Shhhhh! This is the library!
These are helpful definitions that might help you in the Beanie World!
The following terms are not in ABC order.
MWBMT- refers to a mint beanie with both mint tags.
MWBT- refers to a mint beanie with both tags. (tags may not be mint)
MWT- refers to a mint beanie with only one tag. (usually the hang tag is missing)
Hang tag- refers to the heart shaped tag usually connected to the Beanies' ear.
Tush tag- refers to the small tag usually connected to the beanie's bottom. Tells about the materials the beanie is made of.
MIP- mint in packages. Refers to the Teenie Beanie Babies
TBB- Refers to the Teenie Beanie Babies
LMK- Used through email. Means "Let Me Know"
GLT- Refers to the Good Traders List
Refs- means references
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