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"iT jUsT mAdE mE rEaLiZe ThAt ThIs LiFe Is ShOrT aNd YoU gOtTa Go FoR iT..." -kev

..Ha YESS!! This is kim...i am from OTTAWA which is home of the OTTAWA SENATORS (YESSS Take some time to stand up and cheer GO SENS GO! Thank you.) OBVIOUSLY I'm part of this coolest list on earth bit. You guys all ROCK! LUV U!! Not sure what to PUT UP yet sooo i'll do more LATERRR!! Just some sexy kev. need more pICS! YESSS!!

"ItS nOt ThAt I cAnT LIvE wItHoUt YoU, iTs JuSt ThAt I dOnT eVeN wAnT tO tRy..." -kev

just some words for ya here...
desert island
"I LOVE...."
choo choooo!
that's allll i have to say...hahaaa

"tonight i saw an eclipse of your smile within my own. reflection of you looked so beautiful then. a tear ran down my face, and all my memories erased. oh why'd you have to leave my side? and why to all the rivers flow into the ocean? and why does all the love in the world, come from inside my heart? and why does all the pain i feel come from deep inside? oh all the questions i could have answered...if you were by my side..."

And way down here, we find some more sexiness! YES jumping! awwww...those cute lips..--->
"so now i come to you with open arms, nothing to hide, believe what i here i am with open arms, hoping you'll see what your love means to arms..."
"and i..wish that i didnt need you so bad, your face just wont go away..."
"i know deep within my heart, it doesnt matter if it's wrong or right. cause i see your eyes..."
"where can we go from here? all i know is that i love you still. sometimes we do things against our will...i know i cry lonely tears..where can we go from here?..."

"Kim..OH Kim! Oh hi! Thanks a lot for the ring, eh? I'll see ya tonight"

"OTTAWA? Hey i LOVE your necklace by the way, i used to have one just like that but someone ripped it off my neck somewhere and..i dont know where.."

if THIS gets over 20? I'll be happy. :)

:::why, DONT click HERE!:::

more stuff! woo hoo hoo!

Time for some lovely pics!!

<-- This is Em and I! I'm on the left..that was semi formal..yayyy fun! (hey if you're too disgusted by it, ahhh well- your fault! YOU looked at it! ah ha!)

<--Thats Jen!! And Matt, her date for semi!! hee!

<--And THIS was halloween of 1998, that's Jess, Jen and I! YES, more fun! I just had to include THEM on my page too, that's all! Love ya!

<-- Okay geez, i had to put BILL WELYCHKA here...yes i love him!

<--Annnnd Angel. I HAD to put him too, cause he's too cool!

<--Woo hoo hoo, Ricky Martin is coooool!

<--And dammit so is Robbie!!

<--YESssss!!! Kim and Jen first rowwww!!

And for the rest, you gotta just...wait...or else go visit our sites!
The Official Tyler Chasez Webpage
YES, we will ALL get KEV!
Falling for Angels


I *AM* CaNaDiAn!!!!