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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Friday, 15 May 2009
Dotting the Eye of Sauron

Anyone who, knows me, or has been following the articles on this website recently,  should realize that I stand firmly for making sure the Is are dotted and all the Ts are crossed.

 The entire thrust of most of my posts has been on issues where I believe we have not, in the local GOP apparatus, done everything in compliance with State Election Code and the various State and County Constitutions and By-Laws.


So you might understand, how I felt when upon arising to get ready for work recently,  I received a phone call from the

Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board.

 Not the sort of thing, one expects, or enjoys before one's first cup of coffee.

 The Long and Short of it is.  I and a few others placed a small Ad in the Marion Paper opposing the passing of the Local Option Sales Tax.  AKA LOST.

 It seems someone filed a complaint with the State Ethics Board because the Ad did not list any personal identification.

 Now I wish to thank the person who brought this matter to our attention, because I DO wish to ensure that anything done, that I am involved with ,that has a political nature, is done in the correct manner and in compliance with the Laws of the State of Iowa.

A person who SUPPORTS Raising Taxes, of course, has a perfect right to use any tool that the legal system holds to try to silence opposition to that position.

 I would find it perfectly understandable if a Progressive Democrat had pulled such a maneuver.  I might even give them grudging respect, as it was a clever move.

What surprised me was that this action was taken by a member of the

Linn County GOP Central Committee.

 Since our first meeting in April was advertised as a Linn County GOP Central Committee and TEA Party Rally, I was not aware that the official position of the County GOP Central Committee was to support the LOST agenda of raising taxes.

If this was not the case then, why, I wonder would someone on the Central Committee make an issue of our small Ad?

We live in interesting, albeit occasionally confusing times.

It is written that in the End Days there will be Signs in the Heavens.

It is almost eerie that in 2005 the Hubble Space Craft took a photo in the  constellation Piscis Austrinus that is the exact image of the "the Great Eye of Sauron".










This photo was taken in 2005, compare it with this screen saver from 2004.











The photo taken by the Hubble is of the Star Fomalhaut.  In ancient Persia, this star announced the arrival of autumn weather.

The End of the Season of Life and the Harbinger of the Cold, Bleak, Dark Season of Winter.

Fitting, when one considers the election results since the Eye of Sauron opened 3 years ago.

But to return to our present Saga.  The results of the Inquiry by the

Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board was?

Not much of anything  really.  We have to buy another Ad stating that we sponsored the first.  But the even better news is that we now have an excellent resource in Des Moines who has been very helpful giving us detailed advice and instruction on how we should precede with this issue and any other matters, we may wish to pursue.

 So we actually owe the person who complained to the State Ethics Board a debt of gratitude, their efforts have been very helpful to us.

 And yes I am quite aware of their identity, I have in my possession an email from Des Moines informing me of exactly Who and How this Action was initiated.

But in the interest of keeping to Principles instead of Personalities

until the Fullness of Time is appropriate I will only refer to them as Smeagol











That seems fitting somehow.

I don't mind opposition, I expect my opponents to be passionate in the defense of their position, it does sadden me that someone in the GOP Leadership found it necessary to take such drastic action  as filing a complaint in Des Moines in response to an Ad that

Opposed Increased Taxation,

So I send out the Call


For the Hosts of Mordor Gather!



















The Great Eye of Sauron has opened

and it's corrupting influence has found fertile ground.

Even among our own Ranks


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 10:54 PM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 16 May 2009 4:53 AM CDT
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Friday, 8 May 2009
The Worm Ouroboros

The Worm Ouroboros (1922) is a heroic high fantasy novel by Eric Rücker Eddison. The book describes the protracted war between the domineering King Gorice of Witchland and the Lords of Demonland in an imaginary world that appears mainly medieval and partly reminiscent of Norse sagas.



Though triumphant, the Demon lords find that victory is bitter because there are no more enemies worthy of their heroism, no more great deeds to perform. The Lord Juss says to Queen Sophonisba:

Thou O Queen canst scarcely know our grief: for to thee the blessed Gods gave thy heart's desire: youth forever, and peace. Would that they but give us our good gift, that should be youth for ever, and war; and unwaning strength and skill in arms. Would that they might but give us our great enemies alive and whole again. For better it were we should run hazard again of utter destruction, than thus live out our lives like cattle fattening for the slaughter, or like silly garden plants. (page 392)

Sophonisba, gifted by the gods with the power to grant wishes, returns the world to how it was four years ago; and so, with a blare of trumpets, an ambassador from Witchland arrives, "craving present audience," and
the story starts over again.

Now, I am of course not saying that the Republican Party WANTED things to go back to the way they were, but that does seem to be the Human condition, after Great Trials, Adventures and Adversity, the Ultimate Evil is Vanguished and then

Everything returns to the way it was before and the process starts all over again.

If we look at the ebb and flow of power between the Democratic and Republican Parties over the years we see this repetitive pattern over and over again,.

Indeed the most extreme reverses seem to follow the Greatest Victories.

Let's take a look at a graph of Republican Seats in the Senate over the past 50 years I have two lines for 40 and 60 seats with over 60 you can end  a Filibuster, less than 40 you cannot maintain one,.





Now does the balance of power in the Senate look, THAT much worse now than in the past?
What about the House?  I placed a line at 218, the House has 435 members if you have 218 Seats, you have a majority.

Ok you can see the whole pictue and to tell the truth I would prefer it be a different one, but I don't see it as that much worse than what has gone before.
Do you?
One thing history has taught us about Politics, whatever the situation whether in our favour or against it, we can be certain of only one thing
This too shall Pass.


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 6:32 AM CDT
Updated: Friday, 8 May 2009 6:29 AM CDT
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Thursday, 7 May 2009
The Rumors Of Our Death

Upon being informed that a newspaper had printed his obituary, Mark Twain is reported to have said

 The rumors of my Death have been greatly exaggerated.

I am beginning to feel that way about the GOP.

We are continuously hearing about the demise of the Republican Party.



Are the reports of the death of the GOP, to paraphrase Mark Twain, "Greatly exaggerated?" Or are we seeing the inexorable demise of a doomed beast -- like seeing the last wooly mammoth go down in tar pits of La Brea?

The defeats suffered in the 2006 mid-term and 2008 Presidential elections, combined with the recent defection of Senator Arlen Specter to the Democratic Party, certainly left a whiff of lingering death in the air. Was Specter's decision a mandatory 10-count that will allow the Republicans to get off the mat and fight on? Or was it the final knockout roundhouse?

I am sorry but there is quite a bit of exageration here.  The 2006 Election was the average outcome of a second term bielection.  It is true that the Democrtic Party did much better than the Republican Party in that election, but there was nothing out side of the normal range.

Full Balance of Power
218 needed for majority, 435 at stake, 0 undecided
Full Balance of Power
51 needed for Dem majority/50 needed for GOP majority,
33 at stake, 0 undecided
40 seats49-6
27 seats516
0 seats00
Now it is also true that 2008 took that trend further

House of Representatives










All of the above looks daunting, I will be the first to admit that, but if this portends the demise of the Republican Party shouldn't it be as bad or worse than what has gone before???

 Let's just take a look and see how the present state compares with say the 1976 Election?

Party summary




TOTAL members: 100

House of Representatives


TOTAL members: 435

Now I might be biased but I don't see much difference in the balance of power in the Senate and the distribution of House seats looks better today than after the 1976 Election.

 But what about one might ask the overwhelming victory of the Democratic Presidential Candidate?

 Was it really that overwhelming??

 1976  Jimmy Carter against Gerold Ford

Carter won with 50.1% of the vote to Ford's 48%

2008 Barack Obama against John McCain

Obama won with 52.9% of the vote to McCain's 45.7%

 2008 was better than 1976 but neither compare with 1964

Johnson had 61.1% of the vote to Goldwater's 38.5%

 No any prediction of the demise of the Republican Party

needs to explain why it did not curl up in die during the last

40 some years when things looked as bad as they do now or even'


 Whatever became of that Carter fellow anyway?

Oh I remember now



Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 6:50 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 6 May 2009
The LOST Free Lunch Isn't
Well the dust has settled in Linn County Iowa and the forces of Let's Raise Taxes, someone else will pay for it,  have won,

Here is an exchange I had on facebook,   The names are absent, because at the present time I prefer to speak about Principles rather than Personalities.

It all started when I read the following

"congratulations Marionites. We passed the LOST penny and will receive $20 million over next 5 years for sewer, streets & parks. Also our sewer bills will remain static rather than double as projected. Good for Marion!!"

My immediate reaction was, "this person sounds like they really think someone just GAVE them -$20 Million.  Don't they realise that  $20 Million just left the wallets of taxpayers and went into the hot little hands of politicians???

I responded  with

 I see if they don't get the vote they want just keep doing it over and over until they get the vote they want?

sounds like some recent Congressional Races to me.


"Also our sewer bills will remain static rather than double as projected. "

But your TAXES are going up $20 Million dollars or do you really think folks are going to drive to Marion to give them that money?

Guess who gets to pay for the bulk of your $20 million dollar windfall, guess who gets hurt worst by a tax lke this?

Now I WAS mistaken about the $20 Million cost to Marion Taxpayers for which I was promptly corrected.

Do you guys even do any research before you take a position? Marion pays out 13 million and receives 20 million. My sewer bill was projected to double in 4 years and now won't. It would have been monumentally STUPID to vote NO if you live in Marion. Sometimes you can be so married to ideology that you will cut off your nose to spite your face. That is what the vote NO crowd was NOT able to accomplish tonight. Sorry some of you can't see that.

My responce was

I see the fact that taxpayers other than those in Marion get to foot $7 million of the Bill makes a difference

Wait a minute I don't live in Marion, Oh well I will console myself in the words of Joe Biden that I do my patriotic duty ensuring lower sewer bills in Marion ;-)

Just call me monumentally STUPID, and maybe meanspirited and greedy but what they refer to as "married to ideology" I think of as "standing on principle"

Not everyone can get more tax money back than they pay in.  SOMEONE has to have that extra bit lifted from their wallet,

It would seem this person does not care about that factor as long as THEY are not the one who has to come up with the extra largess.

How valid are your principles on Holding the Line on Taxation if you are

going to fold your hand the first time Des Moines decides to "buy you off"

At present nationally

the bottom 60% of income earners pay less than 1% of federal income taxes on net.
According to the Wall Street Journal  

Obama's Tax Plan Is Really a Welfare Plan

When "tax credits" primarily go to this group in the form of checks from the government (rather than a reduction in their tax burden) it is simply an abuse of the language to call the spending a tax cut.

What it really should be called is "Redistribution of Wealth" and isn't that what this article started with someone crowing about?

They are happy they will be getting back more than they pay in.

Of course Obama's plan will end up with folks who did not PAY income tax at all getting checks cut from money taken out of the pockets of those who DO pay taxes.

In the words of our good friend they would be monumentally STUPID not to vote for someone who would do that for them

As for the rest of us, we would be equally STUPID not to resist it,

But if we have those among us that don't mind this process as long as THEY are on the receiving end of the handouts we have a problem, particularly if the person is someone we voted for and helped elect,

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 8:32 AM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 6 May 2009 8:58 AM CDT
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Thursday, 30 April 2009
Good Faith Is Not Legal Authority
Someone remind me, the Road to Where, is Paved with What?

Earlier this year there was some confusion as to who exactly had voting

rights in the Linn County Central Committee Officer Elections.

The Point of Order and Election Law raised was quite correct, however the process used to attempt to correct this problem was IMO flawed.

As I read the Iowa State Election Code, the Constitution of the Republican Party of Iowa, and the Constitution of the Linn County Central Committee and it's By-Laws there are only two ways to become a member of a County Central Committee.

To be elected to that position at a Precinct Caucus during an election.


To be appointed to that position by a majority vote of the Central Committee.

A majority vote of the Central Committee may also appoint Assistant Committee Members who can be given voting rights in the absence of the persons holding voting rights by the two above means.

During the process to bring the roster of the Linn County Central Committee into compliance, the Form As from the Precinct Caucuses were used.

It was stated to me during the April Linn County Central Committee Rally that "Good Faith" was used to assemble the  list of credentialed voters.

Upon my question,  "But by What Legal Authority were persons NOT elected to those positions during the Precinct Caucuses given voting rights?"

The response remained, we acted in Good Faith.

Sorry but Good Faith is not Legal Authority.

Of course if a persons name DOES appear on a Form A as having been elected by that Precinct to be a Central Committee member, then the Ad Hoc Committee formed to assemble the voting list has evidence of Legal Authority to recognize those as having Legal Voting Rights.

No one else qualifies.  No one whose name appears only on the Form A as a Chair, Co-Chair, Secretary or Alternate qualifies under the Legal Code,

An attempt to give every possible precinct representation by filling vacancies with the above designations, while it might be well intended and acting in--

"Good Faith"

Does not give any Legal Authority to that action.

Good Faith is not nor can it ever be by itself Legal Authority.

In recent times it has been presented to us, that our most basic principles, 

  Free Market Capitalism, Personal Responsibility, The Rule of Law

must be held in abeyance for the Greater Good,

or because it would be too too difficult to actually enforce certain Laws such as our Immigration Regulations.

To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

To the above the responses have ranged from Tea parties, 

 and the moral case against redistribution,

to associations in response to the overwhelming problems of Illegal Aliens in this country

All a part of a growing movement that has been termed 'ethical populism'

My concerns IMO are part and parcel with these ideals.

The events leading up to the formation of the new Leadership and the events following, the complete shutdown of two way communication the feelings in some of abandonment and  being ignored,

Are not conducive to Unity, or at least not the Unity of any but the Discontented,

Which is not a suggested goal for Leadership

Remember, Information is Power and Communication is Liberation.

There will be a Coffee Meeting May 1

Mr. Beans
1080 East Post Rd
Marion, IA 52302 US
View Map 
When: Friday, May 1, 7:30AM  

If they have your support, or if you feel they should be given more time, go to it and tell them,

If you have questions, go to it and ask them 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 5:25 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 30 April 2009 6:51 AM CDT
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Linn County Precincts

Have you ever been confused about what Precinct you are in?
What County District? What State or Congressional District?
This is a work in progress to give you a one stop answer to those questions
The links will take you to the information on the Linn County Auditor's Website.

  Use the Precinct Finder to find your polling place!

Cedar Rapids Precincts


















































Marion Precincts













Linn County Precincts






























State Level Maps

Congressional & Legislative Districts:
   22 X 34 inches pdf format   (2 pages) (large plotter required to print map)
Congressional Districts Only:
   8½ X 11 inches (B&W) pdf format   jpg format
   8½ X 11 inches (Color) pdf format   jpg format
Senate Districts Only:
   8½ X 11 inches (B&W) pdf format   jpg format
   8½ X 11 inches (Color) pdf format   jpg format
   8½ X 11 inches (with 2009 legislator names) pdf format   jpg format
House Districts Only:
   8½ X 11 inches (B&W) pdf format   jpg format
   8½ X 11 inches (Color) pdf format   jpg format
   8½ X 11 inches (with 2009 legislator names) pdf format   jpg format
Individual District Maps(8 1/2 X 11 inches)
   Senate Districts    House Districts
Printed copies are available:
   Legislative Information Office
   (515) 281-5129 or


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 1:18 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 30 April 2009 7:32 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 28 April 2009
Well At The World's End
The "Well at the World's End" is an adventure fantasy published in 1896 and considered to be an inspiration to J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis.


Now of course neither I nor anyone I know has ever been on an adventure to The Well at the World's End.




But some of us did sally forth recently on a Journey to

The Rally at Linn County's End

Myself, I am not one to Vote for Change, merely for the sake of Change,

 When it is presented to me that something which has served me well in the past needs altered, I prefer being shown some substantive gain to be derived from the departure from what has been before,.

You see I am something which is called a CONSERVATIVE

I am also a Devout Capitalist and it is written in the


Rules of Acquisition: Thou Shalt Not Hinder the Customer From Parting With Their Latinum.

Adjusting  that paradigm to meeting attendance, translates as, if you wish folks to come to your meeting you need to smooth their path.

You need to have the meeting place where it is easy for them to go, where they might go occasionally, often for other reasons.

The short form of the above is

Location, Location, LOCATION 

If you think like I do, you might have wondered, "Is there a place in Linn County that is FURTHER away from the people we wish to attend Linn County Central Committee Meetings and still be IN Linn County?

I confess I cannot think of one,.

What would in my opinion be an optimum location?


Well maybe a Central Location?   Since folks in Iowa are like folks elsewhere, and those who live out in the country come into Town to Shop, maybe around were they might come to shop?

Perhaps they might want to get something to eat before or after the meeting?  How about also where there  is a nice selection of restaurants a range of which could fit any budget?

Hmm that sound a lot like 

Where we used to HAVE our Meetings.

And to top everyting off, besides being a Conservative and Capitalist, I also place a priority on Fiscal Responsibility.

The Deal we had at our previous location as I understand it was, $50/month and some of us dine there ( I always did) plus booking one Party a year, which we always did.

 Now the new place looks very nice, but I still wonder, what was the Gain by this Change?

How exactly did we benefit?

You might want to ask this for yourself if you are curious about the same things I am.


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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 12:01 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 28 April 2009 4:20 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 21 April 2009
When someone brings up an issue and points to some occurrence to which they object, it is only fitting and proper that they be asked and respond to the question.

Well what do YOU think should be done about this, or are you only capable of complaining?

I stand ready to address such a question.

There may be those who dispute my conclusions that the only persons who could be considered to be credentialed to vote in the March Elections were those persons who appeared on the Form A Caucuses as actually Elected to the positions of County Central Committee Members,  but I feel that I stand on Bedrock

One foot firmly placed on the Iowa State Election Code and One foot placed firmly on the Constitutions of the State Republican Party the Linn County Central Committee and the latter's By-Laws.

The First thing we should do IMO is determine if we in fact had a Quorum of Elected County Committee members in attendance at the March 17 meeting

We can do that by comparing those who are Listed on the Caucus Form  as actually have been elected to those positions, with the list of those who voted that night.

Persons appearing only as Chairs, CoChairs,  Secretaries or under the classification of Alternates do not qualify,  In fact the only position that is called Alternate that is chosen at the Precinct Caucuses is Alternate to the County Convention,

Upon determining the above. those legally Credentialed that night to vote , should recast their votes and we should accept the results of that election no matter what they are. 

 IMO it is important to impress on them that they should recast their votes as they did on March 17  and not take into consideration any factors that might have influenced them afterwords,

That done the Quorum of Central Committee Members can appoint new Members to fill any vacant positions,

Can in addition by a majority vote appoint Assistant Committee Members in any number to the various Precincts.   Those do not have voting rights except in the event of the absence of one or more of the Voting Committee Members.

I do not think this is a complicated process.  At it's end the result would be a County Central Committee and an Officer's Election, fully in compliance with the State Election Code, the Constitution of the Republican Party of Iowa and the Constitution of the Linn County Central Committee and it's By-Laws.

Clean elections are a particular concern of mine, considering how distorted they have been in different places around the country in recent times, and I feel we are on more stable ground intellectually and morally, if when we object to such incidents, that we are in fact following our own rules on our Elections.

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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 4:15 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 21 April 2009 4:29 AM CDT
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Sunday, 19 April 2009
A Strange Thing Happened on the Way to the Epicycles

I use the term "epicycles" as an example of an extremely complex convoluted method to force reality into conformance with a desired outcome.


This is a not uncommon occurrence in human endeavors and if the initial starting point of the paradigm is invalid the results can be bizarre and paradoxical.


I met recently with the Leadership of the Linn County Central Committee,


Our dialog was civilized and the basic outcome was that, we agreed to disagree


They do not agree with my analysis of the situation the Committee finds itself in, but that they did not have any desire to silence me.


To which I agreed.


It is not my habit to merely dispute an issue  with someone and then not think about the matter further.  I spent a fair amount of time later that day mulling over the implications of what we discussed.


To recap the situation as it appears to me.


At the February Central Committee meeting David Chung, and quite correctly I might add,  brought up a point of procedure, on  Iowa State Election Code  and the various Constitutions of the Republican Party at the State and County level


The result was that we were in fact not in compliance with the above as far as membership and more importantly eligibility to vote and it has come to my attention after investigation, that this situation may be back 10 years or so.


The practice of asking if anyone wished to join the committee and then voting them in is not even close to compliance with State Law and our Constitutions and By-Laws.


A serious problem since at the time we were looking at Officer's Elections at the March meeting.


It was decided to form a committee to examine the Form As from the Precinct Caucuses in order to compile a list of Credentialed Voters.


Now that method was IMO quite correct.


The State Election Code states.

43.99 Party committee persons.

Two members of the county central committee for each political party shall, at the precinct caucuses, be elected from each precinct


The State and County Party Constitutions state



The County Central Committee shall consist of two precinct committee members elected from each precinct at the precinct caucuses


So it appears to me that the only persons who couldhave  been listed for the March Election as Central Committee members were those elected to those positions at the Precinct Caucuses. 


It would seem that everything should have been simple.  Look at the Form A records from the Caucuses and list those persons elected to those posts.


However the list that was derived included not solely persons listed as elected to be County Central Committee Members, but Chairs, Co-Chairs, Secretaries and a category called Alternates.


Now let me be clear on one thing there is no position as Alternate County Committee Member, there is something called an Assistant Central Committee Member, but those are appointed by a majority vote of the Central Committee which does not happen at the Caucus.


In my opinion, our list contained not just elected Central Committee Members who were eligible to vote but others who were not eligible.


At least not in compliance with the State Election Code and the Constitutions and By-Laws. 


 In fact I am informed that one elected Central Committee member's name did not appear on his Precinct Caucuses Form A and therefore they did not vote someone who Chaired the Caucus voted instead.


When I presented my conclusions, which are the Election may not be valid, the  response seems to have been we should let it stand because we voted on it.


I may be doing the two gentlemen a disservice but to me the logic seems to be.


Upon discovery that a large portion of those who thought they were Committee Members, were in fact not,


We examined the Form As and compiled a list of persons many of whom were not eligible to vote either, 


and we should let the results stand because


The original group comprised of many people who were not eligible to vote, voted to do so.


This sort of circular argument, gives me a headache.


In a latter article I will present my own ideas on how to remedy this situation in a Post I  plan to title



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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 1:03 AM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 19 April 2009 1:08 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Cross Posted at Committees of Correspondence

The following is an exchange between me and David Chung who sits on the Subcommittee for Caucuses and Rules of the Iowa Republican Central Committee.
I requested, and recieved Mr Chung's permission to post the contents of his email.
My words to prevent any confusion, will be in bold red font.

I will take your points in a biblical manner the first shall be last and the last shall be first.


I appreciate your thoughtful inquiry. I have a couple of comments about your notes.

4) Mark Hudson. I do not know whether Mark is a member of the Central Committee or an alternate. Regardless, the bylaws allow officers to be selected from outside the membership. This is a common practice. According to Roberts Rules chairmen who are not members may not vote or break ties. In the RPI Constitution, the Chair is not a member but is allowed to break ties. The RNC Constitution also allows non-members to serve as chair (I don't know whether non-member chairs are given voting rights). Current RNC chair, Michael Steele was elected from outside the RNC membership.

4) The correct term for the secondary class of Central Commitee Members as per the By-Laws is ASSISTANT COMMITTEE PERSONS and while can be heard, have no voting rights but as you point out if they are Chairing they can break a tie since Robert's Rules of Order take precedence unless the By-Laws preclude them


Robert's Rules of Order Revised shall prevail unless modified by these by-laws.

So an Officer does not have to be a Central Committee member since the By-Laws also state.


Central Committee shall elect either from its’ membership or otherwise a chair, co-chair,

secretary, treasurer and other officers as it may determine

I interpret Otherwise as they don't have to be a member, however anyone who is an officer but not a voting member would have no voting rights unless they were chairing and a tie had been called

3) Our (Linn County's) Constitution and By-laws do allow for alternate members who do not have voting privileges except in the absence of their elected committee people. It has been many years, but we used to keep ordered lists of alternates per precinct. People who came to meetings to join were informed whether they could join as members (to fill vacancies) or alternates if there were no vacancies.

3) Again the accurate term is Assistant Central Committee Persons and it is correct as you state that in the absence of an Elected Committee Member one or two from a Precinct maybe given temporay voting rights. But since the By=Laws are mute on the mechanism I would assume it would be by a vote of a Quorum. Present.


2) The question of who are the two elected members is a more difficult one to answer. I proposed the first two names from form A because it is the only record we have of what happened on caucus night. In the two precincts that I moderated, we did have elections and we did elect two CC members. They were reported on form A. In my opinion form A was the only reasonable way to attempt to re-construct the results of caucus night. As I mentioned, I am on the State Central Committee's organization sub-committee. Issues like rules and the caucus (and form A) fall under my committees purview. This situation will not happen again


1) It was not improper for the county central committee to add new members. However, only those added to fill 'vacancies' are actually full-fledged CC members. Since Linn Courty (and RPI) by-laws allow the committee to fill vacancies and this power is granted explicitly in the Iowa code. What the committee cannot do, is add more members than two per precinct without taking the special steps defined in the code of allocating new seats proportionate to the precinct's voting in the last election.


2 & 1) Yes that is indeed much more difficult. You recall I missed my Caucus? It being the first I would have attended I have no experience with how these things should run, but looking at the Paul handout I would say that would be a good way to do it.

So I asked my next door neighbors what they remembered. They recall there was an Acting Chairman who was elected to be Permanent Chair and they do not recall ANY other ELECTIONS that night for Permanent Secretary, County Convention Delegates, County Convention Alternate Delegates Nor for Central Committee Members,

With respect we cannot allow individuals to simply fill in who they wish for these positions and in the absence of any documentary evidence, Form A for instance that clearly indicates that a person was elected to the positon of The Precinct County Central Committee Member, or witnesses to the same, then that position is Vacant.

Now IF we can find 20 people who were elected in the correct manner as happened in your Caucus? The situation is simple,. They consitute a Legal Quorum of the County Central Committee and as stated

Vacancies in the County Central Committee may be filled by a majority of those members of

the Committee present and voting.

and yes this situation does not need to happen again, we shoud wipe the slate clean and restart in the correct maner, even if what is required is the process stated in Article VI Secion 7 of the


7. Vacancies on the County Central Committee may be

filled by majority vote of the County Central Committee, or

at a special precinct caucus called by the County Central



The following is an extentsion of my (Dan Kauffman's) remarks after gathering more information

I have recieved reports to date on the actions of 8 precincts in 4 there were elections for Central Committe

Members. In 3 the person I have been in contact with have no recollection of special elections for

Central Committe Members. In the last and 8th Caucus, there were two nominations from the floor

for Central Committee Members, being unopposed it was the consensus of the Precinct Caucus that

their positons were afirmed BUT their names did not appear on Form A.


As a result when it came time for the Election in March one of these two, who had been attending

Central Commitees all year under the impression that they were one of the two credebtialed Central

Committee Member, was not able to vote and instead someone whose name did appear on Form

A and who this person had never seen in a meeting since the Caucus voted instead,

Not Good.

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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 3:03 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 14 April 2009 3:21 AM CDT
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