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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Monday, 4 May 2015
Nous Ne Sommes Pas Charlie

We are not Charlie   We shoot back.






Hot Issues takes a pause in the discussion of Local issues to pass on the News of the First Attack on US Soil to be claimed by ISIS


However unlike the Paris attack on Charlie Hebdo where the terrorist killed 12 people

Paris attacks timeline: From Charlie Hebdo to a Jewish grocery store - how two hostage situations unfolded





THIS attack was in Texas an unarmed security guard was shot in the ankle and the terrorists lasted about 20 seconds. 






Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 1:45 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, 4 May 2015 2:13 AM CDT
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Friday, 1 May 2015
The Central Committee Wars
We are experiencing the resurgence of a very old Conflict
That between Centralized Control by an Elite Minority and giving a Voice and Choice to the Masses 
I believe this local resugence stems from a night in the Spring of '14 when the Chair stated that they could make a decision but thought it would be better if the Body did it.
And was told  
Not according to the Constitution
Whereupon there ensued a great gnashing of teeth and rending of hair by the Chair and the Webmaster to  the psychic  sound as if a thousand pigs were being stuck 
And in the fullness of time shortly there after the E Board  discovered that
None of our Sub-committees had Charters,
So it an ad hoc committee was called to remedy this grevious failing
And they presented their findings.
Which were that the Committees should report to the E Board and another Committee controled by the Chair
And the Body said
We will have the Comittees report to US
Done deal
The E Board thought about this a long time and when they had thought long enough and hard enough
They called out CRISIS!
We MUST Organize NOW by April  1!!!!
Robert's Rules and one of the Foremost Parliamentarians in Iowa
DEMAND IT!!!!!!!!!!! 

Except that the TRUTH was when they asked the Robert's Rules Forum they were told NO and their claim that one of the Foremost Parliamentarians in Iows had given them a Ruling that they HAD to do it?

Was equally True. 

But then Truth, Constitutions and Rules of Law are Inconsequential to Getting Republicans Elected and clearing obsticles to that goal 
So all the Sub-Committees got replaced with Teams
Which did the same things
They had only 5 voting members the rest of the Team could work but have no Say.
And all the initial Team Leaders were
Chosen by them
And all the initial members of the Teams were
Chosen by them 
And any additions to the Teams?
Would be decided by their Chosen Few 
They did try to replace one of the Team Leaders
The Body said
Nope we like him there
Now that is a good start
The pesky little part of the Constitution is still around
The one that says the E Board is under the Orders of the Central Commitee
Give everyone in the teams the  VOTE
Just like it was a REAL Democracy
And we could Order that People can chose the Team that THEY wish to work on
Just like it was a Real Democracy 
And everything can go back to the way it was before things got "improved" 


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 4:09 AM CDT
Updated: Friday, 1 May 2015 5:39 AM CDT
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Thursday, 30 April 2015
Crouch Down And Lick The Hand


We had a power grab that didn't at our recent LCRCC meeting
After the meeting something happened that reminded me of a quote of Samuel Adams.
A position was made by the E Board and rejected by the Body to replace the Team Leader of the Membership & Meeting Setup Team.
After the meeting the Full Committees choice for Team Leader was accosted by one of the the E Board and in a foaming at the mouth confrontation
You cannot be a Team Leader if you don't work with us!!!
I guess he did not crouch down and lick their hands? 
Besides I want the people on that Team to WORK at seeing that the people who vote are ENTITLED to Vote. 
I am not certain I want them "Working With" people who do not seem to place any importance on whether or not someone who is voting has a Right to Vote 
Or at least they do not seem to be as much rushing to repond to an attempt to Vote Illegally as they seem to be excusing it. 
In past times we REMOVED Committee members who violated Voting rules.
We did not claim that they did it accidently. 
How DO you accidently vote anyway?
I mean it is not like this was their first LCRCC meeting or even their first LCRCC Election.
The Election before the one in question they were not allowed to engage in debate because they were not Credentialed to Vote.
You would think they would remember the Chair of that meeting explaining their position to them.
You would think they would have noticed sometime that those who ARE credentialed to Vote have a Bright Lime Green Credential Card
And you would THINK they might have noticed that they did NOT.
Also I wonder HOW do you ACCIDENTLY hide a ballot under the table and WHY? 
Our Current Team Leader noticed the above action and detailed someone to watch and make certain they did not Vote Illegally.
We were chastised for embarrassing the Undocumented Voter  by catching him in the act loudly.  
Shoot all he had to do was actually follow the Rules
So considering that the E Boards replacement for our Current Team Leader was someone who voted against enforcing the Constitution sometime back by removing someone who violated it and humphed at the time
What does this have to do with Getting Republicans Elected ?
I am happy that we voted to keep someone as the Team Leader who will enforce the Voting Rules
Rather than someone who might be considered "more dependable"
ie willing to crouch down and lick the hands that feed them. 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 5:10 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 29 April 2015
What Does This Have To Do With Getting Republicans Elected?


What does THIS have to do with getting Republicans elected? 
I recall hearing that one night at a LCRCC Meeting.
It comes back to me from time to time.
I think what causes it to stick was the smug air of confidence in the voice, that they had said something profound rather than something increidbly stupid.
That, and the feeling that anyone who could ask that question concerning what had just transpired , would not understand the answer. 
You see we had just had the distasteful task of removing someone from the Committee due to a flagrant violation of the Constitution. 
And the answer to their question was that it had everything to do with getting Republicans elected.
Because if we do not maintain an attitude promoting adherence to Consitituions, ALL Constitutions and upholding the Rule of Law
The Day may come when we may not need to worry about electing Republicans because there may not BE any elections.
Might not be any Republicans either, Outside Re-education Camps that is.
I can just hear someone saying.  Oh that would NEVER happen HERE.
That my friends is what historically has been said by Societies just before IT happened there. 
At the turn of the 19th/20th Century the best places in Europe to be a Jew were Germany  and Austria.  A little over a generation later they were being herded into Death Camps. 
That is how quick Humans can change and the best way to LOSE Freedom and Liberty is to act like they are entitlements rather than treasures to be protected and fought for.
I hear some members of the LCRCC were at a meeting in another County recently and brought back reports by golly that THEY had no discord.
You know WE had no discord at one time.
I can recall a time when meeting sizes were 2 to 3 times and more what we have now.
When our events had attendences 4 to 5 times what we have had lately.
When the treasury Grew rather than shrinking.
When we had an Executive Committee and Chair who did NOT violate our Constitution and By Laws.
The comments about that other Committee included the usual snide BS about Robert's Ruies.
The truth is Robert's Rules are of minor consequence when you have a Chair who signs checks in VIOLATION of the Requirements laid out in the ByLaws
Who decides thay do not FEEL like paying debts mandated by a VOTE of the Whole Committee.
They said one of the problem is the Malcontents in the Body
Count me as Malcontented.
Dan and Mary Lou Kauffman's boy was raised to BE malcontented when Authority steps over the line of Legality
I was TAUGHT that it was my duty to speak out at those time,
So count me as a PROUD Malcontent,. 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 6:04 AM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 29 April 2015 6:05 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 28 April 2015
I Have A Watch
I have a watch 
If I want to know the time, I can look at it.
I would hazard a guess that most of the Central Committee have watches, or smart phones.
The younger ones don't need watches their phones tell them the time,
In fact watches may end up going the way of fountain pens.
But the point is.
I don't need the Chair interrupting the flow of business to inform me what time it is.
I can find out that all by myself,
Though that may come as a surprise to her.
What I would like is to be able to FINISH the business on the agenda for a change,
This calling for adjournment just piles things up.
As a matter of fact according to Robert's Rules of Order Unfinished Business caused by an adjournment.
Should be attended to at the next meeting BEFORE any other business can be addressed.

Art. III. Privileged Motions.


The Effect upon Unfinished Business of an adjournment, unless the assembly has adopted rules to the contrary, is as follows:

(a) When the adjournment does not close the session [63], the business interrupted by it is the first in order after the reading of the minutes at the next meeting, and is treated the same as if there had been no adjournment, an adjourned meeting being legally the continuation of the meeting of which it is an adjournment.

(b) When the adjournment closes a session1 in an assembly having regular sessions as often as quarterly, the unfinished business should be taken up, just where it was interrupted at the next succeeding session previous to new business; provided that, in a body elected, either wholly or in part, for a definite time (as a board of directors one-third of whom are elected annually), unfinished business falls to the ground with the expiration of the term for which the board, or any part of it, was elected.

(c) When the adjournment closes a session in an assembly which does not meet as often as quarterly, or when the assembly is an elective body, and this session ends the term of a portion of the members, the adjournment puts an end to all business unfinished at the close of the session. The business may be introduced at the next session, the same as if it had never been before the assembly. 


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 4:06 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 28 April 2015 4:24 AM CDT
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Monday, 27 April 2015
Article VIII


Article VIII pf the Contitution of the Republican Party of Linn County, Iowa




The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chair, Co-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer of the Linn County Central Committee. The Executive Committee shall transact the routine business of the Linn County Central Committee during the interim of the meetings of the Linn County Central Committee.

 Any business transacted or action taken shall be reported to the Linn County Central Committee at the next regularly scheduled meeting.

The Executive Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee, and none of its acts shall conflict with actions of the Linn County Central Committee.

 I suggest everyone reads that last sentence carefully it will become of importance in a bit


Whispers on the Wind have brought to your humble chronicler a disturbing rumor.


"The LCRCC office will be moving to a more affordable suite on May 1st." 


Now I am certain that we can all applaud the Executive Committee's desire to be more fiscally responsible.  A more affordable office if it fits our needs would always be welcome




 Should not this have been brought before the body for discussion, debate and decision?

I seem to recall this office location was established by a Vote of the Central Committee.

And according to Section VIII of the Linn County GOP Constitution.

NONE of the Acts of the Executive Committee shall conflict with actions of the Linn County Central Committee 

 But maybe I dosed off during a meeting and missed it.

 Do any of YOU, my readers recall the Exective Committee or the Office Sub-Committee bringing this before the body?

 Oh wait. I forgot. Since the St Patrick's Day Massacre we no longer HAVE and Office Sub-Committe, as a matter of fact we don't seem to even have a TEAM that is responsible for the Office. 


How did that happen?  We go from having an Office Sub-Committee which is tasked with the smooth running and up keep of the Office to


NO ONE is now responsible for the Office?

It is run by unknown persons in Limbo?

THIS is called Responsible and Efficient Leadership?

They Wiped out the Office Sub-Committee and just forgot to task any team with it's duties? 


Or maybe they just decided that Constitutions ByLaw Rules of Order no longer matter

That THEY run everything and occasionally they MAY deign to let us know about what is to be done AFTER they get it done. 

If we indeed are informed that the Office has moved AFTER it has done so without the permission of the Body?

The Executive Board will be in

Material Breach of the Constitution


and if the Body does not ACT  upon this?

We might as well run our Constitution through a Shredder. 








Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 2:41 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, 27 April 2015 3:09 AM CDT
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Saturday, 25 April 2015
Would You Like Fries With That?


I went and saw Governmor Walker Friday noon. Good Crowd. Good Speech
Then he mentioned when he was young he worked at McDonalds flipping hamburgers.
Sometimes when I am watching a movie or a TV show I will think,  What would I have written next.
I can occasionally get close to the dialogue
Friday when I heard him speak of McDonalds and flipping hamburgers I thought
Now if I were his speechwriter I would have him say
When I was younger Flipping Hamburgers at McDonald I would aks you
Would you Like Fries with that
Today I am a lot older standing here  talking to  you about our shared vision of America and I am asking you
Would you like Freedom with that.
This is a VERY important question,
Politicians and the State will promise the public the Moon
But before you pull that lever on election day
Add up all their promises and ask yourself
Do You want Freedom with That? 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 8:39 AM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 25 April 2015 8:42 AM CDT
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Friday, 24 April 2015
Some People

It is Spring.

That seems to be when  "Some People"  come out of hibernation and ask tfhe Executive Committee if we could Please move the LCRCC monthly meeting ot the downtown Library.

This has happened the last two years.

One wonders if it will become an annual event.

The Swallows return to Capistrano,

The Buzzards return to Hinckley Hollow

And the "Some People" try to move the LCRCC meeting to the CR Library 


The E Board has a big proffesional production.

A list of alternate sites a break down of expenses slanted to convince us there was only one conclusion

And the Conclusion was the same as Last Year

An overwhelming number want to stay at the Long Branch.


Now the Chair stated in a FB page


there was a discussion brought to the body by

requeat of

members of the body to

discuss alternative locations in light of the cost


for the current venue. To ignore

the request would have been wrong so we shared


research, asked for input  

 Why the need for the E Board to do Research.  

I have a idea that if "I" came to them and wanted the meeting moved it would go something like

 Well then Mr Kauffman, put a case together and present it to the Body,

I don't expect them to drop everything and rush out to do research for me.,

Which is why I wonder WHO these "Some people" are? 

 And are they the SAME "Some People" that wanted the Communications Sub-Committee Meeting when we had a Communications Sub-Committee 


Moved from Saturday Night at the Starlite 

 As I recall the At that Time Chair of the Communications Sub-Committee  got berated over this by  County Chair.

Back then it was as it is now and was last Spring, "Some People" have come to us and want this.

I asked tghe Communications Sub-Committee  Chair at the time

Were you given the names and contact information of these "Some People"?

 Turns out the answer was NO 

So at the time I said let me get this straight, we are asked to move the meeting because "Some People" want it. but we don't know who they are how many they are and when they would prefer the meeting to be?

While we have about 14 members who are just fine with the way things are? 

Yes was the answer I got then. 

SO despite the fact that this motion was soundly defeated.

I would like to know

Who these people are

How many of them there are that want this

Oh and is the rumour True that someone on the behalf of the LCRCC has reserved a room in the CR Library for the next year? 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 3:48 AM CDT
Updated: Friday, 24 April 2015 4:56 AM CDT
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Thursday, 23 April 2015
Quis Custodiet?




At the April LCRCC meeting the Executive Board presented some interesting things to the Body.
They presented to us that Robert's Rules of Order are part of our By-Laws
That is True
They presented to us that the Secretary is the Custodian of the Membership Records
That is also True
They presented to us that therefore the Secretary should be in Charge of the Membership & Meeting Set Up Team 
We said wait just a minute.
Just because someone is for instance the Custodian of a Building.


It does not necessarily follow that they Run the Building.
The Secretary is the Custodian of the Membership Records just like they are the Custodian of the Minutes
But in neither case do they generate the information to be stored, they recieve it
The Minutes are the Records of the Meeting Proceedings
As for the Membership Records.
Elected Committee Persons will appear on the Form As filled out at a Caucus.   A copy of the each Precinct is to be given to the Secretary
Committee Persons appointed by the Body will appear in the LCRCC Minutes, as will those appointed by the  Body to be Assisatant Commitee Persons.
In all cases the Body generates the information and it is stored by the Secretary in Partnership.
For you see, it is the duty of the Exective Board to Advise and Assist the Body
The Exective Board per our County Constitution is Under the Orders of the Body.
It would therefore IMO be improper for a portion of the Exective Board, the Secretary, to have Authority over a portion of the Body the Membership & Meeting Set Up Team. 
Particularly when you consider that the Exective Officers do not have to even BE members of the Central Committee. 
Far better to have it the way we handled it at the April Meeting making the Secretary an Ex Officio member of the Team
Robert's Rules of order are satisfied, our By Laws are satisfied, our Constitution is satisfied. 
And to answer the Quesiton given by the Title?


Who Guards the Guardians?
the Membership & Meeting Set Up Team for One,. 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 5:58 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 23 April 2015 6:40 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 22 April 2015
The Difference Between Can And Should


The Image in tonight's Post is The Linn County Republican Central Committee Parliamentarian taking a publicly partisan position by voting. 


When I was first appointed to the position the current Parliamentarian holds, I did quite a bit of research on the duties and responsibilites.


One of the First things I learned was that for a Parliamentarian neutrality ie non paritsanship was considered paramount

That a Parliamentarian shoud never vote unless by Secret Ballot. 


That was a position I adhered to during my term in office,

Our present Parlaimentarian does not seem to value  neutrality as an attribute  of their position

When questioned on the propriety of their actions they replied that their opinion was that it was up to the discretion of the Parliamentarian.

While it IS true there are situations where a Parliamentarian may vote, tonight was not one of them. 


I source Robert's Rules of Order  


Chapter 18 Most Frequently Asked Questions 




Under the questions

Does the Parliamentarian have a vote on motions, can he or she speak to motions 


Can you please give me some insight as to how a parliamentarian should act during a meeting?

Unfortunately copy and paste is disabled for that website, so the readers will have to click on the above link and go to almost the bottom of the page


However it turns out that that very same issue was also ansered on the RONR (Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised) Discussion Forum


On April the 17th 


Richard Brown

Richard Brown
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Posted 17 April 2015 - 03:06 PM

And if a member of the assembly, the parliamentarian should not be voting. From page 467:


"A member of an assembly who acts as its parliamentarian has the same duty as the presiding officer to maintain a position of impartiality,


and therefore does not make motions, participate in debate, or vote on any question except in the case of a ballot vote.


He does not cast a deciding vote, even if his vote would affect the result, since that would interfere with the chair's prerogative of doing so.


If a member feels that he cannot properly forgo these rights in order to serve as parliamentarian, he should not accept that position.



Unlike the presiding officer, the parliamentarian cannot temporarily relinquish his position in order to exercise such rights on a particular motion."

I do not know upon what basis the LCRCC Parlaimentarian made their decision to vote publicly but the above seems rather clear and to the point.


Maintain the outward appearance of neutrality by refraining from voting with the excpetion of a secret ballot or




Another example of the difference between what Can be done and what Should be done was the brief flareup between the Chair and Mr Dahlsten over his Photos.

Mr Dahlsten has objected to the LCRCC Webmaster using photos upon which he has embedded Copyright Claims.

The Chair and our Webmaster seem to have taken the position that if Mr Dahslten puts the photos up on Facebook they have every LEGAL RIGHT to avail themselves of the use of those images.

It is True that the Policy of Facebook is to allow that as long as the Images are posted on Facebook.  I believe that is in the Terms of Service,

This however does not address the ethical concerns

Since Mr. Dahlsten objects so vehemently to their use of his images why do they insist on doing so?

I suppose it might be true that as long as they insist on only torturing Mr Dahlsten there might not be as many wingless flies stumbling around the area, but besides that , what IS the point?


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 1:46 AM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 22 April 2015 2:50 AM CDT
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