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Murder Boogies With Elvis

AUTHOR: Anne George

PUBLISHER:William Morrow (Hardcover)
ISBN 0-06-019870-2



Do you yearn for a mystery with a mature sleuth? One that will make you chuckle, nod your head in agreement and wish for more?

Well prepare yourself for a double dose of odd and unusual women bent on solving the crime and rounding up the miscreants of Birmingham, Ala. The nature of the crime doesn't really matter. Whatever one happens to occur will do, though murder most foul and unusual seems to occupy most of these mature ladies' time. If you haven't already enjoyed the pleasure, please, allow me to introduce you to these Southern sisters.

The short, thin, happily married one, retired school teacher Patricia Anne (Mouse) narrates the story, taking a few swipes at her older, tall, plus-size sister, Mary Alice (Sister) along the way. Mary Alice agrees to marry -- for the fourth time and, for once, not to a man 20 years her senior and rich. (In fact, the 65-year-old groom clocks in at a year younger than Mary Alice.)

The groom's son and son-in-law make their living impersonating Elvis. Mary Alice invites Patricia Anne and her husband to attend a benefit featuring a dance line of Elvises as the grand finale. The happily engaged couple plan on delivering news of the coming nuptials to the groom's children at dinner following the benefit.

Plans tend to go awry when the Southern sisters arrive on the scene, and this benefit proves to be no exception. In the middle of the big number, an Elvis staggers forward, tumbles into the orchestra pit, and dies -- murdered by a person or persons unknown. Nothing could keep the sisters from investigating. Along the way they attract some rather odd, eccentric, and otherwise strange characters and not all of them related to either Mary Alice or her intended.

If you want giggles, chuckles, murder, and mayhem, the Southern sisters deliver all that and more. Murder Boogies with Elvis deserves an award for outstanding entertainment.


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews