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The Alliance

AUTHOR: Patricia Waddell

PUBLISHER: LionHearted


ISBN 1-57343-014-5 (Disk $6.99, Download $4.99)
also availible in paperback from: Lionhearted Publishing

From The Back Of The Book:

Reuel Shatar, the handsome Governor of Pyrali and its three moons, is noble to his galactic core and duty bound to produce the next ruler of the Alliance. His choice is to blackmail a beautiful dissident into his mating chamber or have the House of Shatar fall into disgrace.

Christa Kirklan is as stubborn as her Earthling heritage and as unpredictable as a cosmic storm. Faced with exile to a frigid asteroid for her treasonous dialogue, or marriage to the man who represents everything she hates, Christa reluctantly chooses marriage.

What better arena to voice her discontentment with the empire’s prejudice and archaic social culture than the Alliance’s own dais? What better way to raise her people from outcasts to noble citizens than to put an Earthling on the future throne of the galaxy?

Pyrali watches as Lord Shatar pledges his allegiance to an alien, while Christa vows to find the real reason behind Reuel’s seductive scheme. United in a political union, forged by a man’s hidden shame and a woman’s quest for freedom, the Alliance trembles under the final test of their love.


Lord Reuel Shatar is the ruler of his house and The Governor of Pyrali. He is duty bound to produce a son who will be the next ruler for the Alliance. When an unforturnate incident makes it impossible for him to impregnate females of his race, the Adarians, he knows he will have to live with the disgrace. Then he finds out, that due to biology, he will be able to produce heirs with an Earthling. Reuel will do his duty to his house and the Alliance, however distasteful he finds it. Much to his surprise he finds that the chosen female is an outspoken, fiercely independent beauty. Reuel realizes he wants her, no matter what it takes, even if he has to resort to blackmail to have her.

Christa Kirklan is an advocate for the growing population of Earthlings on the planet, Pyrali. They are treated as second class citizens without equal rights or equal say. When she voices her opinions before the council, she is arrested and finds herself in a holding cell waiting for judgement to be passed. Even though Christa is very attracted to the influential and charismatic man who enters her cell, she is torn between desire and conviction. Christa may agree to the marriage with Reuel but she cannot agree to become the perfect Pyrali wife.

Patricia Waddell creates a complete new world for this heavily character driven story. You will soon become emeshed in the lives of these two strong independent people. Ms Waddell produces some of the best characterizations and world building I have seen in quite sometime. I sincerely hope we will be reading more stories about The Alliance.

While other authors write the publisher mandated storylines and popular best selling fictionlines, Ms. Waddell proves she is an innovated and gusty writer by writing her own stories. KUDOS PAT and LIONHEARTED for this incredible book.


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews