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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Monday, 16 February 2015
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The Dialogue between Daffy Dan and the Gemini Jim Knox continues.
And like our Webmaster does in his Committee Facebook Posts If One is Good then he seems to think two or more are better. Cool 
So he has repeated posting an online article from about 6 years ago for the Second time

SO I have become again the focus of a left wind attack nut job Daffy Dan or Kentucky Dan also known as Dan Kauffman who seem to think they can reference another liberal blog The Cow Girl who made it one of their primary focuses to attack their biggest threat, me as a Montana Legislator..

Yes this is the same Daffy Dan as referenced in this 2009 blog who is still going the same things to destroy the local republican party

The drama never ends in Linn County GOP politics. Recently, Tim Palmer, editor of the Hawkeye Review Blog, was elected Chairman of the Linn County GOP. Linn County Republicans also elected a new Co-Chair,...
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  • James Knox I am sure this too will make their attack
  •  piece again! They are so worried about loosing the
  •  LCRCC election and they should be

 The article in question concerns my activities some 6 years ago when I observed that the then Executive Board as the Present one does now, was Violating the County Constitution, ByLaws and Rules of Order.
I took a stand against that acitvity as I have been doing recently
The culmination came when the Chair Ruled out of Order and refused to recognize a young man who rose to Challenge the Decision of the Chair.
He was reading his motion from a volume of Roberts Rules of Order when the Chair ruled him Out of Order and Refused to Recognize him.
At the Next meeting there was a Certified Parliamentarian in attendance and that Chair resigned his position to help a friend run for Congress.
The rest concerns my reaction when I was shown unquestionable evidence that some leaders of Faithbased Poltical Groups were engaged in Money Laundering and Corrupt Political Practices,.
I  STAND BY  MY ACTIONS portrayed in that article
As I am sure Mr Knox stands by his actions when he forgot that he was commenting in the Billings Gazette under the name of Nancy L and mistakenly signed his on name James Knox.
 Or when he used his position to orchestrate a Denial of Service Attack on another Rebublican
 Daffy Dan
I would say that when Mr Knox posted the following he speaks with the Voice of Experience

I have found at times when one takes a stand, generally a righteous stand is when the most vicious attacks upon ones integrity occur. I do not know about you, but I have also notices these attacks most often are made with ‘empty arrows’; that is false accusations, purposeful misconstrued information, and outright lies. 
Haters hate! This is what they do. They revel in the moments they feel their arrows strike victory and then revel again when they can deceive, but mostly they revel when you are unable to love. 
I love a good Hater for it reminds me I am on track, hitting the mark and impacting outcome in a positive manner.

I have found at times when one takes a stand, generally a righteous stand is when the most vicious attacks upon ones integrity occur. I do not know about you, but I have also notices these attacks most often are made with ‘empty arrows’; that is false accusations, purposeful misconstrued information, and outright lies.  Haters hate! This is what they do. They revel in the moments they feel their arrows strike victory and then revel again when they can deceive, but mostly they revel when you are unable to love.  I love a good Hater for it reminds me I am on track, hitting the mark and impacting outcome in a positive manner.
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As for Empty Arrows the Two Screen shots above
one from the Billings Gazette where Mr Knox forgot he was posting as Nancy L and signed his own name
and the other where he used his position as an Elected Official to organize a Denial of Service Attack on another Republican?
Are called in the vernacular Original Sources,
Because I do not believe that either the Billings Gazette nor Mr Knox's Email account could be described as
Liberal Blogs 
James Knox Took about 4 hours to ahve the hatting Eagle take his dump again.... predictable... 
Can Anyone Tell me what a "Hatting Eagle is?" 
Maybe Something like this?


Or would that be  more properly be called a HOODY Eagle? 
I don't think he means I am distinguished Like


I would say Mr Knox thinks of me as more Like



Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 10:42 AM CST
Updated: Monday, 16 February 2015 6:14 PM CST
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Sunday, 15 February 2015
Daffy Dan And Lawful Good

 Quest for  Lawful Good

It would seem I am a topic of conversation again,

Not hard to understand it the result of

 shedding of light on some of their activities that I provide 


Rather interesting to witness the desperateness of Daffy Dan and his clan as time grows near to the crowning moment. Does despicable behavior that supports lying, cheating, misinformation and illegal activity prevail over truth, facts and restrained respectful power?
 Daffy Dan
I would say Mr Knox would probably  say Yes to this question
When one looks at reports of his activities in his previous locations

 Pharmaceutical grade weird |

In the comments to a Billings Gazette

opinion piece endorsing his opponent for

city council last election cycle, James

Knox logged on asjknox65 (whose profile

says he is a fan of the Billings

Heights) and defended himself in the third

person, as if he was a separate human

being. Here’s what he had to say about


First, Knox says he came to his own door

to campaign in the rain:

I must applaud Mr. Knox for he is running hard and showing through actions that he wants the position of serving us in the heights. He came to my home while it was raining, thought it was odd he was willing to campaign in the rain, but I could see no alternate motives at all.

According to a report released by the city of Billings yesterday, Knox’s ongoing and one-sided feud with the firefighters didn’t end with his cool new website.  It appears that he was not only commenting on the Billings Gazette online forums under various online identities, he also caused a serious altercation between the Fire Chief and several retired and active duty firefighters while they were eating at a local restaurant.  Here is the story:

Retired firefighters Don Regnier, Phil Phillippi and Ed Newlin and active firefighters Mike Martin and Ron Martin (no relation) were having their weekly breakfast on Dec. 7 at the Alpine Casino on 16th Street West.  A firefighter made a reference to a comment left online in discussion (shown below) of a Billings Gazette article about the firefighters by “taxed2crabbiness” who they suspected was actually Rep. James Knox who was seated at the next table- also eating I presume.

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 9:19 PM CST
Updated: Monday, 16 February 2015 2:42 AM CST
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Althea Cole's Answers

Althea Cole is Runing is for Secretary

You may read her Bio and  Position Statement 



Althea Cole 

Hey, Dan!  Here are my answers!  

The Linn County Constitution on the subject of the balance
of power between the Executive Board and the Central
Committee says

"The Executive
Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee, and none of its acts
shall conflict with actions of the Linn County Central Committee."
The Bylaws state that the Executives are to

"assist in the formulation of policies for the conduct of the affairs of the
Republican Party and such other matters as may be assigned."

What is YOUR opinion of these statements as regards decision making

Dan, just as I believe that the government should not do for us what we can do for ourselves, the Executives of the LCRCC should not do for the Central Committee what the Committee can do for itself.  Yes, the Executives are elected, in part, to continue the business of the Committee in the time between meetings, but the operation of the Central Committee should not and does not begin and end with the Executive Committee.  I've read both the Constitution and the By-Laws.  The areas of each that you cited in your questions say it all: 
"Assist in the formulation of policies."  
"Subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee."  
"None of its actions shall conflict with actions of the Linn County Central Committee."
Dan, we as a Central Committee have a large group with such a diverse set of talents and gifts.  I feel that our talents are being underutilized as of late, and I'm optimistic that this will change with new, effective leadership.  Once we return to being the vibrant, enthusiastic, active body of Republicans that we have been in the past, we will find ourselves questioning the role of the Executives less and celebrating our successes as Republicans more. 

Should the provision for removing a member for active support
of an opponent of a Republican Nominee be enforced?

The short answer, Dan, is, "Yes."  

It's unfortunate that the Central Committee recently found itself in a position to enforce this provision.  I fully support the Committee in its decision to remove a member for actively supporting a Republican opponent.  I also welcome the removed member to return and reapply for membership if the member should wish to do so.  But we are a body that exists to get Republicans elected.  When I was preparing the minutes from the January Central Committee meeting, I ensured that our Mission Statement remained at the top, as it always has: "The Linn County Republican Central Committee works to elect Republicans in support of the principles, goals, and ideals of the Republican Party."  We cannot elect Republicans when our own members are actively working against them.  We must not, however, dwell on the contention brought about by the making of hard decisions like these and allow resentment to fester.  Such resentment threatens to cause a great deal more harm to our Committee than any one member could cause by supporting an opponent.  

Dan, I appreciate these questions!  I've worked hard for the Central Committee over the last year.  By running for Secretary, I'm asking for a chance to work even harder.  Therefore, I welcome more of your and every one else's questions.  You and your readers can reach out to me with additional questions via my email address:  

Thanks, Dan!  We're gonna have SO MUCH FUN IN 2016!!!!!

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 5:43 PM CST
Updated: Sunday, 15 February 2015 5:45 PM CST
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Oh We Got Trouble Right Here In River City



Oh we got Trouble 

Right Here in River City

And that Starts with a Tee

Which Rhymes with a Cee

and that Stands for Chair! 


Iowa Live 



Has a scorching investigative report on




Greetings, Governor Branstad and all—

Controversy in the Linn County Republican Central Committee (LCRCC) caught Iowalive net workers’ attention and led to this performance report for both Linn County  Republican and Democrat Central Committees—and for County Central Committees in the entire state as well.   The 3rd table below shows a threat to the future of two political parties, if not the American Republic itself.  And Iowalive net workers also found the larger the county population, the worse the performance numbers.   Bigger is not better, Governor!!  It’s worse!!

The Linn County controversy arose over The Linn County Republican Central Committee Treasurer’s refusal to sign checks sought by the Chair without the entire committee voting to spend the money. The Treasurer was following the committee's rules on expenditures. 

Then there was a $100 check the treasurer, having an impressive Integrity Index Score of 560, mistakenly wrote on the LCRCC instead of the Iowa Conservative Union  (ICU), in April 2014.  Realizing his error, the treasurer immediately contacted the Iowa Campaign Ethics and Disclosure Board (ICEDB) to rectify the error—which easily resulted in a check for $100 issued by the ICU to the LCRCC.   End of story as far as the ICEDB was concerned.

Except, the LCRCC chair and the webmaster have pounced on the $100 check non-issue and fabricated and perpetuated a mess, and are much more interested in obtaining ICU financials than improving LCRCC’s pathetic efficiency and effectiveness.   Suffice it to say, an officer with a high Integrity Index Score of 560, doing his job in the LCRRC, appears to be unwelcomed by the Chair of the Committee.   The numbers in the following two tables show evidence of poor chair leadership.  



LINN COUNTY POLITICAL PARTIES WOULD BE WELL SERVED TO ELECT MUCH BETTER TOP LEVEL LEADERSHIP!  The Perceived Problem With the Republican Central Committee Treasurer is a Fabrication!  The Chair Candidate and 4 New Candidates Seeking Sub Tier Positions Are No Improvement.   Source:  Iowalive  2-12-15


Integrity Index Score, Year-to-Date 2-1-15

Avg. Operating Efficiency, Year-to-Date 2-1-15

Avg. Political Effectiveness, Year-to-Date 2-1-15

Linn County Republican Central Committee Executives, Other Than Chair




Linn County Democratic Central Committee Executives, Other Than  Chair




Linn County Democratic Central Committee




Linn County Republican Central Committee




Linn County Republican Central Committee Chair




Linn County Republican Central Committee Finance  & Election Teams




Linn County Democratic Central Committee Treasurer and Finance




Linn County Democratic Central Committee Chair




Integrity is Adherence to Moral and Ethics Principles.  The Antonym of Integrity is Evil

Integrity Index Score Derivation Methods are Posted on Website:    

*Average on  a scale of 0 to 1,000 tops, where significant integrity starts at 300, evil is at 250 and below.  Grand larceny scores 40.

Operating Efficiency Derivation Methods are Posted on Website:   Political Effectiveness Was Determined Similarly.

Anyone Claiming to Have Better Numbers is Asked to Provide Them, Along With Derivation Methods Used.



Integrity Index Score

Avg. Political Effectiveness


Played a significant role in electing Joni Ernst & Rod Blum



As a result, Joni & Blum each gained  about 1,000 votes in Linn County (1.1% of Co. vote for Ernst)

Brought FOX News & Congressman Jason Chaffetz to our caucus



Chair’s objectives and results expectations for these activities were not clearly defined and communicated

Collaborated with other Republican groups to co-host a TV-broadcast US Senate Forum



Hosted the District Convention



Donated money to our local candidates



Chair didn't say how much was donated

Integrity is Adherence to Moral and Ethics Principles.  The Antonym of Integrity is Evil

Integrity Index Score Derivation Methods are Posted on Website:    

*Average on  a scale of 0 to 1,000 tops, where significant integrity starts at 300, evil is at 250 and below.  Grand larceny scores 40.

Operating Efficiency Derivation Methods are Posted on Website:   Political Effectiveness Was Determined Similarly.

Anyone Claiming to Have Better Numbers is Asked to Provide Them, Along With Derivation Methods Used.

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 1:43 PM CST
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Althea Cole For Secretary

We have a late entry in the Executive Board Elections

Althea Cole is Running for Secretary,


Althea Cole 


I have sent her my Nominee Questions and will post her responce when I get it.

Her Bio and Postion Statement can be found




Anyone Else who wishes to send her Nominee Questions can do so at <> 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 4:45 AM CST
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Don't Make Me Hurt You

Inline image

I received the following email recently.  It concerns events I have posted in--


 If It's Not Written Down


In Their Own Words

 Opposing Views




Show Us The Proof 



Keith would not mind if you do what you do with this.


---------- Forwarded message ----------



Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2015 18:11:59 -0500

I responded to your email and letter with an acceptance of your offer to meet with you and your attorney to discuss this issue. My letter was sent January 23 and I have not heard back from you.  The problem is not going away, as Mr. Conklin, Mr. Kauffman and others have repeated your claims, printed the letter with your signature and posted on the web.
Your letter is libelous and we are treating it seriously.  For that reason, I eagerly accept a meeting with your attorney, and, if necessary, with Godfather’s corporate attorney. The whole matter seems to be directly related to the misrepresentation by others.  I have phone records, meeting minutes and other sources that refute the story. 
For your information, the $200 for your advertising was paid by others.  The issue of your libelous comments remains.  
This needs to be addressed, and I would prefer that we meet in person to "clear the air'"- with our attorneys present.  
Please let me hear from you by Feb 17.  

Cindy Golding


Just my opinion but the above does not sound like what the way a Party Official should be treating a formerly, but probably no longer generous donor to the Linn County Republican Party.

Not a Good Way IMO to Help Republicans Get Elected.

But a VERY Good Reason to



Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 1:21 AM CST
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Saturday, 14 February 2015
Brett Mason's Answers

Brett Mason  is Runing is for Co-Chair 

You may read his Bio and his  Position Statement 





Hi Dan,

Thank you for the opportunity to share my understanding of the Constitution and Bylaws of the LCRCC.  Here's my response:


The Linn County Constitution on the subject of the balance

of power between the Executive Board and the Central

Committee says


"The Executive

Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee, and none of its acts

shall conflict with actions of the Linn County Central Committee."



The Bylaws state that the Executives are to


"assist in the formulation of policies for the conduct of the affairs of the

Republican Party and such other matters as may be assigned."


What is YOUR opinion of these statements as regards decision making power?


Here's my response, and my simple answer at the end: 

1.Constitution supercedes the Bylaws, when it declares: "... shall have power to adopt by-laws to carry out its duties and the purposes of this Constitution."

2. Bylaws are more practical clarifications of the principle(s) found in the Constitution

3. Constitution has an earlier clause which context provides the direct answer to your question:  "The general management of the affairs of the party in Linn County is vested in the Linn County Central Committee, subject to direction from time to time by the County convention of the party. The Linn County Central Committee shall have such officers and administrative personnel as it may determine and shall organize its operations to attain the objectives of the Republican Party, and shall have power to adopt by-laws to carry out its duties and the purposes of this Constitution."

4. Constitution then goes directly to how leadership operates, by describing officers: "The officers of this Central Committee shall be a chairman, co-chairman, secretary and treasurer, and such other members as the County Central Committee in its by-laws may provide."

THEREFORE, my answer is that the Central Committee votes leadership to take the committee forward. The Leadership is Chairman, Co-Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer.  

The officers are not equal nor identical.  The Bylaws make their roles specific and clear:

1. The Chair shall be the Executive Officer and conduct all meetings of the Central Committee and assist in the formulation of policies for the conduct of the affairs of the Republican Party and such other matters as may be assigned. 

2. The Vice-Chair shall conduct all meetings in the absence of the Chair and assist in formulating policies matters as may be assigned.

3. The duties of the Secretary are to keep the minutes of the meetings and read them at the following meeting, unless waived. 

4. The duties of the Treasurer are to keep records of all receipts and disbursements. All checks shall be signed b the Treasurer and countersigned by the Chair or Co-Chair. Checks in excess of $500.00 and not previously budgeted shall have the approval of the County Central Committee. The Treasurer shall prepare a two-year budget for approval of the County Central Committee and the same shall be presented at the first meeting of the non-elective calendar year

Your question seems to imply that the Executive Board should stand up front and wait for the Committee to think things up and decide things, and then act accordingly.

The ByLaws show that the Chair is the Executive Officer.  He/She alone leads, or "executes" one might say.   

Similarly, the Co-Chair is to lead meetings when the chair cannot, and shall also assist in formulating policies as may be assigned.

Next, the Secretary shall keep meetings, a recorder if you will, and read these back at the next meeting.

Also, the Treasurer shall record all receipts and disbursements.  Budget responsibilities are declared as well.

Once again, the Constitution expands the leadership activities of the Chair by requiring these officers, and adding administrative personnel, as well as organized activities to attain the objectives of the Republican Party. 
MY OPINION IS that the question you posed regarding the Leadership Team is somewhat askew, as the Constitution and Bylaws clearly show the central committee electing a chair, and the other officers listed.  These then follow the lead of the chair as the Executive Officer.

Thank you,
Brett Mason
  319-892-3235 cell


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 2:33 PM CST
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Paul Wood's Answers

Paul Wood  is Runing is for Co-Chair 

You may read his Bio and his  Position Statement 





Good afternoon Daniel,
Thank you for the email and the very good questions. I confess I am an "outsider" so am not privy to the inner machinations of the Central Committee and the Executive Committee. Which is run of the reasons why I wish to run for the post of Co-Chair. I have worked with supporting the national party rather than the local party. It is said that one should not only talk the talk but to walk the walk. I have spoken about several issues in the past but never took action. Now I feel the time is right to commit myself to a more active role. Here are my thoughts on your questions.

The Linn County Constitution on the subject of the balance

of power between the Executive Board and the Central

Committee says

"The Executive Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee, and none of its acts

shall conflict with actions of the Linn County Central Committee."

The Bylaws state that the Executives are to

"assist in the formulation of policies for the conduct of the affairs of the Republican Party and such other matters as may be assigned."

What is YOUR opinion of these statements as regards decision making power?

Making decisions in relation to how committee’s are run can be difficult. Finding the balance of power between an Executive Committee and the Central Committee can lead to conflict and at times personal bias. It is important that the Executive committee be given some autonomy as to how they shall look after the grass roots members. The Executive Committee should have a greater say in the formulation of policy then work with the Central Committee to make decisions more relevant to day to day running.

In addition the Linn County Constitution states

"A member may be removed by the County Central Committee for inattention to duty, incompetence, or active support of an opponent of a Republican nominee."

The first two are subjective the third is not it requires actual acitivity, should the provision for removing a member for active support of an opponent of a Republican Nomineee be enforced?

It is essential that all support of candidates shall be for the good of the Republican Party as a whole. If the people feel supporting a candidate would achieve a greater success for the Party, then after careful discussions then a decision shall be made. There shall be a right of appeal before anyone is ejected from the party.

I look forward to meeting you next week. I should add one final point. I am an Englishman but now a naturalized American citizen and very proud to be so and feel from my 30+ years of working around the world, especially many years in the Middle east and Africa I do have knowledge, experience of the Muslim way of live, which could be a help in future Republican discussions.
Best wishes,
Paul Wood

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 1:05 PM CST
Updated: Saturday, 14 February 2015 1:20 PM CST
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It Would Be A Real Shame

It would be a Real Shame if something bad should happen to you.

Is something one expects to hear in an Old Detective Show.

Where the Mafia Don is explaining the Facts of Life to someone,

It is not what one expects to find in an exchange between Officials of fhe Linn County Central Committee and an Officer of a Local Conservative Organization.


So sit back and read these exchanges,

The names have been Redacted to Shelter the Guilty


Xxxx would you be able to show the ICU 4/ 2014 bank statement-demonstrating that there was $100 in the account to prove that it was a simple mistake of using the wrong checkbook - as Xxx stated to us & the IECDB? if not, I'm afraid that a formal complaint will be issued & then it's out of our hands & to the media. I hope that doesn't happen. 




I will do my best. I still have to set up my desktop. I have been laid up with a broken foot so it is a little difficult to get around the house. I should have the I formation sometime tomorrow afternoon.


Thanks. I hope we can side-step this potential land mine. 

Both you & I are caught up in this. I don't believe you had anything to do with it & neither did I. I really want to get the records cleared up & this (I believe) is the last missing piece.


I will do my best to get it to you tomorrow. Thanks to Xxxxx I can fix my desktop, I just had several obstacles in a row with being able to get it put back together and up and running.


I think you just have to call the bank to get a copy of 4/14 statement since you're the treasurer. That's what I had to do 'cuz Xxx X changed the password to the LCRCC acct.




I wanted to inquire with you before I take any action for it may expedite matters and mean I do not need to continue. Might you know what the ICU bank account balance was upon the dates of 4/1-4/12/14?  I am being asked by several people this and I have no way of knowing. So I thought knowing you and knowing how much you value doing things right, you may want to confirm the balance.


I don’t think Xxx had done anything to intentionally defraud anyone and knowing the balances during each of those days would clarify the matter. I do think there is a lot of exceptionally sloppy recordkeeping/reporting. So if you’d like to help shed light upon the matter it would be great, else I will let the person who keeps asking me for what I have  file a formal complaint. Again I think we can clear this up without having to go that route.


I'm not quit sure of what days you are looking for. Are they April 1-4, 12, 14? What year? My computer is down so it may take a few days. Why is someone asking you about ICU records and not me? Anyway, I will do my best to get the information to you.



Each day of April 1st through the 14th of 2014.  They want to file the complaint and I told them let me show the respect Xxxx deserves and ask him for it would tell a lot. If there was funds then it was extreme sloppy treasury on Xxx’s part, if there was not then it was fraud and illegal.


Though I am the one Xxx told to go look at the DR2’s and I found all sorts of items I wanted to give ICU the ability to clear this up before any escalation. You have always been straight with me.


I'm not quit sure of what days you are looking for. Are they April 1-4, 12, 14? What year? My computer is down so it may take a few days. Why is someone asking you about ICU records and not me? Anyway, I will do my best to get the information to you.



This exchange concerned an attempt by individuals to convince the Treasurer of the Iowa Conservative Union to allow them access to the ICU Bank Records for a FISHING eXpedition.

This would have been highly Unethical and a Violation of His Fiduciary Responsibility.

 Lest anyone think this is an isolated incident let me remind them of the claim made by a Local Conservative Business that was a former generous donor to the LCRCC .

 "I responded to Xxxxx Xxxxxxx’s latest email, in which she stated her intention to bring this issue before your Central Committee and threatened me with negative publicity, during the morning of Saturday the 17th.  In my response, I recommended to Xxx. Xxxxxxx that she drop the issue immediately and cease her slanderous remarks about me, my partner, and our business.  Less than 24 hours after I responded, an individual named Xxxxx Xxxx posted defamatory messages about my business all over Facebook on our company page, the Linn County GOP Iowa Facebook page, and over 20 other peoples’ personal Facebook pages, claiming that my business does not pay its bills and calling on Linn County Republicans and others to boycott my business.  In one of his statements on Facebook, Xx. Xxxx references my email response to Xxxxx Xxxxx on Saturday, January 15th. " 


Some might have the opinion that such a pattern of behavor was unwise but then this person seems to think that 




 I would say the above gives quite a few good reasons to



Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 2:47 AM CST
Updated: Saturday, 14 February 2015 7:28 AM CST
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Friday, 13 February 2015
Questions To The Nominees Made Easy




We have  4 Days left until we select Nominees and if we do not change the proposed Rules, Elect New Officers


I have decided to put together a One Stop Location for


Questions to the Nominees Made Easy


Here are all the email addresses of those who have declared so far,


You can copy and paste them into the TO  Field of  you email client',,, ,,  


Here are Links to









The LCRCC Election Message & Potential Candidates on the LCRCC Website 


Democracy Rests

On the Foundation of

An Informed Public 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 7:42 PM CST
Updated: Friday, 13 February 2015 8:42 PM CST
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