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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Saturday, 11 February 2012
That Sucking Sound

For Generations

The Public has sent the Government

More Money each Year

Than the Year Before


For Generations

The Government has spent

More Money than We sent them

And Wanted More


Where Does it Stop?


Vote NO March 6


When they talk to You about the Local Option Sales Tax Extension

Ask then why we needed the Extra Expense of a Special Election


Rather than doing it on the June Ballot


Vote NO  March 6




That Sucking Sound You may be hearing is

Your Paycheck going down the Drain at City Hall


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 10:42 PM CST
Updated: Monday, 13 February 2012 5:08 PM CST
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Thursday, 12 January 2012
Linn County, Iowa 2012 Precincts
Here is a link for all the Precinct Maps going into effect Sunday the 15th, 2012

Precinct Maps

Cedar Rapids Precincts

Cedar Rapids Precincts Effective January 15, 2012
CR02CR10 CR18CR26CR34CR42

Marion Precincts

Marion Precincts Effective January 15, 2012
 MR02 MR06 MR10 MR14
 MR03 MR07

Linn County Precincts

Linn County Precincts Effective January 15, 2012
 Bertram Township
 Fairfax Township
 Hiawatha 04
 Mount Vernon North
Boulder Township
Fayette Township
Jackson Township
Mount Vernon South
 Brown Township
 Franklin Township
 Linn Township
 Otter Creek Township
 Buffalo Township
 Grant Township
 Maine Township
 Putnam Township
 Clinton Township
 Hiawatha 01
 Marion Township
 College Township
 Hiawatha 02
 Monroe Township 01
 Spring Grove Township
 Fairfax City
 Hiawatha 03
 Monroe Township 02
 Washington Township

Other Precinct Maps

And the new Polling Place/ Precinct Finder is up  Here

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 6:06 PM CST
Updated: Thursday, 12 January 2012 6:59 PM CST
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Thursday, 1 December 2011
I'm afaid I can't do that Dave

 For the first time, that I am aware of, a Computer AI has made an ethical and moral choice
It's a Social Conservative
Feminists are asking why. C’mon. We all know why. Teach your proto-Skynets well, my friends.
I’m going to toss an idea at you and I want you to give it serious thought before passing on it. Plain and simple: Romney/Siri 2012?

Ask the Siri, the new iPhone 4 assistant, where to get an abortion, and, if you happen to be in Washington, D.C., she won’t direct you to the Planned Parenthood on 16th St, NW. Instead, she’ll suggest you pay a visit to the 1st Choice Women’s Health Center, an anti-abortion Crisis Pregnancy Center (CPC) in Landsdowne, Virginia, or Human Life Services, a CPC in York, Pennsylvania.

 Ask Google the same question, and you’ll get ads for no less than 7 metro-area abortion clinics, 2 CPCs and a nationwide abortion referral service.

Ask in New York City, and Siri will tell you “I didn’t find any abortion clinics.”

It’s an experience that’s being replicated by women around the country: despite plentiful online information about actual places to get an abortion, Siri doesn’t seem to provide it. It’s a similar experience for women seeking emergency contraception: in New York City, Siri doesn’t know what Plan B is and, asked for emergency contraception, offers up a Google results page of definitions.



Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 6:14 PM CST
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Friday, 19 August 2011
Congress? We Don't Need No Stinking Congress.

We don't need no stinking badges!

Is a Classic Movie Line


But now we seem to have an Administration that lives by a modification of it


We Don't Need No Stinking Congress.

Recently Congress decided it had no interest in some Legislation called the Dream Act.  The attempt to ride it through was made after the last Election, it got through the House but did not make the 60 Vote bar in the Senate.


The Adminstration decided to implement it by itself.


Obama Administration to Review All Deportation Cases, Apply DREAM Act-Style Criteria

Which is a lot like the Fate of

Cap and Trade

But again a Congressionla rejection was no problem for an Administration that could just tell the EPA to do it anyway.

EPA Cap-and-trade Regulations Would Circumvent Congress


They ran into the same problem when the FCC decided to regulate the Internet.

A Federal Judge inconvieniently ruled that CONGRESS must pass Legislation authorizing a Federal Agency to regulate something,

Not a problem, This Adminstration just told the FCC to do it anyway.


FCC Moves to Regulate Internet--Even Though the Law Calls for Internet to be 'Unfettered by Federal or State Regulation'


Then of course there was Libya.

Wasn't it nice of President Obama to ask the permission of NATO and the UN, but wouldn't it have been nicer if he had bothered to discuss it with Congress?

I mean there are such picky things like the Constitution and the War Powers Act that should be considered.

Or not as is the case with the present Administration.


A Primer on the Libya/War Powers Resolution Compliance Debate

All these things can be clearly understood if we stop and think about the background of the President in office now,

In Dugan Romanos work on Intercultural Relatiohships the claim is made that everyone acts out of their own Cultural Matix.

President Obama's Cultural Matrix as far as Politics is concerned, derives from Cook County.

Some time ago a young man named Barry, a product of an exclusive Prep School in Hawaii, arrived at the People's Republic of Chicago and became

Barrak Husein Obama, the disciple of Bill Ayers and Saul Alynsky.

In that environment the Daley Machine has had full One Party control for generations.

Yes Conservatives and Republicans are Seen and Not---

Well maybe not even seen,  The Machine has been able to pretty much do as it wills,

Thus we have a Presidency that treats the United States like it was Cook County

Government by Executive Order Fiat.

Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't that one of the origninal complaints against George the Third??

 For suspending our own legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 5:47 AM CDT
Updated: Friday, 19 August 2011 5:57 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 17 August 2011
To Stimulate or Not to Stimulate

Obama Ag Secretary says rise in food stamps is putting people to work

 Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack told MSNBC’s Morning Joe that the Obama administration has a jobs program already in place — and it’s food stamps. When asked about new numbers that show one in every seven Americans now receiving food stamps from the federal government, Vilsack said that’s good news. Food stamps create jobs, Vilsack insisted, and managed to even come up with a new multiplier effect number:


So here’s the question. If food stamps create jobs, like Vilsack says here, and we’re putting record numbers of Americans on food stamps, then why aren’t we seeing record job creation? If every dollar spent on food stamps creates $1.84 in production, as Vilsack argues, and the number of food stamp recipients keeps rising, then why haven’t the GDP numbers reflected that fabulous growth?

The one little detail left out is the penalty we pay when we take money out of the general economy for a government program.

So for every dollar we spend it creates $1.84 in the economy?

If this were a Fairy Tale, the money would magically appear in the hands of the food stamp recipient.

But it is not a Fairy Tale the money comes from Tax Payers, nor is it Star Trek, Scotty does not beam the money into the hands of them either,

Funds for these programs must grind their way through the Federal Government and that is not without cost..

Take as an example the Cash for Clunkers Program, it gave out $4500 Tax Credits and the  Cost Per Car was $20,000, Round it up for each dollar in Tax Credits the Tax Payers shelled out 4 dollars.

If those same figures hold true for th eFood Stamp Program for each dollar sent out in Food Stamps we paid 4 dollars in over head.

So if that one dollar returned $1.84 in economic activity those same 5 dollars left in the hands of the Tax Payers would have returned  $9.20 in economic activity.  

Now I am not saying we should cut that program I AM saying that for each dollar spent there is a net loss to the economy of (using their figures) $7.36.

That is NOT something to Crow about.

But feeding American who have fallen on hard times is a much better use of Tax Payers money than the Program that was part of the Stimulas Bill that spent 2.6 Million Dollars to teach Chinese Prostitutes how to drink responsibly.

I doubt that stimulated our eonomy.  The only stimulas it could have produced would have been stimulating Chinese Johns,

Or maybe the administrators,  Who knows the Girls might have been grateful and expressed that in a tangible manner?

The picture of Government Agencys as Pimps I find somehow Apt.

They are after all into Tax Payer Bondage,



Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 3:59 AM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 17 August 2011 4:10 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 16 August 2011
Letter to

 Team 10' project is a campaign to solicit ideas from the public on the Tenth Amendment and how it can be used to restrict Federal regulations.

Here is a proposed letter to Congress,

Read it and if you find yourself in accord send it to your Senators and Representative in the House.

Dear Members of the House and Senate:


We are writing you as activists in the tea party and 912 movements, and as believers in the 10th Amendment to the Constitution, which states:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

The recent debt ceiling agreement set up an inadequate, centralized system of trying to find $1.5 trillion in savings over the next 10 years by empowering just 12 out of 535 members.


We believe every member of the Congress has an obligation to participate in cutting 3.25% from the budget, which is a little over three cents out of every dollar.


Therefore we ask that in early September, every committee and subcommittee should hold hearings on enforcing the 10th Amendment.


We are convinced that if you will take seriously the complaints from state and local officials about unnecessary red tape, unnecessary federally imposed expenses and federally mandated waste, you will find a lot of the savings you need.


We would also urge you to insist that the “Super Committee” of 12 include a significant amount of 10th Amendment enforcement in its deliberations.


After all, if the federal government did not require so much reporting by businesses, doctors, hospitals and state and local government, billions could be saved in unnecessary compliance costs.


If the federal government allowed businesses, hospitals, doctors and state and local governments to exercise common sense, a lot of federal aid could be eliminated and the money saved.


If you begin the fall session in September with a series of hearings in which the appropriate subcommittees and committees hear from the American people on these topics, you will have a huge menu of savings on your plate by mid October.

Ultimately, our goal is not a less expensive centralized bureaucracy in Washington, but government that is efficient, limited and Constitutional. The best way to do that is to enforce the 10th Amendment and return power to the states respectively, or the people.

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 1:40 AM CDT
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Letter to Congress from Project 10

 Team 10' project is a campaign to solicit ideas from the public on the Tenth Amendment and how it can be used to restrict Federal regulations.

Here is a proposed letter to Congress,

Read it and if you find yourself in accord send it to your Senators and Representative in the House.

Dear Members of the House and Senate:


We are writing you as activists in the tea party and 912 movements, and as believers in the 10th Amendment to the Constitution, which states:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

The recent debt ceiling agreement set up an inadequate, centralized system of trying to find $1.5 trillion in savings over the next 10 years by empowering just 12 out of 535 members.


We believe every member of the Congress has an obligation to participate in cutting 3.25% from the budget, which is a little over three cents out of every dollar.


Therefore we ask that in early September, every committee and subcommittee should hold hearings on enforcing the 10th Amendment.


We are convinced that if you will take seriously the complaints from state and local officials about unnecessary red tape, unnecessary federally imposed expenses and federally mandated waste, you will find a lot of the savings you need.


We would also urge you to insist that the “Super Committee” of 12 include a significant amount of 10th Amendment enforcement in its deliberations.


After all, if the federal government did not require so much reporting by businesses, doctors, hospitals and state and local government, billions could be saved in unnecessary compliance costs.


If the federal government allowed businesses, hospitals, doctors and state and local governments to exercise common sense, a lot of federal aid could be eliminated and the money saved.


If you begin the fall session in September with a series of hearings in which the appropriate subcommittees and committees hear from the American people on these topics, you will have a huge menu of savings on your plate by mid October.

Ultimately, our goal is not a less expensive centralized bureaucracy in Washington, but government that is efficient, limited and Constitutional. The best way to do that is to enforce the 10th Amendment and return power to the states respectively, or the people.

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 1:20 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 16 August 2011 1:24 AM CDT
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Monday, 15 August 2011
Taking Candy From A Baby

I have heard it said that anyone who uses the expression, "as easy as taking candy from a baby",

Has never TRIED to take candy from a baby.,


BUT, the experience would stand you in good stead for trying to explain to a politician, why government Spending should be Cut, or Taxes Lowered,

They sit in DC, in State Houses, County Seats and City Halls gazing at the Electorate with the fixation of a Toddler who has just spotted a bowl of candy within reach,

And what candy it is.

The Cash for Clunkers Program gave a $4500 tax break and cost per car $20,000.

The New Home Purchase Program gave a $8500 tax break and cost per home $50,000.

The Mortgage Recovery Program covered homes with an average value of $170,00 and cost per home $871,000.

Now while it would not surprise most of us that there are Federal Employees sitting around doing nothing, we also doubt that someone like that would have been put to work managing these programs

If that is what you think you would probably be correct for Federal Employees, rose 10% while the rest of the country lost jobs,

Call this Job Creation You CAN Believe in.


Of course all those new Employees needed a way to get to work so it makes sense that the Federal Limosene Fleet increased by 7%


From those according to their abilities to those according to their needs




Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 5:10 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, 15 August 2011 5:22 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 9 August 2011
They're Both Wrong

These days when you turn on the TV, listen to the Radio on the way to work, or open up a Newspaper,

Everyone seem to be talking about the Deficit and the Debt Crises.

The one thing they all can agree on, is this is NOT a good thing

But they do disagree on what to do about it.

Some say, we need to raise taxes, which would give the Government more Revenue and fix the problem.

Others say no, raising taxes would dampen a weak economy and that instead we should lower taxes, stimulate the economy and that would give the Government more Revenue and fix the problem.

Now both of them can't be right,

But both of them CAN be

Dead Wrong

You see, for generations the American People with just a few exceptions HAS been sending DC more money each year than the year before.

But for generations with just a few exceptions DC has SPENT more money than we sent them.

So Raising Revenue

Has NOT been Working!

If it was, we would not have this problem.

Just to give an example of our present reality,'

Picture the Federal Government as a household making 40K a year,

The MidEast Conflict would be like them taking out a Loan for 20K and paying for 8 years on it at the rate of $50  a week.

That is like something a lot of us have done.

But this last year was like that same family spending 70K.

If that should be a member of your family, you might try to talk to them,

If you found that they did not see any problem and in fact planned on doing the same thing next year and the year after and so on.

You would probably be talking to the rest of the Family about getting them some help.,

We need to get Uncle Sam some help.

Right now and for SURE

Next November.



Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 8:30 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 9 August 2011 8:33 AM CDT
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Thursday, 28 July 2011
There's a Farm Shortage?

I found it interesting to learn recently that one of the Flood Recovery Programs that the City Hall is lauding was a Farm in Timecheck?


City Hall supports urban farm for Time Check Neighborhood


CEDAR RAPIDS — A proposal to permit an urban farm in a piece of the flood-hit Time Check Neighborhood won a ringing endorsement on Monday from a City Council committee and the city’s community development director.

The council’s Community Development Committee unanimously agreed to move the idea, called the Ellis Urban Village, forward.

For generations Timecheck has supplied single unit affordable housing for lower income families.'

Such housing is always in short supply, but I was unaware that Iowa was experiencing a shortage of Farms and Vegetables.


This seems to be part of the Urban Village Plan that was part of the Preferred Plan that City Hall tried and failed get passed in Last Springs LOST Referendum.

Along with a myriad of OTHER, "Needs" that City Hall has been working on,


Cedar Rapids council to OK contract for new dog park

The City Council is expected to award a construction contract Tuesday evening to build a new off-leash dog park on city property near the city’s Gardner Golf Course and community gardens at highways 100 and 13.

The park has been in the works for more than two years.

Two contractors bid on the project, with Gee Grading & Excavating Inc. of Cedar Rapids submitting the low bid of $150,635. Dave Schmitt Construction Co. Inc. of Cedar Rapids bid $178,385.

Work is slated to start on Aug. 22 and be complete in November, the city reports.

 So THAT'S what they have been working on since the Flood?

Recently I got an email from a good friend who is a  Flood Victim.  He knows I take an interest in these issues and had a question,

 Subject: Is this true?

At the July 26, 2011 Cedar Rapids City Council Meeting the city will be approving the following:

$6.4 Million to Remodel the New City Hall (Many City halls cost less than this to build !!!!)

$41 Million to Renovate the Cedar Rapids Convention Center

(Which does not include the following:

$13 Million New Parking Ramp

$18 Million to Buy and Remodel the Crown Plaza Hotel.

6.4 + 41 + 13 + 18 = $78.4 Million

WT* - This is why we don't have FLOOD PROTECTION !!!

Who is to blamed for this: The Mayor and ALL City Councilors !!!!!

As you can see, he had not only a Question

  Is this true?

But a reaction

 WT* - This is why we don't have FLOOD PROTECTION !!!

Quite right friends,  Sometime back I heard that during a heavy storm, some neighborhood streets were flooded because the sandbags blocking the Storm Drains have


It would appear two things are in action,

One they want us to be reminded of  Flooding

Two they are rapidly spending all of our money on pipe dreams so that next spring we will HAVE to give them an extension on the Local Option Sales Tax,


Petition drive starts to force new local-option tax vote

CEDAR RAPIDS — The petition drive has begun to again put an extension of the local-option sales tax to a vote, this time for a scaled-down plan extending the tax just 10 years and putting all the funds toward flood recovery.

Supporters have dubbed the drive CREST — Cedar Rapids Extended Sales Tax — with a goal of collecting at least 4,032 signatures to require the Linn County Board of Supervisors to call a new election, likely on March 6


 BOHICA  (Bend Over Here It Comes Again)

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 2:23 AM CDT
Updated: Friday, 29 July 2011 8:22 AM CDT
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