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Samuel Adams

American Patriot & Politician

1722 - 1803

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
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Hot Issues From Linn County Iowa
Sunday, 6 September 2015
THE Most Important Election





What elections could be more important for the Future than the ones in which we pick those who will over see our Children's Education


Be sure to Vote in the School Board Election Sept 8th 

You can go HERE to see where the Polling Places are this Year 


Now as for Me there is one person in Particular I will cas MY Vote for.


Ann Rosenthal for Cedar Rapids School Board




 See More Here

My Photo
I have served the Cedar Rapids Community School District as a volunteer school board member since 1999. I'm a mechanical engineer and work at the University of Iowa as an Associate Director of Facilities Management. I've been in the design, construction and maintenance of facilities for 31 years, which has helped while on the Board.


 For those in Cedar Rapids here is another Quick List of your New Polling Places 


Here’s a guide to identified Republican candidates in the local School Board Elections which take place on Tuesday:


Cedar Rapids:  at large (two seats)
John Laverty, Republican
Ann Rosenthal, Republican
Cedar Rapids: District 4 (one seat)
no Republicans identified


Linn Mar: (4 seats)
George Abouassaly, Republican
Craig Adamson, Republican
Sondra Nelson, Republican
Marion: (4 seats)
Brent Van Wey, Republican

Be sure to vote on Tuesday September 8! 



Your School Board Vote Matters



10 hrs ·
Paul Pelletier's photo.



Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 5:12 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 7 September 2015 1:22 AM CDT
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Friday, 28 August 2015
Truth To Power



I will have to admit I always did want to use that title.

 Some time back our Co Chair decided to educate us.

He made this statement


Some folks are confused regarding why the county central committee organizes following election of officers. The reason is simply, our LCRCC Constitution says we do so.
"The officers of this Central Committee shall be a chairman, co-chairman, secretary and Treasurer, and such other members as the County Central Committee in its by-laws may provide. The Central committee shall organize following each general election, but no later than the following April 1."

Can I also that criticism is not an accomplishment. Criticism does not become an accomplishment when taken to another forum. Or another meeting. 


Now it is true that he took a passage from the Constitution and the ByLaws  


V. OFFICERS The officers of this Central Committee shall be a chairman, co-chairman, secretary and treasurer, and such other members as the County Central Committee in its by-laws may provide. The Central committee shall organize following each general election, but no later than the following April 1.  


V. OFFICERS The officers of the Central Committee shall consist of a Cahir, Co-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer whose terms shall be for a period of two (2) years and the same shall be elected immediately following each general election, but no later than the following April 1. The Central Committee shall elect either from its’ membership or otherwise a chair, co-chair, secretary, treasurer and other officers as it may determine. After notification of an election, any vacancies in said offices shall be filled by the County Central Committee. 

It seems that the organization required by April 1 following each general election?

Is the Election of OFFICERS. 

 Not the complete destruction of the structure of the Body.

If that were the case there would be language in the Constitution and Bylaws in the Sections pertaining to the Body saying so

There is not. 

But the did create a Faux Crisis.

We HAD to change everthing!  We did not have any time left there would be no other meetings before April Fools Day!!!! 

 They told the body that Robert's Rules of Order SAID that ALL motions etc made before an Officers Election were voided by that Election!!!!!!!!!!!! 


The problems with that is that it is comepletely Untrue.

They know that.

They asked the Official Online Robet's Rules Disscusion Forum that same question and were told NO 

About 7 weeks before the Election. 


There WAS one small bit of information that was True.

In the Motion that they made the Night of the St Patrick's Day Massacre.

There is a Statement

 Discussion of motion. • Questions and discussion concerning the charters and previous committees. • The Chair explained that the Iowa Code, the Republican Party Constitution and Bylaws and the Linn County Republican Party Constitution and the Linn County Republican Party Bylaws require that the central committee re-organize by April 1st following each general election. All that survives are the Advisory Committee, the Executive Committee and the Central Committee. The Chair explained that David Chung, Paul Pelletier and Richard Bice had been contacted in regard to parliamentarian review. • A question was raised concerning the elections of Credentials Committee members at the 2014 Caucus. The Chair indicated she would followup and report. • Calls were made to a wide variety of members. • Motion by James Knox (CR04) "Call the Question". Motion Failed • Gary Ellis reported that there are signup sheets to allow people to volunteer for teams

 Now everyone ASSUMED that this portion

 The Chair explained that David Chung, Paul Pelletier and Richard Bice had been contacted in regard to parliamentarian review.

Meant that those 3 men supported the Chair and the Executive Committees Claim

Turns out in the Case of Daveid Chung

That was NOT True

I understand he not only told them that Robert's Rules of Order and our Documents not only did not support that claim

But that what they were planning was not a good idea.

We jump forward in time and ss late as the May Meeting the Chair was STILL making the Claim

That an Officers Election Voided all Motions make prior to it

When I member tried to enter into the record the portion of Robtert's Rules of Order the refutes this

Page 111 footnote at the bottom of the page

Which by the way is the SAME section that the Official Robert's Rules of Order gave them to explain why an Officers Election did NOT void all previous Motions and Decisions

The Chair Stated that the Exectutive Committee would take the subject under advisement and deliberate,.

That being the May meeting maybe we will be told what their deliberations determined in the September meeting? 

In a cute posting recently the Co-Chair in effect accused me of being Divisive. 

If speaking the Truth is Divisive?

I stand guitly as charged

Someone has to do it

And it makes a nice counterpoint to all the things we are told in Meetings that are NOT True. 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 12:56 AM CDT
Updated: Friday, 28 August 2015 7:13 AM CDT
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Thursday, 27 August 2015
On Being Famous

I stumbled on one of our Executive Committees essays into humor on Facebook last night


For all my friends at IowaLive and the divisives in Linn County, this really reminded me of you! You're famous!

Concerned Nazarene Memes's photo.


Now let's admit it is kind of cute.  However if the gentleman IS going to be on Facebook one might ask why does he not do his job Before he takes the time to be jocular? 

 I mean He IS on of the 4 Admins that I know of for the LCRCC.  James Knox seems to be still two of them which always confused me


But James we are told has moved to Ohio and Brett has taken his place as Webmaster

So why is it that for instance the LCRCC Facebook Discussion Page has SIX 

Posts in a row that say the same thing?

I will put a screen shot of them at the bottom of this page.


You know?  We never had this problem when our Social Media was NOT under the control of Professionals (?) 


But then in their Infinite Wisdom the Executive Board Abolished the Communication Sub Committee, replaced it with a Marketing & PR Team


While reserving all the Admin privileges to themselves.

Not that they have been doing a stellar job of it this is not the only multiple post we have seen, At times that have been quite common

 Mr Mason tells some of us we are Famous

I sure hope the LCRCC Facebook Presence is NOT Famous .

The only thing that could keep the LCRCC Facebook Pages from being the Laughingstock of Iowa

Would be if no one really looks at them.


So Brett?  Do us a favor?

You can make as much fun of me as you want to but

Please clean up the mess you are responsible for?


Here is what I am talking about


New post (Fun with movies for our GOP) has been published on Linn County Republicans
Let's have some fun with cameras! Here’s a challenge – Can you tell in 15 seconds why you joined the Linn County Republicans?  We think you can!  In fact, we’re having a fun contest, “Why I …”  Here’s how it...
New post (RELEASE: Remarks from Iowa Security Expert Steve Ponsetto on Clinton’s Server) has been published on Linn County Republicans
DES MOINES – Iowa Security Expert Steve Ponsetto gave insight into the proper handling of sensitive...
New post (RELEASE: Remarks from Iowa Security Expert Steve Ponsetto on Clinton’s Server) has been published on Linn County Republicans
New post (RELEASE: Remarks from Iowa Security Expert Steve Ponsetto on Clinton’s Server) has been published on Linn County Republicans
New post (RELEASE: Remarks from Iowa Security Expert Steve Ponsetto on Clinton’s Server) has been published on Linn County Republicans
DES MOINES – Iowa Security Expert Steve Ponsetto gave insight into the proper handling of sensitive...
New post (RELEASE: Remarks from Iowa Security Expert Steve Ponsetto on Clinton’s Server) has been published on Linn County Republicans
DES MOINES – Iowa Security Expert Steve Ponsetto gave insight into the proper handling of sensitive...


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 3:06 AM CDT
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Thursday, 20 August 2015
The Enemies List

They say Synchronicity is the  simultaneous

occurrence of events that appear significantly related but

have no discernible causal connection.


As if the Cosmos conspired to create a series of coincidences that led to a certain outcome.

We may have experienced such an even at the August LCRCC Meeting 


But to find the apparent origin of this string we must go back to a not normal occurence after the July meeting

Someone OTHER than the Membership and Meeting Setup Team Leader took ALL the records home 

Not supposed to happen but it did, 

The August meeting started out as it was supposed to, permanent members got their Credentials and the Lime Colored Voting Card,

Associates got their Yellow Credentials without the Lime Colored Voting Card

At 7:00 PM when the meeting started the Associates who are from Precincts where one or more of the Permanent Voing members were absent

Would normally have been given a Lime Colored Voting Card

But they weren't

This was brought to the Attention of the Chair

Who REFUSED to pause the Meeting or Voting until this error was corrected.

As we gathered to get our credentials

A singular thought struck my mind

It was very interesting WHO had not been credentialed 


There were Five


Dan Kauffman (Me)

Jim Concklin

Bill Barrow

Marv Spragg

And another gentlemen I am sorry but I have forgotten his name


The interesting thing is that all 5 of us have usually voted the same way

and in opposition often to the Chair and the Executive Committee

Now isn't THAT an interesting coincidence,

When you also take into account one of the persons working the Credential Table who did NOT credential us

In the May meeting tried to Vote with TWO sets of Voting Credentials,

His own and a set Paul Pelletier left against the rules on his table when he went out of the room. 


Some might say that person may think that as long as his side wins a vote there are no restrictions on how that happens. 

Some might even say that if you want to ensure the outcome of a Vote

Just Rig the Election

And that you don't have to prevent everyone on the other side from voting just a few

But I won't say that




That would be a Breach of Decorum

And we ALL KNOW that The Chair Cindy Golding and the Exectuive Committee would NEVER Disenfranchise ANY of the members of the



Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 3:31 AM CDT
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Saturday, 15 August 2015
Down From The Mountain



Question:  Why does the Chair of the Linn County Central Committee demand that all members of the Central Committee Teams use only two ply toilet paper?


Answer: Because she wants a copy of everything they do 


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 2:19 PM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 15 August 2015 2:19 PM CDT
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Friday, 14 August 2015
And The Band Played on

They say that the night the Titanic sank, because there was room in the lifeboats only for women and children,
The men gathered in the ballroom for cigars and brandy,
And the band played on.
From what we can see on the Iowa Live Website,


The USS LCRCC is going down by the bow.
And the band plays on.  




Greetings, Republican Party of Iowa (RPI) Officials, and all—

Website presents a running account of the Linn County Republican Central Committee’s (LCRCC) chaos and continued threat to the Iowa caucus.   The  committee is no closer to selecting suitable caucus sites than it was last month.  And there are no chaos or threat reduction plans in place or in mind. 

The Caucus TEAM is a farce!

The LCRCC Audit Committee SHOULD release its findings at the August meeting!

Website , posted on 5-15-15, alerted you to Linn County Republican Central Committee’s (LCRCC) fatal threat to Iowa’s first in the nation caucus.   Three months have passed and the threat continues, on your watch.  Your dithering is not working. The following tables show why.  The LCRCC will be a national embarrassment to itself and to Iowa.  Is this what you want?






Executive Committee Revenue Expected to Increase $9,000 (300%) in 2016, without plans to achieve it. 








Anyone claiming to have better numbers than those herein is asked to provide them!

4 PEOPLE CONTRIBUTE 88% OF LCRCC DYSFUNCTION .  Source:  Iowalive  8-13-15

DESCRIPTION--Executives in Yellow



Cindi Golding



Brett Mason



James Knox 



Gary Ellis



All Other Contributors







A growing network of volunteer citizens and professionals for improving Iowa 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 9:18 AM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 16 August 2015 9:43 PM CDT
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Friday, 31 July 2015
Mañana, mañana


I have a Sci Fi Con to attend
So there will be a Hot Issues hiatus
Till probably the middle of next week 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 12:01 AM CDT
Updated: Friday, 31 July 2015 4:18 AM CDT
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Thursday, 30 July 2015
Bless His Heart

Down South there is a Custom

You can say just about anyting you want to about someone,

But if you follow that up with

"Bless their Heart"

It becomes acceptable 

Years ago I saw an extreme example of this in Lexington.

A guy was standing on a street corner Bible in hand telling people that they were the --- well let's just say his vocabulary of epithets was amazing

He would end each rant with the phrase.  "If you don't have Christ in your heart"

I remember thinking at the time that what he was doing might not be the best way to witness for his faith,


Both of these came to mind the when I found out that someone had been describing what they thought of me and then capping it off with a prayer request



Okay I am going to say this. Dan Kauffman of Linn County GOP is a bold face liar!! Sadly he has nothing worthy in his life so he focuses all his time on attacking Republicans who produce results something I guess he cannot do. SO tired of his accepted lies.
I ask my prayer warrior friends to pray with me that this poor soul may find contentment in some positive output and that the Spirit of Jesus Christ will live in his heart.

  • Matthew O'Neal and 3 others like this.
  • James Knox It took Dan Kaufmann about 30 minutes to post this and further his attack. This post was not intended to be a presentation of cases and evidence, but a request of all my prayer warrior friends to pray for this very troubled soul and pary his ehart is filled with happiness, purpose through God's will.


Like all those years ago in Lexington my reaction was if they do not intend it to be a presentation of cases and evidence?
Maybe they should not have started off with the claim that I am a -- what was it?
Oh Yes  A Bold Face Liar 
Because in my last post I feel I did the Evidence part quite well. 
As for my soul being Troubled?
I have not noticed that but I am puzzled about one thing
Why do people Lie about things that are matters of public record?
As far as the issue of Robert's Rules of Order and Past Motions go.
Anyone can put jknox65 into Google image and see who that is.
Anyone can do a Google search for  "robert's rules of order discussion forum"
And Find  RONR Forum
Where one can put jkox65 into the Search field. 
And see the question Mr jknox65 asked 
When do passed Motions expire? 
It is not like it's Rocket Science
So why does jknox65 get so excited about someone pointing these things out?
Maybe jknox65 has trouble distinguishing the The Truth from The False


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 6:22 PM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 16 August 2015 12:34 AM CDT
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Someone IS a Liar
James Knox just honored me with a mention on his  Facebook Wall

Okay I am going to say this. Dan Kauffman of Linn County GOP is a bold face liar!! Sadly he ahs nothing worthy in his life so he focuses all his time on attacking Republicans who produce results something I guess he cannot do. SO tired of his accepted lies.

I ask my prayer warrior friends to pray with me that this poor soul may find contentment in some positive output and that the Spirit of Jesus Christ will live in his heart.
The odd thing is that there is no mention at all
Or example of what i am accused of lyintg about.
When I call attention to what I claim is untrue I am very specific
For instance when the Executive Board claimed that All motions made before their electiono were voided by that.
I pointed out that Mr James Knox in the form of Jknox65 asked that very question of the Robert's Rules of Order Discussion Board and was told
I can provide SCREEN SHOTS of that event.
 3 replies to this topic

#1 jknox65

  • Members
  • 1 posts

Posted 28 January 2015 - 08:37 AM

I was wondering if motions that had passed during a previous Executive boards rein, do these carry over to the new presiding officers? Do motions bind the hands of a new body after an election? I would thing by-law changes would but I am uncertain about motions?


Can someone advise and reference where it may or may not support the expunging of previous sessions passed motions?


Hieu H. Huynh

  • Members
  • 917 posts
  • LocationSoutheast Florida

Posted 28 January 2015 - 08:45 AM

"Unless an adopted main motion specifies a time for the termination of its effect, it continues in force until it is rescinded." (RONR 11th ed., p. 111, ** footnote)

I find his accusations unaccompanied by nothing but hot air amusing
I also do not in the least beleive that someone who starts a post off with such hostility really means what they end it with
That is probably just for the audience. 
I will repeat what the Body was told was not True
I am not the one Lying
Mr Knox should look in a mirror and save his prayers for himself.
He is the one who needs them, 
PS Put  jknox65 into Google Images and see whose face shows up LOL 
Mr Knox responds
  • Matthew O'Neal and 3 others like this.
  • James Knox It took Dan Kaufmann about 30 minutes to post this and further his attack. This post was not intended to be a presentation of cases and evidence, but a request of all my prayer warrior friends to pray for this very troubled soul and pary his ehart is filled with happiness, purpose through God's will.
    Like · 7 hrs
  • Like · 2 · 7 hrs
  • Julie Evans Praying
    Like · 1 · 
Well James maybe it was not that spiritual to start a tirade about me being a bold face lier
I mean that does put some doubt as to the sincerity of your good wishes LOL 
Besides you told you I was not happy and filled with Gods Will? 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 7:14 AM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 8 August 2015 11:09 PM CDT
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If It's Not Broke

There is a saying, "If it's not broke, don't fix it".

A Good addition would be, "But if you just HAVE to fix it, try not to completely destroy it" 

Back in March the Central Committee was told that we HAD to completely redo EVERYTHING

All the previous  organization that  was the work of years must be cast aside and we had to reorganize.

We were told that Robert's Rules of Order REQUIRED it.

That ALL motions made prior to the Officer's Election were voided by that. 

Not true,

Our Webmaster James Knox asked the Online Discussion Board that very question and was told 


They even told him the basis for that answer could be found on page 111 of the Newly Revised Robert's Rules of Order 11th Edition in the footnote at the bottom of the page, 

As I recall that claim was made by the Chair again in the May Meeting and a Member tried to enter that passage into the Record but was declared

Out of Order by the Chair

Who STATED that that section would be.  "Taken under advisement by the Executive Commitee and they would DELIBERATE on it"

Notice Cindy Golding did NOT say that the Body would be informed of the result of their deliberations

And so far that indeed has not happened,

We were also informed that they had sought Parliamentary adivice from 3 persons including Mr David Chung who is acknowledged as one of the leading GOP experts in the field

However they did NOT mention what that advice WAS.

My information is that from Mr Chung it was the SAME as the Robert's Rules of Order Discussion Board. 


So all the Sub Commitees were Deep Sixed and replaced with Teams who only had 5 voting members. disenfranchising any othe Committee Person who might be on the Team mostly chosen by the Executive Committee.

One of the Sub Committees replaced was the Communications Sub Commitee

Which had met mostly at the Starlite on Saturday nights for years

Usually 10 up 15 attending. Our Co -Chair attended the Last as it turns out meeting so he can verify that

I understand that the Team which replaced it has met 3 times since March?

And the last time the only voting member was the Team Leader and there were 3 other people there,

His Son and two people who were on the Old Communications Sub Committee

It would appear that the improvement and reorganization has for all intents and purposes completely destroyed any functioning Communication organization.

The odd thing is that those who formed the Old Sub Committee got in the habit of fellowshiping on Saturday  Nights so they still meet

And the attendence of that no longer official group is 3 to 4 times that of the new Team

One of them told me that he used to be on 3 Sub-Committees and thought he was contributing

But now he is not on any Team and sees no reason to be on one

Because he would have NO Say in it in any event

I for the life of me do not understand how the Executives hope to acheive their goal of


Involve and re-engage disenfranchised Republicans  


By disenfranchising Republicans 

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 1:27 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 30 July 2015 2:16 AM CDT
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