 June 2009 3:03 PM CDT
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