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High Energy

High Energy

TITLE: High Energy

AUTHOR: Dara Joy

PUBLISHER: Leisure Romance


This is one of those books where the couple gets together... and that's about it. I kept thinking, Well, now they're together - some kind of conflict will arise. There has to be *something* wrong, after all, or why bother, right? Well Dara Joy seems to think not.

Besides having zany and totally unrealistic names, Tyber and Zanita are blessed -- they lead amazing lives and meet each other and fall in love. Then End. Except, this is like 50 pages into the book, and there are about 200 left. Sure, stuff happens after this point -- namely they have great sex, they have good dialog, they investigate a charlatan psychic, they have more great sex. But there's just no conflict.

Tyber was way sexy, but I kept waiting to find out what his faults were. There had to be something. Zanita had one fault, but it wasn't that big, and it went away pretty easily. Plus, we never really understood why she had it in the first place - it was just there to keep the couple from being *perfectly* happy until the end of the book (instead of almost perfectly happy, as they were 50 pages in).

Which is not to say I didn't like the book. Tyber, as I said, was very sexy. Zanita was interesting. They just didn't seem very ... deep, I guess. Given some faults and a few conflicts, High Energy could have been a much better book. Without them, it was kind of a disappointment.


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews