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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Friday, 29 May 2009
Fiscal Newspeak

Newspeak a creation in George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. it's characteristics are


The purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits proper to the devotees of IngSoc, but to make all other modes of thought impossible.

It was intended that when Newspeak had been adopted once and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical thought

-- that is, a thought diverging from the principles of IngSoc -- should be literally unthinkable,

 at least so far as thought is dependent on words.

 Its vocabulary was so constructed as to give exact and often very subtle expression  to every meaning that a Party member could properly wish to express,

while excluding all other meaning and also the possibility of arriving at them by indirect methods.

I encountered what might be an example of this during an online debate with one of our local elected officials recently concerning the LOST (Local Option Sales Tax) Ballot initiative.


The Gentleman was delighted and celebrating the Victory of a Tax Increase.

 To which I took exception, an  occurrence that should come as no surprise to anyone who  has been reading the posts on this website.

Now I am sanguine about Tax increases, their major premise seems to have been that it would not have been Fiscally Responsible to NOT support the New Tax since for an estimated $13 Million  in Tax Revenue raised the State would remit to the Municipality  $20 Million.

 Say that again?  Spending 54% more than Tax Revenue is Fiscal Responsibility,

 In WHAT Universe?

Oh I see, it's fiscally responsible since the extra $7 Million will come from Taxes on citizens who do not live in your Municipality?

Like ME for instance?

My thoughts on these subjects run on the order of

 Americans don't save money, as a rule we spend it.

When you spend money, that increases the demand for goods and services.

An increase in demand for goods and services, helps create jobs.

I consider the above on the order of

Run Spot, Run

When you Tax money,  the public does not spend it, does not increase the demand for goods and services and does not help create jobs.

But Dan you might say, the STATE and the Municipalities will spend that money and help create jobs.

True, but a portion of it will be absorbed in the Cost of Government.

That will also create jobs, jobs, for Government Employees.

So you can leave the money in the General Economy and create jobs there, or Tax it and create jobs in Government.  The size of Government increases in Direct Proportion to an increase in Revenue and Budget,

I know what my choice is..

 So to sum up the situation.

This Elected Official believes in

Increased Taxation

Increased Government Spending

Deficit Spending

Spreading the Wealth

An increase in the Size of Government.

For 10 Extra Credit Points, the Conservative Principles enshrined in the above ARE??

 Did I mention the person is a REPUBLICAN?

Sigh, maybe it's not their fault.  Maybe they just don't know any better.

We must EDUCATE them!

As a start in a Remedial Course in Political Philosophy, I think I will recommend.

I welcome input and comments and you do NOT have to fill out

the registration informaiton in the Comments Box, you will show

up as anonymous .


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 1:00 AM CDT
Updated: Friday, 29 May 2009 4:56 PM CDT
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Thursday, 28 May 2009
I Will Not Be Silent

Word has reached me that some of the events taking place here in Linn County are seen as an embarrassment by some of our GOP Party Leaders in Des Moines.

One of whom called a gentleman here to discuss moderating the tone in order to enhance Party Unity.

One problem, is the Gentleman with whom he was speaking, does not happen to be in charge of any of these events,

 Certainly not in charge of what I write,

 Now he and another person from the previous Executive Board Circle DO receive from me emails with copies of my posts, but then so do the Present Chair and Co-Chair of the new Executive Board,

This happens AFTER I post my missives.

As I have severe philosophical differences with some of the events that have taken place recently, I will continue to speak out.

To the question,  "What does this have to do with electing Republicans?"

My reply is, "How can we as a Party oppose Election Corruption and  Violations of the Rule of Law, if we do not keep our own House clean?"

While I was musing on these matters I stumbled onto this song and despite it being  from a Hillary  PUMA supporter, I find it appropriate.

 PUMA for those not in the know stands for

 Party Unity My A#%

Now some of the verbiage is WAY past what I would claim, but it is IMO fitting at this cusp



Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 5:05 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 28 May 2009 5:31 PM CDT
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Waif Of The Future
I call this post Waif of the Future, because it contains ideas that will remain orphans without support by the membership

In previous posts we have looked at the Form As that contain the information telling us, who Chaired, Acted as Secretary and those Elected to be County Central Committee Person selected during Precinct Caucuses.

Before the last Executive Board Election the information was assembled into a Credentials List.

  I have that file Below

March 17, 2009  Election Credentials

For those who do not have a program with which to view XLS files here is a link  where you can go to download a Freeware Viewer

Byte scout XLS Viewer 1.00 free download

Open the Credentials File above look around in it.  Find YOUR Precinct compare the Credentialed  Voters listed there with the Form As for your Precinct.

I was contacted by one person about the Form A posts I put online.

They were grateful to find out that they had indeed filed it out as they remembered.

It seems that a person they were certain they had entered as a Central Committee member was not able to vote in the Executive Board Election and someone who Chaired the Meeting voted instead.

The Reason?  

Well the ORDER that was on the Form A was altered when the names were transcribed to the XLS Credentials Form.

That was a mistake and happens. 

I have had the luxury of assembling this information, in my own time, in my own home, without someone breathing down my neck and objecting to all and sundry entries.

So how do we prevent such mistakes?

Why not use the FORM As? 

Not the originals, of course but we print replicas,  

 Put them in a folder? 

Put them in an online resource in the same manner I did?

Works for me.

We can still have the XLS File and print that off for a quick all on one or two pages lookup.

But have the folder of the Printed Off Form A replicas as the Authoritative List.

There are some other very useful attributes of this system.

We  use the Form A copies not only to comprise the Official Central Committee Members List,

But with a simple alteration it can also serve as an attendance record.

Take a look at this Form A

Mr Tim Pugh, who is a Committee Member from the 38th Precinct shows up at the Credentials Desk, he is looked up quickly in the XLS File and signs in, then he goes to the person who has the Form A Folder and initials the block for that Meeting.

Notice there are 48 Blocks above?   A Committee Person has a Two year Term,  or 24 monthly meetings.

We have a record.
There is something else we can do.

After the meeting the Secretary or someone else scans all of the Form As in our Folder.

Those images are uploaded into a Directory

With the SAME File name as the images already in it and replaces them.

Then if for instance someone from Precinct 38 want to see if Mr Pugh is actually attending meeting as representing their Precinct?

There is an online record.

One just like the one I showed you  in 

Now maybe Mr Pugh is NOT attending meetings as he should?

That person if they are concerned could appear before the Committee and at the least present themselves for consideration as a

Assistant Committee Person,

one who helps the Committee but only has Voting Rights in the absence of a Permanent Committee Person.

I don't really think what I have outlined is that difficult

Since I have in the last few days  done pretty much what I have outlined on this website.

What do YOU Think

Comment!  You CAN do it anonymously if you so wish.


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 1:27 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 28 May 2009 6:27 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 27 May 2009
What's So Confusing?
There has been talk about how confusing the Caucus Form As are, even suggestions that they needed to be rewritten

At the risk of being accused of being even more argumentative than I already have been

I disagree. Wink 

But unlike others, I will present samples and my reasons.

In a previous post I supplied links to all the Form As from the 2008 Precinct Caucuses, with the exception of 4 that are not available,

So let us look at some,  First we have one not filled out, Perhaps there were no Republican there?


As you can see, there is a place at the top left for the Caucus Chairman

There is a place at the top right for the Caucus Secretary.

Then there are lines which state
 The Precinct Committee persons who will represent Fill in Your Precinct Name here Precinct on the Fill in the Name of Your County here County Republican Central Committee are:

So what's so confusing?

As we will see, there was indeed a lot of confusion, but I do not think it was the fault of the Form A itself.
Let us look at a correctly filled out Form A

It has clearly listed, the Chair, the Secretary, the Precinct County Central Committee Members and is witnessed by the Chair and the Secretary
Now THIS Form A is a WORK OF ART!

Wasn't that nice?

Now let's look at one that is ALMOST perfect

Can anyone tell me what mistake was made on this Form A?

 Correct it is the second Committee Person

Which seem to be listed and Alexander & Krista Kaminski

Now I realize the Wedding Ceremony says thing like these

two people are now one, but those Spiritual attributes do not hold for

Elective Office, only ONE of them can be a Central Committee Member

My suggestion to Alexander is to say "Yes Dear" if Krista wants to be it.

I believe we are getting the idea go back to the previous post

 2008 Precinct Caucus Form As

Check out some Form As yourself

Remember the Rules?

Chair and Secretary on the Top of the Form where it says to put them

Then below these lines

 The Precinct Committee persons who will represent Fill in Your Precinct Name here Precinct on the Fill in the Name of Your County here County Republican Central Committee are:

There should be TWO names, no more and ANY designation of Alternate etc does not exist in the Election Code.

But before you leave and go exploring here is one more example

One of the ways NOT to fill out a Form A Correctly.



Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 1:40 AM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 27 May 2009 2:42 AM CDT
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Monday, 25 May 2009
2008 Precinct Caucus Form As
These links will take you to the information on 2008 Precinct Caucus Form As

  Use the Precinct Finder to find your polling place!

Precincts Marked Red Not Available

I will have a followup post titled

What's So Confusing?

Which will have Samples of Form As

And a discussion on the ones filled out correctly, the ones almost correct and some that are way off base.

Why this is so  and the implications


















































Marion Precincts













Linn County Precincts





























Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 4:50 AM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 27 May 2009 2:21 AM CDT
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Saturday, 23 May 2009
Memorial Day

A Moment of Silence and Peace for the Next Few Days in Respect for the Fallen


Arlington (Trace Adkins)




The tree of liberty must be refreshed from

time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants


Operation USO Care Package
PO BOX 8069
Topeka, Kansas 66608

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 5:56 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 25 May 2009 1:13 AM CDT
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Everyone But Us

I have in previous posts described the ways by which those of us who have attended Linn County Central Committee Meetings on a Regular Basis over the years, discovered that we were no longer going to meet where we were accustomed.


 There was the surprising revelation that a flyer was passed out one weekend in March the 27, 28 & 29th at an NRA Gun show informing the PUBLIC of a new meeting location.


But by no attempt via the normal Email List, nor the Social Network Facebook  Linn County GOP Website,


Did the Executive Board EVER enlighten us on these matters or  give us a location until just shortly before the meeting.


 Actually many former members did not even get an email announcement before the meeting and there was quite of bit of Internet chatter getting the word out to the Uninformed.


Indeed it was after a silence of Two months that the rationale was finally given,


 IMO grudgingly and with all the ease of pulling teeth from an unwilling attack dog.


But I will have to say my latest discovery is surprising to me,

Despite the fact that the present record has been replete with unwelcome surprises,


I ran across this post Updated: Linn County Republicans switch leaders


 on a website called.,  Essential Estrogen,


Which by the way in my opinion would be an informative website, no matter what the gender of the reader,


I recommend it without any reservations whatsoever.


But to get back to my main point,  The post begins


Updated to list the full Linn County GOP executive board:

Chairman -- Tim Palmer
Co-Chairman -- Mark Hudson
Treasurer -- Brent Schulte
Secretary -- Dawn Brown

None of the previous members of the executive board were re-elected. That being said, I'm not sure if all incumbents were seeking another term. From what I've been able to find out through text messages, e-mails and the local Twitter feed, the newly elected leaders (described by Renee Schulte as "young professionals") will be making some changes in the near future that will likely begin with a new meeting location.


Note the date March 18, 2009 7:05 AM

That children is the MORNING AFTER THE ELECTION.

This lady had been previously  informed of these changes,

 But were those who normally ATTEND Meetings informed?

Not until MUCH later. 

Why that might have AFFECTED the Voting.

I ask you.

Was there ANYONE in Iowa who did NOT know about these matters before WE did?

Doesn't appear to be the case   .

Just more of that Unifying Communication  that we are becoming accustomed to.

Rise Against - Behind Closed Doors

Time out, let's stop and think this through,
We've all got better things to do,
Than talk in circles, run in place,
Answers inches from our face.


Black eyes, broken fingers,
Blood drips and I let it run,
down my lips into my swollen gums,
When hope is non-existent,
Our instincts all scream "Run",
We never turn our backs or even bite our tongue.


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 12:07 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 28 May 2009 5:33 PM CDT
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Thursday, 21 May 2009
Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice

 Brothers and Sisters We are indeed Blessed.

In addition the the duties formerly pursued by the Linn County GOP Central Committee there has been added the Onerous Task of Shepherding the Moral Purity of our Flock.

 Yes as part of the explanation of why exactly the venue for the Monthly Meeting had been changed, the Executive Board revealed to the Body that INTOXICATING beverages are known to be dispensed at the Longbranch.

As a result, it seems there are some who might refrain from frequenting such a Den of Iniquity, including a few, we were informed Who have been aching to line our pockets with golden donations, if only they could attend a Meeting in safety.

Why one gentleman rose and addressed the Body, to solemnly inform us there are those who refer to the Longbranch as the Longbranch Saloon.

 To which one member replied that the correct title was the Longbranch Hotel and Convention Center.

I am certain that individual meant well, but has been misled.

 We must pray for him.

But on reflection, it may be that he is  blameless.

Some of our Body have lived Sheltered Lives, they are not knowledgeable about Worldly Matters.

 Now myself? 

 I must confess, with Deep Regret, in my Youth, I was wont to Sin.

Indeed,  it is to my Eternal Shame that often, I rather enjoyed it.

So I have a breadth of knowledge that may be lacking in this person, and others of our Body.

So let me reveal, that along with Intoxicating beverages, in Hotel rooms there are frequently enacted acts of sensual depravity that would shock the very core of any decent person.


I-- I cannot bring myself to utter a description of what can occur during them,

These after all ARE the Lips I kissed my Mother with.

So we have been rescued, Dear Friends from Venal, if not Mortal Sin.

When one considers that children were brought to those meeting, even the young innocent daughters of some families, sitting, without realizing, while on the other side of the wall of the room they were in the Fires of Hell were Flaming.

One gets a queasy feeling just thinking about it.

Narrow is the Path, and confusing at times.

I try, I really do.

I support Fiscal Responsibility

I oppose Raised and Punitive Taxation

The Attack at Present upon the Capitalist Foundations of Our Society by Socialism.

I support a Strong and Vigorous Defense against the Worldwide Forces which seek to either Destroy or Enslave us.

I uphold the Sanctity of Marriage and it being  Union between a Man and a Woman.

I support the Rule of Law and wish Action be taken against the current invasion of Illegal Aliens who have no regard for our Law.

I am for Clean and Untainted Elections

and I stand Square against the Murder of Babies

But just like a Computer Game, where as you think your have arrived victoriously at the End, only to find.


You have only reached a

 Higher Degree of Difficulty.

I realize that I am lacking

 Despite all of the above and even despite the fact that I have not touched a drop of liquor in Lo these twenty odd years.

I am lacking

You see, I fear it does not matter to me if the person sitting beside or across the table from me, has not only coke in their glass, but Demon Rum as well.

 As long as they don't slobber on my sleeve, throw up on my pants leg, or pass out under the table, of course.

So I suppose under the new strictures laid down these past two months

 I have been Weighed in the Balance

and Found Wanton.

I have pondered this matter and endeavored to think of some way to Redeem myself.

I realize it must be an extreme and not token action,

Maybe I should propose at the next Meeting that a Curtain be placed down the length of the Room.

To prevent the Men and Women attending from being Distracted by Impure thoughts?

For unless I can discover a means to redeem myself I remain a Pariah and Outcast




Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 11:52 PM CDT
Updated: Friday, 22 May 2009 1:52 AM CDT
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One If By Land
Two if by Sea, and I on the opposite shore shall be.

Is a statement about Communication.

As is this, about Communication, Retrograde, Incomplete, Absent and Shutdown.

Communication has been all of the above  of late. 

Quite by accident about 2 months ago we learned that where the Linn County Central Committee had for quite some time been having it's meetings had been changed.

Did we find this out by an announcement via email to the mailing list that had been a form of communication for sometime?


Did we find this out by an announcement on the Linn County GOP Central Committee Face book website, which had been set up to utilize current Internet social networking?


It came to our attention because the Executive Board had been passing out handouts at a NRA Gun Show, informing the Public that

The Linn County Republican Central Committee Meeting for April  would be a Post Tax Tea Party at a local Church,

The Public was informed of this but no attempt was made to inform the Body.

When inquiries were made on the Central Committee Face book site, we were informed that they had not made a determination as to the location of the April meeting, but when that had been decided, the Body would be informed.

We did receive, or some of us did, but many did not, information that the April meeting was to be held at the Kirkwood Continuing Educational Center, at the far southern end of the County.

Which was not a meeting, but a Rally so no questions from the floor could be raised.

Now a  response could be made that the members of the Executive Board stood ready to answer any questions put to them before, during and after that Rally on these issues.

That is beside the point,

The Body of the Central Committee has a RIGHT to have it's Leadership inform them as a Body of the decisions and actions taken by the Executive Board in the Central Committee's Name.

When these and other questions and statements appeared on the Linn County GOP Face book Comments and Discussion website.

Input there came to a SCREECHING HALT.  Comments  from the membership were totally Shutdown. I am not even certain they use
it now at all, the May Meeting doesn't seem to be in the Events.

Now there WERE plenty of questions raised at the May Meeting.

The Executive Board when questioned about the change in venue and  the increased costs of the New Meeting location, did inform the Body


That it was their intention to have meetings in a Kirkwood facility situated  a few blocks from the previous meeting location, but that facility was not always available


By the way we are not spending that much more money,

Because we closed down the Permanent Linn County GOP Office.

It was further stated that among the reasons for the change was because some people would not attend meetings if it were held at the Long Branch, including some large financial donors.

One gentleman from the floor termed the former location the Long branch Saloon.

Point of information. We were at a Linn County GOP Central Committee Meeting not in Gun smoke and the City is called Cedar Rapids, Iowa, not Dodge City, Kansas and the year is now 2009, not 1873.

As to the donor who abhors the Long branch?  I was always impressed with the good treatment this Committee received from the owners, mangers and workers of the Long branch.

My Daddy taught me better than to walk out on a friend because some Pharisee offered to toss 30 pieces of Silver in my palm.

When I asked the floor if there was anyone in attendance that would NOT have been so, if the meeting had been held at the Long branch.

There was dead silence, even from the gentleman who thought he was an actor in the Gun smoke  TV serial. 
I find the abhorrence of a meeting place on those grounds to be ludicrous and  juvenile.

It invokes in me THIS image of their version of the Republican Party
Some people use the phrase "paper tiger" as an aspersion of disdain, They are not even "paper elephants."

The thought of someone squirming with unease because a room or two away or EVEN GASP on the other side of the Wall someone is being served LIQUOR and THAT might keep them away from a meeting or making a substantial donation is so puerile, that my immediate reaction is.

Come back when you grow up.

What are we going to do, I wonder if it should dawn on these tender sensitivities that the person


Might be drinker, might drink after the meeting might EVEN have had a drink before the meeting

and be breathing toxic alcohol fumes into the very air they are breathing?

Should we issue Arm Bands with a Yellow B for Boozer on them

so the pious are not contaminated?

Despite the fact that I have not touched a drop of Liquor in more than 20 years

I would proudly don one and take my Stand among the Unclean.

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 4:34 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 21 May 2009 8:04 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Motion For Compliance
Here is the First Draft of the Motion I intend to enter into the Record during the June Linn County GOP Central Committee Meeting.

Input, suggestions and critique is welcome the Comment Section is Moderated but I will attempt to post them in a timely manner

Whereas: the Result of the Point of Order and Law raised in this years February meeting placed the Membership List of the Linn County GOP Central Committee in Dispute, because the appointment of Members had not been in Compliance with The State Election Code, nor with the Constitutions of the State and County Party and By-Laws


Whereas: The Ad-Hoc Committee assembled to rectify this situation by compiling a List of Members from the Precinct Caucus Form As, exceeded their Authority by giving Voting Rights not in Compliance with the Election Code, Constitutions and By-Laws

I Move: That a Quorum of Duly Elected Central Committee Members whose names appear on the Precinct Caucus Form As as having been Elected to that position be assembled.

For the Purpose, if they so choose

By a Majority Vote of their Quorum to,

Fill any Vacancies of Committee Members in Precincts

Appoint Assistants for each Precinct

In accordance with the provisions of the

 By-Laws of the Linn County Central Committee.

AND by a majority vote of their Quorum, if they so choose

Affirm all Actions, Elections and Votes that have takenplace in the interim as

The Will of the Body of the Linn County GOP Central Committee

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 5:54 AM CDT
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