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The Crystal City

Title: The Crystal City

Author: Janice Tarantino

Author: Publisher: LoveSpell-1996


-In The Crystal City....Drew Richards, Susan's brother is in a terrible car accident, his wife is killed but infant son survives. Drew himself is left paralized. His call for help is answered by his sister Susan and her husband Jared. They bring Drew and his son into the future, where he is made strong again. He is drawn to the desert, it keeps calling to him, till he sets out to find what is pulling him to the desert. He finds the beautiful domed city of Zenobia and the lovely seer, Chrysana. Together they must fight the chamber council, the tech invaders and even Chrysana's own father to save Zenobia from being destroyed....Both of these books I would highly recommend.


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews