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High Intensity

TITLE: High Intensity

AUTHOR: Dara Joy

PUBLISHER: Leisure Romance



I hate to say this, but after reading "Mine to Take" and waiting for almost two years for something from Dara Joy, ( who really is one of my favorite authors ) I was sorely disappointed in this book. The prequel High Energy was a fun read, not my favorite Joy book but still fun. This book was, just plain goofy. Where was the romance? The boy already had the girl and what was left was a sitcom masquerading as a romance novel. The hero and herione, Zanita and Tyberius, had no chemistry whatsoever, and their love scenes had none of passion and sizzle we've come to expect from this author. I am certainly not opposed to humor in a romance novel, but some of the characters in this book were just too goofy and unbelievable. For instance , Auntie who always wears three hats, all at the same time! I do believe that I read the names Yaniff and Rejar at the beginning of this book. Where was the tie in to the Matrix of Destiny charachters that was hinted at? Tt did hold my interest, if only to see "whodunit". It would have been much better if she had written Miles story and left Zanita and Tyber where they belonged, at home.

Dara Joy is a very versatile and talented author and I know that she can do much better. Her Matrix of Destiny series is proof of this. They are some of the best romance novels that I have read and even re-read. Please give us more Matrix of Destiny, Dara, and stick to "familiar" territory. GOOD

Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews