OOOOOOooooooooooh that is SUCH a drool worthy pic! *stares, eyes slowly glazing over*
*drooool* his lips.... They're so kissable... O.O
Aw. Edge n' Val playing with the cute li'l Sunshine Winners! How SWEET.
Come ta mama! *shoves bobbin' boy out of the way*
AAACK! Doesn't Edge look so sexy in a tux!? =>~
*drooooool* He's soooooo cute! Ya know.... This pic was a hard pic to edit! *kicks pic for being difficult* But it was werth it in the end!
This Edge. This is Edge about to go *SPLAT!* Any questions?
*shiver* He's so... animalish? feral? YUMMY. *happy sigh*
YAY! I GOT A PIC OF HIM SMIRKING! WOOOOOOOO! ain't it cute? PS: Borrowed this from a site... Tanks icewolf. If'n ya decide to make me take it down (and all the rest following this one that came from your page...) *pout* i'll do it.
Edge... Wrapped around Kane... Okay... This could definately go somewhere...
*giggle* Small piccy, still cute. Those sunglasses don't seem as old-ladyish...
*smiles back at smiling Edge* *le sigh*
Now THAT'S what I call a close-up. Blond facial fuzz... I'm betting dyed. *frown* I might be wrong. ;) Mind if I check?
Okay... He kinda looks like a bunny freakin' out... It's a strange look for him. I don't think I approve. *hurm* Nevermind. I'll approve nearly anything from him.
I pity Owen. That's gonna hurt...
*giggle* Edge just can't seem to stay on the ground!
Mero get's a huricarana via Edge! YAY!
Edge as he's coming out to play! WEE!
Edge after he wins! YEE HAA!
Pre Edge! *LOL* That pic is so cute. *pokes at Christian behind him* Come out come out! *HUG*
Pre Edge! At Sully's Gym. I'm telling you...He has the cutest belly button!
*ROTFLMAO* See? Not a Blonde!
Oy! That pic scares me! *LOL* But Christian actually looks... Tom Cruise in Interview with a Vampire-ish... *shrug* I dunno. I'm wack!