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Title: The Enchantment

Author: Pam Binder

Publisher: Sonnet Books

Publishing Date: September 2001


While Conor MacCloud and his brother Rowan fought in the Crusades, their Uncle Simon seized their land and castle in Inverness, Scotland. When Conor returns from his escapades he tries to regain that which is rightfully his, but his depleted army loses to Simon's superior forces. The healer Magdah persuades Conor to find the Peacekeeper. He agrees and she chants in a strange language that sends him in search of a legend.

To his shock and bewilderment, Conor finds himself in twenty-first century Seattle. He persuades Eilan Dougan, an empath, that she is the Peacekeeper and his people need her on a quest through time and space. Though some welcome her in fourteenth century Scotland as a savior, others demand her death as a witch. Eilan's only hope to survive this strange world is her guide, Conor, a man she now loves with all her heart. He reciprocates her feelings and just wants to keep her safe rather than subject her to danger as called by her mission.

I enjoyed this book even thro it had a few minor problems. I felt Eilan adapted to quickly to being thrust back in time.It was still a good read and if you like time-travels in general I think you'll enjoy this book.

Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews