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The Family Room

Our Family Room

Ooops...Just step over Max, he thinks he's a rug. A very BIG rug. Max is an Old English Sheepdog and very lovable and friendly.

Come on in and meet my family. My name is Jo and I've been married 36 years to the same wonderful (at least most of the time) guy. My DH was in the Airforce for over twenty years so we've lived in Washington DC, South Carolina, Indiana, Texas, Oklahoma and Athens, Greece. We've also visited England, Spain, Germany and Italy and about 2/3's of the other states. We both really enjoyed being in the military and I still miss it at times. Although it is nice having our own home now.
We have three childern. One married, one divorced and one special needs. We also have three grandkids.

My oldest daughter is divorced with two kids and they all live with us. I enjoy it most of the time, BUT, there are times when.............You can fill in the blank. *G* They are all into soccer, my daughter is a coach and both kids play, both in the fall and spring seasons. Britany is 12 yrs old and is going into hormone overload. She's also the goalie on her soccer team. Cody is almost nine and is a very laid back type of guy. School comes easy to Cody, he loves to learn about new things, just not in the structured setting of the public school system.

My oldest son is married with one son. He's going to an electronics school and has about 8 months before he gets his degree. Their little boy, Michael is 7 yrs old and in first grade. He also has albinism. He is legally blind because he has no pigment in his eyes. He can see up close but anything more then a few feet away is a blur. If you would like to meet Michael go to Mikie's Place

My youngest son has Down Syndrome. He's in his last year of high school. Visit Mitch's room to find out more about him.

Well there you have us in a nutshell. Just your average American Family. *G*