Republicans for Robin Tucker, LCRCC Treasurer

Contact: Robin Tucker, CR 25, HD 65, District 3 CR

Cell Phone: 319-431-6930


Twitter @robin_tucker


Republicans are planning to nominate Robin Tucker for the office of Treasurer of the LCRCC this month. The election is scheduled for the February 17, 2015 meeting of the LCRCC at the regular meeting location, the Longbranch in Marion. Your support of Robin Tucker is greatly appreciated.

If you are not familiar with Robin, you are sincerely invited to get to know Robin better, as Robin Tucker seeks to serve Linn County ...

Robin Tucker is the youngest son of the late, I.L. "Tommy" Tucker.

My father served as County Chair of Linn County from 1961-1964. So, I have been brought up as a Republican from the start.

In case you are not aware, my father, passed away on August 2, 2014 in Pinal County, AZ. He was the Vice Chair at the time of his death and served as Chair from 2006-2008. My mother, LaVerne Tucker, remains active in the Arizona GOP and with Republican Women, In 2014, we had some challenges with my father's passing and my mother overcoming cancer surgery to start the year.

We have had some challenges lately here in Linn County, as well.

As Republicans, we need to work together to make our community a better place to live, learn, work and play. I am a lot like my Dad.

Mom and Dad encouraged me in 1976, to become a Junior Delegate at age 12 at our local Republican caucus. In 1980, I was a Young Republican, active in the LCRCC and active at Washington HS for Chuck Grassley, in his first election to the U.S. Senate. Parades, door knocking and political rallies, as the youngest in the family, I tagged along and got involved.

During my college days, we witnessed the transition from Robert D. Ray era to the first Terry Branstad era. I enjoyed volunteering in Des Moines as a driver and attending the State Convention as a delegate.

I am a lifelong Republican, married to my wife Carole, a Republican, and we have three daughters. Carole and I meet at Creighton University in Omaha, where I received my BSBA in Accounting. My first job out of college was in public accounting, primarily involved in auditing. We elected Kay Orr, as Nebraska's first female Governor, during my time in Omaha.

In 1988, my wife and I moved back to Linn County to work for my father and mother in our family business. My father's controller had left and I was hired to replace him. I had worked during my college breaks doing audit prep work for our company. Several of our clients required annual audit work for decades. Over the years, my work expanded into all areas of our family business.

We got involved in the 1988 Caucus and I joined the LCRCC again, after moving back to Linn County. We hosted a nice event at Windsor on the River for our GOP Candidate Jim Bell. My wife Carole and I enjoyed our times with Sally Novetzke and others active in Republican Women. I am proud of my mother, when she started a chapter in her community in AZ. I also helped with the Committee of 1000, as well as played softball on the GOP team in my early years back in Linn County. I have experience completing DR-2 reports in the past. I am familiar with the State Code on local political committees.

Today, I am a third generation Rotarian @rotarycr and I have had the pleasure to be in small business for the past 27 years in Linn County. I served previously on three Jaycee boards, including Membership VP where we successfully received a mark of blue chip. I am the social media coordinator for the State's largest Rotary Club. I have previously volunteered with PTA, coaching my daughters in various sports and service to my church.

During the mid-1990s, our family business took me overseas, so I stepped back from the LCRCC, along with the birth of our third daughter. Ten years ago, I had the pleasure of serving as drafting chair for the Local Home Rule Charter Commission. After the 2007 city council election, I was encouraged to return to the LCRCC in 2008 and serve.

In 2008, I was elected as District Rep to the LCRCC Advisory Committee. I currently serve House District 65 in that role. I served on the audit team for three treasurers, chairing the 2011 and 2012 audits. I also chaired the 2012 reconciliation committee due to a conflict with redistricting and holding the Caucus, ahead of redistricting. I have been a former candidate for public office and have assisting campaigns in various capacities over the years. I participated in both the 2007 and 2011 Ames Straw Polls. I have participated and lead in 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014 precinct caucus.

Robin Tucker has served on three local city boards and commissions and is active in government affairs in the real estate industry, as a REALTOR. He has served on the professional standards committee of the CRAAR, as well. Robin currently serves on the Cedar Rapids Civil Rights Commission. He serves on the finance committee and is the CRCRC liaison to the Marion Civil Rights Commission.

The Linn County Republican Central Committee will have a new Executive Committee for 2015-16. As a Rotarian, Robin believes in the motto: Service above Self. I am not a proponent of the Carver Governance model. Our responsibilities under Iowa Code Chapter 68A.

Like back in 1980, the 2014 Election has all three elected officials in Washington from the GOP. There will be plenty of work ahead in 2016 with the Presidential Caucus, as well as Federal, State and County elections. Locally, there will be other issues that Republicans need to be aware of.

Robin Tucker seeks the support of Republicans in Linn County, as he seeks to serve the LCRCC as Treasurer for 2015-16. Please contact Robin , if you have questions, concerns or would like to talk about the future growth of the GOP in Linn County. We need to engage in the community conversation of expanding the GOP in Linn County.


The materials within this communication are from Robin Tucker, CR 25, HD 65, member LCRCC

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