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Betrayal In Death





New York City supercop Eve Dallas and her mysterious billionaire husband Roarke are hot on the trail of another murderer. Robb's futuristic series (circa 2059) ... wages a two-front war (the battle of good and evil and the battle of the sexes) and both author and readers come out winners.

When a maid at the Roarke Palace Hotel, is brutally beaten, raped, and strangled with a silver wire, Eve is at a loss to explain the apparently professional nature of the murder. Since Roarke has worked both sides of the law, he has enemies from his past wanting him dead as well as some new foes who would also prefer he no longer breathes. Thus, he is not surprised when a paid assassin murders an employee in one of his hotels, but he takes it very personally.

Eve is assigned as primary investigator on the case. When a second homicide occurs with the victim being a friend of Roarke's, he and Eve conclude that someone wants to hurt and/or distract the businessman. The police know the identity of the killer, but have no idea where the hitman is hiding. However, the dynamic duo knows he's not done yet and that the main event is yet to come.

Not since the Nick and Nora Charles series has a crime fighting duo won the hearts of mystery fans as have Eve and Roarke. The current tale contains a well-executed mystery and the who-done-it still remains the primary story line, but the love story subplot between the lead characters provides cross genre appeal to the romantic suspense fans. Another winner from Robb.


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews