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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Wednesday, 1 April 2015
Sheep of the Narcissistii
If you wish to read the whole letter go Here
If you wish to vote for the identity of the Mystery Writer go Here 
As I recall Yesterday we left off at me pointing out that Iowa is not a good place to go Whaling and wiith the Mystery Writer telling us what he thinks other Parliamentarians think,
Now it would be helpful if we had some way to gauge his credibility but we do not,.
 Parliamentarians understand and respect that the purpose of Robert's Rules of Order is to respect
everyone. Twisting the meaning of people's words and personally attacking them disqualifies this
blogger as a parliamentarian while qualifying him as a bloated sheep whaling at the moon wishing he
were a wolf.
The local Toastmasters and true parliamentarians reject this blogger as damaged goods seeking only to
spread the venom of his leader whose name is Narcissist.


I still would like to know exactly which Parliamentarians he polled to make the above statement.

For instance when David Chung and I were discussing the Parliamentarian issues of the Officers Election we did so over a meal at Perkins

At One AM in the morning.

Now I submit that if he rejected me as a Parliamentarian he probably would not haver met me at Perkins at that hour,

Mystery Writer?

Please tell us your experience in this field the comments below are open to all.

The Narcissist is a coward and a bully. His modus operandi is choosing to hide in the background

leaving his sheep to carry out his mean spirited and evil bidding. 

I would say that YOU talking about hiding in the background is a case of the Pot calling the Kettle Black

Care to give us some specific instances or are you going to stop with unsupported assertions?


People around the State know and dislike the Narcissist. They cringe when he calls knowing they are in

for a blast of vicious accusations against somebody. They hold the phone away from their ear waiting for that click that signals the end of the diatribe . 


And you know this How?


It is sad because the Narcissist's sheep are just little minions of low esteem personalities. The Narcissist

easily manipulates them to do his evil mission letting them bear the mantle of fool.

The minions come across as angry automatons parroting hate and discontent with no reasoning power of

their own. They speak as a corrupted web application that has been consumed by a virus or a worm. 

Now he is going, One can almost see the spittle flying off his lips;


If you come across this blogger you should give him a wide birth unless you become corrupted by him


It is hard to get to this website by accident



or the Narcissist.

Do not respond to the bloggers comments for like a black widow spider he will pull you into his web

and infect you with venom manufactured by the Narcissist.

Ignore the whaling. Ignore the howling.


Again you might want to look in a mirror on the subject of howling


Move on and do good works that benefit Republicans. Don't let the blogger sap your time or energy.

In the end the only thing that matters is for good people to do good things to elect Republicans.

Now we differ For some strange reason I believe that in the process of elecrting Republicans we should avoid Violating Constitutional Restrictions and ByLaws

But that is just me I think not doing so is throwing the baby out with the bathwater



What's that I hear .... OH, the blogger just slunk back into his lair.

You wish 

Sleep tight. 

I intend to  

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 2:57 AM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 1 April 2015 3:15 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 31 March 2015
Who Is The Mystery Writer?



I thought it might be fun to allow my readers to vote on the Mystery Writer

If your choice is not on the poll just add it in the comments  Click on the Image it will take you to another page which contians the Poll.


If you wish to merely see the results simply cick results on the other page. 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 10:10 AM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 4 April 2015 8:58 PM CDT
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Image result for You have hate mail

When you start getting Hate Mail

It means that you have ARRIVED 

As an Internet Pundit.

I related some of my recent experinces such in yesterday's Post

I Have Arrived  which relates a theft of identity attempt to shut down my website and other typical ploys of my Anti-Fans

But this latest I have to admit is special I mean they actually paid for a stamp.

The Return address on the envelope said

A Real Republican 

Now the Real Truth is that you become a Republican by going to the DMV and if asked if you want to register with a Party say Yes I do Republican

Or simply fill out a Registration Form. Republican

But when someone identifies themselves as a


 Real Republican


The implication is there are additional criteria that they feel necessary to apply before you qualify to their satisfaction.

One can almost picture them in an earlier age drooling over the possibilty of burning some heretics at the stake.


 Right now it might be best if I put in a link to the entire letter so my readers can peruse it for themselves

Hot Issues Blogger 


Now I don't know why they sent a letter instead of an email,

Whether it was to tell me. "We know who you are and we know where you live"

Or maybe they just wanted to keep me from copying and pasting sections of their letter and wanted me to have to type it out.,

If so they were mistaken,  The letter has been formated as a PDF file now and is easy to handle.


 There is a myth that wolves howl at the moon. Images of wolves with their heads raised and howling at

the moon abound. The myth is more popular than goldfish's 3 second memory or dog's color blindness.

The real truth is that it is evil bloggers who are howling. Some bloggers are howling to pump up their

sagging belly to attract a lost mate. Other bloggers howl in the morning because real words cannot come

out of their mouths. Perhaps this bloggers is trying to confuse his imaginary enemies by hurling twisted

words into the night sky hoping they will land on some unsuspecting Republican.


 First I am not certain I am in the market for a "mate" I have been thinking lately I have been a bachelor for so long I might be a grave dissappointment to a lady who thought I could be trained.

Second imaginary enemies do not send me letters with such flattering descriptions of me as


Some bloggers are howling to pump up their sagging belly 

That sounds more like a corporeal enemy to me.

This blogger is reminiscing about the past ten years of the Linn County Republican Central Committee.

But where is his reality ... lost in the night sky? Buried under a rock? Fell into the toilet?

He revels in the past performance of the LCRCC. Interesting because his memory is delusional, they

didn't elect a single Republican. 

Now I do think Mr Real Republican can only say this because he was no where around at the time,.

Or  he has no problem producing a blatant Lie.

Not a single Republican elected in Linn County?

Total Ignorance or a Total  Absence of the Truth

Because Republicans WERE Elected. 

I can never understand why anyone bothers to Lie about

Something That Is In The Public Record.

But it is just one more example of the Ethical Level of those I oppose. 


However they did drive a lot of good people away from the LCRCC over the years. Why would

reasonable people hang around just nonsense?

The blogger helped reign over the failure of his little band of sheep. These sheep who wish they were

wolves but are small minded, mean spirited cretans. 

Will anyone who got driven away by me, please Speak Up?

BTW I thought I was a wolf where does all this talk about Sheep come from? 

As far as being mean spirited LOL this author does not seem to be the epitomy of Christain Love do they? 


His claim to fame is that he is effective at clipping and pasting people's words and writings, as if that

was a talent of few. Then he removes a few words and adds a few of his own to twist the meaning of

what they said. Wow, that's impressive. 

 Oh I have other talents too, but thanks for the complements.

As matter of fact when I was blogging regularly

I was rated by the Technorati Blog Rating Service otof 75 Millon Blogs  in the top 6000 in the World.

Which brings up a point I almost forgot.

While the letter was correctly addressed 

Hot Issues Blogger 

The envelope was not 

Hot Air Blogger 

Now I AM flattered Hot Air being one of THE Premier Conservative Websites out there and while it is true that over the years I have correponded with some of their bloggers but NO I am not One of them.


He performs his twisted machinations because he can't put words together to make a real argument

based on facts, reason and logic.

This blogger fancy's himself as a Parliamentarian. Really? 

Yes Really selected by the LCRCC Body to be County Parliamentarian and also Parliamentarian for A County Convention.


Requested by David Chung to be a Parliamentarian at the Officers Election meeting.

 Parliamentarians are objective not subjective. They are not mean spirited or offensive. They look out for

the rights of every member not for one faction. They are real people.

Parliamentarians understand and respect that the purpose of Robert's Rules of Order is to respect

everyone. Twisting the meaning of people's words and personally attacking them disqualifies this

blogger as a parliamentarian while qualifying him as a bloated sheep whaling at the moon wishing he

FYI Iowa is a tad far from the Ocean for Whaling. 

were a wolf.

The local Toastmasters and true parliamentarians reject this blogger as damaged goods seeking only to

spread the venom of his leader whose name is Narcissist.

Now our Author has a lot of opinions in this last section,

One is that  local Toastmasters and "true" parliamentarians (is that like Real Republicans those who pass his muster?) reject me?

Let me see, Mr Chung requested my attendance at the meeting he chaired. It was as I recall Parliamentarian

If we knew the identiy of Real Republican we might have some idea of HIS actual experience in this field.


I am going to leave the rest for another post,

In any event it seems to be mostly about someone else.,

Darn It!

This was supposed to be MY Hate Mail and it turns out I have to share it.

BTW on the Subject of Sheep in Wolves clothing??

Some might be interested to know that the Largest Land Mamalian Carnivore 


Which had a Three Foot BiteAndrewsaurchus's, closest modern relative is SHEEP.

In closing I Do have a confession to make

The letter I got was not REALLY Hate Mail

To Tell the Truth It was more like Hissy Fit Mail  


to be continued' 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 1:41 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 31 March 2015 4:54 AM CDT
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Monday, 30 March 2015
I Have Arrived!
I have Arrived I got my First Hate Mail
From someone who calls themselves

A Real Republcan 
Some of you know that there was a recent theft of identity attempt to cancel my Website Hosting by a false request to cancel my account by someone pretending to be me,
And you may also know that a report to Facebook that there was suspicious activity when I did some ad boosts, required me to verify that the financial means used to pay for the ads were indeed my own.
And I had to submit a color governement issued phioto ID to verify that I am indeed a US citizen.
But this time unlike other disparagements, someone actually purchased a STAMP and send me a letter telling me what they think of me,
I will share more in detail for tommorrows Post which will be titled
You Have HATE MAIL! 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 6:16 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 30 March 2015 6:17 PM CDT
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New Ways To Do Posts Wrong

I have talked previously about Posts that have dead links in them like:

Ken Rizer has a new post: A classic SNL skit entitled, "I am not a witch," from last time a politician ass... A classic SNL skit entitled, "I am not a witch," from last time a politician associated w wicca. - Christine O'Donnell's "I'm Not A Witch" Ad

Saturday Night Live Parody

Which leads to

Then there are the Posts that lead to a page on the LCRCC Website

 Such as


LCRCC News!!! Click to read more ...…/congressman-rod-blums-cr-of…/ Congressman Rod Blum’s CR Office Grand Opening

Congressman Rod Blum’s CR Office Grand Opening

March 31 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Tuesday, March 31st, Congressman Rod Blum will be holding a formal “Grand Opening” of his downtown Cedar Rapids office.

Please come and support the Congressman as already he is working hard to represent the people of District 1!

The opening will be from 12-1PM at 310 3rd Street SE in Cedar Rapids. 

And ends there. No links to the person who orginated the post,

I thought we were supposed to use our Website and our Facebook Pages to promote our elected officials,

Not use what our elected officials  post to drive traffic to our Website. 

Then there are to posts that lead to the LCRCC Website that DO have a URL  in them.  Not not a hyperlink just an address that you can copy and paste into your Address Bar.
Now THAT is something I have not seen in a post by a competant blogger in over 20 years.
Such as

New post added at Linn County Republicans - Retweeted Quentin Stanerson (@QStanerson): Very nice turnout in Center Point fo…

Retweeted Quentin Stanerson (@QStanerson): Very nice turnout in Center Point for our forum. Thank you @DanZumbach for being there. So great to see Senator Kitty Rehberg!! from Dan Zumbach for Iowa Senate's Facebook Wall via IFTTT

Retweeted Quentin Stanerson (@QStanerson): Very nice turnout in Center Point fo…

Retweeted Quentin Stanerson (@QStanerson):

Very nice turnout in Center Point for our forum. Thank you @DanZumbach for being there. So great to see Senator Kitty Rehberg!!

from Dan Zumbach for Iowa Senate’s Facebook Wall

Tags: ,  


Now there ARE Posts that seem to be done

in a competant manner.


One just wonders why all the others are such

a mess. 





Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 2:37 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, 30 March 2015 3:06 AM CDT
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Friday, 27 March 2015
The Right Way And The Wrong Way To Post



I decided to give some examples of what I think are the Right Ways and the Wrong Ways to Post


First the Wrong Way taken from the LCRCC's Facebook Fan Page


Like · Comment · 

Ken Rizer has a new post: Retweeted The Gazette (@gazettedotcom): ICYMI: The Iowa House unanimously appr... Retweeted The Gazette (@gazettedotcom):
ICYMI: The Iowa House unanimously approved legislation yesterday that limits funeral protests House unanimously approves limits on funeral protests - TheGazette
DES MOINES — In response to church protesters who one Eastern Iowa lawmaker labeled “verbal domestic terrorists” after they shouted homophobic slurs and desecrated the United States flag at military funerals, the Iowa House Thursday voted 100-0 to create a protest-free zone at funerals.



 Some of you may be think, How do we know that is really what it looks like on Facebook.

OK just go HERE   BTW that is what a Link that actually works in a Post looks like.

You will also notice that this will open the LCRCC Facebook Fan Page Post in a second window 

Yes I have the Power

I have the Technology

I can do this.

Now click on the link in either or better yet both examples.

You will be taken to this

Now at this point I could explain how to edit the Post on the LCRCC Fan Page so that the Twitter Link works, but I think instead I will show you what a post done Right looks like

Ken Rizer
17 hrs · 
Retweeted The Gazette (@gazettedotcom):
ICYMI: The Iowa House unanimously approved legislation yesterday that limits funeral protests

Iowa House unanimously approves limits on funeral protests
The legislation, unanimously approved, establishes a 1,000 ft. buffer between protesters and a funeral

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 4:33 PM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 28 March 2015 6:58 AM CDT
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So You DON'T Want To Be First In The Nation?

Image result for First in the nation iowa


Being the First Caucus in the Nation is a Big Deal for Iowa.

A sense of Pride, Tradition and let's face it the source of a whole lot of rectangular green pieces of linen and cotton.

To KEEP this in place we are required to stay inside certain boundaries.

Which is why, when the other day I looked at the LCRCC Facebook Pages and all the posts looked for all intents and purposes as if they were written by the Tec Cruz Campaign Committee instead of the Linn County Republican Central Committee,

I shook my head and thought

There they go again.

It is important they we maintain at least an appearance of neutrality.

We ARE the second largest county in the State and it is not good to give the other campaigns the impression that they may not get a fair shake in this County.

They might tend to stay away or at least not involve the local County Committee in any functions they have here.

Trust is a very easy thing to break and even harder to put together after it's broken



We can LOSE our First in the Nation Caucus status if we do not pay attention to a few simple rules,.

County Officials Executive Board members and yes also Webmasters may NOT express partisan endorsements.

I was very proud of Dan Hess when he mentioned the announcement by Ted Cruz the he was running, but made it clear it was an announcement NOT an endorsement.

I read Mr Hess's post and thought, now THAT is how it should be done.

Boundaries must be set by the Exective Committee and the New Marketing & PR Team.

Somebody needs to start doing their job. 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 2:22 AM CDT
Updated: Friday, 27 March 2015 2:27 AM CDT
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Thursday, 26 March 2015
You Broke It YOU Fix It


There was once a Linn County Central Committee Communications Sub-Committee.
Almost 4 years in the making with a Charter approved by the Body in a final finishing late last summer before the 2014 Elections,
It has a fairly large and dedicated membership
William H. Dahslten Chair
Althea Cole, Bill Barrow, Jim Conklin, John Haible, Dee Johnson , Fred Johnson , Andrea Wasson, Justin Wasson, Dan Kauffman, Marvin Spragg, Greg Hood Chad Todd, Denise Todd & Wayne Null  
It no longer exists and has been replaced with a
Marketing & PR Team
Whose members are
Frank Sladek Chair
James Knox, Ian Hollinger, Taylor Nelson 
Notice that NONE of the original members were deemed adequate for the job and so were not included in the new management's choices.
Notice also there is a big difference in the numbers so one must therefore conclude they MUST be really GOOD at the Jobs they have been given,
I think it would be a good time for them to DO those jobs.
The present shape of tfhe Website and the Facebook Group and Fanpages are a disgrace,
I mean when we open the HOME Page of the LCRCC and see

no title

Grassley Named to Advisory Council of Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute | Chuck Grassleywww.grassley.senate.govWASHINGTON – Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa has been named a member of the Advisory Council of the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute, joining other members of Congress and child welfare advocates to advise the institute on policy efforts to help children.
No Title?  What kind of unproffesional mess is that?
While the words  "No Title" ARE a clickable link
When we click on the link or click on View Full Post we go to

Error 404 - Page Not Found

Sorry, I've looked everywhere but I can't find the page you're looking for.

If you follow the link from another website, I may have removed or renamed the page some time ago. You may want to try searching for the page: 

If we wait awhile we may see another post on the Home Page like

Rep. Blum Leads Effort to Block Harmful EPA Regulations

WASHINGTON, DC – This week, Congressman Rod Blum (R-IA) led a bipartisan letter to the House Committee on Appropriations requesting a prohibition on funding for the EPA’s proposed Waters of the United States (WOTUS) regulations. The bipartisan letter garnered signatures from 104 Members of Congress and if implemented would prevent the EPA from claiming federal 
At least this time the title and View Full Posts goes someplace

Rep. Blum Leads Effort to Block Harmful EPA Regulations

WASHINGTON, DC – This week, Congressman Rod Blum (R-IA) led a bipartisan letter to the House Committee on Appropriations requesting a prohibition on funding for the EPA’s proposed Waters of the United States (WOTUS) regulations. The bipartisan letter garnered signatures from 104 Members of Congress and if implemented would prevent the EPA from claiming federal jurisdiction over small bodies of water like ponds, streams, ditches, and even “wetlands” that only contain water after rain.

from Congressman Rod Blum – Representing the 1st District of Iowa

via IFTTT 
Nothing clickable here so if you want to go to Congressman Blum's page you have to copy that URL at the end and paste it into your address bar,
NOT the example of a website managed by a professional.
If you now go to the LCRCC Facebook Fan Page?
We get the same - Rep. Blum Leads
Effort to Block Harmful EPA Regulations
 Post that leads to the same page on the
Linn County GOP website
That has the URL you must copy and paste into the address bar.
Not all the posts lead to a Linn GOP website page that only has links that you have to copy and paste there is one about the Chair that actually surprise surprise has a link that works.
But then a lot of the links that are on the Linn Gop Website page that you end up on when you click on the Fan Page Posts lead to  something like
Something Went Wrong
Sorry, there was a problem with this link:

You can now continue to this website, or
go back to the page you were on before.
Remember, only follow links from sources
you trust.
I could go on,
But it would be redundant.
We discussed these matters and others with our New Co-Chair when he attended our meeting and assured us that we could all work together in harmony.
Little did we realise that his definition of creating harmony was eliminating our Committee and kicking all of us to the curb,. 
The main problem with having a knife stuck in your back is being able to reach it to pull it out, 
In Closing.
We got discarded.
The new handpicked Team is in Place.
When are they going to
DO THEIR JOBS???????????? 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 12:41 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 25 March 2015
We The Crybabies

Well we have been called Poison, Petty People and now Crybabies,

I guess the open invite at the meeting where the body voted on the new committees and structure to anyone not currently on a team to please fill out a form and join one is the equivalent to purging? The dictionary defines purge as:

: to remove people from an area, country, organization, etc., often in a violent and sudden way

: to cause something to leave the body

SO the open invite for anyone to jump on a team is a purge…hummm

IDIOTS I must say...perhaps 'we the cry babies' is more accurate.

Which is probably as effective a way to promote harmony, unity and cohession as anything else they have done so far,

The Truth is they just want Control,

Control was originally meant to be accomplished by the Sub-Committee Charters,

Those who were present the night they were presented may remember they were SUPPOSED to have all the Committees Report to either the Executive Committee or the Organizational Commitee.

They wanted to control them by Uber Committees, but the Body that night rejected that plan and amended all the Charters to have them report to the Body,

So they had to come up with a new plan of attack,

What they did was wipe out every Committee and ALL members of said Committtees


Replace them with Teams.

Which for the most part do the same thing as the Committees we had been working to establish for some 4 years.

Well except for the part where they put their own people in charge of the Teams and  They get to decide how many members a Team has and who will get to be On a Team.

The other Truth is the LCRCC is split down the middle,

They won an election, no doubt about that,

It was not a mandate

25 to 21 and on the losing side I know of two people whose work took them out of town, one other in town who had to work and one who has not been to meetings for a long while but was incensed enough at the Night of the Long Knives that they intend to start coming again,

So bravo you have inspired them and one other that I know of who have not been around for a while to start coming to meetings again,


Vote against you if you continue to violate the Constitution, Bylaws and Rules of Order,

Oh in addition to the above there is also the gentleman who was used as an authority to justify this action.

I don't think he is too pleased to be quoted for something that never happened,

I will be having lunch with him this week,

We will discuss all these matters,

In closing I have to say if what they wanted was to bring everyone together and stop the infighting?

They picked a very poor method of motivating the rest of us. 


  1. 1.
    an abrupt or violent removal of a group of people from an organization or place.
    "a purge of the ruling class is absolutely necessary"
    synonyms:removalexpulsionejectionexclusionevictiondismissalsacking,ousting, eradication
    "the purge of dissidents"

 I would say the removal of every single Sub-Committee and every single member of those Sub-Committees, while not violent, seemed abrupt to me,


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 2:29 AM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 25 March 2015 1:35 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 24 March 2015
We The Purged

Or maybe I should have called this post We The Poison.


That being how some of our New Leadership think of us.

I awoke to 23 messages asking me if I actually Purged the poison last night. 



Taylor G Nelson These are steps that we have to
take in order to move forward as an organization! We
have to function and stop the infighting. And what we
did last night where the first steps of fixing the
problem. No longer can we be bogged down with the
pursuits of petty people! 
Or maybe We the Petty People
And what infighting might Young Master Nelson refer to?
What pursuits of Petty People does he wished stopped?
Could it be when some of us spoke up because while the County Constitution says that
The Executive Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee, and none of its acts
shall conflict with actions of the Linn County Central Committee.
We have  a Chair who seems to feel that following an decision that the Full Committee voted on is subject to whether they FEEL like doing it?
Or might it be when some of us objected to the Chair completely ignoring the section of the By Laws which states
All checks shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the Chair or Co-Chair 

 And deciding that THEY did not have to bother with the restricitions of the By Laws if they decided it was inconvienient.

Was it those petty pursuits and infighting that justified purging almost half of the membership? 

Must be, because I do not recall ANY consequences for these Illegal Actions

But Boy did Young Master Nelson and his associates get irate when we brought them up!!! 

I am surprised we were not tied up and tossed into the Cedar River to see if we would float or not, 

It takes all types to make a County Poltical Party work.
Some volunteers show up about every 4 years during Presidential elections and boy do we need them
Some volunteer show up about every 2 years during every election and they are also needed.
But then there are those volunteers who plod along week after week, month after month, year after year and form the foundation of the political party.
Those who do the nuts and bolts actions needed to have something in place when the Election Year Volunteers show up to work.
Care to Guess who just got Purged?
Yep the Bedrock Foundation of the LCRCC's volunteer base.
Or at least a very large portion of it,
So what now?  Our New Co-Chair tells us there is a place for everyone at the table,
We should not be upset if it is below the salt,.
We should also I guess not ask,
Why should we believe or trust someone who came to our Now Purged Sub-Committee meeting and told us how much he and the New Leadership wanted to Work With Us, Heal the Wounds That Divided Us and Tear Down the Wall of Distrust.
And then proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that all the glowing committments that were made were nothing but Flat Lies?
Now that they have wiped out the work of years, kicked us to the curb and spit on our efforts.
They want us to come to them, crouch down and lick the hands that beat us and ask that our chains be laid lightly upon us.  (to paraphrase Sam Adams)
Not going to happen,
And stuff that Then You Don't Want to Help Republicans Get Elected.,
Some of us were helping Republcians get elected when some of you were not even a gleam in your Daddy's Eye.
We can continue to do that with or without you.
We can support Republican Candidates, Causes and Groups of OUR choosing,
We do need neither your permission nor your Aid,
I am still the person who donated to local candidates they know who they are.
I am still the person who laying in a hospital bed waiting for open heart surgery asked my friends in lieu of flowers to donate to a particular campaign,
I am still the one who laying in that same bed wrote out a large check so there would be some banquet for early arrivers election night.,
And who had a friend pick me up from the hospital so I could join my fellow Republicans and watch the returns come in.
The LCRCC is not the only Conservative Group I belong to some of them actually Value my efforts,
I can go where I am wanted,
But I do intend to hang around and watch to see if the New Regime can halt the slide to disaster that the last few years of the Golding Chairmanship has been.
I mean the Treasury has dropped what?
By Twenty percent to maybe One third?
Attendance at meeting is down by almost 50%.
Attendance at Events down by maybe 80%.
Things have been going so well, it will be interesting to see if this Purge reverses the trend.
If not, as we have done in the Past those of us who are left will pick up the pieces and rebuild,'
What we won't do is start off by Excluding a Large portion of the Membership. 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 2:44 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 24 March 2015 9:12 AM CDT
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