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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Let Freedom Ring

Recently I saw something on Chris Muir's Day by Day Strip that struck a chord for me.


Can YOU identify? 


 We keep hoping they will change, but sometimes things seems hauntingly familiar.

In June's Linn County GOP Central Committee Meeting,  a Precinct Initiative was discussed.

I STRONGLY support Precincts being organized.  But one phrase kept popping up.

To Elect Republicans. 

Now of course I ALSO want to help Elect Republicans, 

 But my  interest in Precinct development has a different primary focus.
This system of political organization that has served Iowa so well for generations, has broken down.

IT needs no change but WE certainly need to change.

In the Past the Precinct Caucus was your neighbors, you KNEW your neighbors,  Your families knew each other, possibly for generations.

When the Caucus met, it was an assembly of citizens who knew each other and chose from their numbers people they respected to represent them on the next level of political organization.

Today when we go to a Caucus few know anyone else in the room,  They have no basis with which to gage anyone who wants a political position,'

So how to we fix this gapping wound in the Body Electorate?

We arrange for Republicans in a Precinct to meet and become acquainted.

Backyard cookouts. 

Picnics in the Park

Neighborhood coffee meetings

Using the new Social Networking systems such as Face book.

Creating a PRESENCE in our neighborhoods.

Form a sense of Community and Connection.

THOSE are the reasons I find the topic of a Precinct Initiative energizing.

Not simply to Elect Republicans in the next Election cycle and then let them go to sleep until awakened for the following cycle


Give Power to the People on the basic levels of Politics.

Because they are in fact the Foundation of Democracy.

The Party is not the officers at the County, State and National Levels.

Not our Elected Officials.

It is WE who are the Party.

They exist to serve and fulfill OUR wishes.

It is said

If He Knows and Knows that He Knows

He is Wise Follow Him

If He Knows Not and Knows Not that He Knows Not

He is a Fool Shun Him

If He Knows Not and Knows that He Knows Not

He is a Child Teach Him

But if He Knows and Knows Not the He Knows?

He is Asleep  Waken Him.


We have been asleep.

And In our Slumber?

Things have not gone well.

It is time in the words of  Yamamoto Isoroku

For the Sleeping Giant to Awaken

and perhaps be filled with a Terrible Resolve.>
We must take back our Government.

The Battle lines are drawn and the War is not to be fought or won

in distant Capitals but on the sidewalks of our Blocks and Streets.

Gather together,   Talk to your Neighbors,

All the other desires, Election Republicans,  Gathering Volunteers

Collecting Donations?

They will FOLLOW as Healthy byproducts of a Political Base that  rests on a Sound Foundation rather than the Shifting Sands of we must do anything,  we must ignore violations of our basic Core Beliefs just to amass numbers.

For if we continue to follow those sorts of Paths?

Instead of Elected Officials to whom we can look with Pride?

We may get, and deserve rather than healthy sound leaders the

ghostly image of a

Click to play Senator Specter's Welcome Message

Click here to play Senator Specter's welcome message

So  I say to you

Aux Barricades mes Amis
To the Barricades my Friends

For your Homes

For your Families

For the Souls of Your Party and Nation

Fiat justitia, ruat coelum

Let Justice Be Done,

Though The Heavens May Fall 

My Friends this struggle is not for the faint of heart,

There are always those who value, Tranquility over Disruption,
even if the disruption leads to a better, Freer Life

They are with us now, as they were at the Birth of this Republic.

Those who do not wish to enter into a Stuggle for Democracy

To Them one of Our Founding Fathers said.

Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude
greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us
in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down
and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon
you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.

                                           —Samuel Adams

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 3:17 AM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 17 June 2009 6:33 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 16 June 2009
How Things Are Done
Politics IS the Art of Compromise.

But not all things with the same label are Equal.

There is compromise on issues to find a common ground.

Then there are things that should be carved in Stone.

Lines that cannot be bent, because they become broken.

Constitutional Mandates and the Rules of Law are among

the latter.

Once a Compromise is made in those areas,  the next compromise

becomes easier.

Until finally there are no Boundaries, no Rules, because that is

The Way Things are Done.

Tonight we have a Meeting of the Linn County Central  Committee.

I will sally forth with my 4 Aces.


If for some reasons of your own, you disagree with the points I have raised in previous posts?

Then you have the obvious Duty, to attend and support those ideals you find important.

It will be here.

LCRCC June Business Meeting
Dear Daniel,

We invite you to attend our next regular business meeting on Tuesday, June 16 starting at 7:00 p.m. Jeff Boeyink, Executive Director for the Republican Party of Iowa, will be our guest. A copy of the agenda and treasurer's report will be posted here.  Registration will start at 6:30 p.m.

Cedar Rapids Marriot
1200 Collins Road NE
Phone: 319-393-6600

Sample the many tasteful options and enjoy your favorite beverage in the newly renovated Cedar Grille.
The Night of the Rising Stars
You're invited to the blockbuster GOP event of the summer!
Thursday, June 25, Hoyt Sherman Place, Des Moines

Chairman Matt Strawn and the Republican Party of Iowa present "The Night of the Rising Stars" with Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour and
the Rising Stars of the Iowa Republican Party. Two of the Rising Stars are our own Linn County Representatives Renee Schulte and Nick Wagner.

Sponsor one of our Rising Stars for $1,000 and receive 10 general admission tickets to the event.

Individual tickets are available for a $100 donation.

RPI would like every Republican to have the chance to meet our Rising Stars, so they are offering discounted $50 tickets to people 35 and younger. 

To reserve your spot at the Night of the Rising Stars, click here!

If you have any questions please contact Dawn Brown via email or phone (319-533-2289).
Dawn Brown
Secretary, Linn County Republican Central Committee

Paid for and authorized by the Linn County Republican Party
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee

Fiat justitia,

ruat coelum

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 4:50 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 16 June 2009 5:37 PM CDT
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Friday, 12 June 2009
The Elephant in the Room

Of the cuff, one might think Republicans would approve of Elephants and for the most part you would be correct,

 Magnificent beasts emanating strength, grandeur and dignity,  A fitting symbol for our  Party

But no one would want an elephant in the living room parked on their sofa.



The Elephant in the room is an English idiom for an obvious truth that is being ignored or goes unaddressed. It is based on the idea that an elephant in a room would be impossible to overlook; thus, people in the room who pretend the elephant is not there might be concerning themselves with relatively small and even irrelevant matters, compared to the looming big one.


We in Linn County have an Elephant in our room, not our living rooms but in the rooms we hold our monthly Central Committee Meetings.

There is a basic disconnect between the Present Executive Committee and the Central Committee at large.

It is derived from some in my opinion, flawed assumptions.

The New Executive Board came into office with a large amount of enthusiasm and plans for what they were going to do.

It turns out they did not disclose some of those plans to us, until after the fact,

Anyone who was at one of the previous meetings where vigorous debate ensued whether  to change the meeting day from the first Tuesday of each month to the third Tuesday, or not, might understand the reasoning./

They might not have wanted to bother the Central Committee's little heads with such a weighty decisions,

 They probably did not want the Fuss, so they made the decision for us.  

Their attempt may have been taken in  "Good Faith" bit I am sorry that is NOT the way the Linn County Republican Central Committee is supposed to work.

Not if you want it to function in accordance with legal founding documentation.  


the Constitution of the Linn County Central Committee and the By-Laws of the Linn County Central Committee.

The above links are to PDF files, if you do not have a PDF viewer a simple Freeware PDF viewer can be obtained HERE

So how did we arrive at this crossroads?

My journey began this February when the first objections were raised about who was or was not a voting member.

I was confused and in that reaction it seems I was not unique.

 I have since investigated the situation to the best of my ability and the reactions in large seem to have been.

Don't make a Fuss, we want to Elect Republicans, how does that help???

My answer has been,  But we are NOT in Compliance with the Election Codes, the Constitutions of the State and County Party and the County By-Laws,

Why not FIX this mess.

Now as possibly a result of this attitude that seems to say, if we Act in Good Faith and we have everyones Best Interests at Heart, just leave things alone and we can deal with it later.

We have an Executive Board that does not think it needs a Central Committee,

Rather like a Head that does not like the direction the Body is taking so it wants to be Cut off so it can go it's own way.

Let me make one point Crystal Clear it is the EXECUTIVE Board that Constitutionally works under the direction of the Central Committee and not the reverse.,

The last few months that detail has had all the attention of an Elephant in the Room, which everyone pretends is not there and refuses to talk about.

 And REALLY it is the GOP which is supposed to stand for individual citizens making their own decisions NOT just marching to the orders of some Centralized Control;

Isn't it?

The Republican Party is in the mess it has landed itself in , partly because we started acting like Democrats,  We do NOT need a Newer more modern way to act like Democrats.

So it was not without careful thought and even more careful consideration of the principles involved that I have composed a motion to address this situation,  the Text will be in a second post to follow this one immediatly

 Folks we need to Fix this


Problems like Elephants in the Room do not go away just because we don't want to see them.

The pile just gets Higher




Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 12:55 AM CDT
Updated: Friday, 12 June 2009 6:10 AM CDT
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Like A Christian Holding Four Aces
There are those who disagree with many of my positions.

They certainly have that right and I should always be ready to listen to the Reasons for their opposition.

But when it comes to matters of Procedure, Rules of Order and Law, I wish to see their Evidence and Proof, instead of their Feelings.

In the May Linn County Central Committee Meeting, when asked How the Executive Board could close down the Permanent Linn County GOP Central Committee Office without consulting or gaining the approval of the Central Committee,

 The answer seems to have been.  I am the Chair I can do that if I wish to.
Smacks of Obama's answer to queries concerning the lack of Bi-partisan activity, 

"I Won."

But in this case the statement was not made to just a disaffected minority that lost an election,
but to the Entire Body of the Central Committee.

Assertions are NOT Proof or Evidence of Legal Authority.

Pertinent Sections from the Legal Founding Documents of an Organization ARE.

Which I will now present to the Body.

Taking Note of:
 Article IV of the



 Which States:

The general management of the affairs of the party in Linn County is vested in the Linn

County Central Committee, subject to direction from time to time by the County convention of

the party.


And taking Note Of:

 Article VIII

 Which States:

The Executive Committee shall transact the routine business

of the Linn County Central Committee during the interim of the meetings of the Linn County

Central Committee. Any business transacted or action taken shall be reported to the Linn

County Central Committee at the next regularly scheduled meeting. The Executive

Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee, and none of its acts

shall conflict with actions of the Linn County Central Committee

And Taking Note that:

Longstanding Agreements and Contractual Obligations of the Linn County Central Committee have been voided by the Executive Board. Such actions being on the order of General and Not Routine Business and in Conflict with Actions Enabled by a Vote of the Central Committee as a Body.


Dissolving our Agreement with the Longbranch Hotel and Convention Center as a Monthly Meeting Place


The Closure and Termination of the Lease for the Linn County Central Committee Permanent Office which was Established by a Vote of the Linn County Central Committee.

I Move:

That it is the Consensus of this Body

 That the Executive Board has Exceeded it's Constitutional Authority and Encroached on those matters which are within the purveyance of the Linn County Central Committee

and that the Body as a Whole



That henceforth

The Executive Board shall restrict itself to

Routine business of the Linn County Central Committee

During the interim of the meetings of the Linn County Central Committee


From making decisions and or taking actions in

The general management of the affairs of the party in Linn County

As is Mandated by the




To conclude and respond to those who may be in disagreement with the above, show us your Legal Authority for those actions.

As for myself I sit here in the words of W, C Fields


"The Calm Confidence of a Christian holding Four Aces"

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 12:01 AM CDT
Updated: Friday, 12 June 2009 5:31 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Some Assembly Required
There are few things that can send a chill down the back of a man,

A man who is a father and husband, that is,

As the sight of this dreaded phrase.

Some Assembly Required


In the Cartography of the Family Landscape

It is the indication of Tera Incognito

Quite similar to the areas on Ancient Maps inscribed with

"Here be Monsters"

It is the signal that you face a gauntlet, which if not traversed successfully will result in the wrathful glares of wives and mothers, the teary eyes of toddlers and

The knowledge that Daddy has RUINED Christmas or a Birthday, whichever the case may be.

But be of Good Cheer Fathers and Husbands, for there IS Hope.

There is a simple Binary, Two Step Program of Recovery, which will enable you to sail through those troubled waters and emerge on the other side victorious and the Family Hero, instead of the Family Villain

They are

1) READ the Directions!

  and what is more Important
2) FOLLOW the Directions!

These two Rules will carry you in good stead all the Days of your Life and in any Trials you may encounter.

The correct assembly of a County Central Committee has some characteristics in common with the ordeal of putting together the annual Christmas or Birthday gifts.

We started off with Central Committee 2007 it was to some extent complex, but not unduly.

It had a 4 part Executive Board much like the current model and a Central Committee Body composed of various and sundry Sub-Committees, a single Meeting Location and County Party Office.

Now Central Committee 209 Build A was much streamlined,

It had the same 4 part Executive Board, but an attempt was made to run that as a Stand Alone system.  The single Meeting Location was replaced by a menu of options and the County Party Office was eliminated for the sake of steam lining.

There were some problem that arose.  The isolated Central Committee Body and the Standalone Executive Board developed a VERY severe feedback problem resembling the situation that arises when a microphone is placed too close to a speaker.

A very high pitched angry sounding squeal arose and the functionality seemed to be lacking.

That to do?

I suggest the same thing the Wise Husband and Father decides when he realizes that Tab A will NOT fit into Slot A because Tab B seems to be already inserted.

That is take the device apart spread out the constituents and READ the Directions!

In the case of assembling County Central Committees, the directions we need to concern ourselves with are :

the Constitution of the Linn County Central Committee and the By-Laws of the Linn County Central Committee.

The above links are to PDF files, if you do not have a PDF viewer a simple Freeware PDF viewer can be obtained HERE

 I would suggest we all read these directions,  I will submit my interpretation in a later post.

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 2:39 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 11 June 2009 6:33 AM CDT
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Having Your Cake and Eating it Too
I just got a Tax hike update from my good buddy Tim Pugh
                Dan can you forward this message on to everyone on your list for me, I am forwarding to everyone I have.

Thanks Tim

Who also happens to be the Lead in the local Taxed Enough Already initiative. 

Cedar Rapids Independance Day "Taxed Enough Already" Tea Party


Basic Info

Sending a message to the government that they need to stop spending our money on wasteful crap. People are meeting up under the aluminum tree in downtown between 1st ave and I380.

Date and Time to bel announced.

Please visit for information, updates, or details.

This is a not partisan group or and anti Democrat or Obama group, both Republicans and Democrats are responsible for waste.
We are not against any party or person but against out of control government spending and waste.

Cedar Rapids Independance Day "Taxed Enough Already" Tea Party

Group Type

This is an open group. Anyone can join and invite others to join.


It would appear to be about an attempt to quietly raise some more of our Taxes.
I have a friend of mine on the CR Public Library Board of Trustees and he was the one lone “no” vote on the budget for 2010 that included a property tax levy increase figured into it. Now comes the actual vote to go on record for a recommendation to pursue a property tax increase – it will take place this Thursday at 4:00 PM while the rest of civilization is actually working.

The agenda action item is for an intent to pursue a 27 cent library levy increase up from the current 8 cent special library levy – an increase of 19 cents (you raise about one million dollars in revenue for every 16 cents on the levy) so this will be an increase in excess of $ 1 million dollars in additional property taxes. This recommendation goes forward from the Library Board of Trustees to the City Council that also has to vote on this – but a recommendation from an independent commission, like the Library board of trustees, gives them the cover to “do the will of the people”.

What my friend is looking for is a little support and a little attention to be drawn to this matter; the quicker you can get out in front of an issue like this, the more attention that can be brought to it and the better the chance the Council may pare it back – or with enough heat, reject the increase in total. Otherwise this could slide thru from the Library Board on a Thursday afternoon without even being covered and slipped onto next week’s “consent” agenda at the Council meeting for a voice vote – in other words, a done deal.

I am advising him to use the term “Culture of Delay” in his remarks in urging the rest of the Library Board to vote against this tax increase recommendation; Brian Fagan is the Council liaison to the Library Board and has been counseling them on how to pursue this course of action. For instance

we know that the damage done to the existing main library is in excess of 50% of pre flood value so FEMA pays for an entire new one.

 However there are only two options, either raze the existing structure and build on the same site with protections against the 100 year flood event. Or second, build on a new site outside of the flood plain (like Westdale for example).

 Instead of making a decision and settling with FEMA which would allow for a release of funds from them for not just a building, but also for contents – this property tax increase is being proposed to largely pay for new materials to replace, in the interim, what was lost in the flood.
Call me cynical and suspicious, but to these jaundiced eyes it looks like an attempt to raise taxes and if one opposes the raise then one is mean spirited and does not care about the damage done to the Community by the flood


Get the FEMA money as well, later,  Then keep the tax hike because during the shuffle no one will notice?

Remember I made the title of this

Having YOUR Cake and Eating it Too

Having THEIR Cake and Eating it Too.

They are not going to be paying the higher property Tax, YOU will.
Keep a weather eye out for the July 4th Taxed Enough Already Rally
and spread the word about this Property Tax Hike.

UPDATE:  Tim Pugh forwarded the Library's Responce to me.
I'd be happy to respond to this. FEMA covers our lost materials but the proposed levy increase would be for money to run our facility not for items lost in the flood. As you may remember even preflood, the library was incredibly challenged from an operating funding perspective. While FEMA/State/IJOBS will pay for a substantial portion of the capital cost of building a new building, the library levy is important because we need the operating funds to run the facility. It is absolutely critical that we have this support from the community. I can really bottom line this library levy. It really boils down to the square footage that we can support from an operational funding perspective.

We’d like to come back better than before

– with the passage of the levy, we can do that and build a beautiful new facility that will meet the needs today and of future generations. If we can’t pass a library levy, it calls into question whether we can even afford to operate a building the size that we had preflood. That’s how serious this is.
His reaction was much the same as what passed through my mind
However this building is not built, so what operating cost?

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 12:58 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 11 June 2009 2:37 AM CDT
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Monday, 8 June 2009
Healing the Heartland Festival
I received this email from THE Parade Firetruck man himself, Steve West.
"dan i need your help iin sending out an invite to the free bbq friday nite at 10 locations around cr check the web site for details =;"

What a worthy cause go hither and read on it'

Healing the Heartland Newsboys Barlow Girl

Healing the Heartland Festival is a Three Day Event
Marking the Anniversary of the Great Flood of 2008

- A message of faith and hope for the heartland -

Music • Food • Fun • Inspiration • Community Care

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3

Since the time I first put this video slideshow up, I have also discovered a equally moving Youtube Video.

Get reminded
The Year of the River: Flood Photography from The Gazette @ Cedar Rapids Museum of Art
Information: (319) 366-7503 or

I received this communication:

June 8 at 9:26pm
I have an email with the list of all the BBQ locations. Would you like me to email it to you?

For those who might not know Rene is Our Local Iowa House Representative for District 37
Representative Renee Schulte

Eighty-Third General Assembly

Renee Schulte

Renee Schulte
State Representative
House District 37
State Capitol
Des Moines, IA 50319

Standing Committee Assignments

Appropriations Subcommittee

Legislation Sponsored


Subcommittee Assignments

Home Address: 1734 Chestnut Lane NE, Cedar Rapids, IA, 52402
Home Telephone: 319-364-2617


Occupation: Adjunct Professor - Mt. Mercy College
Capitol Telephone: 515-281-3221


Additional Information about Representative Renee Schulte
Subscribe to Representative Renee Schulte Newsletter

We are very fortunate here in Linn County to have elected officials who pay attention to local affairs and do not wait to be asked to offer assistance


Service Providers: I'm including you in this email so that you can pass on this free event to those who may benefit.

Everyone:  Please forward this email on to all you think may be interested.  It is going to be a great way to bring encouragement, help and healing to our community.

Healing the Heartland Festival is a Three Day Event Marking the Anniversary of the Great Flood of 2008

- A message of faith and hope for the heartland -

Music • Food • Fun • Inspiration • Community Care

Serve The City is a coalition of over 40 area congregations and ministries hosting the Healing the Heartland Festival.

Most of the events and entertainment are FREE to the community!

Day 1 - Friday, June 12; 6pm-9pm:  Neighbors & Friends Barbecue

11 FREE, Giant, Neighborhood Barbecues will be held throughout Cedar Rapids and surrounding area. Bring a lawn chair and your appetite, everything else will be provided. No reservations necessary.

Find one closest to you & join us! (Listed alphabetically)


Held at Bever Pavilion in Bever Park

Cedar Valley Bible / First Lutheran / Valley View Baptist

Cedar Hills

Held at the Cherry Hill Park Pavilion

Calvary Baptist/Cedar Rapids Family Church / Stonebridge

Czech Village/Linwood

Taylor School

First Church Of The Nazarene / Hus Presbyterian / The Salvation Army


Held in the Kennedy High School South Parking Lot

Oakland Nazarene / River Of Life Ministries


Held at Donnelly Park

Antioch Christian / Cornerstone E-Free / Faith Bible / New Life Community


McKinley Middle School

First Lutheran / Oakhill- Jackson / Family Of Faith
Mound View
Held at Daniels Park Splash Pad Pavilion

Cedar Rapids Grace / Ellis Community / First Church Of The Open Bible. Imago Christi / Oakland Church Of The Nazarene

Noelridge Park

Held at the Lagoon Pavilion

Eastview Christian / New Covenant Bible / Noelridge Park / The Alliance Church


Held at The Cedar River Garden Center in Palo.

New Covenant Bible / Peace Church / River Of Life Ministries


Held in Robins on Saturday, June 6th

Faith Bible / New Covenant Bible

Time Check/Harrison

Held at the Ellis Park Duck Pond Pavilion

Cedar Rapids Christian Center / Edgewood Family Fellowship / Ellis Park Church of God / Encounter Christian / First Church Of The Open Bible

Day 2 - Saturday, June 13; 9am-10pm:  Community Festival at the Kingston Sports Complex

Food vendors with special budget-friendly prices will be there. For instance, a hot dog, bag of chips and lemonade all for $1. Food will be available between 11am & 8pm.

9am – Cedar Rapids "Run The Flood" Run to Rebuild - Run to Recover - Run to Remember Read more about this effort at (Entrance Fee Required)

11am - 5pm – Community Care Tent - FREE Over 50 booths offering information and care to community members. Care Tent includes job search and resume writing, mobile medical clinic, registration & fingerprinting of children by CRPD and more.

1pm - 4 pm – Family Fun Zone - FREE Activities include face painting, balloon artist, stick-on tattoos, bounce around playground, puppets and kids’ songs. Visits from local mascots including Shucks from the Kernels and Ricochet from the Roughriders.

2pm - 5pm – Sports Zone - FREE Emcee: International Speaker Keith Cook Exhibitions: “Untitled Skateboards” Team, Basketball Exhibitionist Tanya Crevier, Mike Hagen Strength Team

Saturday Evening Main Stage Concerts & Inspirational Speakers - FREE

Emcee: Dennis Swanberg – Christian Comedian

Music for All Ages – Bands Include:

5pm David Phelps - from Gaither Vocal Band

7pm BarlowGirl - 2005 Artists of the Year

8:30pm Newsboys - New Mix with Michael Tait

Day 3 - Sunday, June 14; 3:30pm-8pm:  Serve The City Day at the Kernels

Our festival winds down with a day at the ballpark.

3pm - A FREE Exhibition by the Mike Hagen Strength Team (Located outside the ballpark)

PLEASE NOTE: Regular Kernels’ ticket prices apply for entrance into the ballpark for concert and game

4:20pm - A Big Band Concert featuring a 16 piece brass ensemble

5:05pm - Cedar Rapids Kernels take on the Kane County Cougars

A River Renaissance and Freedom Festival Affiliated Event.

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 4:07 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 9 June 2009 3:37 AM CDT
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Sunday, 7 June 2009
The Linn County Shell Game
The shells move around and around.  Where will they stop and under which shell will we find the Linn County Republican Central Committee Meeting?

I have a mental image of Central Committee members wandering in the Wilderness, trying to find the Central Committee.

You think that is an exaggeration?

On May the 27th I received this email

hey Daniel,
are you still attending the linn county central meetings ? the last two times i went i showed up at the wrong location. can you tell me where and when the next one is ? the website is down.


My reply was" 

The New Executive Board changed it to the Kirkwood Continuing Educational Bldg

they may have some at a Kirkwood facility in Marion,
I will fwd the last announcement I got from another email account, you may wish to email Dawn Brown or Brent Shulte and get on their mailing list.

I think I better send this person another email saying Disregard last location, if you have not already been informed we have moved again to
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
7:00pm - 9:00pm
1200 Collins Rd NE
Cedar Rapids, IA


Regular business meeting. Focus will be on developing
One hopes the word gets out and we do not have people spread out around the County trying to go to where the meeting USED to be.

I stumbled upon this because I noticed that for the first time in a while the

 Linn County GOP, Iowa.  Face book site had been updated. Since it had been inactive for some time I was curious.  I have not received one of those Evite emails, so who knows? 

They may change their minds yet again.

Sigh, one of the Facets of being Conservative, whether it be a positive or a negative trait, is that we like at least some semblance of stability.

I find that lacking lately.

So the Meeting has moved again and you can find out about the change on Facebook
You are not a member of Facebook?

Well then call the  Linn County Central Committee Office for the latest information.

Oh I forget we don't HAVE a Linn County Central Committee Office anymore.

The New Executive Board decided we no longer needed it. 

It did not matter that it was set up and established by a Vote of the Central Committee,.

They don't seem to think that we need that anymore either.

Voting to make decisions on the General Management of the Central Committee.

There is an agenda, they have plans in the works it seems.
 Focus will be on developing precinct organizations to help support our elected officials and candidates.

One problem with this as I see it.  First the Central Committee has to decide that is what it wants to do.

You see there is a facet to how we are suppose to operate that the Executive Board has over looked.

The Executive Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee

I have been getting the impression that they view the direction of powers and responsibility to be in the other direction.

They are mistaken,.  The above was a direct quote from the County Constitution by the way.

We need to discuss and clarify these matters before ANY other actions are taken.

I have had long discussions on this subject,  With one gentleman who stated and I believe it to be true that his and my ultimate goals are the same.

I think that to be true. Our ideas on Means and Methods differ.

In one communication he wrote to me:

 The Four-Way Test of the things we think, say or do

FIRST: Is it the TRUTH?
SECOND: Is it FAIR to all concerned?
THIRD: Will it build
FOURTH: Will it be BENEFICIAL to all

I have tried to stay with the Truth, but the Truth is not FAIR it is what it is.  You cannot split the truth up so both sides have equal shares,  The Truth may or may NOT build Goodwill or Friendship.

It is said the Truth will Set you Free, but First it will Tick you off. Oh and the Truth is not necessarily going to benefit all concerned,

If some one is acting out of mistaken beliefs they may not react in a friendly manner to having that pointed out, they may not feel that action is a benefit to their plans.

Some times you have to make a choice between what you think is Right and how other people Feel about it.

On the subject of closing the Permanent Party Office?  The gentleman's opinion seemed to be that closing it did not matter, that in the Past such offices were temporary, mostly for elections.

I could have responded that the Permanent Office was a Symbol of our presence in the Community,  That symbols are important,. They give Structure and Purpose.

They give us something to work toward and maintain during the periods of time between elections,  That the temporary offices for the Election were the Victory Offices in Marion.

That is really beside the point. The Point is the Executive Board

 HAD NO RIGHT to take such an action without the approval of the Central Committee.  That is the point,

Now this man I spoke to is a very nice person,  He really wants the Central Committee to function and work,.

He also wants this to be done without hurting anyone's feelings or making a big ruckus,.

My thoughts?

If you want Happiness   Believe

If you want Truth   Inquire.

I am not one to sit back and believe everything I am told, I looked into these matters as they are laid out in the County  Constitution and By-Laws

 IE I Inquired.

And I decided that this must stop and the only way that will happen is if they are brought out into the Light of Day.


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 3:12 AM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 7 June 2009 4:27 AM CDT
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Friday, 5 June 2009
Let's Pretend The Train Is Running

Cross Posted at : Committees of Correspondence

One of the aspects of Cosmic Synchronicity, is the same message keeps popping up.

It is as if the Universe is saying, "Not paying attention are we?  Well let's see if you notice THIS."

Lately I seem to be running into the same dialog.

During a long thread on an international forum concerning some of the financial and business manipulations of our present administration a gentleman from the UK posted to me:
Your mania to dissect the done deed serves little purpose because the vast majority are now concerned with the overall crisis impact and culture solutions -- rather than the failure to perhaps cross a few " Ts" and dot a few " Is" in the past .
Myself I think trashing Contract and Lending Law, the intimidation and coercion of Creditors by the Government to be more than just failure to dot Is and cross Ts.

When I have made my views known about the situation of the Local Central Committee as regards Voting Credentials and activities of the Executive Board?

What  I receive in reply, is "Let's not create a public spectacle, just let it ride, we can fix these problems in the NEXT Precinct Caucuses.

In the same manner we did NOT fix these things in the previous Caucuses?

I mean the Election Code WAS written quite some time ago.

All these messages I keep getting remind me more and more of a Soviet Era Russian joke.
Stalin, Khrushchev, and Brezhnev were riding on a train, which suddenly came to a halt.
Stalin jumped up and shouted, "I will get this train running.  Shoot all the Engineers!"
The train still sat.
Krushchev jumped up and exclaimed,  "I will get this train running.  Give everyone a RAISE."
The train still sat.
Brezhnev just looked at the two, shook his head and said,  "Draw the drapes Comrades, we can pretend the train is running.
What difference does it make?"
 So every time someone tells me that the Rule of Law, Sanctity of Contracts, Constitutions, Rights of  Individuals, when they become Inconvenient or in the way of the Greater Good, can be set aside and we can just  act like we are doing what we should?

When I am told I am creating too much of a stir over technicalities which might hinder more important plans?

What I hear is:

"Draw the drapes Comrades, we can pretend the train is running.
What difference does it make?" 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 4:20 AM CDT
Updated: Friday, 5 June 2009 4:35 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 3 June 2009
They Are Succeeding
Cross Posted at : Committees of Correspondence

Perhaps I have been too judgmental in my polemics.

So I got to thinking  in what areas have  the New Executive Board been succeeding?

Those who were at the  nomination meeting may recall that one of the major platform items presented was a Precinct Initiative to, as we were informed, replicate the success of the Obama Political Machine on Precinct  level here in Linn County.

To Win Elections

Well the Obama Machine did win their Election.

What have they done since?

They have been busy slighting, insulting and alienating our Allies

Here we have seen the same results with Issue organizations that one would normally think of as Allies of Conservatives,

The Tea Party movement and the NRA, we have not shined in our relationship with either.

The Obama Machine has also been busy tearing down those institutions which have served us well the during this decade and helped keep us safe.

And here in Linn County?

In the last few months, the strong system of sub-committees formed to

organize Fund Raising and Volunteer Assembly has fallen by the Wayside.

We are told that the Executive Board will follow the wishes of the Central Committee,

If they so choose.

Both the Obama Administration and the New Executive Board have plans to spend far more than the income that seems to be available.

Though here in Linn County, I have yet to hear of any viable plans to raise funds

Other than moving the meeting out of the Longbranch to placate some mysterious big donors who do not wish to be sullied by too close a proximity between the Linn County Central Committee Meeting and Demon Rum.

 Oh Yes I did over look ONE of the New, Fresh Ideas

They have created a method for us to donate money via automatic drafts from our Bank Accounts for them to use for whatever purposes they so desire,  With or without consulting us,  or getting our approval


All this reminds me of a Song

So I guess in some Areas they HAVE succeeded in carrying through with their campaign commitments.

So we sit and wait,  Wait to be informed of matters that an amazing amount of folks seem to know before we do.

It would appear there is only one function desired of the Central Committee in the present times.


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 11:27 PM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 4 June 2009 6:44 AM CDT
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