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The Star Prince

AUTHOR: Susan Grant


PUBLISHING DATE: November 2001


I usually don't enjoy a sequel more then the orginal but I must say I did this time. THE STAR PRINCE is even better than the THE STAR KING was!

This is the story of Ian Hamilton, Rom’s stepson. Rom has named Ian as his successor to the throne but there are those Vash individuals who feel an Earth dweller would not make a good successor. Ian has been given a secret mission to check out the Frontier but not only does his ship keep getting sabotaged but he keeps losing his pilots.

Tee’ah Dar, Rom’s niece, has been a good Vash Princess all of her life but all she wants to do is fly. She took secret flying lessons till her father found out. Then her parents forbid her to fly and told her they were making arrangements for her marriage. She decides to run away and steals a star cruiser. She lands on Donavan’s Blunder where she meets Ian. Dar guards confiscate her stolen star cruiser and that leaves her stranded. Ian has never met her so he doesn’t know who she is. When he finds out she’s a pilot he hires her right away. This is only the beginning. Hang on to your seats for a wild ride through the universe.


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews