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The Dawn Star

Title: The Dawn Star

Author: Stobie Piel

Publisher: LoveSpell / 1996

From The Back Of The Book:

He was quite simply the most exquisite hunk of a man Nisa Calydon had ever seen. Seneca's sinewy strength and chiseled features touched a chord deep inside her----reminding her of a love long gone. Of the cruel betrayal of a foolish young girl's native faith. But Nisa was all grown up now, and she had a crucial job to do. Determined to avert a protentially disastrous war, she kidnapped the virile off-worlder to fulfill her responsibilty. Now she'd have to use Seneca's resemblance to the sworn enemy of her people to pull off a daring masquerade. But The more time she spent with the primitive warrior, the more confused she became. And suddenly Nisa wasn't so sure she wanted this assignment to end. For brhind Seneca's brawn she found a man of a surprisingly wise and compassionate nature, in his past she found mysteries that needed resolving, and in his arms she found a passion like none she had ever known.


When Motega, the ruler of Dakota, was captured and imprisoned and then killed in an explosion several years before, the Thorwal Government didn't notify Dakota of his death. The Dakotans thought him still in prison on Thoral, but now they demanded his return or they would declare war. Nisa Calydon is destined to be the leader of Thorwal. She must now avert a war with Dakota,a neighboring planet, that could destroy her world. She devises a plan that will substitute an Akandan Warrior for Motega. When she kidnapped Seneca, from a planet on the outer rim because of his resemblance to Motega, she thinks it will be a simple thing to deliver him to the Dakotan People, but the best laid plans.....Nothing is as simple as it seems and Nisa must face her past before she can have a future.


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews