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Keeper Of The Rings

Title:Keeper Of The Rings

AUTHOR: Nancy Cane


PUBLISHING DATE: February, 1996

From The Back Of The Book:

He was shrouded in black when Leena first laid eyes on him---his face shaded like the night. At first the lovely young archaeologist thought Taurin to be a farmer---but this man was no simple agarian. With a commanding presence and an impressive temper, Taurin was an obvious choice to be Leen's protector on her quest for a stolen sacred artifact. Curios about his mysterious background, and increasingly tempted by his tantalizing touch, Leena could only pray that their dangerous jouney would be a success. If not, explosive secrets would be revealed and a passion unleased that would forever change their world.


This is a futuristic romance with religious overtones. Taurin and Leena set forth on a quest for a stolen sacred artifact. They must succeed in finding the missing artifact or their world could be changed forever. In order for them to travel together and save Lena's reputation, they engage in a trial marriage which may be annuled at the end of the journey. Being together constantly leads to curiosity about Taurin's mysterious past and being tempted by his presence. Leena must find the balance between duty and love.

In my opinion this is not one of Nancy's best stories but it's still a nice read. Ms. Cane's CIRCLE OF LIGHT is a much better story and one that I would recommend you try first.


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews