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TITLE: Island Of Dreams

AUTHOR: Katherine Stone
PUBLISHER: Warner Books


Years ago Gabriel Rourke saved 10 year old Valerie Prescott from being kidnapped by a pediophile. Valerie's wealthy father, Edward, offered Gabe whatever he wanted, but Gabe ask for nothing, till thirteen years later. Now Gabe wants Edward to care for his son Liam Pierce. Since the death of his beloved wife, who was killed in a robbery, the "music" has stopped for Gabe. He feels he can no longer go on without her and commits suicide.

Pierce Rourke is now a respected and internationally famous architect. He creates beautiful buildings and communities that "sing" to him but no matter the accolades he has received there's something missing in his life. Then he meets school librarian Ana Finch. She sings like an angel and touches his heart as no other has in years. Ana has her own troubled past and she fears she will go insane, as her mother had before her.

This is really three love stories in one book. Gabe and Eileen which ends in tragdy, Pierce and Ana who must overcome troubled pasts and Giselle and Garek who find each other again. If you're looking for "hot" love scenes you won't find them here but Stone's novel is deeply moving and a wonderful love story.


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews