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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Monday, 9 March 2015

Well I blew that math  explanation and David Chung  


Me Big Time

I was


So what you do is pick yourself up dust your self off and go on,

But a person needs to OWN their Mistake,.

I will put David's Comment at the bottom of this post it is too easy for for folks to overlook

I want to thank David for showing me my error but I ALSO want to thank him for

Reaffirming THIS 


My memory may be faulty here but I think I was the author of both sections of the bylaws that you cite

"The Executive Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee, and none of its acts shall conflict with actions of the Linn County Central Committee." 

 You can count on me bringing this up when needed,

Friday, 6 March 2015 - 10:22 CST
Name:"David Chung"
As a mathematician, I have to differ with the way you have applied formal logic to the bylaws.

I would have done it this way:

Checks in excess of $500.00 and not previously budgeted shall have the approval of the County Central Committee.

A - Check > 500
B - Previously budgeted
C - Requires LCRCC Approval

The statement formally is then: 

A and not B --> C

I don't think I can paste an image here so this is the link to the resultant truth table:

To simplify the truth table:

1) Checks less than $500 do not requre the explicit approval of the committee
2) Checks that have been previously (regardless of amount) budgeted do not requre the explicit approval of the committee
3) Checks that over $500 that have not been previously budgeted do requre the explicit approval of the committee

My memory may be faulty here but I think I was the author of both sections of the bylaws that you cite

"The Executive Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee, and none of its acts shall conflict with actions of the Linn County Central Committee."


"Checks in excess of $500.00 and not previously budgeted shall have the approval of the County Central Committee."

As the author of both of these sections (or at least as a participant in their drafting) I will assert that the application of formal logic in this case is in every way consistent with the original intent when these items were drafted.

View Source:View Target Entry


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 3:13 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 9 March 2015 2:22 PM CDT
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Friday, 6 March 2015
Boolean Algebra, Logic And The County Constitution

Well Friends and Neighbors whispers of rumors have been wafting their way from the New Executive Board to your humble chronicler that they think they have found in our Founding Documents a passage that gives them the Power.

To disolve Any Standing Rule of the Committee or Sub-Committee they chose to.

It is found in the County Constitution  here



The officers of this Central Committee shall be a chairman, co-chairman, secretary and

treasurer, and such other members as the County Central Committee in its by-laws may

provide. The Central committee shall organize following each general election, but no later

than the following April 1. 

 Of course for their interpretation to be correct 



The County Central Committee shall consist of two precinct committee members elected from

each precinct at the precinct caucuses. The Constitution of the Republican Party of Iowa

permits a provision to be adopted in the County by-laws for the election of additional Central

Committee members from each precinct in a number proportionate to the Republican vote

cast in the precinct at the last preceding general election for President of the United States or

for the Governor of Iowa, as the case may be.

The general management of the affairs of the party in Linn County is vested in the Linn

County Central Committee, subject to direction from time to time by the County convention of

the party.

The Linn County Central Committee shall have such officers and administrative

personnel as it may determine and shall organize its operations to attain the objectives of the

Republican Party, and shall have power to adopt by-laws to carry out its duties and the

purposes of this Constitution, provided such by-laws are not in conflict with the provisions of

the Republican National Convention, the Constitution of the Republican Party of Iowa or this


When elected, a member of the County Central Committee must be a resident of the precinct

from which elected. The term of office of a member of the County Central Committee shall

begin on the day following the precinct caucus and shall continue until the next precinct

caucus and untuil his or her successor is elected and qualified. A member may be removed

by the County Central Committee for inattention to duty, incompetence, or active support of

an opponent of a Republican nominee. Vacancies on the County Central Committee shall be

filled by the County Central Committee. 


And they must also IGNORE 



The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chair, Co-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer of the

Linn County Central Committee. The Executive Committee shall transact the routine business

of the Linn County Central Committee during the interim of the meetings of the Linn County

Central Committee. Any business transacted or action taken shall be reported to the Linn

County Central Committee at the next regularly scheduled meeting.

The Executive Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee, and none of its acts 

shall conflict with actions of the Linn County Central Committee.

I take note of the Fact that while the Central Commitee may be given directions by the County Convention and that the Executive Board is "Under the Orders" of the Central Commitee

NOWHERE does it state or give any credence to the Claim that the Central Commitee is "Under the Orders" of or "Given Direction" by the Executive Board.

Quod Erat Demonstradum.

I do want the THANK the Executive Committee however for encouraging me to look at our Founding Documents carefully.

I have read them many times over the years but never before has one passage sprung out with the pristine clarity that it did last night

It is a section in the By Laws on the Treasurers duties

4. The duties of the Treasurer are to keep records of all receipts and disbursements. All

checks shall be signed b the Treasurer and countersigned by the Chair or Co-Chair.

Checks in excess of $500.00 and not previously budgeted shall have the approval of the

County Central Committee. The Treasurer shall prepare a two-year budget for approval

of the County Central Committee and the same shall be presented at the first meeting of

the non-elective calendar year.

Let me pull this one little gem out and place it all by itself

 Checks in excess of $500.00 and not previously budgeted shall have the approval of the County Central Committee.

THIS Friends and Neighbors is what is called in the Fields of Boolean Algebra or Symbolic Logic as an

AND Statement 

 An And Statement with Two Conditions formally represented as


If A AND B then C

Or by the Venn Diagram representation at the beginning of this post.

Now the thing about AND statements IS

For the Statement to be True BOTH Initial Conditions Must Be True 

So while the common interpretation is that if the Expenditure is less than $500 the Exective Board may issue a check without Approval of the Body

It turns out that IF the Expenditure has NOT been previously Budgeted?

They must not only INFORM the Body but the Body must APPROVE the Expenditure.


Should the Body NOT approve the expenditure?

They must make the Treasury Whole and replace the funds.

Not to do so would be Misappropriation of Funds

And THAT would be an ETHICS Violation.

Some may dispute what I have written

But the Rules of Symbolic Logic on AND Statements are clear and it would be like arguing that One plus One does Not equal Two

Yes I know ther are 10 types of people in the world thos who understand binary and those who do  not but binary 10 is still Two

However if anyone wishes to take issue with my presentation?

Have your Seconds present Your Card to My Seconds and I will meet you on the Field of Mathematics with

Logic Texts of YOUR choice.

By the Way, have I mentioned that before I took my present occupation and moved to Iowa among other things I TAUGHT Boolean Algebra and Symbolic Logic at a Collegiate level? 

I do have one further announcement to make

I must rise early tomorrow and  journey to one of our South Eastern Cities,

So I will not have time to put out a Saturday Post.

We will return in time Saturday Night for a Communications Sub-Committee meeting at 8:30 PM at the Starlite.

I understand our Treasurer and New Co-Chair may attend and attempt to broker

Peace in Our Time.

Which is the Reason for this IMO PG Level Post instead of the 

Turn the Unrighteous into Pillars of Salt Post that I am holding in abeyance to see what they wish to convey to us, 


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 1:50 AM CST
Updated: Friday, 6 March 2015 9:57 AM CST
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Thursday, 5 March 2015
Advice From A Father To A Son

Over the years Fathers have been known to share some of the things they have learned along the Way with their Sons.

Among those tidbits might be things like

Son: Someday a Man will come up to you with a Sealed Deck of Unmarked Cards and suggest a Friendly Game,

It won't be.



Son: Someday  someone will make you an offer and they will insist that it is REALLY Good but that you HAVE to give them an Answer RIGHT THEN

Tell them you will Sleep on it.

The LCRCC recently was told we had to make an important decision in ONE night.

Nominations to Election only 5 minutes to ask questions.

NOPE can't sleep on it decide NOW

So we ended up with a Sealed Deck of what we are told are unmarked cards.

The question is will we have a shirt left if we sit in on the game?

Will this new deck= Executive Commitee really follow the Rules of Order of the Assembly?

Or will they just do what they want to,.

And if called on something Stonewall.

I put the Question to them and some others the other night.

We have a Standing Rule that was debated upon, voted on and enforced against our national commiteeman Steve Scheffler that NO post on our Facebook Site will be accepted from a Facebook Profile that blocks any Committee Person.

Our Webmaster James Knox is in Violation of that Standing Rule.

I got a mass email on some topics between the Sub-Commitees and the New Executive Board and decided to repsond to everyone with this issue.

I got this reply from our Chair.


Mr Kauffman,
You have quoted a "standing rule". Please share with us the basis of your claim, specifically the minutes from the meeting where this was stated as a standing rule. 
My recollection of the discussion differs significantly from your version. 
Thank you
Cindy Golding
Linn County Republicans

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry 

I replied

 My Recollection is that the Body Voted
to inform our national Committeeman
Steve Scheffler that we would no longer allow

Posts to our Facebook Site from profiles
that blocked any member of the Committee

My memory is very clear about this yours might
be more Selective.

I really don't have time right now to wade
through all the Minutes to find that meeting

I will bring up your request at the Communicatins
Sub-Committee meeting this weekend.

It would appear that you have no intention of 
enforcing the Rules of the Committee you prefer

Dan Kauffman
 PS Some may note
that I have removed Mr Knox
from the mailing list.

I discovered after the other 
email that he has me blocked
from his email account and 
has reported the only email 
he has ever gotten from me

Sorry, we were unable to deliver your message to the following address.

Remote host said:
550-5.7.1 Due to the nature of your emails and intent of them your email has
550-5.7.1 been blocked from this domain and reported as spam to various spam
550 5.7.1 blacklists reporting services. ut1si7874233pab.191 - gsmtp

For the record unlike Mr Knox I have never
organized a Denial of Service Attack on
another Republican

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 9:07 AM CST
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Tuesday, 3 March 2015
Public Servant

So now you have taken a position in the Party  and you can sally forth smite monsters and make a difference?

Not Quite.

Sorry you do not get to make policy,

YOU get to preside, assist and implement.

Preside over the Debate.

Assist in the Creation of a Consensus.

And Implement the Consensus

All while being NEUTRAL.

You do not even get to be Don Quioxte tilting at Windmills, but Poncho trotting along with the Supplies

Your Role is Vital and Important but maybe not as glamorous as you imagined.

The facets of this are best described in a Section of Robert's Rules Online covering Presiding Officers.


 The chairman sometimes calls a member to the chair and takes part in the debate. This should rarely be done, and

nothing can justify it in a case where much feeling is shown

and there is a liability to difficulty in preserving order. If the chairman has even the appearance of being a partisan, he loses much of his ability to control those who are on the opposite side of the question.

There is nothing to justify the unfortunate habit some chairmen have of constantly speaking on questions before the assembly, even interrupting the member who has the floor.

One who expects to take an active part in debate should never accept the chair, or at least should not resume the chair, after having made his speech, until after the pending question is disposed of.1 The presiding officer of a large assembly should never be chosen for any reason except his ability to preside.

You have now become a Public Servant,

A Servant of the Body.

YOU do not make Policy

YOU help the Body determine ITS Policy.

And if there should be an Issue where your basic Principles are under assault?

And you cannot find it in yourself the ability to support the stand chosen?

You Resign.

And enter the maelstrom of Polticial Debate as a Free and Independent Citizen. 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 10:28 PM CST
Updated: Wednesday, 4 March 2015 9:04 AM CST
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The Race Is On

Well the Race Is On and it's Western Iowa coming up the Back Stretch.

Walker to Headline Multi-County NW Iowa GOP Fundraiser April 24 


Scott Walker iowa freedom summit 

Linn County is Falling Back it's Trying Not To Break.

Though there WAS a time we also had events like this.

We had a HIGHLY Sucessful Spring Event,

A Chili Cook Off. I recall a few years ago we too had a headline draw at it

Herman Cain.  We PACKED the Long Branch to the rafters.

Then it was decided to move it to the Fall and later to also move into a venue that could hold at the most 20% of the crowd that we could handle in the Past.

Yee, I DID support the last one. I think my ticket purchases were about 16% of their revenue,

But we lost 3 years of momentum and continuity and turned a roaring success into a dismal disaster.

Moving was not the only facter,

Having a Screaming Fits about Volunteers putting more than 5 mints on Tables and Public Humiliation of Hard Working Volunteers that even to reports that got back to me, Embarrassed the Long Branch Staff.

Had already motivated some of our more dedicated volunteers to


Some may say that what I write on this website causes volunteers to leave


But it is not me writting here that motivates them to leave.,

But what I write About.

Me writing here seems to motivate some of them to share with me the reasons they plan to leave.

Which has given me in some cases the opportunity to try to talk them out of leaving.

With mixed sucess.

However we now have a moslty New Executive Board

So maybe things will be different

Maybe at the March Meeting they will surprise us with New Plans for a Spring event that will rival the NW Iowa one and equal what we have acheived in the Past.

That is if they have not spent all their time since the last meeting,

Devising New Methods of Taking Over what Sub-Committees still funciton and can do their Jobs.

A Linn County Version of

We Are From the Executive Board and We Are Here To Help You.

Accept the Joys of Assimilation,

You no longer have to Worry about what to think do or say.

Simply Stay Silent, Remember What Your Place Is

and Do What You Are Told


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 7:45 AM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 3 March 2015 8:08 AM CST
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Monday, 2 March 2015
Good Enough

Despite what a lot of people might prefer, doing what is required is sometimes mandatory.

Regarding the issue I will bring up in this post.

I have one beginning statement.

What is Good Enough for Our National Committee Man


Ought to be also Good Enough for the Linn County Republican Central Committee Webmaster


A few years ago the LCRCC debated and passed a Standing Rule.

No one may post on any LCRCC Facebook Webpage from a Profile that Blocks any LCRCC member.

This was enforced against the National Committeeman for the State of Iowa

The Linn County Republican Central Committee Wemaster is in violation of this Standing Rule,

Not for the first time either,

I submit what was good enough for Iowa's National Commiteeman is Good Enough for the LCRCC Webmaster.

It is time he does what is REQUIRED.

The new members of the Executive Board were not around when the Central Committee took this action,

The Chair was Co-Chair at that time and was not always around in those days either.

So they may be excused for not knowing.

That is no longer the Case,

Now they do not have to take any Action themselves the Communication Sub-Committee is quite able and willing to handle this matter, since there are precedents in place.

What we require is that the Executive Board if they do on wish to handle it themselves not get in the way.

As long as Little Jimmy Knox can run and hide behind the Chair's petticoats this situation will fester.

And if he should be able to do that? 

The Executive Board WILL be in Violation of the seciton of the Linn County Republican Party Constitution which states


The Executive Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee, and none of its acts shall conflict with actions of the Linn County Central Committee. 



Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 9:29 AM CST
Updated: Monday, 2 March 2015 8:49 AM CST
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Sunday, 1 March 2015
What You Don't See Is What You Don't Get.




The Linn County GOP Facebook Group Page Admins are being run ragged cleaning up redundant Posts.

It is not that our Webmaster is incompetant it is just that he seems to be lazy.

He relies on autoposting that he has set up and makes NO attempt to edit the mess it often makes

For instance recently his autoposting pulled in a post from one of our Legislativer representatives which included the vital information for Republcans that he had just watched Episode 8 of House of Cards. 




Another time GOP members we able to see an important Republican event on the Linn County Fan Page of the Webmasters children opening their christmas presents in not just one Video but two Videos posted one after the other,

Not too long ago the Group Page admins put up a post giving the 3 dates for the Office Subcommitte meetings,.

The Fanpage had multiple posts,.

Now it might be a matter of opinion whether One or Three posts were better


I do believe that TWELVE posts one after the other for the Three events might have been excessive,

The Communications Sub-Committee has on numerous occasions pointed this out to our Webmaster only to be responded to with Insults.

" If you present this YOU will look like an uncommunicative old fart! Obvious to me this is a personal attack, but one YOU will look bad as you present this." 


"Your ego is the issue Bill but do I ask you to turn it off?"

 "I will not be reporting to the communications team. PERIOD. "


"Blah blah blah" 

The Chair of the Communications Sub-Committee wants the autoposting turned off.

I would be satisfied if the Webmaster simply cleaned up his messes.

One of tht two needs to be done,

The results of his clutter at times makes our Facebook Pages look like they were put up by a Lazy Teenager,

I fail to believe that any company or business would accept this as professional. 

The Last Executive Board helped create this mess, let us see if the New One can pass the Test of being part of the solution 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 10:16 AM CST
Updated: Sunday, 1 March 2015 10:24 AM CST
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Saturday, 28 February 2015
Et Tu Brute?

One of my Readers is displeased with me.

They left a comment

me:"jeremy cobert "
Comment:et tu brute' ?  No Repulican should try and defned this. Especially considering Chet Culver cut 10% of the budget across the board. It's embarassing and degrading to anyone who now claims that Iowa Repbulicans are "fiscal conservatives".

 It is good to see Jeremy participating again, But unlike the Past this time we differ a tad.

I am not one of those Libertarians who feel Govenment can or should be abolished and Taxation eliminated.

I feel there are some things Government needs to do.

That has to be paid for some way.

One of the ways in the Past we have, as a State chosen to fund road repair and upkeep, has been through a Fuel Tax.

Now I realize everyone seems to want what they want and also wants someone else to pay for it,

But when the Musical Chairs get down to a single one,.

Someone gets to set down, the rest are left standing,

Fuel Tax seems an almost Libertarian type of tax anyway.

Users pay nonusers don't.

Yes I know that non drivers will pay some higher for goods and services due to increased fuel costs but again that is their portion of the Road Usage.

Another thing to take into consideration is how inflation eats away at buying power.

That effects the State's ability to fund what it needs to fund as well as it does our abilites to pay our bills.

In this case we are not talking about an abuse of this principle.

We are not talking about  Built In Annual Funding Inceases that are several multiples of the inflation rate such as  the Democrats like,'

No we are talking about an increase that raises the buying power of the Fuel Tax Levy to about

75% of what it was 27 years ago,

That does not seem excessive to me.

Should anyone disagree, Feel free to use my comments section to respond with YOUR ideas on how Road Repair and Upkeep should be funded and how to maintain the needed level of funding.

Of course if they spend this money for something else besides roads and bridge repair all bets are off,.

Lest anyone misunderstand. A Raise in Taxes does not make me jump up and cheer,

I participlated in Three Campaigns to Oppose Raising the Local Option Sales Tax,

We won Two we had a combined War Chest for those two of less than 8K we faced City Hall, The Chamber of Commerce most of the large Corporations and Old Money in the County who for those two Referendums spent a combined total of about One Million dollars.

Like I said we won twice and the third time they buried us,

All three campaigsn were run out of the Star Lite btw the Way. It has turned into a Conservative Hub over the years.

So I think my Anti-Tax credentials are overall pretty good, much better than those of anyone who did not show up at the Star Lite back then to oppose LOST

THAT Tax cut all of us a lot deeper than this one will,.

This one IMO is Much Ado About Nothing 


Opposing Views 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 4:22 PM CST
Updated: Saturday, 28 February 2015 5:28 PM CST
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Friday, 27 February 2015
No Free Lunch


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"

Made famous in Heinlein's "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" is a concept that seems beyond the grasp of a lot of people. 

There are decisions that I feel people should make for themselves and then there are things that the government needs to do.

In my opionion roads without ruts and safe bridges fall among the latter.

So we have a Fuel Tax increase and along with that comes screaming that sounds a lot like Stuck Pigs,



Over what exactly?

I looked at the figures, I believe that it will cost me a bit less than $2 a month,

But some of you might be thinking you live a very boring life and never go anwhere,  For others it will cost more,

There is a lot of truth in that. So I looked at the   

Per Capita Motor Gasoline Consumption in Iowa

And I discover that the per capita gasoline consumption of Iowans is about 510 gallons a year.

So a 10 Cent Tax incease will hit them about $51 a Year or a tad less than $1 a week.

Last time I was in Hy Vee a diet coke cost me $1.59 plus deposit,

So we are not speaking of a Tax Increase that threatens the stability of the State's economy.

Also I have what some might call a pessimistic attitude,

They might even say my idea of positive thinking can be summed up by the words, "It could have been worse."

In this case that is true,

The last time the Fuel Tax Levy was increased was in 1988 and since then adjusted for Inflation and in Cosntant Dollars it has DECLINED by about 50%.

You can check that yourself at

CPI Inflation Calculator


What does that mean? It means WITH the 10 Cent incease our Fuel Tax Levy is in Constant Dollars 25% LESS than it was in 1988.

These matters of High Finance aside. There are other reasons why unlike others I am not that incenced over this Tax Incease,

I have more important things to concern myself with,

I have a President who feels like he needs to do what the Legislative Branch of the Government is not doing In His Opinion,


He feels like he does NOT have to do what the Legislative Branch writes into Law,

In other words he feels he can govern by Executive Edict.

That is on the National Level,

On the Local Level it seems to me that we ALSO have Executives who feel like they should Govern the Central Committee by  Executive Edict.

Neither is too concerned with  small matters  such as what the Constitution says or the Rule of Law.

Oddly enough I wonder if all the fuss and feathers on the Local level about a Tax increase that adds up to somewhere between 50 Cents to $1 a week might not be Misdirection.

Watch the shells see where the pea goes.

Let me see in one hand I have 50 Cents to $1 in the other my Basic Rights and Liberties are being attacked.

Which hand should I pay attention to?

Another thing I have noticed absent,'

In none of the Comments Sections where they are railing about the 10 Cent Tax Increase have I seen a Single Responce admonishing them

What does this have to do with Electing Republicans! 

Still it is nice to see that they feel it is necessary to Rise Up on matters of Principle to Lash Out at other members of Our Party when they  feel they are not living up to the Principles We are supposed to Stand For,

I mean that is What I Do. 

And here I thought they did not approve of such activity and it turns out that might be the one thing on which we agree. 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 6:23 PM CST
Updated: Saturday, 28 February 2015 8:56 AM CST
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Thursday, 26 February 2015
The Webmaster Who Ran Away And Hid




Here are some posts that can be found on the LCRCC Facebook Fan Page

We have been under attack for years, are you going to fight for your party?

Like ·  ·  · 11
Linn County GOP was mentioned in a post.

My friends of Linn County GOP I got to ask you this. If you knew there was a burglar knocking to enter your home through your front door, would you let them in knowing this?

Then why would you allow Iowa Conservative Union members participate in your organization? They have for the past 6 months or more publically published how they are working to 'destroy the LCRCC' and continual bashing all of you!

I ask you to give this some serious thought. You just voted in new officers...

See More
Like · 
Now First of all this looks more like personal attacks rather than GOP business but more than that it demands  action be taken against another Conservative Group for actions taken solely by ME..
And it does this while HIDDEN.
In that there seems to be a Block on my reading this unless I use someone else's profile
Which means I cannot respond in my Own Name on the LCRCC Fan Page. to these charges
Now is this because I have been a nuisance, say putting unwanted things on the Webmasters personal FB Page?
Nope that is something Our Webmaster specializes in.
The only reason I can think of him doing it this way is that he wants
To Throw Charges at Me
and Then
Run Away and Hide. 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 9:39 PM CST
Updated: Friday, 27 February 2015 8:46 AM CST
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