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Immortal Heart

Title: Immortal Heart

Author: Julie Miller

Publisher: LoveSpell/1997

BJ Kincaid is a woman of contrasts. She is a computer whiz who looks for comfort in teddy bears and her poodle, a child genius who's never known adult love, a loner who secretly yearns for acceptance. Then a security leak threatens her job at LadyTech, and unexplained blackouts threaten her sanity, until the very mysterious Brodie Maxwell comes to investigate.

BJ is one of the owners of LadyTech, a successful software company. But she has been having problems lately. Someone has been hacking both LadyTech and her own computers- She has also been having blackouts that make her question her own sanity. Then one of her partners brings in Brodie Maxwell as a computer consultant and BJ's own personal body guard.

Only BJ has no idea that she is caught in the middle of a battle that has been going on for 800 years. On one side is Brodie who has been fighting for the right for 800 years.


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews