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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Friday, 27 March 2015
So You DON'T Want To Be First In The Nation?

Image result for First in the nation iowa


Being the First Caucus in the Nation is a Big Deal for Iowa.

A sense of Pride, Tradition and let's face it the source of a whole lot of rectangular green pieces of linen and cotton.

To KEEP this in place we are required to stay inside certain boundaries.

Which is why, when the other day I looked at the LCRCC Facebook Pages and all the posts looked for all intents and purposes as if they were written by the Tec Cruz Campaign Committee instead of the Linn County Republican Central Committee,

I shook my head and thought

There they go again.

It is important they we maintain at least an appearance of neutrality.

We ARE the second largest county in the State and it is not good to give the other campaigns the impression that they may not get a fair shake in this County.

They might tend to stay away or at least not involve the local County Committee in any functions they have here.

Trust is a very easy thing to break and even harder to put together after it's broken



We can LOSE our First in the Nation Caucus status if we do not pay attention to a few simple rules,.

County Officials Executive Board members and yes also Webmasters may NOT express partisan endorsements.

I was very proud of Dan Hess when he mentioned the announcement by Ted Cruz the he was running, but made it clear it was an announcement NOT an endorsement.

I read Mr Hess's post and thought, now THAT is how it should be done.

Boundaries must be set by the Exective Committee and the New Marketing & PR Team.

Somebody needs to start doing their job. 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 2:22 AM CDT
Updated: Friday, 27 March 2015 2:27 AM CDT
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Thursday, 26 March 2015
You Broke It YOU Fix It


There was once a Linn County Central Committee Communications Sub-Committee.
Almost 4 years in the making with a Charter approved by the Body in a final finishing late last summer before the 2014 Elections,
It has a fairly large and dedicated membership
William H. Dahslten Chair
Althea Cole, Bill Barrow, Jim Conklin, John Haible, Dee Johnson , Fred Johnson , Andrea Wasson, Justin Wasson, Dan Kauffman, Marvin Spragg, Greg Hood Chad Todd, Denise Todd & Wayne Null  
It no longer exists and has been replaced with a
Marketing & PR Team
Whose members are
Frank Sladek Chair
James Knox, Ian Hollinger, Taylor Nelson 
Notice that NONE of the original members were deemed adequate for the job and so were not included in the new management's choices.
Notice also there is a big difference in the numbers so one must therefore conclude they MUST be really GOOD at the Jobs they have been given,
I think it would be a good time for them to DO those jobs.
The present shape of tfhe Website and the Facebook Group and Fanpages are a disgrace,
I mean when we open the HOME Page of the LCRCC and see

no title

Grassley Named to Advisory Council of Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute | Chuck Grassleywww.grassley.senate.govWASHINGTON – Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa has been named a member of the Advisory Council of the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute, joining other members of Congress and child welfare advocates to advise the institute on policy efforts to help children.
No Title?  What kind of unproffesional mess is that?
While the words  "No Title" ARE a clickable link
When we click on the link or click on View Full Post we go to

Error 404 - Page Not Found

Sorry, I've looked everywhere but I can't find the page you're looking for.

If you follow the link from another website, I may have removed or renamed the page some time ago. You may want to try searching for the page: 

If we wait awhile we may see another post on the Home Page like

Rep. Blum Leads Effort to Block Harmful EPA Regulations

WASHINGTON, DC – This week, Congressman Rod Blum (R-IA) led a bipartisan letter to the House Committee on Appropriations requesting a prohibition on funding for the EPA’s proposed Waters of the United States (WOTUS) regulations. The bipartisan letter garnered signatures from 104 Members of Congress and if implemented would prevent the EPA from claiming federal 
At least this time the title and View Full Posts goes someplace

Rep. Blum Leads Effort to Block Harmful EPA Regulations

WASHINGTON, DC – This week, Congressman Rod Blum (R-IA) led a bipartisan letter to the House Committee on Appropriations requesting a prohibition on funding for the EPA’s proposed Waters of the United States (WOTUS) regulations. The bipartisan letter garnered signatures from 104 Members of Congress and if implemented would prevent the EPA from claiming federal jurisdiction over small bodies of water like ponds, streams, ditches, and even “wetlands” that only contain water after rain.

from Congressman Rod Blum – Representing the 1st District of Iowa

via IFTTT 
Nothing clickable here so if you want to go to Congressman Blum's page you have to copy that URL at the end and paste it into your address bar,
NOT the example of a website managed by a professional.
If you now go to the LCRCC Facebook Fan Page?
We get the same - Rep. Blum Leads
Effort to Block Harmful EPA Regulations
 Post that leads to the same page on the
Linn County GOP website
That has the URL you must copy and paste into the address bar.
Not all the posts lead to a Linn GOP website page that only has links that you have to copy and paste there is one about the Chair that actually surprise surprise has a link that works.
But then a lot of the links that are on the Linn Gop Website page that you end up on when you click on the Fan Page Posts lead to  something like
Something Went Wrong
Sorry, there was a problem with this link:

You can now continue to this website, or
go back to the page you were on before.
Remember, only follow links from sources
you trust.
I could go on,
But it would be redundant.
We discussed these matters and others with our New Co-Chair when he attended our meeting and assured us that we could all work together in harmony.
Little did we realise that his definition of creating harmony was eliminating our Committee and kicking all of us to the curb,. 
The main problem with having a knife stuck in your back is being able to reach it to pull it out, 
In Closing.
We got discarded.
The new handpicked Team is in Place.
When are they going to
DO THEIR JOBS???????????? 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 12:41 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 25 March 2015
We The Crybabies

Well we have been called Poison, Petty People and now Crybabies,

I guess the open invite at the meeting where the body voted on the new committees and structure to anyone not currently on a team to please fill out a form and join one is the equivalent to purging? The dictionary defines purge as:

: to remove people from an area, country, organization, etc., often in a violent and sudden way

: to cause something to leave the body

SO the open invite for anyone to jump on a team is a purge…hummm

IDIOTS I must say...perhaps 'we the cry babies' is more accurate.

Which is probably as effective a way to promote harmony, unity and cohession as anything else they have done so far,

The Truth is they just want Control,

Control was originally meant to be accomplished by the Sub-Committee Charters,

Those who were present the night they were presented may remember they were SUPPOSED to have all the Committees Report to either the Executive Committee or the Organizational Commitee.

They wanted to control them by Uber Committees, but the Body that night rejected that plan and amended all the Charters to have them report to the Body,

So they had to come up with a new plan of attack,

What they did was wipe out every Committee and ALL members of said Committtees


Replace them with Teams.

Which for the most part do the same thing as the Committees we had been working to establish for some 4 years.

Well except for the part where they put their own people in charge of the Teams and  They get to decide how many members a Team has and who will get to be On a Team.

The other Truth is the LCRCC is split down the middle,

They won an election, no doubt about that,

It was not a mandate

25 to 21 and on the losing side I know of two people whose work took them out of town, one other in town who had to work and one who has not been to meetings for a long while but was incensed enough at the Night of the Long Knives that they intend to start coming again,

So bravo you have inspired them and one other that I know of who have not been around for a while to start coming to meetings again,


Vote against you if you continue to violate the Constitution, Bylaws and Rules of Order,

Oh in addition to the above there is also the gentleman who was used as an authority to justify this action.

I don't think he is too pleased to be quoted for something that never happened,

I will be having lunch with him this week,

We will discuss all these matters,

In closing I have to say if what they wanted was to bring everyone together and stop the infighting?

They picked a very poor method of motivating the rest of us. 


  1. 1.
    an abrupt or violent removal of a group of people from an organization or place.
    "a purge of the ruling class is absolutely necessary"
    synonyms:removalexpulsionejectionexclusionevictiondismissalsacking,ousting, eradication
    "the purge of dissidents"

 I would say the removal of every single Sub-Committee and every single member of those Sub-Committees, while not violent, seemed abrupt to me,


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 2:29 AM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 25 March 2015 1:35 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 24 March 2015
We The Purged

Or maybe I should have called this post We The Poison.


That being how some of our New Leadership think of us.

I awoke to 23 messages asking me if I actually Purged the poison last night. 



Taylor G Nelson These are steps that we have to
take in order to move forward as an organization! We
have to function and stop the infighting. And what we
did last night where the first steps of fixing the
problem. No longer can we be bogged down with the
pursuits of petty people! 
Or maybe We the Petty People
And what infighting might Young Master Nelson refer to?
What pursuits of Petty People does he wished stopped?
Could it be when some of us spoke up because while the County Constitution says that
The Executive Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee, and none of its acts
shall conflict with actions of the Linn County Central Committee.
We have  a Chair who seems to feel that following an decision that the Full Committee voted on is subject to whether they FEEL like doing it?
Or might it be when some of us objected to the Chair completely ignoring the section of the By Laws which states
All checks shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the Chair or Co-Chair 

 And deciding that THEY did not have to bother with the restricitions of the By Laws if they decided it was inconvienient.

Was it those petty pursuits and infighting that justified purging almost half of the membership? 

Must be, because I do not recall ANY consequences for these Illegal Actions

But Boy did Young Master Nelson and his associates get irate when we brought them up!!! 

I am surprised we were not tied up and tossed into the Cedar River to see if we would float or not, 

It takes all types to make a County Poltical Party work.
Some volunteers show up about every 4 years during Presidential elections and boy do we need them
Some volunteer show up about every 2 years during every election and they are also needed.
But then there are those volunteers who plod along week after week, month after month, year after year and form the foundation of the political party.
Those who do the nuts and bolts actions needed to have something in place when the Election Year Volunteers show up to work.
Care to Guess who just got Purged?
Yep the Bedrock Foundation of the LCRCC's volunteer base.
Or at least a very large portion of it,
So what now?  Our New Co-Chair tells us there is a place for everyone at the table,
We should not be upset if it is below the salt,.
We should also I guess not ask,
Why should we believe or trust someone who came to our Now Purged Sub-Committee meeting and told us how much he and the New Leadership wanted to Work With Us, Heal the Wounds That Divided Us and Tear Down the Wall of Distrust.
And then proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that all the glowing committments that were made were nothing but Flat Lies?
Now that they have wiped out the work of years, kicked us to the curb and spit on our efforts.
They want us to come to them, crouch down and lick the hands that beat us and ask that our chains be laid lightly upon us.  (to paraphrase Sam Adams)
Not going to happen,
And stuff that Then You Don't Want to Help Republicans Get Elected.,
Some of us were helping Republcians get elected when some of you were not even a gleam in your Daddy's Eye.
We can continue to do that with or without you.
We can support Republican Candidates, Causes and Groups of OUR choosing,
We do need neither your permission nor your Aid,
I am still the person who donated to local candidates they know who they are.
I am still the person who laying in a hospital bed waiting for open heart surgery asked my friends in lieu of flowers to donate to a particular campaign,
I am still the one who laying in that same bed wrote out a large check so there would be some banquet for early arrivers election night.,
And who had a friend pick me up from the hospital so I could join my fellow Republicans and watch the returns come in.
The LCRCC is not the only Conservative Group I belong to some of them actually Value my efforts,
I can go where I am wanted,
But I do intend to hang around and watch to see if the New Regime can halt the slide to disaster that the last few years of the Golding Chairmanship has been.
I mean the Treasury has dropped what?
By Twenty percent to maybe One third?
Attendance at meeting is down by almost 50%.
Attendance at Events down by maybe 80%.
Things have been going so well, it will be interesting to see if this Purge reverses the trend.
If not, as we have done in the Past those of us who are left will pick up the pieces and rebuild,'
What we won't do is start off by Excluding a Large portion of the Membership. 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 2:44 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 24 March 2015 9:12 AM CDT
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Monday, 23 March 2015
If You Lay Down With Dogs

Well I have sent the required Colored Government Issue Photo Documentary Evidence to Facebook verifying that I am indeed a US Citizen.

I have also filled out their forms and affirmed that the funding source that has been used to pay for the ads is indeed my own.

And that I guess I am not engaged in any money laundering service for some foreign terrorist group.

So we will see  how this goes,

But it did occur to me that one of the probable originators of this attack and possibly also the originator of the attempt to steal my identity and request, in my name, that my website account be closed,

MIGHT have engineered a multi-level attack,

I mean along with using assumed identities to comment on newspapers they have also organized

Mass Denial of Service attacks on people they have arguments with.

Some Screen Shots providing examples of this activity are





In any case maybe he has created such a morass at Facebook with the help of those who have drank his Kool Aid and who can put up with the scratching his presence might engender.

It's too late Good Buddy,

I already reached over 10K Linn County Republicans and got quite a few click throughs to the website

AND the traffic looks like they are coming back,

They are also reading mulitiple pages it seems.

One reader went all the way back to 2010 according the Outclick.

So the word is and will get out.

Shoot even if I had had to adopt the methods of the FSU Samizdat I would have continued to persevere.

Still this whole experience is in some respects Fitting.

I mean what are the Hallmarks of Facisim?

1) Concentration of Power in the Centralized Contral of an Executive Body which governs by Edict,

2) The Purging of those deemed Poltically Unreliable

3) And their replacement by a ruling Nomenklatura of those who are considered Pollitically Realiable and who are given control subject to the orders of the Executive Politburo.

I have been looking at some of the glowing statements our New Leaders have published and when I can resist my nausea it is in fact hard not to laugh

For instance

"Just imagine what we can do WHEN * We show respect of each other, our volunteers and their time *"

Let me see. They eliminated EVERY single Sub-committee destroying the work and effort of years.

They purged almost EVERY Single Volunteer

And called it  Purging the Poison.

I awoke to 23 messages asking me if I actually Purged the poison last night. 

They were PROUD of what they accomplished


Taylor G Nelson These are steps that we have to
take in order to move forward as an organization! We
have to function and stop the infighting. And what we
did last night where the first steps of fixing the
problem. No longer can we be bogged down with the
pursuits of petty people!

March 18 at 6:41pm · Like · 1 

Shall we ask some of the Purged Poison how respected they are feeling now and how EAGER they are to rush back and lick the hands of those who beat them down?

There was another thing that happened,

You see, the Purged Poison included people who had literally given Years of their Lives to building up those Sub-Committees and some had also spent Decades working for the Republican Party in Linn County and Iowa,.

They are all gone.  They have been replaced by the Politically Reliable.

But many of them have absolutely no experience in what they will now be leading, At least no experience in the workings as it pertains to a voiunteer  political organization,

As far as I can recall 2 of the new leaders of the Team that seems to replace the Communications Sub-Committee  have never been to a Coummications Meeting and the other one has not been in about a year,.

And when one looks at the disorganized mess he has made of the Linn County Fan Book Page, with all the Posts with Dead Links in them, sometimes Multiple Dead Links in the same post, One wonders if the entire LCRCC Communication system will now sink to the same level of incompetence,

It HAS been noticed that they Purged quite a few Peons who used to do a lot of the work so they sent out an appeal

Brett Mason There is room at this


table for anyone -

please join in. This central committee is

about working toward

Victory in 2016, with many activities ahead,

candidates who

need support, audiences to reach, people to

welcome in, and a

message for the best in our country. 


Thus speaks the man who came to a Communication Meeting and waxed lyrical about how all he wanted to do was Tear Down the Walls of Distrust and if we would just meet him halfway we could all work together.

And he looked me Straight in the Eyes and told me if I would take a break and not be so confrontational online that this picture could become reality. 

Which I did

I made a commitment to him and I kept it, 

So some might not wonder that recently I decided that everything he said to us was a blatant Lie. 

But them I realized something.

If you destroy the structure that previously existed.,

Eliminate ALL Sub-Committees.

Purge almost the Entire Volunteer Base that supported them,

Create new  enterprises called Teams which do the same things that the Sub-Committees used to do,

Fill them ALL with Poltically Reliable People of Your Own Choosing

There will be NO ONE LEFT who has a Wall of Distrust between them and you. 

So he is NOT a two faced back stabbing Liar, 

He is just a typical example of one of those slimy politicians who Smile All the Time while working to undermine what you hold dear, 

And the scratching that some of us are having to do now?

Comes from the Fact that if You Lay Down With Dogs

You May Get Up With Fleas. 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 3:52 AM CDT
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Saturday, 21 March 2015
First Prove You're Not A Camel

During the Soviet Era one of the few means of resitance left to the proletariat was street humor,

One story which deals with trying to tell something obvious to an entrenched centralized power was called

First Prove You're Not A Camel

Comrade Wolf looked up and beheld Comrade Rabbit running FURIOUSLY through the Forest.

When Comrade Rabbit came close Comrade Wolf hollered.,

Where in all the Hurry?

Comrade Rabbit huffing and puffing all out of breath gasped RUN Comrade Wolf!

They are Castrating ALL the Camels.

Comrade Wolf replied puzzled. But Comrade Rabbit WE are Not Camels.

Great said Comrade Rabbit, Then after you are Castrated You can Prove you are not a Camel!

Speaking as a member of the Poison which was recently Purged, I have not had to prove I am not a Camel,

Though I would imagine after the events of the last two days that some might wish me to.,

I have had to prove I am indeed a US citizen to the Satisfaction of Facebook.

And I must affirm that the financial means I have been using to boost my articles are my own and do not belong I guess to some foreign power.

It seems that some upright citizen a paragon of morality and ethical behaviour has reported

Hold for it  --- Suspicious Activity on my  account

So I whose ancestors include some who did not get to Ride to the New World, but instead walked accross the Berring Land Bridge some 12 thousand years ago.

Must provide documentary evidence that I am indeed a US Citizen and not I assume some Foreign Terrorist?

This happened by the way AFTER I recieved word from the Host Provider of my Hot Issues website that I had requested that my account be cancelled.

Fortunately they have no ideas how to spell my name so it was a rather obvious attempt and No I don't have to prove to them as well as Facebook that I am a US Citizen.

I would say as one of the Purged Vessels of Poison that all of Y'al who voted on the other side?

Have some Real Classy Company.

They must really mean it when they say

I awoke to 23 messages asking me if I actually Purged the poison last night. 

Taylor G Nelson These are steps that we have to take

in order to move forward as an organization! We have to

function and stop the infighting. And what we did last night

where the first steps of fixing the problem. No longer can we be

bogged down with the pursuits of petty people! 


Well they made their choices.

If they start having to scratch a lot it might mean something.

I will speak to that in a latter post, 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 5:17 PM CDT
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Friday, 20 March 2015
Tale Of The Screaming Banshee

In a Post the other day I mentioned that it was not difficult to tell if someone was credentialed to Vote.

They would be wearing a multicolored landyard holding a large clear plastic pocket in which was a bright Lime Green Credential.

If some one was wearing that they were entitled to Vote.

If not they were not supposed to Vote.

I also mentioned that whether or not one could tell if someone else was entitled to vote, that it is was MUCH easier for a person to tell whether or not they themselves were entitled to Vote.

I mean most people would NOTICE if they were not wearing a multicolored landyard with a large plastic pocket holding a Lime Green Credential,

But I guess that is not in fact the case,

It would appear that Widdle Jimmie Knox got confused and thought he was supposed to vote,.

At least that is the story given to us by him and one of his supporters. 


Odd thing is that is not the story that the Credential Chair gives,

HE states he put ballots on the table and Mr Knox tried to hide one of them,

Which made him suspicious so he told Dee Johnson AKA the Screaming Banshee to keep an Eye on Mr Knox and ensure he did not vote.

That Mr Knox was in fact NOT a Credentialed Voter had been made apparent at the Officers Election in Feburary when David Chung refused to allow Knox to speak BECAUSE he was not Credentialed,

But I guess Knox got confused as he has in the past and forgot that little Fact.

As he forgot once that he was commenting on a news article under an assumed name and mistakenly signed his real name at the bottom

Identity consistancy is not one of Mr Knox's talents' 


So it may not be any wonder that he would confuse himself for someone who was entitled to vote;

He does have his supporters on this version of events

Before people start complaining about someone almost accidentally voting at the Central Committee maybe they should take the time to ask how did it almost happened.
Answer-The chair of the credentials committee gave him a ballot.
He shouldn't have had a ballot but who's fault was that. Beyond that he didn't even vote. But he didn't vote because a member of the Credentials Committee decided to yell at the top of their lungs and make a gigantic seen. Rather than coming up to him and saying you're not able to vote can I please have your ballot. These kinds of stunts are completely inappropriate and stupid! And people wonder why no one wants to go to the Central Committee meetings. So maybe it's time everyone just sits back takes a deep breath and grows up and starts acting like an adult.

Rant over


First there is NO way you can

"almost accidentally vote at the Central Committee"

You have the Credentials to Vote or you Don't 


Young Master Nelson completely shines the attempted Voter Fraud and waxes indignant because The Screaming Banshee

Embarrased Mr Knox.

In order to accept the scenerio given to us by Mr Knox and Young Master Nelson.

We would have be believe that James Knox is so Incredibally STUPID that he had NO idea whatsoever that he was not entitled to Vote.

In which case he should not be trusted to hand out crayons for Fun Time in Pre-School.

Much less the duties he is now entrusted with.

A person with that feeble a mentality might be taxed with the tasks given to him by the body,


Is it that they think it is WE who are so incredibly STUPID that  we would Buy such a tissure of fabrications?


And what could be the Basis for such a conclusion?

Let me Count the Ways.


We have a Chair who tried to rush a former generous donor into agreeing to place an Ad,

Who was told they needed a Contract

Who never provided said  contract but instead billed them for a Ad they never approved,

Who threatened them with adverse publicity if they did not pony up the billing.

And whose Stellar Webmaster supplied said bad PR 24 hours latter.

And that was OK


We have a Chair

Who Illegally Signed and used a LCRCC Check in direct violation of the LCRCC ByLaws which state ALL Checks must be Co-signed by the Treasurer

And that was Ok


We have a Chair

Who Illegally in direct Violation of the LCRCC Constitution REFUSED to Sign Checks to honor commitments made to volunteers and authorized by a Vote of the LCRCC

And that was OK



We have a Chair

Who Refused to pay a volunteer for services performed until She got documentary evidence proving the debt,.

Documentary evidence that was in fact HER duty to pick up before the Victory Office closed.

But She never bothered to do so,

In this last case because the young man looked like he really needed the money some of  They Who Were Latter Purged.

Took up a collection to make that young man Whole for  the Debt the LCRCC owed him.


We were ASHAMED that our Chair did not have the moral integrity to honor  payment of that debt.

That seemed to be OK to everyone on the other side.

So it really is no wonder that they think they can get away with such a transparent fabrication as

Good Gracious Mr Knox had NO IDEA that he was not supposed to Vote

And wasn't it just TERRIBLE that the Big Mean Screaming Banshee Embarrased him.

We bring up incidents like the above and we are terrible.

We don't want to move Forward and Elect Republicans.

While they don't even pretend ala Casa Blanca that they are Shocked, We Tell you Shocked that there are issues like these in the LCRCC.

No they shoot right pass that to

Nothing to See Here Folks just walk on by.

In time as it has happened in the Past.

After enough damage has been done the LCRCC will as it has before reclaim it's Soul and decide such activities are NOT what we should Stand For.

But until that time the LCRCC will stand like a

White Washed Sepulchre, which indeed appears beautiful outward, but is full of deadmen's bones, and of all uncleanness.


UPDATE:  Interesting note someone tried a theft of identity attempt to have the Hot Issues account shut down  by pretending to be me, and requesting the account be cancelled.


I also now have to verify with Facebook that I am yes a US citizen residing in the US.

And not I guess an International Terrorist Laundering Money? 

Nice to know my articles are having an effect

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 3:07 PM CDT
Updated: Friday, 20 March 2015 5:59 PM CDT
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Thursday, 19 March 2015
Just Call Me Nancy

 The other night the LCRCC had what for better words might be called a Purge of Undesirables,

I thought maybe folks might like some information on the Desirables who were left in charge after the dust settled 

The Linn County Republican Central Committee has a Webmaster by the name of James Knox

Though some of us like to call him Nancy.


Well you see Mr Knox sometimes gets confused.

In the Past he had a habit of commenting on internet versions of newspapers under different names and occasionally he would forget and sign his real name at the bottom of the comment

As in this screenshot of a comment in the Billings Montana Gazette where Mr Knox started out as Nancy L and signed out as James Knox 


It appeared to some of us the other night that another thing that confuses Mr Knox is


Now voting in the LCRCC has been straightforward.

We had a Credential Committee and they ensured that the people who were going to vote were allowed to vote.

To make this clear eligible voters were given Credentials,

They are not hard to see  for example



See the multi colored lanyard holding

The Bright Green Credentials?

Not very hard to notice are they?

You know what is even Easier to Notice?

When YOU are not wearing them.

See when you are not wearing credentials

YOU are not supposed to be voting.

Mr Knox got confused which is why

Justin Wasson the Former Chair of the Former Credentials  Sub Commitee DID notice when

He observed Mr Knox taking a ballot as they

were being handed out and trying to hide it,.

But it was Dee Johnson who brought it to the attention

Of everyone in the Room that Mr Knox was trying to vote without the right to do so,

Now it would appear that since that time Mr Knox has figured out that He really is not supposed to be voting

I awoke to 23 messages asking me if I actually Purged the poison last night. Let me be clear, I did not do anything of the sort. I am not even a voting member of the Linn County GOP.
There was a time when we removed a member from the Committee for Voter Fraud,
Is that likely to happen now?
Surely you Jest
We would have to be the Party that believes in Constitutions, ByLaws Rules of Order and  the Rule of Law
Rather than Government by Executive Edit,.
No as in the Past when Mr Knox has stepped beyond the lines of propriety nothing will be done,
After all
We have a Chair Who
Violated the ByLaws by Illegally signing a check without the required Signature of the Current Treasurer.
Violated the Provisions of the Constitution which states that the Executive Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee, and none of its acts shall conflict with
actions of the Linn County Central
By refusing to sign checks to reward volunteers as directed by a vote of the Full Committtee
So what is a little Voter Fraud among friends who want to get things done?
I mean their attitude seems to be
These are steps that we have to take in order to move forward as an organization! We have to function and stop the infighting. And what we did last night where the first steps of fixing the problem. No longer can we be bogged down with the pursuits of petty people! 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 1:07 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 19 March 2015 9:18 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 17 March 2015
For They Have Sown The Wind


For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind: it hath no stalk: the bud shall yield no meal: if so be it yield, the strangers shall swallow it up.

Recently I sent out this email


From: Daniel Kauffman
Sent: ‎3/‎16/‎2015 9:23 PM
Subject: Committee or area of focus: Web and Social Media Integration

This is in conflict with the Charter for the Communications Subcommittee adopted
by the Central Committee

And is therefore in Conflict with Section VIII of the 
Constitution of the Republican Party of Linn County

I am very interested as to your response to this matter and you plans to rectify it
since you have publically stated your intent to

FOLLOW the County Constitution, ByLaws and State Election Code,

Be assured that if this should not be settled to my satisfaction

I will have no problem ensuring that almost the entire Republican population
of Linn county who use Facebook will have the opportunity to read my thoughts
on the matter

Dan Kauffman

Former County Parliamentarian
Former County Convention Parliamentarian
Twice Sgt at Arms of Iowa State Convention.

Last night I got the answer in a meeting that none of them bothered to send in an email.

With one fell swoop they abolished every single Sub-Committee and eliminated the results of years of hard work to

Replace all of them with some things called Teams which do the same things just shuffled around


Are Run by all their friends.  

The Body voted for it.

The Body will get to live with it.

Though it was not a landslide but 25 to 20  as I recall and while there were several people who would have voted against it not present.

I think the one factor that did the most to swing the outcome.


Was a Statement by our Chair that she had a

Definitive Parilaimentary Ruling

by among others a gentleman who has a Statewide reputation  for Parlaimentary knowledge 

There is one small problem with that claim.


At least according to him.  I got him online during the rest of the meeting and asked.

Their Parliamentary Ruling in my opinion amounts to finding a small incomplete Statement twisting it through multiple dimensionas while sticking their fingers in their ears closing their eyes and shouting


Nyah Nyah Nyah


And here it is in all it's pristine glory from  The County Constitution


The officers of this Central Committee shall be a chairman, co-chairman, secretary and

treasurer, and such other members as the County Central Committee in its by-laws may

provide. The Central committee shall organize following each general election, but no later

than the following April 1. 

The Exective Officers saw the word organize and said Oh Boy we get to change EVERYTHING

Not only THAT but we HAVE to do it be April 1 

Of course to support their contention there were Several things that they had to ignore,


Like  the Section of the ByLaws on Officers which clarifies what is meant  by

organize following each general election, but no later than the following April 1.  



The officers of the Central Committee shall consist of a Cahir, Co-Chair, Secretary and

Treasurer whose terms shall be for a period of two (2) years and the same shall be elected

immediately following each general election, but no later than the following April 1.


Central Committee shall elect either from its’ membership or otherwise a chair, co-chair,

secretary, treasurer and other officers as it may determine. After notification of an election,

any vacancies in said offices shall be filled by the County Central Committee.

It would appear the organize by April 1 refers to officers elections not wiping out all the structure of the Central Commitee and replacing it with one controlled by their cronies

They also had to ignore the section of the County Constitution which states


The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chair, Co-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer of the

Linn County Central Committee. The Executive Committee shall transact the routine business

of the Linn County Central Committee during the interim of the meetings of the Linn County

Central Committee. Any business transacted or action taken shall be reported to the Linn

County Central Committee at the next regularly scheduled meeting. The Executive

Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee, and none of its acts VIII. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE

The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chair, Co-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer of the

Linn County Central Committee. The Executive Committee shall transact the routine business

of the Linn County Central Committee during the interim of the meetings of the Linn County

Central Committee. Any business transacted or action taken shall be reported to the Linn

County Central Committee at the next regularly scheduled meeting. The Executive

Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee, and none of its acts shall conflict with actions of the Linn County Central Committee.




The County Central Committee shall consist of two precinct committee members elected from

each precinct at the precinct caucuses. The Constitution of the Republican Party of Iowa

permits a provision to be adopted in the County by-laws for the election of additional Central

Committee members from each precinct in a number proportionate to the Republican vote

cast in the precinct at the last preceding general election for President of the United States or

for the Governor of Iowa, as the case may be.

The general management of the affairs of the party in Linn County is vested in the Linn

County Central Committee, subject to direction from time to time by the County convention of

the party. The Linn County Central Committee shall have such officers and administrative

personnel as it may determine and shall organize its operations to attain the objectives of the

Republican Party, and shall have power to adopt by-laws to carry out its duties and the

purposes of this Constitution, provided such by-laws are not in conflict with the provisions of

the Republican National Convention, the Constitution of the Republican Party of Iowa or this


When elected, a member of the County Central Committee must be a resident of the precinct

from which elected. The term of office of a member of the County Central Committee shall

begin on the day following the precinct caucus and shall continue until the next precinct

caucus and untuil his or her successor is elected and qualified. A member may be removed

by the County Central Committee for inattention to duty, incompetence, or active support of

an opponent of a Republican nominee. Vacancies on the County Central Committee shall be

filled by the County Central Committee.


Yes it says the general management of the Party in Linn County is the charge of the Central Commitee subject from time to time with direction of the County Convention.

Doesn't say a word about being subject to the direction of the Executive Committee

As a mater of fact it clearly states that the Exective Committee TAKES ORDERS from the Centrla Committee and not the reverse

In additon in the ByLaws it is stated that the Chair and Co-Chair

 assist in the formulation of policies for the conduct of the affairs of the

Republican Party and such other matters as may be assigned 

The implication being that the assisting, not decision making, is by the Exectuives and the assigning is by the Central Committee.

I should have been doing some writing upon these issues instead of letting them run a behind the scenes campaign unopposed.

But  I have not been well recently 


Several of our Dear Exectuives have been attending What used to be the Communications Sub-Committee meetings

Telling us that it was their desire to Build Bridges and Smooth over the Dissension and tear down the Wall of Distrust

And would I PLEASE give them a small amount of time to do this?

Like an Idiot 


And I stood down and stopped being so personally confrontational.

Where upon they Smiled

And proceeded to destroy everything some of us had spent years building up.

I am still kicking myself for being so naive as to Trust them

It will NEVER happen Again.

Yes when they said that they wanted to work WITH the Sub Committees and Tear down Walls and Build Trust back up?

They Lied

When the Chair stated that she had a Definitive Parliamentary Ruling by a Statewide Respected local Parliamentarian? 

Well it would be ungentlemanly to categorically state that she lied.

So since only one of them can be telling the Truth I will let You the Reader decide which one that is


And the portion of that email I sent out to the Executive Board where I said

I will have no problem ensuring that almost the entire Republican population of Linn county who use Facebook will have the opportunity to read my thoughts
on the matter

That is not hyperbole,

I fully intend to see that it happens 


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 11:53 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 18 March 2015 9:03 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 11 March 2015
Where Were They?


There are a lot of People who will tell you that the Constitution needs to be preserved, protected and defended.

They will talk about the encrouchment on our Rights and Liberties.

And despite the desire of the media to label them as Fringe, Conservatives are in fact the largest political philosophy in the Nation.

About 40% Conservatives 20% Liberal and 30 to 35% Moderate.

So they have the desire. They can see the threat


They have the Numbers.

So Why?  Do they stay Home and let Liberals get Elected?

For many years I bought 90/10 Ethanol blend gasiline because it was a dime cheaper.

Then I discovered that running Regular All Gasoline increased my mileage by 25%.

I had an older car.

The 10 Cents difference between Regular and 90/10 was to subsidize and incentivize the the purchase of 90/10 ,

Maybe I was not the only one who realised that buying 90/10 was costing me more,

Because a year or so ago they raised the differential from 10 Cents a Gallon to 30 Cents a Gallon,

Recently Iowas Fuel Tax got raised by 10 cents

BOY did we hear some screams of outrage.


Me? I thought to myself.

Where were they when the price I paid for gasoline whent up 20 Cents

I don't remember  a word of outrage.

I keep hearing the same litany


We will NEVER vote Republican AGAIN.

Great that is why the Progressives keep winning

YOU let them.

Now I suppose back in 92 some folks might have thought Perot had a shot.

But after YOU electied Clinton the First time?

Couldn't you figure out what would happen in 96 if you did the same thing over again?

Guess Not.

Some of them decided to teach all of us a lesson in 2008 and stayed hoime because they McCain was marginal

How's that working out for you?


If he HAD gotten the same amount of the Conservative Base as even McCain did, HE would have gotten elected.

It took us generations to get in the mess we are in,

One or two elections will not rotate out the dead wood,

Staying home and pouting will certainly not turn things around.

One of the reasons the Progressives keep winning is they NEVER give up.,

They just keep nibbling away at what they want over decades until?

Conservatives deliver control to them by default.

Some of us DO think we are in a struggle to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, our Liberies and our Rights,

Years from now if one of your grandchildren asks you

Gran where were You during the Political Battles of the Early 21st Century?

What do you want to tell them?

I was on the Barricades?





I ran home like a cry baby to Momma so She could Kiss It and Make it Better and Pout. 


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 2:05 AM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 11 March 2015 2:17 AM CDT
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