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Saranne Dawson

"Starlight, Starbright"

Title: Starlight, Starbright

Author: Saranne Dawson
Publisher: LoveSpell / 1999

From The Back Of The Book:

Serena had always been curious; insatiable in her quest for knowledge and voracious in her appetite for adventure. No one understood her fascination with the heavens and the wonderous moving stars that traced the vast sky. But when one of those "stars" landed, the biggest, most handsome man she had ever seen stepped off the ship and captured her heart. And from the moment they touched, she realized that this tall dark stranger completed her.

His mission was simple: Bring Serena to the Sisterhood for training to harness her great mental power. Yet Darian couldn't stop thinking about the beautiful young woman and the way she lookd at him as though he were the only man in the universe. He longed to run his hands through her silky blonde tresses, taste her velvety kisses, and spend an enternity lying in her arms. Despite all the forces that conspired to keep them apart, Darian knew that together he and Serena could tap the power of the Stars.


This book was filled with alot of inconsistencies . The first one I noticed was, the back of the book said that when Darian first stepped from the ship, Serena found him the most handsome man she had ever seen but in the story she at first thought all the "aliens" were ugly. Well that was okay, maybe the author didn't write the back of the book, I could live with that.

(2) Darian had been sent to kidnapp Serena for the Sisterhood of his planet. The Sisterhood were a group of woman (some from the home planet and some kidnapped from other worlds, most of them willingly ??) who had the power to use mental telepathy to comunicate over a vast distant. This is the way Ulata (Darien's planet) comunicated while on long space flights ( a member of the Sisterhood would be on the ship and "send" reports back to another Sisterhood member on Ulata who in turn would give the reports to The Space Council), but when they landed on Serena's planet (to kidnap her) there was not a member of the Sisterhood onboard the ship. It was very confusing.

(3)If Ulata could build spaceships that could travel from planet to planet, universe to universe why couldn't they invent a working comunication system? There was some vague explanation about space interfence but I never really understood that part. There are more inconsistencies that I won't go into here, but you get my drift, right?

Now, having said all that, you may think I didn't like this book, Not True, after the first few chapters I did enjoy the book. I especially liked the adventures Darien and Serena engaged in and the descriptions of the other worlds they visited. All in All not a bad read.


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews