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1722 - 1803

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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Wednesday, 3 June 2015
Convienient Lies


Before we get to specifics it might be in order to discuss the Nature of Truth, Untruth and Lies
While it is True that ALL Lies are Untrue
It is Not True that all Untruths are Lies
We have to include Mistakes and Human Error.
What mistakes could lead one to uttering something Untrue?
Possibly Ignorance, that is lack of knowledge
Someone could be told something that is Untrue by a person they trust and repeat it.
Our Executive Board and our Chair in particular have in the recent past kept repeating something that is patently Untrue
That All motions and decisions of the Body are voided by an Executive Election.
How do we KNOW this is untrue?
Well for one thing someone with the username jknox65 asked that very same question on the Official Robert's Rules or Order Discussion Forum and was given an emphatic
It turns out that username is also the Facebook Username of our Webmaster James Knox.  Still the forum does not have photos so the possiblity does remain that there might be another jknox65 out there in the world wide web
However if you google jknox65 you get a LOT of hits with his photo
So I would expect that the probability that the Robert's Rules Discusion Forum jknox65 is our jknox65 to be so close to 100% that one might die of old age before they finished listing all the required 9s.
If you wish to see the forum qestion and answers just go HERE   and put jknox65 in the search field

You will see the question and the answers and you will see a quote from Robert's Rules or Order Newly Revised 11th Edition 

"Unless an adopted main motion specifies a time for


the termination of its effect, it continues in force until


it is rescinded." (RONR 11th ed., p. 111, ** footnote)


So what does this tell us?

First that the claim that motiions made before the Officers Elections are voided is Untrue


That Mr Knox, a person close to the

Executive Committee, was aware of this FACT back on

the 28th of January


It does not tell us whether Mr Knox shared this with the other members of the Exective Committee
We have no way of knowing WHERE they got the False information from in the first place
We do know that I have repeatedly refuted their claim and presented evidence and that they have repeatedly made the same claim
Perhaps they never read my articles 
During the May Meeting a member of the Committee rose and READ from Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised 11th edition page 111
the above quote

"Unless an adopted main motion specifies a time for


the termination of its effect, it continues in force until


it is rescinded." (RONR 11th ed., p. 111, ** footnote) 

The responce was that the Executive Committee would take it under advisement?

That they would investigate it?


                LOOK AT IT. 


It is in PLAIN ENGLISH the BOOK was right there.

The only germane quesiton would have been were those words actually IN that copy of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised 11th Edition,

Anyone who has a Problem understanding  that sentence and needs to "take it under advisement" and  have the Executive Committee "investigate it"???

Should probably never try to walk and chew gum at the same time

 One other thing we do know now, is that anyone capable of understanding that sentence, who was at the May Meeting of the LCRCC no longer has any excuses

 If they continue to make that same claim they will have passed out of the area of Mistakes and Human Error and entered the Land of Lies

Or they might just be mentally deficient rather than morally deficient



Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 2:32 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 4 June 2015 3:18 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 2 June 2015
A Chair's Tale




During the May Meeting of the Linn County Central Committeee one of the members made a stirring and yes heartfelt and sincere appeal for unity and one of their main ipoints was that we should not get derailed on Rules of Order Issues that amount only to the placement of "Thes" and "As"
I completely agree with those sentiments 
But the problem is we are not talking about where to put "Thes" or "As" but of the fundamental principles of the LCRCC
Things like the fact that the Constitution mandates that decisions are made by the Body and it is the role of the Executives to advise, assist and perform such functions as may be appointed to them by the Body,
Which a majority of the present Executive Committee chooses to ignore
Things like over a certain amount expenditures are to be approved by the Body,
Which the present Chair has found restraining and so has at times chosen to ignore those restrictions
Things like ALL checks are to be signed by the TREASURER and Co-signed by either the Chair or Co-Chair,
Which again the Chair has at time found constraining particularly when the Treasurer refused to sign checks of amounts that required approval of the Body
So the Chair just IGNORED the restrictions mandated by the By-Laws 
But the Chair and some of her supporters would like us to THINK that objections to their Reing by Executive Fiat are only concerned with  petty issues of where "As" and "Thes" are placed
You see some people feel that if you tell a Lie  Loud enough or Long enough or Often enough it will start to take the  appearance of Truth
To others a Lie can always be told by it's stench regardless of the number of times it is repeated
Like the oft repeated mantra that ALL motions and decisions are expunged with the Election of a New Executive Committee
Anyone who wishes to see what a blatant Lie that is only has to turn to the bottom of page 111 or Robert's Rules of Order 11th Edition Newly revised,
Where they will read
But still the person who made an appeal for the Committee to not be distracted by where "As" and "Thes" shluld be placed did get some applause.
He was sincere, but mistaken and the real import was to imply that the Rule of Law  is expendable if it gets in the way of what we want to do.
Which is exactly the position held by Barack Obama when he issues and Execitive Order which ignores the Constitution and Laws passed by Congress.
So it apppears we have a Chari on the County level who ignores the County Constitution and Rules passed by the Body
Can anyone explain to me what the difference is between these two methods of running things?
Maybe I have not been explicit enough in detailing what has been going on these last few years
I will have to correct that failing in my next few posts 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 3:05 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 4 June 2015 3:18 PM CDT
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Monday, 1 June 2015

Recently I was informed that I have insinuated that the  LCRCC Executives spend money unapproved,  that they don't read or follow constitutions, bylaws, or Robert's Rules of Order.


 I had NO idea that I was guilty of being so vague

So I feel I must correct this Error,

I "Insinuate" nothing

I categorically STATE that  the Executives have spent money unapproved,  

That they don't read or follow constitutions, bylaws, or Robert's Rules of Order.


Well maybe the did read some of Robert's Rules of Order but then they decided to ignore what was said and create their own version. 


So in an attempt to remove the charge of being an insinuator from my character let me state for the record.

That I am willing, with the proviso that David Chung acts as moderator,

To meet with any portion, in part ie Executive Committee  or whole, of the Linn County Central Committee.


And specify what portion of the County Constitution, the By Laws or Robert's Rules of Order have been violated breached or broken.

I am prepared to state which Sections of the County Counstitution, ByLaws and the page numbers in Robert's Rules of Order 11th Edition Newly Revised  contain the rules that have been flaunted

I am also prepared to NAME the persons who committed these offenses and when this occurred.

And where I have stated that the Body was told from the podium things that were Not True.

I am prepared to show the proof of that and the proof that SOME of the Executive Board DID have prior knowledge that what was stated to the Body was the opposite of the Truth

I am fully prepared to also present EVIDENCE that is in the Public Record that when One Member of the Committee attempted to bring the fact that a claim made by the Executife Board was not in Fact True that they were Shut Down.


I think not, 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 2:58 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, 1 June 2015 8:14 AM CDT
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Friday, 29 May 2015
Dulce Et Decorum Est







It would appear that one of the more important items  during May's Meeting of the LCRCC that took precedence over even discussion of the Caucuses was








 I have given the List Presented by the Executive Committee


Linn County Central Committee Meeting
May 19, 2015

Motion for Rules of Decorum

Official rules of decorum are to ensure that members and officers of the LCRCC shall at all times conduct themselves in a manner that reflects creditably on the LCRCC. The intent is to provide an atmosphere where members debate actions and issues before them in an efficient and collegial manner, showing respect for each other and to the institution.

Members must stand while speaking, and address the Chair with their remarks. 

Conversations and other remarks which may interrupt the civil, orderly conduct of the meeting, or the ability of other members to participate in proceedings, are prohibited. 

Personal attacks on any member of the body are prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, name-calling, unfounded allegations of wrong doing, or unsupported accusations of malcontent or misfeasance. 

Charts and exhibits are allowed during debate to the extent that they inform members. Charts or exhibits that demean the body or any member thereof are prohibited, and any member may object to the use of a chart or exhibit. 

No speaker shall be interrupted except by procedure specifically authorized by Roberts Rules of Order or other provisions of the governing documents of the 

Members should avoid impugning the motives of another member, using offensive language, or otherwise uttering words which may be deemed unparliamentary. Unparliamentary speech shall include, but is not limited to, the 

Defaming or degrading the body 
Impugning the motives of another member 
Charging falsehood or deception 
References to race, creed, or prejudice 

Charges related to loyalty or patriotism 

With something like  this one of my rules is look at the end.

If there are any small print suprises that is where they will usually show up 

 And Yes Siree there they ARE


Charging falsehood or deception  

Note the difference between THAT and


unfounded allegations of wrong doing, or unsupported accusations of malcontent or misfeasance.  

When you drop the unfounded or the unsupported it makes quite a bit of difference 


So I guess it is OK to Lie and Decieve but pointing that Out is Just Not Done? 


But that DOES fit in with recent events


We have seen Our County Constitution Violated with No Repercusionos

We have seen Our By Laws Breached with No Repercusions

We have seen multiple incidents of Fraudulent Voting with No Repercusions

We have seen the Chair and the Executive Committee Rush the Body into Hasty Decisions with Statements that were not True

Heard  those same Statements over and over again and when the Chair was presented with the truth we were simply told that

The Executive Committee would take a Direct Reading of Robert's Rules of Order 11th Edition Newly Revised 

Under Advisement and Investigate it?

Like they Could NOT simply lift up the Book and Read it themselves at that time? 


But then that also fits in with a Parliamentarian who cannot read the last paragraph of the Duties of Parliamentarians in page 467 of  Robert's Rules of Order 11th Edition Newly Revised 


So all these flagrant violations of our Constitution, By Laws and Rules of Order are just passed over?

But if someone should be Rude?

By GOD we are going to



Now in truth I really am all for Decorum but I do think in this case the priorities are WAY backwards 


How would a Man like Ted Cruz react to being told there were Republicans that thought following their Constitution and ByLaws was optional if they thought it got in the Way of Electing Republicans

Or that fraudulent voting was acceptable if your intentions were pure?

I mean that man really does stand for the Constitution and Against Voting Fraud.

Does anyone really believe he would want people who would do what is listed above to represent him? 


The  TRUTH is we have in our Leadership those who have trampled on  the Principles Republicans Stand for, have misled the Body, Shattered our Rule of Law

And now they want us not to cause a scene about it.

That is what their Decorum Rules are about.

They are nothing more than a Gag Order 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 1:31 AM CDT
Updated: Friday, 29 May 2015 3:34 AM CDT
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Thursday, 28 May 2015
I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream


Is a novel by Harlan Ellison  and a reasonable IMO
Reaction to some of the events at the last
LCRCC Meeting the third Tuesday of May.
I Have been listening to an audio file of the events
That night which you can peruse
                       LCRCC MEETING 5-19-15
The File is about  2 and a half hours long.
The portions that struck me the most were
At about 1:37   Where the Chair ruled that an Amendment that Chages a Motion is Out of Order
At about 2:02 Where the Chair claimed that All matters passed by the Linn County Central Committee were voided by an Executive Officer Election
And lastly
At about 2:32  Where the Chair Ruled that the Central Committee CANNOT form a Sub-Committee unless it has the permission of the Executive Committee 
I am not going to comment at this time
I think I will let my thougts on these actions
Fester, become inflamed
And when they raise pustules
I will share them with my Readers. 
But to be succinct
This Executive Committee
And this Chair in particular
Seem to have left the County Constitution,
ByLaws and Our Rules of Order
In this shape 



Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 1:28 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 28 May 2015 1:51 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 27 May 2015
Remedial Reading Lessons For Executives Vol I


I don't know if it is  the falling  levels of public literacy
Or perhaps simple cognitive blockage
The syndrone where one sees what one wants to 
But SOMETHING is being lost
Between what is written
And what our Ececutive Board
And their Helpers see. 
I was out of town for the Last LCRCC Meeting
So I have about a 2 hour audio record to go through
I will comment on what I find in a series of posts
I feel there will be to much material to put into a single one,.
We will start with a statement by the Chair
Which Claims that upon the Creation of a New Executive Board that ALL
Motions and Decisions made by a previous LCRCC are voided,
That Claim has been made before
It was one of the reasons claimed for the need for a Rush To Approve the Night of the St Patrick's Day Masacre
It remains now  as it was then
A claim was made that this is part of Robert's Rules of Order and that is also
What IS true is that on 28 January 2015 - 08:37 AM
someone calling themselves  jknox65 (which just happens
to be the Facebook Username
of our Webmaster James Knox)
Asked THIS Question on the Officlal Robert's Rules of Order Forum

I was wondering if motions that had




during a previous Executive boards rein,




these carry over to the new presiding


officers? Do motions bind the hands


of a new body after an election? I would


thing by-law changes would but I am


uncertain about motions?






And was Told 
That unless the Body voted to change a previous decision or there was an expiration date in the original motion that YES they stay in effect PERIOD 
I wrote about this previously in

The Great Motion Expiration Swindle



 You may go see for your self at the RONR Website  HERE
Or you can look at a copy and paste of it lifted and placed in this post.


When do passed Motions expire?

Motions Elections 

3 replies to this topic

#1 jknox65

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Posted 28 January 2015 - 08:37 AM

I was wondering if motions that had passed during a previous Executive boards rein, do these carry over to the new presiding officers? Do motions bind the hands of a new body after an election? I would thing by-law changes would but I am uncertain about motions?


Can someone advise and reference where it may or may not support the expunging of previous sessions passed motions?

#2 Hieu H Huynh

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Posted 28 January 2015 - 08:45 AM

"Unless an adopted main motion specifies a time for the termination of its effect, it continues in force until it is rescinded." (RONR 11th ed., p. 111, ** footnote)

#3 Edgar Guest

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Posted 28 January 2015 - 08:57 AM

jknox65, on 28 Jan 2015 - 08:37 AM, said:

Do motions bind the hands of a new body after an election?


No. The board is free to rescind (or otherwise amend) motions previously adopted by the board (assuming, of course, that the actions authorized by the motions have not been completed). There is no "expunging".


It's best not to think of "the old board" and "the new board". It's just "the board" (with occasional changes in membership).

Everything I know about RONR I learned from Mr. Mountcastle. And everything he knows about RONR he learned from this forum.

#4 Gary Novosielski


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Posted 28 January 2015 - 01:51 PM

No, they don't bind the hands of a future body any more than they bind the hands of the current body.




Unless otherwise indicated, responses are based upon the current edition of RONR as of the date of posting. The rules in your bylaws supersede those in RONR.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead

For those who might snidely quip that this is just someone's interpretation?
Might I point out that there is a quote AND source from Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised 11th edition
"Unless an adopted main motion specifies a time for
the termination of its effect, it continues in force until
it is rescinded." (RONR 11th ed., p. 111, ** footnote) 

Now it IS possible that Mr Knox made this inquiry and never told the Executive Board the result.

They might actually believe what they are saying

But it is EQUALY True that what they are saying is

NOT True,

 A very interesting quesiton would be who if anyone TOLD them this preposterous pile of bunk that they keep using to justify ILLEGAL Actions. 


PS got another letter while I was away from my anonymous adimirer, We will look at their last attempts at correspondence hilarity after we deal wiith a few other issues

Such as  Breaches of the County Constitution and ByLaws by the current Exective Board and Parliamentarian. 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 2:29 AM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 27 May 2015 2:59 AM CDT
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Friday, 15 May 2015
Where Have All The Charters Gone?




We are experiencing a resurgence of Battles in a very old War.
It is about Power and Control of the Central Committee and that this is not just a recent event can be seen by some telling sections of our Constitution and By Laws.
Section VIII of the Constitution is revealing
VIII. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chair, Co-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer of the Linn County Central Committee. The Executive Committee shall transact the routine business of the Linn County Central Committee during the interim of the meetings of the Linn County Central Committee. Any business transacted or action taken shall be reported to the Linn County Central Committee at the next regularly scheduled meeting. The Executive Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee, and none of its acts shall conflict with actions of the Linn County Central Committee.  

Notice the Last sentence?  Someone wanted to make VERY certain that it was the Central Committee and NOT the Executive Committee which made the decisions,

Of course they WERE assuming that the members of the Executive Committee would actually ADHERE to what was written in the Constitution,

But it must be declining literacy standards of recent times that does not appear to be the case, 

I first realised the problem when after a Communications Sub Committee meeting one Saturday night at the Starlite about a year ago our Chair Cindy Golding informed me that  "Some People" wanted to mover the meeting to the Library.
She further stated that SHE could make that decision but felt it would be better if the Body did it,.
When I said that she did not have the authority to do that because the Times and Place of the Meeting had been set by a VOTE of the Committee and until it Voted otherwise it had to remain at the same place and dates,
BOY did she NOT like that!!
Her and our Webmaster James Knox had a little hissy fit about my stance.
Several things happened shortly there after
I never saw Cindy Golding or James Knox at another Communications meeting again,
We heard that "Some People"  (not really sure if this is the same some people names are never provided) wanted the Communications Meeting moved from Saturday Night at the Star Lite
It was VITAL that ALL the Sub-Committees have CHARTERS!!! 
To this day I wonder if it was all an attempt to "take over " the Sub-Committees because all the Charters had the SubCommittees reporting to the Executive Committee or the Organizational Committee which the Chair seemed to run.
Or at least it seemed to some that the County Chair spent more time talking than the Sub Committee Chair,
But the Body rejected that portion of the Charters and amended them to have the Sub Committees report to the Body. 
And that it where things stood until just a few months later the Executive Committee decided we HAD to reorganize everything.
Was required by Robert's Rules don't you see?
Except it wasn't
One of our members found evidence that that very quesiton was asked of the Official Robert's Rules Discusion Forum and they were told NO.
We were told that  a man considered by many to be one of the foremost parliamentary experts in the State also said Robert's Rules required this move,
But he says he did not,
But in eny event something else happened.
We got all these new things called TEAMS which seem to do what the Sub Committees used to do,.
 You can check them out HERE 
But they do not have CHARTERS.
You can see the Old Charters HERE 
And that is just Not Right!
I mean we were told just last summer that Charters were VITAL! 
So here is what we need to do.
We already HAVE the Charters.  Many of the Teams have the same functions as the Old Sub Committees
We make some motions like
I move that the Marketing & PR Team be given the Charter formerly applied to the  Communications Sub Committee
I move that the Membership & Meeting Setup Team be given the Charter formerly applied to the Credential's Sub Committee.
See how easy that woudl be?
There is one thing missing from the Teams though
Where we formerly had an Office Sub Committee?
They seem to have overlooked making an
Office TEAM
That is just not tidy.  I mean we HAVE an Office but we no longer have anyone responsible for it?
I move we create an Office Team and give it the Charter formerly applied to the Office Sub-Committee, 
Then after we get all that done maybe we can work on letting everyone in a Team have a say or vote in what happens instead of just the chosen few
And we can let people decide what Teams they wish to contribute to rather than having the Team Leader control everything.
In time we can have everything back the way it was when we had Sub Commitees 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 3:53 AM CDT
Updated: Friday, 15 May 2015 4:32 AM CDT
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Thursday, 14 May 2015
Well I Do Like Chili


One of my Readers answered a question that was in my recent letter for me. 

"BIGGER QUESTION - What Republican activities has or does the Hot Air Blogger support? .... so far none on his blog. Isn't that curious?"


Your FRIEND apparently hasn't looked at the DR-2. Otherwise he would have seen that you were by far the largest donor at the chili cook-off. 

That IS True and for those who wish to look at the DR-2 metioned I have it HERE for them, 


Yes is it does appear I was the largest donor in the neighborhood of 1/6th of the ticket sales and the next TWO highest donors combined are just few dollars more than me, 


In addition to the above since I work nights, in order to attend the Monthly Central Committee meetings I take a vacation day from work and have been doing so for some 10 years. 

OK OK I have to admit.   I am not married, Had I a wife and family I am certain there would be some words about me using 12 vacation days a year doing something else besides spending the time with family. 

Let me see.  In what other ways have I shown my dedication to Republican Activities?

Well when I was in the hospital waiting to have open heart surger I did request that my friends in lieu of flowers donate to one of our local campaigns.

How many others have ever used a quintuple bypass operation as a fund raiser for a political campaign?

Also while laying in a hospital bed I made out a check for $100 to help fund an earlier buffet on election nights for some who wished to show up early about 6:00 PM

I also had a friend pick me up at the hopsital and take me to that event,

Where I stayed watching the returns come in despite the fact that we discovered that the Hospital calling in my prescriptions to my pharmacy did not include my pain medication.

A good friend did give me some extra strength tylenol and I made do with that. 


I would say that overall I have contributed quite a bit actually and since my comments section is as it always is open

Perhaps Mr Friend of Republican Principles can regale us with THEIR record? 


I will conclude now with just one statement.

It really does not matter that Mr Friend of Republican Principles has called me a Hypocrite because in a manner of speaking we ARE even. 


I think THEY are an Ignoramus. 




Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 4:00 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 13 May 2015
I Am Your Friend

I got  a letter with a return address   "A Friend"

When I read it instead of my usual concept of a friend it reminded me of



The Reverend Henry Kane from Poltergeist.


You know where he says

Because I'm Smart and I'm your friend and I know what you are thinking. 


 Before we get into the letter I think the Readers should make up their own mind so I want you to go read it yourselves and then come back here and we can discuss it.


Letter from "A Friend"  


Back?  That was different wasn't it?  Well I guess there are all kinds of definitions of the word friend.


Now let us start at the beginning.


The letter will be in italics my thoughts in bold font 

 Is the Hot Air Blogger a Democrat?

 First I am not a Hot Air Blogger. I am flattered but Hot Air is one of THE premier Conservative Blogs on the Internet,  My website is called Hot Issues 

This is a serious question. Regularly, almost every day, the Hot Blogger claims to be following and protecting the Linn County Republican Party Constitution and the Linn County Republican Central Committee Bylaws.


Well they do need it,. 


 So how does he square that with supporting Democrats? Joel Miller is the Linn County Auditor. Now many think Joel does a great job, but that doesn't qualify him as a Republican.


Now there is a Catch 22 here,.  Yes Joe Miller is a Democrat,  Yes 60% of the County Supervisors are also Democrats, So whatever side you take in this debate,  You can be accused of supporting Democrats.

Because the 2 of the 5 Supervisors who are  Republicans can only do what the 3 Democrats allow them to.  That is just the simple math 

 So why is the Hot Air Blogger promoting keeping more people on the Auditor's staff than the Linn County Supervisors think he needs to do his job? Wasn't it a Republican Supervisor who challenged the staffing? Isn't that active support of a Democrat in opposition to a Republican?

That is Mr Friends version. Mine is a bit different which will come as no surprise.

The Auditor's Office under Mr Miller has a record of fair and even and NON-partisan behaviour

One if it's duties is to AUDIT the County Government and point out Waste.

I support this.  It would appear that the County Supervisors do not.

Because they have been transfering his staff to other depts and if the next reduction goes into effect the Auditors office will be down from 52 not more than 2 years ago to 13.

Which will hamper his efforts to document their swilling at the public trough. 


Didn't the Hot Air Blogger support kicking a Republican out of the Central Committee? So perhaps the Linn County Republican Central Committee is about to receive the resignation of the Hot Air Blogger ... otherwise it seems as if by his statements that he might be a hypocrite. hhhhmmmmm????  


I see, The fact that I supported adherence to the Constitution when a member openly campaigned for a Democratic Candidate who was running against a Republican has some bearing?

As I recall MOST of the Central Committee did the same there are only a few who  feel that the Constitution and By Laws are optional.


I guess those who did not agree with Mr Friend are not REAL Republicans in his estimation 

 "Constitution of the Republican Party of Linn County" "The purpose of the organization shall be, under one central committee ... to aid in every way the establishment of Republican principles and policies .... and assist ... in support of the Republican ticket."

 Great Mr Friend has read part of the County Constitution, Had he read some further he might have discovered that the charge in the Constitution is

active support of an opponent of a Republican nominee.  

 I know our educational systems deterioration

has lowered literacty standards but I would think that

is plain enough that it would not be mistaken for

supporting a Non-partisan office in their attempt to

document waste in the County Government

 I actually thoght that reducing waste in Government was somewhere in the Principles of the Republican Party but Mr Friend thinks otherwise. 


 What Republican principle supports growing government? Even the ICU doesn't support that .... do they??? Some of their members are questionable Republicans or even conservatives.


Not sure what Mr Friend is talking about here.  The only growth in goverment mentioned was the Waste that the Auditors office was reporting and that the Supervisors wish to silence, 

As for the ICU?  You will find it's members in the Central Committee but then Mr Friend has already decided most of the Central Committee is not up to his caliber

Is that why only a small portion of the members of the Teams have a vote ie say in what gets done and the rest just get to do what they are told? 


s supporting a Democrat in keeping with "aiding and assisting" the support of Republicans under the Linn County Constitution? Don't think so.  


And here I thought I was supporting the Principle of reducing Waste in Government

I will agree with that last sentence though.

I don't think Mr Friend thinks either,


 BIGGER QUESTION - What Republican activities has or does the Hot Air Blogger support? .... so far none on his blog. Isn't that curious?


I stand firmly against Violations of the County Constitution

Like when our Chair Cindy Golding REFUSED to sign Checks to pay debts that the Central Committee voted on

I stand firmly against Violations of our By Laws

Like when the County Chair Cindy Golding Illegally paid a bill for over $500 without the approval of the Committee NOR the signature of the then Treasurer.

I stand firmly against the Committee being rushed into decisons based on information that is false and is known to be false when presented

Like the recent claim that a massive reorganization of the Central Committe was REQUIRED by Robert's Rules of Order DESPITE the FACT that that question had been asked of the Robert's Rules of Order Forum and their responce was NO  


And like telling the Committee that the above action was supported by a parliamentary ruling by a gentleman we all know who informed me that never happened, 


BTW I also support  a motion to allow every member of one of  our teams to have a vote and say in Team Activiities

I support a motion letting individuals themselves decide which Teams to be a member of instead of having that limited by a Team Leader.

 I support putting our Former Caucus Team which had done such a good job in the past back in place and going to work on a Multiple Site Presidential Caucus 


I think that is enough for right now 


A FRIEND of Republican principles.  


Does anyone think Mr Friend would recognize a Principle if it jumped up and smacked him in the Face? 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 5:08 AM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 13 May 2015 8:16 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 12 May 2015
Hi Hi Hi Ho It's Off To Spend We Go


The ByLaws of the Linn County Central Committeehave specific statements on spending and the conduct of business between meetings 


All checks shall be signed b the Treasurer and countersigned by the Chair or Co-Chair. Checks in excess of $500.00 and not previously budgeted shall have the approval of the County Central Committee. 


The Executive Committee shall transact the routine business of the Central Committee during the interim of the meetings of the Central Committee. Any business transacted or action taken shall be reported to the Central Committee at the next regularly scheduled meeting 

I do not beleive the above gives the Exective Committee the right to withdraw from the Treasury funds to spend on just anything they wish to,
I am very certain it clearly states that the amount spent without the specific approval of the Central Committee shall be less than $500 and that ANY buiness transacted shall be reported at the NEXT regular meeting. 


Which is why there was a scramble before our recent Lincoln dinner as to how properly handle the check that would have been written to the Elmcrest County Club,
The Charges being in the neighborhood of $1800 and NO prior approval by the Body created a problem. 
The solution seems to have been to give refunds to the Hosts who were sponsoring the event and let them and ticket buyers that night pay directly to the Country Club. 
That was a very contorted way to maintain adeherence to the By Laws and we have yet to see how the State Ethics Board will react to it.
A much simpler path would have been to put this event befor the Body and get their approval,
That does not seem to be something that has much credence with our Executive Committee,
They seem to feel they can do pretty much anything they wish to and petty things like Constitutions and By Laws are for the peons and not for the elite, 
Our local Lincoln dinner is not however an isolated event
The State will be having their own Lincoln Dinner on May the 16th.
It appears that the LCRCC is selling tickets to a table for $75. 

RPI Lincoln Dinner

Calling all Linn County Republicans:

Have you heard of the fantastic line-up of Republican superstars? 

If you would like to attend the RPI Lincoln Dinner on May 16, 

please contact for discounted tickets. 


Discounted ticket price – $75.00per person (Regular ticket price – $100 per person)



Note: there are 10 tickets available at this price. 

So how do the intend to handle the payment of $750 to RPI for the Table??

The last time I checked $750 was more the $500. 

 Are they going to have people make checks out to RPI so they can stay under their $500 limit? 


Lastly there is the issue of paying for the bills other than those of the Central Committee,

Whispers on the Wind have brought to your humble chronicler the rumor that the LCRCC Chair Cindy Golding ordered the at the time Interim Treaser Jim Miller to cut a check for $200 to pay for an ad place in a flyer put out by another Republican Organization,


I will not mention the name of the other Organization, they are blemeless adn their good name does not need to be besmerched because of the incompetence and malfeasance of our Chair,

 neither does the name of the restaraunt falsely accused of failure to pay a bill that in fact they did not authorise.

All these issues have been reported in previous posts, 


If It's Not Written Down   Show Us The Proof   

and In Their Own Words


Questions at this time which need answered are

Did the Body recieve a report of this action at the next scheduled meeting and if not WHY?


Exactly how did the Linn County Central Committee become responsible for this debt in the first place,.

Despite the fact that the amount $200 is below the limit the Executive Committee may spend without prior approval,.

 It is questionable as to whether they have the authority to use their spending power to pay the bills of other people,.

I hope someone asks these quesitons at the next Central Committee meeting. 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 7:39 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 12 May 2015 8:19 AM CDT
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