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The Pirated Emerald

AUTHOR: Loretta Jackson & Vickie Britton

Read by: Stephanie Brush

PUBLISHER: Books In Motion

PUBLISHING DATE: September 2001


The Pirated Emerald is the seventh book in the Ardis Cole mystery/adventure series. In this book Archeologist Ardis Cole takes over the excavation of an old clipper ship that sunk in 1858 during a hurricane in Galveston Bay. It is believed the priceless Sea Star Emerald was aboard the ship when it sank.

When the mysterious death of Red Michels brings a halt to the excavation of The Fortune, Artis goes to Galveston to resume his work. She finds the Emerald and oversees the exibition that will feature the Sea Star. Then the emerald is stolen before the exibition can even open.

The sheriff suspects Artis herself may have had something to do with the theft. So Artis sets out to find the culprit. The real thief could be anyone from Troy, the rightful owner of the Sea Star, to the museum security guard or...anyone inbetween.

The relationship dynamics are what make this book so interesting. They are more reminiscent of the Old South then South Texas but the interaction of the characters are what move this story along to a very suspenceful conclusion.

As much as I enjoyed this book, I think it is also a wonderful YA story. So for any of you with a young adult on your Christmas list I recommend giving this book as a gift. I'm sure they'll love it.


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews
