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Cordina's Crown Jewel

AUTHOR: Nora Roberts

PUBLISHER: Silhouette Special Edition #1448

PUBLISHING DATE: February 2002

From The Back Of The Book:

For a few blessed weeks, Her Royal Highness Camilla de Cordina could be just plain Camilla MacGee. And working for Delaney Caine in Vermont's backwoods offered a perfect refuge from the press. But as her irritation toward the cantankerous archaeologist grew into fascination-then desire-the royal runaway knew she'd soon have to reveal herself.

Del had never needed anyone, and at first he accepted Camilla's presence only grudgingly. But, as the remarkable beauty insinuated herself into Del's self-sufficient life, he found that she filled an emptiness he's never known was there. Only what was Camilla hiding?


Cordina's Crown Jewel is the fourth book in the Cordina Royal Family series. It's a fun read but in my opinion not nearly as good as the first three books. It's a runaway princess story and had some credibilty problems for me.

Camilla fears she's having a breakdown so she decides to get away by herself for awhile. She borrows her assistant's rental car and hits the road, no problems at all... Easy as Pie... She then has a small accident and is rescued by Del who by the end of the book turns out to be a convenient.

If you can imagine a Princess moping floors, doing dishes and cooking in a fireplace then you may enjoy this story a little more than I did. It was still a fun book just not very believable.


Jo Anderson
A.L.R. Reviews