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Midnight Fantasies

AUTHOR: Kimberly Raye


PUBLISHING DATE: September 2000

From The Back Of The Book:

Your Wildest Dreams....

Elizabeth Carlton was in the business of making them come true. From candlelight dinners to more exotic fare, the Texas beauty's catering service meant that no couple's secret desires need remain untasted. But the entrepreneur herself was something of a wallflower, and at thirty-two, Cherryville High's Most-Likely-To-Die-A-Virgin had yet to explore her own wants. Until a costume she rented let Elizabeth slip on a new look---and a whole new persona.

Her Deepest Desire....

But maybe she had gone too far. The shy beauty suddenly found herself in the smoky red-velvet parlor of a century past, eyed by the sexiest cowboy she'd ever seen. And Colt Durango's interest lay not in her cooking, but in what she could heat up. Still, Elizabeth knew that her sultry trappings were only a trick. The key to keeping this man was an honest love---and she wouldn't win that until all was revealed.


I enjoyed Ms. Raye's book, "Midnight Kisses", so much that when I saw this book, "Midnight Fantasies" I snapped it right up. But I have to say that I struggled to get through this time travel romance. The action and dialogue seemed to stagnate after the prologue. It's never a good sign when I'm able to put down a book and not want to finish it, but sadly, I have to admit, that I put this book down several times. After the first few chapters I have to say I didn't care what happened to these two characters and just wanted the book to end. This could have been a fun story but it wasn't, or maybe I was just spoiled by Midnight Kisses.


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews