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My Front Porch

This is were we can sit and just gab about whatever is on our mind. I'll tell you about some of the causes that are important to me and about some of my collections and how I got involved in each.

I hope you'll share some of the things that are important to you at the Friends & Neighbors Message Board.

My family is a big supporter of The Special Olympics. Mitch has been in Special Olympics since 3rd grade. He has been in sprints, relays, bowling and for the last 4 years basketball.

I just have to say that the volunteers and organizers of these games are some of the nicest people I have ever met. They give so much of themselves and are truly special people.

If you have a special needs child I would highly recommend getting involved in the Special Olympics in your area. When Mitch was little I was very reluctant to have him involved in these games but after his first year I wouldn't have taken this away from him for anything.

The next thing I really believe in is "The Right To Life". I don't belong to the organization of that name and I don't like some of their tactics in getting their point across but I do believe in the concept. I am against abortion except under certain circumstances. I'm not a hardliner that says no abortions under any circumstances but I do believe life begins at conception and should therefore be done only on rare occasions.

I have heard many horror stories of why women have abortions and it just breaks my heart. I hate it when women say its my body and I should be able to do what I want with it. It just seems so selfish to me.

I know good friends can have different opinions on this and I respect everyones right to their opinion, these are just my personal views.