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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Tuesday, 10 February 2015
Get With The Program Or Move On.





Get with the program or move on

 Is not just a quote, but the SUBJECT LINE of an Email sent to one of our members by the Linn County Republican Central Committee Chair.

She Who Must Be Obeyed. 

In many Deliberative Societies it is not uncommon to find differing points of view.

The preferred method of handling this is Debate and Dialogue.

Both sides present their views to the Body,

There are Rules governing how this is done.

The most important being, only the Body has the Right to End Debate.

By a Two Thirds Vote.

The idea being that if 2/3rds feel that they have heard enough it is time to make a decision.

The less preferred is the use of differing methods to see that Dialogue is suppressed,

I recall when I was still Parliamentarian a Debate was ensuing at a Central Committee meeting and the Chair asked me,  "What can I do to End this?"  My reply was "Nothing" 

See above the bit about Only the Body has the Right to End Debate.

That incident might have been the origin of the 5 Minute Rule on Subcommittee Reports.

We cannot have the Body getting too much information.

It must be LIMITED,

So that they will Keep their Mouths Shut, Do What they are Told and Remember what Their Place is.

In a word.

They can "Get with the program or move on"

The Unbelievers MUST be driven out the Doors of the Temple lest they corrupt the Faithful! 

Because the Prophets of "Making a difference for the good of this country"

Have decreed that the Heretics be Purged.

"Either come along with us or we will move ahead without you. It's your choice."

Myself I am a firm believer that everyone one has a Right to THEIR Choice.

The County Chair seems to feel  that evryone has a Right to HER Choice..  

We will have in one short week a Chance to Choose,

They have done their best so far to place limitations on that Choice,

Nominees will have 2 minutes to speak to us and there will be NO Questions from the Floor and then


Immediately we go to the Vote.


In the Past the reason for a short statement and no questions from the floor was because we had a month between Nominations and Voting to ask Questions.

They want the assistant commitee persons who will vote to be decided NOT by the Senority System we have always used but instead base it on Who Wins the Race to Be First To Check In.

But the Rules used will be the Choice of the BODY. 

The Leadership that comes out of the Voting will also be the Choice of the Body. 

So at this meeting coming up in One Week

Choose Wisely.

Because if you don't?

You may not get another Chance to Choose anything for a couple of years. 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 2:57 AM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 10 February 2015 8:08 AM CST
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Monday, 9 February 2015
We Mutually Pledge

Well we have had a range of comments on my statements about the Central Committee adjournment times,

 They range from


I disagree on your time position. I think the long drawn out meetings were one of the things that turned me away from attending. set up a time limit and table issues until next time.


 I think there needs to be balance. The last meeting was a mess. It was like watching a movie in fastforward. You got an idea of what everyone was trying to accomplish but it went so quickly only a few things were actually addressed. It's important to know when it's too late but it's also important to be flexible. 


I believe part of my reaction stems from the Fact that i take One Vacation Day a Month to attend the Central Committee Meetings.

So as a result my focus is on getting the work of the Committee done, rather than what time we adjourn.

I realize others may look at things differently.

I have been going to these meetings for quite a few years and you might say I am a person of consistant habits.

Some less than Kind people may say I tend to get stuck in ruts,

In any event I have for years ordered the same dinner before the meeting and ordered my desert after the meeting.

The Kitchen closes at 10:00 PM and I do not recall any time in the last 10 Years that there has not been plenty of time to order my Chocolate Cake and Ice Cream after a meeting.

So we are talking about a long drawn out meeting of an extra 30 Minutes, Perhaps and Hour?  I don't think it has ever gone as long as an Hour and Half and prevented my ordering my Desert.

It saddens me to think that in just a tad over 200 years we have gone from:

With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.



What do you MEAN we might not adjourn at 8:30??




Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 1:32 AM CST
Updated: Monday, 9 February 2015 3:19 PM CST
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Sunday, 8 February 2015
Chaotic Good







A while back I entered intop an online dialogue with someone who remembers the last few years differently than I.

I recall the Executive Board just before the present one as a very good time for the Central Commitee, while they--

But let me let them tell you in their own words

 Now I'm fotflmao! Demolishing everything that you built up? Now that's rich… And just what exactly are the great accomplishments that you would like to point to? The Central committee was a disaster! It was in total disarray! There was no structure there was hardly any leadership! Maybe it was that great website you guys had! Oh yeah that's right… It hadn't been managed in years! Lmao! What a joke!

We seem to have a different definition of disaster.

The Executive Board took over a Central Committee in disarray.

The Treasury was GONE.

We started the practice of taking up a collection during the meetings to pay for the room because we HAD to.

There was no other way to pay for the room.

It was not easy in those early days the membership and those attending meetings had fallen off quite a bit.

Down to the levels we see today.

But in time the collections for a meeting could get as high as $200. According to a former Treasurer (Not the Present One or the Interim One)

Compared to-- what was it I heard the last one was, $26?

If that is Order?  I will take Disorder any day.

It is true the Website had been dormant.

We made the mistake of having something that could only be handled by an expert and then the expert went Walk About.

So we now have something that can only be handled by an Expert and if they go Wallk About we will be back were we were.

Have to Love that Order and Structure.

As for the FUNCTIONING of the Central Committee in those days when everything was in disarray.

When there was no Structure and the Website was Dormant?

Well our Events were attended by 4 to 5 times as many people as today.

The Bank Account went from ZERO to $20,000.

The Meeting collections could get as High as $200

Membership and Attendance was UP not Down.

I don't recall any real fighting or  arguments other than the normal.

I did not engage in anything like what I am doing presently, because?

NO portions of the Constitutions, ByLaws or Rules of Order were being Violated.

From where I stand all the Order, Structure that the present Excutive Board has given us is highly over rated.

I say

Return us to the Disorder, Unstructure and Dormancy we had when we were Effective and Working Together.




Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 1:46 PM CST
Updated: Sunday, 8 February 2015 2:26 PM CST
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Friday, 6 February 2015
Down The Rabbit Hole

I'm Late, I'm Late for a Very Important Date!


 There are some peopl who have a fetish about time.

We have a few in the Central Committee.   They seem to place a greater importance on what time the meeting ends than if whether or not the business needed got done.

I recall an online exchange I had recently with a couple they were ecstatic that the meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.

As for me I was concerned that for instance the Finance Subcommittee had FIVE items that they wished to bring to the Body's attention and were not given the time to do so,

But then shutting off presentations by the Finance Subcommittee by the Chair is not a new issue.

Sometime back the Finance Subcommittee spent 3 months working on a new insurance proposal, getting quotes, comparing prices etc.

The Chair had been informed of this.

When their Chair tried to be recognized at a meeting to present the Subcommittees findings the Central Committee Chair ignored him.

Later the Central Committee Chair presented the Executive;/Advisory Committee with a CRISIS.

The Central Committee's insurance was about to EXPIRE.

There was NO TIME.

Action must be taken NOW.

My understanding is that a member of the Finance Subcommittee who was at the Executive/Advisory Subcommittee meeting made a motion to allow the Executives to cut a check to renew the Insurance (with the Insurance company the Chair has their business insurance with)

Now this person KNEW the Finance Subcommittee had been working for THREE MONTHS on other better methods of insurance and he went behind their backs at this meeting and undermined them.

How slimy IS that?

Other problems with this aciton is the situation definition of meaning which alters an  ADVISORY Subcommittee in to one who makes DECISIONS for the Body?

Not to mention the FACT that their were only TWO Executives at the meeting and it takes a Quoram for the Executive Board to Act on ANYTHING.

I am sorry but a Quoram is MORE than One Half and One Half or TWO of a FOUR Person Executive Board is NOT more than One Half,

Not to mention that it was ILLEGAL and a Violation of the Bylaws for the Check to be written WITHOUT the Signature of the Treasurer?

But then RULES, Constituions ByLaws etc are not meant to be applied to THESE People they are ABOVE such petty matters.

Now we will come to the upcoming Elections.

When they tell you that they HAVE to be held the SAME Night as the Nominations and that we HAVE to only allow the Candidates 2 minutes and that we CANNOT allow Questions from the Floor,

Are you going to tell them that YOU the Central Committee decide differently and CHANGE their Proposed Rules?

Or are you just going to





Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 1:45 AM CST
Updated: Friday, 6 February 2015 10:43 AM CST
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Thursday, 5 February 2015
The Meaning of Is

Back in the Clinton Era there was a lot of Debate on the Meaning of Is

At the Linn County Central Committee we have been discussing the meaning of  a few terms. Committee and Manage.

It would seem that some have adopted and Alice Though the Looking Glass definition of the meaning of words.


This first arose when members of the Communications Subcommittee took issue with the monthly meeting Committee Reports including the Webmaster.

Because we said the Webmaster is not a Committee and the Communications Subcommittee has been givern the mandate by the Central Committee of oversight on the Website as is stated in our Charter.

This created some controversy and for instance the Organizational Subcommittee refused to remove the Webmaster as a Committee in the section of its Agenda titled Committee Reports.

Our position is based on two portions of our Charter.

 *Mission Statement *- The objective of the Communications Team is to manage the LCRCC correspondence including Facebook, website, news releases and online calendar. 


 *Activities and Duties *include:
 • Identify different audiences that the LCRCC wants to communicate with and develop a communications plan that defines the strategy and actions for
each audience. (for example, LCRCC members, voters, candidates, news media,
 etc). • Coordinate communication strategies and messaging with local, State and Federal organizations and candidates to ensure communications continuity
Coordinate the use of the LCRCC web site and Facebook content 


The Chair of the Office Subcommittee disagrees with me.

"The webmaster is not under the jurisdiction communications committee. Take a deep breath and relax while I try to educate you on this… The communications committee is responsible for "content" as you correctly identified. It is the responsibility of the office committee however for the management of the communications infrastructure!"

The Charters for both Subcommitees can be found in Appendix B of the July, 2015 Central Committee Minutes



I have looked through the Office Charter several times and it does say that they are responsible for the Computer, Hard Drive and Records that are IN the Office,

And thery are responsible for the Internet Conneciton that is IN the Office.



But try as I may I cannot seem to find ONE instance where the word Website  is mentioned.

You would think if the Office Subcommittee is responsible for that it might be mentioned at least once in their Charter.

It is mentioned Twice in ours?

Might I also point out we had the Website Mandate before there WAS an Office?

Let the Office Subcommittee stick to its own kniting and stop trying to raid other Subcommitees. 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 8:07 AM CST
Updated: Thursday, 5 February 2015 9:25 AM CST
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Wednesday, 4 February 2015
Don't You Know This Is Secret Ballot

During the Soviet Era one of the few means for the common people to practice resistance was street Humor,

Some of the anecdotes concerned Elections.


Dimitri was walking to the Ballot Box when he started opening his Ballot,

"Dimitri!"  The Political Commisar snarled, "Just WHAT do you think you are doing?"

Excuse me Comrade Commisar, but I was just curious who I was voting for.

"Dimitri you FOOL." the Political Commisar growled. "Don't you know this is SECRET Ballot." 


It is very important to have confidence in those who have control over an Election.


The Central Committee is scheduled to have an Officer's Election. 

The Details and Proposed Rules can be found HERE.


Upcoming LCRCC Nominations & Elections


Dear Republican,
The bi-annual election of officers for Linn County Republican Central Committee (LCRCC) will be held at our regularly scheduled meeting, Feb. 17, 2015.  The location isLongbranch Hotel & Convention Center, 90 Twixt Town Rd., Cedar Rapids. 
If you are interested in running for an office, please send your name and the position you are seeking (Chair, Co-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer) to the webmaster.  You may include a 3-5 sentence statement (bio or other info) and a picture, but these are not required.  If received by Feb 8, it will be included in a Mailchimp Email and distributed through our social media.

Proposed Rules -


  1. Process/procedures 
    1. Voting will be by secret ballot.
    2. One vote per eligible voter per ballot.
    3. No ballots shall leave the voting floor.
    4. Must be present to vote - no proxies.
    5. Candidates may observe the vote count.
    6. Nominations require a second and will be accepted at the February meeting.
    7. Candidates shall have two minutes to speak at the February meeting.
    8. There will be no questioning of candidates from the floor.
    9. Elections will be in the following order:
      • Chair
      • Co-Chair
      • Secretary
      • Treasurer
  2. Who can vote
    1. Precinct representatives and assistant representatives must check in with the credentials team.
    2. Credentialed Precinct representatives and credentialed assistant representatives may vote.
    3. Assistant representatives may vote only if Precinct representatives are not present.
      1. If more assistant representatives are present than positions to be filled, seating shall be determined by first arrival.
    4. Credentialing cuts off when all in line are credentialed.
    5. Precinct representatives and assistant representatives will be notified by USPS, postmarked 10 days prior to the election.
    6. Notice of the election will be posted on the Webpage, Face Book Group invite, and sent out via Mail Chimp.



When someone talks about changing how elections are run to Improve the process??  It gets my attention,


There are a few things that caught my eye,


For instance:


  1. Candidates shall have two minutes to speak at the February meeting.
  2. There will be no questioning of candidates from the floor.
If there is any discussion of those two points I would expect it to be mentioned that we have done it this way in the Past.
That is True, but what is also True is that the Best Way to Lie is to tell PART of the Truth.
Yes we HAVE limited Canidates to just a few minutes and we HAVE not allowed questions from the floor,
That was however when we Announced elections in January, held Nominations in Febuary and had the  Elections in March,
It was considered the Month in between Nominations and Elections would give everyone time to ask those running anything that they needed to.
Somehow the idea that Candidates have 2 minutes No One is allowed to ask Any Questions and we have to have the Election RIGHT NOW.  
This Very Night!!
Seems a little rushed to me.
Then there is the subject of credentials
  1. If more assistant representatives are present than positions to be filled, seating shall be determined by first arrival.
We have always credentialed by Senority of Membership in the Committee.
I can recall NO Time when it was based on what time a person got to the meeting.
None of these items I have mentioned are conducive to a reasoned informed Election.
There ARE however Perfect if you wish to RIG an Election.
I am a firm believer in the Principle that what can be abused will.
For that reason I suggest to the Membership that
1. We do not change the way we have held Elections in the Past,  Have Nominations in Feburary and the Election in March.
2. We do not change the way we Credential.  The method we use all the time does not need to be altered. 

3. Just so everyone does not think that I am totally adverse to change there is one I would suggest


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 12:55 AM CST
Updated: Wednesday, 4 February 2015 10:03 AM CST
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Tuesday, 3 February 2015
How To Destroy The LCRCC

Hi everyone my name is Dan and I am an





It is because I am lacking in any aspect of Human Decency, Compassion for my fellow Party Members or Comprehension of the Concepts of Morality and Ethics


That I wish to completely destroy the Linn County Republican Central Committee and Suck the Marrow from it's Bones.



 Or at least that is the claim relayed to me by the Chair of the LCRCC's Office Subcommittee.


&thus u have just revealed how sick u all are. Taking pride in the destruction of the LCRCC. truly it's a sad day...go ahead & give yourselves a nice pat on the back! 

But I think he does me too much credit.  I am only one person and am not in a position to do much destruction.

Now I do understand the process.  I have been watching with dismay while for over a year an expert has been demolishing what we built up under the Previous Chair.

So the First Step is--

Get Elected Chair.

Now you want to pick a nice healthy Central Committee one with a good Treasury,

It is not much of a challenge to demolish a Central Committee that is in  disarray with a depleted Treasury and you will not get much street cred amongst your fellow Central Committee demolishers.

You want to start small.  The basic method is based on the frog in s slowly boiling pot of water. 

 You might want to start by berating and castigating volunteers setting up for a function for placing more than 5 mints in the center of the tables.

This will prompt them to refuse to volunteer for anything that you might be involved in and you must make certain that you are involved and insist on running EVERYTHING.

About this now it will be time to CLAIM that certain aspects of the Constitution and ByLaws do not apply to you.

It is important NOT to violate any of their provisions just make the claim.

You might start by saying that some people want to move the meeting and while you COULD make that decision yourself, you think it is best to let the Commitee decide,

You see there is this pesky little part of the Constitution that says.


 The Executive Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee, and none of its acts shall conflict with actions of the Linn County Central Committee.

You want to get people used to the idea that you can ignore tedious things like Constitutions, ByLaws and Rules of Order and that despite the fact that the Committee established the time, dates and places for the meeting you COULD if you wished countermand that.
Now that you have the foundation set, Some disarray among the volunteers claims of extra Constitutional Power it is time to heat things up a bit more.
If your Central Committee has for instance two Evant Fund Raisers that have been sucessful with several hundred attendees at times, it is time to correct this.
If one is in the Spring and one is in the Winter move the Spring one to the Fall, when it can compete if it is an Election year with ALL the Candidates for donations.
Arrange it so there are no functions for 7 months and then 3  functions one every other month for the last 5 months of the year.
You might want also to move the Fall Event from a venue  where it can host a large cloud to the Victory Office.
That way you can ensure that you will only have room for about 20% of the usual attendence AND you can aggravate the volunteers who are tying to do election work,  Every little bit of agro helps.
After you have reducted the Fall Event to a disaster it is time to go to work on Donors.
Call one of them at a time of day that will ensure they are swamped and will not have time to talk,  Insist that the ad/donation MUST be done NOW.
If they tell you they have a firm policy that NO agreement is final until they have a proof copy to review snd a contract IGNORE that and place and ad for them anyway!
Later dun them for the ad they did not know they placed and mention that it would be a SHAME if the whole issue went public.
Be ASTONISHED that no more than 24 hours after making that statement that your Webmaster DOES go Public with the Story and posts a call to boycott the business because it does not pay its bills on the Central Committee's Facebook Group Page and not only his own Facebook Page but the Facebook pages of about 20 people including a sitting Congressman.
Now you have the heat up to just under a slow boil it is time to crank it up further.
Have a Purge the meeting before your Winter event remove undesirables from their positions  and alienate a large portion of the membership.
This way you can blame THEM for that event only drawing about 20% of its usual crowd,
Oh and as an added treat?  Change the rules for tickets to allow sales after the deadline even the night of the Party or even a few days after the Party BUT allow your self and a few friends to purchase a few tickets at the earlier reduced rate.

If you have done all the above or even some of it you MAY be able to take a Central Committee that had cohesion, unity and a track record of accomplishments and turn it into a ruin,

THEN run for a second term so you can finish it off. 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 2:01 AM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 3 February 2015 3:16 AM CST
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Sunday, 1 February 2015
Knox Knox


Who's There?





Webmaster Who?


Webmaster Gone Wild!


And that is certainly the truth.  Our webmaster has gone off the reservation,

Why do I say that?  Well he does not seem to be able to read the Communication Subcommittee's Charter,


Now IT says :


Mission Statement - The objective of the Communications Team is to manage the LCRCC correspondence including Facebook, website, news releases and online calendar. 


 It also says:


Activities and Duties include: • Coordinate the use of the LCRCC web site and Facebook content. 


For some reason he has a problem with the above.

He has expressed this to us

 I do not see the website as under communications. I have asked that the meetings be changed to a more reasonable time and perhaps location but you have yet to make any effort to do so.  

One could possibly be an issue of literacy. The inability to read what would appear to most to be simple and clear statements,

The other part I don't understand.  I mean on the one hand he complains that we hold it in a Bar,  The Starlite to be exact.  Now the Starlite does have a Bar, it also serves food and I have seen a lot of people bring their children there.

Including our Webmaster. As I recall we brought his daughter to one of our meetings there.

I cannot either understand his adversion to there being a Bar in the Building,  Does he not notice the even larger Bar at the Lone Star when we goes to an Organizational Meeting?

Of course he does. Where else would he get the schooner of Beer he enjpys during the meeting.

For many years the Communications Team has met Saturday nights at the Starlite,  Maybe 8 or 10 people attend our official meetings there.

I do know that some churches including the one our Webmaster goes to have services on Saturday night.

I also know those services end an hour to an hour and a half before we meet.

I think his objectons are a tad this side of verasity.

One of the problems we have with each other is he thinks we are old fashioned.  We have to tried to convince him that we do not use archaic and primative forms of communication,


But to no avail he has gotten vehement at times,

I read your minutes and I must say I will be apposing this and very verbal about it too. I have attempted and continue to attempt to simplify things and the maintaining of a group page and your retiring of the fan page is in direct opposition to this effort.


The removal of access what voted upon and has been previously discussed in meetings.


I will not be reporting to the communications team. PERIOD. You and the rest of the team do not communicate, your lack of understanding of technology hinders this and the continual desire to meet on a Saturday evening in a bar opposes any modicum desire to be effective in meeting.  If you and your committee wish to have communication delivered through the technology avenues available, I would suggest you begin to develop strategies and either deliver them using them or through me. Either way is perfectly fine as my role is to provide and assist, not to inhibit. Your aforementioned actions are to inhibit.


Last the dissolution of website hosting.  If you present this YOU will look like an uncommunicative old


(Word that starts with F and means breaking wind,)


Obvious to me this is a personal attack, but one YOU will look bad as you present this.


This little diatribe was the result of our understanding that the webmaster consdiered two Face Book Pages redundant and wanted to get rid of one,

We looked at the situation during a meeting in his absense as usual and thought  Hmm The Group Page has 370 members the Fan Page has 67 Likes ( I think it is up to 96 now)  Which one do we delete?

Since then we have discovered again without the benefit of the webmaster there are facets of the Fan Page that can be up great use.  Which for some reason have never been implemented.

As to the website?  Website providers have over the years become more and more user friendly.  While it is nice to have an IT specialist handling it NOW, it is our desire some time in the future when this process has developed to the appropriate stage to transition the website to one anyone one wiht a minimum amount of trainling could use.

We want to stay current with the newly developing technologies ;-) 

Lastly as for what could be considered a personal attack of our Subcommitee Chair?


Old  (Word that starts with F and means breaking wind,)


As a Old  (Word that starts with F and means breaking wind,) myself I can recognise a younger and fledgling  (Word that starts with F and means breaking wind,) and think that this was mostly projection on our webmasters part..

Our Webmaster during the last meeting brought up some new features he wants the Committee to purchase for him to play with.

I have to admit, while I have no problems with automatic posting that he extolls, I WOULD like to see some effort to edit out the duplicative and redundant posts that result.

The Facebook Group Page recently had One post showing the three upcoming dates for the Office Committee Meetings.

The Fan Page had multiple posts for each of the dates.

Now I suppose it might be a matter of taste which looks better One Post with 3 Dates or Three Posts each with a different date,

I do feel that most people might think that SEVEN posts for the Three dates was overkill, and that some manual editiing to remove the FOUR uneeded Posts might be in order?

So as for his requests for new features?

I think that when Little Jimmie Knox learns to Play Well With Others.

And Take Care of the Toys He Has Now?

We might talk about getting him some more Toys. 




Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 2:31 AM CST
Updated: Monday, 2 February 2015 9:39 AM CST
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Friday, 30 January 2015
It's Who We Are


It has the Rules of Order, the ByLaws and the County Constitution Smeagol.

One Rule to Bind them. Once Rule to Guide them.

One Law to Light them from the Darkness.

During the last Central Commitee Meeting we had the distasteful Duty of removing one of our members for a Violation of the  County Constitution.

 A member may be removed by the County Central Committee for inattention to duty, incompetence, or active support of an opponent of a Republican nominee.

The issues involved in tfhe removal have been aptly described by State Central Committee member David Chung on his blog HAWKEYEGOP in


 Though that title is a tad misleading he is still a County Supervisor, but was removed from membership in the GOP County Central Committee for a Violation of Our Constitution.

The Gazette chimed in with an anlysis from the Left in

Linn County GOP boot prompts soul search

 I liked the bit about:

It would have been smart for the county GOP to let it slide. All’s well that ends well. But rules are rules, apparently. And all that GOP talk we often hear about traditional values, like loyalty and friendship, for example, is null and void if it means crossing partisan trenches. 

Yes we removed others for this same offence in the Past so it just makes sense we excuse it this time because the person who did it is important?

We do espouse Traditional Values and they include besides those mentioned above respect for Constitutions and Rulle of Law.

But as has happened in the Past during our deliberations we heard the Baaaaaa  Bleating of

What does this have to do with Electing Republicans? 


At the Birth of our Nation the Founding Fathers realized that as Evil as the Tryanny of the One was the Tryanny of the Many.

So they set Checks and Balances to protect Minorities and Individuals.

They created not a Simple Democracy but a Constitutional Based Representative Republic based on the Rule of Law.

Some believe in this.  Some just give it Lip Service and Some don't even bother to give it that.

The outcry:

What does this have to do with Electing Republicans?  

 Loosely translates into:

We don't need No Steenking Constituion. We want to do what we want to do and if it is in the Way, Ignore It 

If we do that Once then the next time will be easier and that road leads to a place where we have given up those Principles that we used to Stand For,

The Constitution, The Rule of Law, Personal Responsibility. the Concept that for Our Actions there can be Consequences and a Real Man or A Real Woman accepts  that their Actions have Inherent Results.

There was NO Secret about what our County Constitution Said.

If we give up our Support for the Sanctity of Constitutions, the Rule of Law and all that means then we will no longer be helping Elect Republicans but something that wears the mantle of the word but is instead the mirror image of the other side.

Our Party will be composed of people no different than our opponents who desire Government by Edict rather than the Rule of Law, they will just want to be the ones giving the Edicts.

For the Sanctity of the Constitution is MORE than a Belief

It Is Who We Are 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 2:31 AM CST
Updated: Friday, 30 January 2015 9:16 AM CST
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Thursday, 29 January 2015
The Musical Chairs Of Linn County

The phrase Musical Chairs does not refer to funiture which can play instruments but to the Fair Game where the Chairs dissapear one after the other.

Somewhat like what the Chairs of the Linn County Republican Central Committee seem to do about every two years.

I recall the first Chair and Commitee I met maybe 10 years ago.

There seemed to a lot more attending in those days.  Everyone seemed to like the Chair.  As far as I could tell there was a lot of spirit but no real direction.

But I had not been around long and maybe did not at that early stage understand how things operated.

I watched, listened chipped in to help where I could and did not really say much.

Then we got a new Chair.  Again a Lot of energy, focus and drive.  We developed Subcommittees. We got an Office. We ended an Election cycle not as many Central Committees in the hole or just breaking even.  But with money in the bank,  A bit over $6000.

To me things seemed to be going very well but I detected a few people who got together in small groups before and after the meeting who did not seem to like the Chair.  Why I did not know.

I continued to watch, listen, chipped in to help where and when I could and did not say much.

Then we got a new Chair with a complete new set of officers.  A lot of them had been those who got together in small groups before and after the meetings who did not seem to like the Chair. Why?  I did not know,

That is when things changed.

They closed the office and moved the meeting. They did this on their own and did not consult the Committee.

I watched and listened.  I heard people ask them, " By what authority do you do these things?"

The answers were. We won. The Constitution and the ByLaws give us that authority.

So I got copies of the County Constitution and Bylaws and I READ them.

Then I thought about them. And I realised that not only did the Constitution and ByLaws NOT give them the authority to do what they were doing, it said they were not to do them PERIOD.

There was this pesky section in the County Constitutionwhich said:

 The Executive Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee, and none of its acts shall conflict with actions of the Linn County Central Committee.

I thought about this a long time.  And when I had thought about it enough?  I---

                    SAID SOMETHING 

I said it here as a matter of fact, The first section of articles on Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa dealt with what I decided to say.  

Which was.

You are Violating the County Constitution and Bylaws and this is--


And thus I became a participant in the  controversy that we hear has been a trade mark of Linn County,.

I was not the only one who spoke out there were others. Quite a few of them. 

We battled for a while and eventually that Chair and that Executive Board was


The membership had gone down and the all the money in the Bank Account was gone. But a bad time in Linn County seemed to be over. 


The new Chair made a pledge in one of the first meetings.  He promised to act as a partner and assist and advise the Committe and to follow the Constitution and Bylaws and recognise that the Committee was the one who made decisions.

And he also said that if did not these things he was certain that--

I would say something to him.

Things went very well after that. We did at the start have to take up a collection during the meeting to pay for the room because the bank account did not have enough in it but things got better.

Attendance went up as people came back, There was a new drive and new unity and energy.

We ended up an election cycle with over $20,000 in the Bank 

Then as every thing does this part of the cycle came to an end.  The Chair, because of business and health reasons had to step down.

And we got a new Chair.

Who decided that what the Constitution or the ByLaws said did not matter,  That THEY were the Executive and THEY could make decisions for us.

I was at this time the Pariliamentarian, who is supposed to be neutral.


I watched and I listened and I did not say much but it was a strain.

Then the Chair decided to dispose of my services.  The same night they convinced the Treasurer to step aside TEMPORARILY (?) and--

I did not have to be neutral any longer


                  I SAID SOMETHING 

I said it here just like I had done those years before.

Which was.

You are Violating the County Constitution and Bylaws and this is--


And thus I became a participant in the  controversy that we hear has been a trade mark of Linn County,


At the last meeting of the Central Commitee the State Chair and a Local Member of the State Central Commitee spoke to us about getting along,

The said all the Conflict got in the way of Getting Republicans Elected.

The State Chair can tell there has been and is at the present time quite a bit of controversy, But he has not been around here so he does not know the issues,.

The Local Member of the State Central Committee over the years has been busy with his Family, his Church and representing us at the State Level so He ALSO has not been around much.

If he had,  He would know that just a few years ago the Linn County Central Commitee was EVERYTHING He and the State Chair said they wished it could be,

There was no Fighting, No controversy there was an Energy, Unity and Focus and a lot more people attending the meetings.

We can get all that back.

We know how to do it

We did it before

The first thing that needs to happen is the present Chair and entourage needs to be--


We need New Leadership,.  And this time it would be nice if we did that BEFORE all the money in the Bank Account was spent and too many of the members who supply the bulk of the volunteer acitvity and work are gone.

We can get them back and we can rebuild the Bank Acount, We have done it before.

But it would be nice if we did it at the Officer Elections Coming up soon.

If we want to go back to when things really Worked?





Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 3:05 AM CST
Updated: Thursday, 29 January 2015 3:23 AM CST
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