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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Thursday, 19 February 2015
Anger Found

David Chung commented


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Entered:Wednesday, 18 February 2015 - 10:40 CST
Name:"David Chung"
Comment:I am not sure I woud characterize myself as having lost my temper :) OTOH, I did want to make crystal clear what would be tolerated and what would not.

Thank you for your help last night!
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I stand corrected Mr Chung did NOT lose his temper.  He bundled it up and threw it like a lightening bolt at the offending party

Down Home we call this


Going Old Testament. Wink 


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 8:26 PM CST
Updated: Thursday, 19 February 2015 7:35 PM CST
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Four Aces


As we can see in the last post which had the ideas of two commenters there are differences of opinion concerning the Form, Fit and Function of the Executive Committee and the Central Committee.

This was also illustrated in a comment made about the start of the last meeting.


Watching the tactics and stratigists attempt to alter

the meeting at the LCRCC, going to be a long night

I fear. 

The problem here is an inability to comprehend the concept of  "proposed". 

This person seems to think that items like agendas or rules for Elections are what is supposed to happen and that any attempt to change them is an attempt to alter the meeting,

The Truth is NOTHING can happen in any form until the Body approves it,

And if you try to sneak in differences from what has been done in the past the Body may say NO.

They get testy when that happens.

Another problem arises when someone uses a definition of the term Executive taken from the Business world and NOT found in our supporting documents.

IE the County Constitution,  ByLaws and Rules of Order 

I have provided here links to Our Documents and Roberts Rules of Order on Officers Duties particularly Chairs and Presidents.

One thing that sticks out in Roberts Rules is the insistence that the Chair be NEUTRAL and Impartial it says

The chairman sometimes calls a member to the chair and takes part in the debate. This should rarely be done, and nothing can justify it in a case where much feeling is shown and there is a liability to difficulty in preserving order. If the chairman has even the appearance of being a partisan, he loses much of his ability to control those who are on the opposite side of the question. There is nothing to justify the unfortunate habit some chairmen have of constantly speaking on questions before the assembly, even interrupting the member who has the floor. " 

I thought about bringing up the portions of the ByLaws where it says that the Executives shall

" assist in the formulation of policies for the conduct of the affairs of the Republican Party and such other matters as may be assigned."

I even considered bringing up the Section of the Constitution where it says in Article VIII Executive Committee

"The Executive Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee, and none of its acts shall conflict with actions of the Linn County Central Committee."

And ask What Part of "Subject to the Orders"  or None of its Acts Shall Conflict"

Do they fail to comprehend,

When I realized I really did not need to compile a reasoned and elegant logical argument


I have TALKED to the person who WROTE those words and they mean Exactly what they SAY

And they were written specifically to prevent abuses of power. 


Of course it is true that the above may not be an obstacle to some people.

I recall years ago a friend telling me about a lecture in a Literature Clase the Proffesor was explaining what an author meant when one of the students raised there hand and said.

 "Excuse me proffesor, but I interviewed that author for our student publication and that is not what he said it meant."

The proffesor explained that in their class they went into the DEEPER meanings of what literature meant. 


But No I sit here with in the Words of W.C, Fields, the Calm Confidence of a Christian Holding 4 Aces secure in the knowledge that no line of logical reasoning no matter how elegant can prove that the people who wrote our Constitution and ByLaws did not know what the words they wrote meant.

And I See and Raise Our New Co-Chair 


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 2:27 PM CST
Updated: Thursday, 19 February 2015 3:13 PM CST
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Wednesday, 18 February 2015
Ave Caesar
I want to thank all my Readers who have gone out of their way to express how much they enjoy my simple musings.
And how much they wish them to continue
To the Reader who told me.  "I want to have your Babies."
May I say that I am flattered, among compliments to authors that must
rank up near the top, but I am a tad Old to be a New Father, but if you would wish to alter your request to Honorary Grandfather, I would be more
than willing to adopt that roll.
The Following is an exchange in my Comments Section that illustrates to perfrection those who believe in the Supremacy of the Central Committee Body and those who Support an Imperial Executive Board.
Not a New Issue.  It was much the same in Ancient Rome when Some Stood for the Senate and Some for the Imperium.
So right now these two veiws for you perusal and I will post my own thoughts at a later Date, 
Entered:Wednesday, 18 February 2015 - 13:52 CST
Name:"Jim Conklin"

Brett, you may want to read the LCRCC By-Laws and the Constitution!  Your statement, “The LCRCC Constitution has the central committee elect four officers with specific duties, for the purpose of leading the work of the committee.” is not the truth! 


Nowhere in the LCRCC By-Laws and the Constitution documents does it state that the executive lead or direct the body!  Now that you are elected you may want to actually read these documents berfore you reference them! ! !   


I recommend that you reference section “VI. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE” of the “BY-LAWS OF THE LINN COUNTY REPUBLICAN CENTRAL COMMITTEE” you should find it states “… The Executive Committee shall transact the routine business of the Central Committee during the interim of the meetings of the Central Committee. Any business transacted or action taken shall be reported to the Central Committee at the next regularly scheduled meeting.”


To help you out a little more, the CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY OF LINN COUNTY, Amended March 11, 2006 states, “… The Executive Committee shall transact the routine business of the Linn County Central Committee during the interim of the meetings of the Linn County Central Committee. Any business transacted or action taken shall be reported to the Linn County Central Committee at the next regularly scheduled meeting. The Executive Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee, and none of its acts shall conflict with actions of the Linn County Central Committee.”


Now Brett, I hope you will follow the by-laws and the constitution.


Jim Conklin (JC)

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Entered:Wednesday, 18 February 2015 - 12:04 CST
Name:"Brett Mason"
Comment:You've indicated that the new Executive Board thinks the members of the Committee may be Seen and Not Heard and Do what they are told.

I disagree.

The LCRCC Constitution has the central committee elect four officers with specific duties, for the purpose of leading the work of the committee.  The Bylaws declare the duties of each.

The LCRCC Constitution also shows hte manner inwhich committees are organized to implement the work, as led by the executive officer, as elected by the central committee.

And then on an ongoing basis, the central commitee guides and directs by the way of making motions and voting diirection.  Thus the committee steers the organization.

And, if the executive officer or any elected leader should stray too far from the lead of the committee, there is a replacment process setup as well.

I would encourage the committee to lead through the avenues as indicated in the governing documents.  Frankly, this is how I was elected to my current role.
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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 6:13 PM CST
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If You Can't Take A Joke


The best thing that could be said about last night is "It could have gone better"

But you know what they say, "If you can't take a joke, you should have registered Independent." 

We came to the meeting knowing that there were 2 vital issues that needed to be changed.

The First was whether to and how to credential the Assistant Committee Persons.,

There was a proposal to change the credentialing from the way it has always been done to whoever got to the meeting first.

For the life of me I cannot think of any reason besides stuffing the ballot box for this idea,

We need to note that the proposed rules for the Election did NOT this time come from the Credential Sub-Committee.

The other issue was whether an election would be won by a majority or a plurality.

Both issues were decided in a manner I agree with,

Now I know that some thought.


Watching the tactics and stratigists

attempt to alter  the meeting at the



  No one was trying to "alter" the meeting, but someone WAS trying to alter the way things were usually done and as is required, the Body made its own decision.

 But there ARE some who think they need to  make all the decisions and the Committee  should do what it is told. 

And as you can see above, they get testy when the Committee decides to make its own decisons. 

So we adopted OUR Agenda and OUR Rules for the Meeting and the Election,.

Which is as it should be. 

At which point the Opposition Candidate for the Chair decided to back out of the Election.


There was no way possible for anyone else to step forward despite the fact that earlier in the process there were other people who had considered running, but dropped out because One Opposition Candidate had a better chance.

That started a small band wagon.

Many thought that Don Nelson had a real possiblity for Co-Chair

He had been attending meetings a few years before taking  his position as Co-Chair and many have over the last two years stated that the meetings he ran were the smoothest.

 But he was defeated by Brett Mason.  I think a shift of about 4 votes would have made a difference.

We saw the same with the Election for Secretary.  Gary Ellis Won  and a shift of 4 votes would have made the difference.

One thing we DID see in the Secretary Race was The Chair Pro Tempre David Chung lose his temper at someone who chose to, instead of asking one of the Candidates a Question, tried to make a Speech attacking her.

Quiite refreshing to see them put in their place by the State's Premier Pariliamentarian.

The Treasurers Election was won by an overwhelming vote  Robin Tucker became our New Treasurer with a higher vote count than any other winning candidate got in the other elections.

 Which makes one wonder what might have happen if the Candidate for Chair had not left his supporters swinging in the breeze. 

Might he have won and might the bandwagon effect that carried the next two elections never happened? 

No way of knowing.

Some things I DO know is that except for the Treasurer we now have an Executive Board who thinks that the members of the Committee may be Seen and Not Heard and Do what they are told.

And that there we be a lot of subject material for Hot Issues From Linn County over the next two years. 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 9:47 AM CST
Updated: Wednesday, 18 February 2015 10:03 AM CST
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Tuesday, 17 February 2015


Ragnarok The Battle Between the Gods and the Frost Giants

Choose Wisely Tonight

You might not get another choice for a while 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 3:29 PM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 17 February 2015 2:39 PM CST
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By Their Fruits You Shall Know Them

 On the 4th Day of the 11Th Month in the 220th  year of the Republic

 At the far edge of the Universe

As Witnessed by the Oracle Hubble

The Eye OF Sauron


And a Great Darkness Fell Upon the Land


And the Pundits Said: "By Their Fruits You Shall Know Them" 

And the Fruit Shall Be Bitter 


What is Theirs is Theirs

What is Yours is Theirs 

What you Built You Did Not-- They Did

They shall Stand Before you in Robes of Blue

 And They Shall Hide Their Blue Hearts Beneath Robes of Red

And Walk the Earth as DIABLOS

(Democrats In All But Label Only)


And so we Come to the Heart of Our Saga.

In My Last Post  Taking Candy From a Baby 

We discover that 3 Months AFTER the Election some of our Bills and Commitments have yet to be made Good?

Now the Chair DID provide some of the background

 have included the wording of the motion.
Pending the review & approval of the Iowa Ethics & Disclosure Board, I move that the Central Committee provide monetary tokens of
appreciation for results, to volunteers who collect absentee ballot request forms and completed absentee ballots.
Pay $0.50 for each completed request form from a registered Republican
Pay $1.00 for each ballot returned from a registered Republican Party Ballots
***Democrat, Independent, Third-Party, or Non-Party Ballot/Request forms are not eligible toward a volunteers tools. ***
Included in this motion is that the LCRCC body fund this with no more than $500.00 from the general fund, but continuously supplemented by earmarked donations specifically for this door-knocking absentee ballot effort.
 Motion made that the incentive program discussed at the Executive/Advisory ($10 Gift cards per 8 hour shifts) & the incentive program approved tonight be approved subject to putting procedures together so these programs can be implemented as soon as possible – amended to $750.
Jim Conklin (MR06) is checking on the legality of these proposals
  •   Motion made for all four Executive Board members must unanimously approve whatever legal rewording required if
    necessary if the original motion is not approved by the Ethics & Disclosure Board and maintain the integrity and intent of the
    wording of the original motion. MSP 

 To me the important part is


Jim Conklin (MR06) is checking on the legality of these proposals 

That was done and our Treasurer cut some checks which the Chair did NOT Sign, Refused to Sign so they were Signed by the Treasurer and the Co-Chair.

Was this done because there was in fact some question of the Legality?


The Chair is on Record that there was NO Illegality Found.

She Stated that TWICE when Questioned by Greg Hood,

She also stated that she did not wish to Sign the Checks bcause in her discussions she and others decided the Program


Which prompted a member of the Body to explode TWICE that She had Violated her Constitutional Duty to Fulfill the Instructions that the Body had issued by their Vote. 


Do such minor Details MATTER?

Not to this Chair it seems. 

And so we have a Young Man who EVERYONE knows worked tirelessly during the Election denied his rightful dues and the Chair is now Stonewalling.

Wants Records from someone who has no official duty to provide such things but who did herself work tirelessly at the Victory Office

To the Extent that she ended up with this


That was aquired during the After Election Cleanup.

An Event that had very few take part in.

And according to his person who DID stay and work cleaning up the Victory Office

 Cindy Golding never set foot inside that office to help clean or collect any files, such as volunteer numbers.  

So a Young Man who had every reaon to believe that the LCRCC would make good on their commitments.

Still has not been made Whole


After the Election??? 


And exactly WHO has been responsible for this matter most of the time since? 

 As I recall at the November Meeting shortly after the Election All Financial Matters were placed in the Hands of the Chair and an Interim Treasurer.


Now everyone knows this young man work himself to the Bone during the election.

As a matter of fact while a nice lookning young man he IS a tad too thin.

Some of us might remember being the same when we were young and sometimes ends were hard to meet,

We all KNOW the Committee owes him this money

What kind of Meanspirited, Petty, Vindictive Mentality would just Stonewall this issue?

Maybe the Same Meanspiirted, Small Minded Petty Person who read ladies working on an Event the Riot Act because they put out more than 5 mints on each table?

Or the same Meanspirited Small Minded Petty Person who proclaimed in a emailing to the Body about an LCRCC member recognized as the “Best in State” caller for the Victory Program. When in fact she tried to prevent that presentation to the Body.


Or the person who never realised that they should pay the same price as everyone else for a Ticket to the Christmas party purchased after the Discount Deadline and gave themselves the lower Price?

Of course their excuse was

 I paid for a guest speaker  dinner at the $40. so the LCRCC would not be out the cost of the guest dinner.

 I too have in the past paid for other people to attend Events

The difference between me and the Chair is that I paid the same price as everyone else 

 We had a couple of speakers who were able to come at the last minute.  We didn't expect them to speak an then pay to be there.   

 At this point I can only shake my head in confusion

I am stumped,

What kind of twisted mentality will try to foist a story like that over something that is Public Record? 

I mean you can go to the DR-2 and SEE that the persons giving the Discount Price after the Deadline

are folks that regularly attend LCRCC meetings and not a couple of speakers who were able to come at the last minute

I am not posting their names they just paid what they were told to,

The Chair is at fault here 

You can look for yourselves in the 


and see who got the discount.


Does the Chair feel that we are too STUPID to click on a link that will take us to an Online Report to the Ethics Board?

Or is it like her disregard for the County Constitution, Our ByLaws and Rules of Order

That She just thinks it does not matter what she does because She IS after all the


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 9:39 AM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 17 February 2015 3:12 PM CST
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Taking Candy From A Baby

While it is True that anyone who has ever used the phrase,  "As easy as taking Candy from a Baby." has probably never TRIED to take Candy from a Baby.

It does evoke the image of taking a mean spirited advantage of someone defenseless. 

The image brought to mind would not one might think be that of the Linn County Central Committee but under the present leadership it is.

A lot of us may remember the dustup over a difference of opinion concerning an Ad earlier this year.

Our Chair claims there was an agreement to place an Ad and that they recieived Art Work for it,.

The Business does not dispute that but takes the position that that is not the full story,

They claim they informed the Chair that a Proof Copy for review and a Contract was required of ALL parties they entered into an agreement for an Ad with,

And that lacking that there was No Agreement.

The Chair threatened them with exposure to the Central Committee and the potential for Bad PR

Within 24 hours our Webmaster had placed on the LCRCC Facebook Page and on the Facebook Pages of 20 people a Call to Boycott them for, Failure to Pay their Bills. 

 So everyone might understand why I was surprised that the Chair was stonewalling on US paying volunteers for efforts that we had agreed OURSELVES to compensate for,.

The following is an Email exchange concerning on very active young volunteer who is staill Waiting for His compensation,

I Will make more comments in a follow up post later this morning,

For now I will let you peruse this exchange.,

However since the August Minutes of the LCRCC Meeting are brought up I have provided a link to the FULL Minutes

They were very selective in their quotes and refrained from presenting some important Facts that I WILL bring up in my Follow Up Post. 


 Linn County Republican  Central Committee Meeting Minutes   08-19-2014



Althea Cole
Cindy Golding

Feb 16 at 1:24 AM

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 12:01 AM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 17 February 2015 2:00 AM CST
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Monday, 16 February 2015
Comments From My Readers
Aragorn's speech at the Black Gates  “Sons of Gondor, of Rohan. My brothers. I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me! A day may come, when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of Fellowship, but it is not this day! An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you, stand, men of the West!”
One problem with my blogsite is that the Comments Link at the bottom of the Posts is in a very Small Font.
Making it easy to overlook.
For that purpose I have decided to Post some  the recent Comments here for those who might not have seen them
Entered:Monday, 16 February 2015 - 14:01 CST
Name:"The Malcontent Miscreant"
Comment:I've corresponded with Nicole French as of late.  She is quite legitimate.  She served as the chair of the Young Republicans and put in quite a lot of work to get James Knox elected.  "I went to his house for Thanksgiving and helped that idiot get elected," says she.  I learned so many painful political lessons as a result of that election.  Good grief, if I'd only known who I was helping elect."  
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Entered:Monday, 16 February 2015 - 06:47 CST
Name:"D. C. "


Reading your postings, you say this guy is charge of your local Republican party web site. This looks like a huge embarrassment, or a lot worse just waiting to happen.  

Why do you people put up with this?  


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Entered:Sunday, 15 February 2015 - 15:13 CST
Name:"concerned citizen"

I'm sure she will. Taking responsibility is not how she operates.


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Entered:Sunday, 15 February 2015 - 14:14 CST
Name:"iowa live reader"

"Evil is at 250 and below.  Grand larceny scores 40."

Linn County Chair Cindy Golding scored 11.  

Maybe she should threaten to sue IowaLive by calling this post "libelous" like she threatened the guy at Godfather's Pizza.    

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Entered:Saturday, 14 February 2015 - 10:49 CST
Name:"Pete in Polk"


The chair of a county Republican party demanding bank records of another group that are none of her business. That chair threatening to use her position to drag in the media. What kind of twisted dictator is running your county Republican party?



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Entered:Thursday, 12 February 2015 - 12:40 CST
Name:"standing on the sidelines"

try this little ditty

complaints, james knox, billings, montana

enough said 

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Entered:Thursday, 12 February 2015 - 10:33 CST

Mr. anonymous, this is a great question.  We have informed the Chair, and Co-Chair of the Linn County Republican Central Committee (LCRCC).  Mr. Knox rants continue.  As a matter of fact, the Chair, Cindy Golding, is in support of Mr. Knox attacks.  She has even brought Chair of the Republican Party of Iowa (RPI) into this local county political squabble.  Because of Cindy Golding’s shamelessly misleading statements about me, it appears that the RPI Chair is supporting her.  Between the Chair, Mr. Knox and three others, the LCRCC has violated LCRCC By-Laws and Constitution 13 times this year (In my opinion). 

Under the thought of full disclosure, I am the LCRCC Treasurer.  And I am one the targets these people are actively attacking.  Just like the Obama-inator; Mr. Knox the “LCRCC’s appointed Webmaster by Cindy Golding”, Gary Ellis the “LCRCC’s appointed one man committee???”, Matt O’Neal the “LCRCC’s elected Office Committee Chair” and, Cindy Golding “LCRCC’s Chair” all appear to be using Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.   And yet they call themselves Republican…

If you are interested in helping the local Republican Party, please do so by simply looking up these people on the web and share their own words.   

Again, Mr. anonymous, this was a great question.  

Jim Conklin (JC) 

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Entered:Thursday, 12 February 2015 - 07:21 CST

Who is this Mr. Knox? You can hardly understand what he writes. Is he supposed to the spokesman for your local Republicans?

If he is, why the hell don't your Republican leaders knock this guy off their Facebook wall. Mr. Knox makes them all look like idiots.  


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Entered:Monday, 9 February 2015 - 03:47 CST
Name:"John Haible"
Comment:This is what I have been saying ever since we switched to "we must be done by 8:30." We were elected at our Cacaus to represent our Precincts at the meetings. When we only meet once a month one would expect us to finish buisness almost every month. When we have not had a functional meeting since September, have old buisness that we are not allowed to discuss. How is that representing our Precincts? How is that getting Republicans elected? 
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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 2:19 PM CST
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Duplicate Posts




The Dialogue between Daffy Dan and the Gemini Jim Knox continues.
And like our Webmaster does in his Committee Facebook Posts If One is Good then he seems to think two or more are better. Cool 
So he has repeated posting an online article from about 6 years ago for the Second time

SO I have become again the focus of a left wind attack nut job Daffy Dan or Kentucky Dan also known as Dan Kauffman who seem to think they can reference another liberal blog The Cow Girl who made it one of their primary focuses to attack their biggest threat, me as a Montana Legislator..

Yes this is the same Daffy Dan as referenced in this 2009 blog who is still going the same things to destroy the local republican party

The drama never ends in Linn County GOP politics. Recently, Tim Palmer, editor of the Hawkeye Review Blog, was elected Chairman of the Linn County GOP. Linn County Republicans also elected a new Co-Chair,...
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  • James Knox I am sure this too will make their attack
  •  piece again! They are so worried about loosing the
  •  LCRCC election and they should be

 The article in question concerns my activities some 6 years ago when I observed that the then Executive Board as the Present one does now, was Violating the County Constitution, ByLaws and Rules of Order.
I took a stand against that acitvity as I have been doing recently
The culmination came when the Chair Ruled out of Order and refused to recognize a young man who rose to Challenge the Decision of the Chair.
He was reading his motion from a volume of Roberts Rules of Order when the Chair ruled him Out of Order and Refused to Recognize him.
At the Next meeting there was a Certified Parliamentarian in attendance and that Chair resigned his position to help a friend run for Congress.
The rest concerns my reaction when I was shown unquestionable evidence that some leaders of Faithbased Poltical Groups were engaged in Money Laundering and Corrupt Political Practices,.
I  STAND BY  MY ACTIONS portrayed in that article
As I am sure Mr Knox stands by his actions when he forgot that he was commenting in the Billings Gazette under the name of Nancy L and mistakenly signed his on name James Knox.
 Or when he used his position to orchestrate a Denial of Service Attack on another Rebublican
 Daffy Dan
I would say that when Mr Knox posted the following he speaks with the Voice of Experience

I have found at times when one takes a stand, generally a righteous stand is when the most vicious attacks upon ones integrity occur. I do not know about you, but I have also notices these attacks most often are made with ‘empty arrows’; that is false accusations, purposeful misconstrued information, and outright lies. 
Haters hate! This is what they do. They revel in the moments they feel their arrows strike victory and then revel again when they can deceive, but mostly they revel when you are unable to love. 
I love a good Hater for it reminds me I am on track, hitting the mark and impacting outcome in a positive manner.

I have found at times when one takes a stand, generally a righteous stand is when the most vicious attacks upon ones integrity occur. I do not know about you, but I have also notices these attacks most often are made with ‘empty arrows’; that is false accusations, purposeful misconstrued information, and outright lies.  Haters hate! This is what they do. They revel in the moments they feel their arrows strike victory and then revel again when they can deceive, but mostly they revel when you are unable to love.  I love a good Hater for it reminds me I am on track, hitting the mark and impacting outcome in a positive manner.
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As for Empty Arrows the Two Screen shots above
one from the Billings Gazette where Mr Knox forgot he was posting as Nancy L and signed his own name
and the other where he used his position as an Elected Official to organize a Denial of Service Attack on another Republican?
Are called in the vernacular Original Sources,
Because I do not believe that either the Billings Gazette nor Mr Knox's Email account could be described as
Liberal Blogs 
James Knox Took about 4 hours to ahve the hatting Eagle take his dump again.... predictable... 
Can Anyone Tell me what a "Hatting Eagle is?" 
Maybe Something like this?


Or would that be  more properly be called a HOODY Eagle? 
I don't think he means I am distinguished Like


I would say Mr Knox thinks of me as more Like



Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 10:42 AM CST
Updated: Monday, 16 February 2015 6:14 PM CST
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Sunday, 15 February 2015
Daffy Dan And Lawful Good

 Quest for  Lawful Good

It would seem I am a topic of conversation again,

Not hard to understand it the result of

 shedding of light on some of their activities that I provide 


Rather interesting to witness the desperateness of Daffy Dan and his clan as time grows near to the crowning moment. Does despicable behavior that supports lying, cheating, misinformation and illegal activity prevail over truth, facts and restrained respectful power?
 Daffy Dan
I would say Mr Knox would probably  say Yes to this question
When one looks at reports of his activities in his previous locations

 Pharmaceutical grade weird |

In the comments to a Billings Gazette

opinion piece endorsing his opponent for

city council last election cycle, James

Knox logged on asjknox65 (whose profile

says he is a fan of the Billings

Heights) and defended himself in the third

person, as if he was a separate human

being. Here’s what he had to say about


First, Knox says he came to his own door

to campaign in the rain:

I must applaud Mr. Knox for he is running hard and showing through actions that he wants the position of serving us in the heights. He came to my home while it was raining, thought it was odd he was willing to campaign in the rain, but I could see no alternate motives at all.

According to a report released by the city of Billings yesterday, Knox’s ongoing and one-sided feud with the firefighters didn’t end with his cool new website.  It appears that he was not only commenting on the Billings Gazette online forums under various online identities, he also caused a serious altercation between the Fire Chief and several retired and active duty firefighters while they were eating at a local restaurant.  Here is the story:

Retired firefighters Don Regnier, Phil Phillippi and Ed Newlin and active firefighters Mike Martin and Ron Martin (no relation) were having their weekly breakfast on Dec. 7 at the Alpine Casino on 16th Street West.  A firefighter made a reference to a comment left online in discussion (shown below) of a Billings Gazette article about the firefighters by “taxed2crabbiness” who they suspected was actually Rep. James Knox who was seated at the next table- also eating I presume.

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 9:19 PM CST
Updated: Monday, 16 February 2015 2:42 AM CST
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