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Three's A Charm

Three's A Charm

AUTHOR:Adrienne Burns

PUBLISHER: Jove Magical Love Romance

PUBLISHING DATE: September 2000

Holly Wentworth hires a married couple to help screen clients at her matchmaking service. But when witches Mini and Reuben Costello take the job, they use the tricks up their sleeves to bring the matchmaker a match of her own.

Reuben and Mini are being punished by the witches council and must now live as mortals. This means finding a job and supporting themselves and doing everything the mortal way, with a few exxceptions. They have a familiar with them (in the form of a cat) as a protector, and Mini's crystal ball. When the couple take a job at Holly's matchmaking service, Reuben gets the idea that if they help find Holly a match the witches council might restore their powers.

Even though Holly owns a dating and matchmaking service she only believes in love and a happy ever after ending for other people not for herself. When Lance comes to Romance Connection for an interview at the request of his friend Casey, it's almost love at first site for Lance and Holly. But with Lance being a widower this creates a problem for Holly and Lance must convince her he is truly over his wife.

This book has two or three different themes running though it and while not confusing is somewhat disjointed. In my opinion it would have been a much better story if it had concentrated more on Lance and Holly's story instead of Mini and Reuben although I liked the witches better. It was a fun and at times silly read but entertaining none-the-less.


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews